English Writing

TWE Essays 1292 1 TOEFL WRITING TWE TOPICS AND MODEL ESSAYS Copyright 2002 wwwwayabroadcom All right reserved
TWE Essays 2292 2 WRITING TOPICS Topics in the following list may appear in your actual test You should become familiar with this list before you take the computer-based TOEFL test Remember that when you take the test you will not have a choice of topics You must write only on the topic that is assigned to you 185 You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business Which would you choose to buy Give specific reasons to explain your choice 184 Some students prefer to study alone Others prefer to study with a group of students Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 183 Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made What have you learned about a country from watching its movies Use specific examples and details to support your response 182 Many people have a close relationship with their pets These people treat their birds cats or other animals as members of their family In your opinion are such relationships good Why or why not Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 181 In your country is there more need for land to be left in its natural condition or is there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 180 Movies are popular all over the world Explain why movies are so popular Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer 179 What are some of the qualities of a good parent Use specific details and examples to explain your answer 178 The 21st century has begun What changes do you think this new century will bring Use examples and details in your answer 177 A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation to buy a car Your friend has asked you for advice Compare your friends two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 176 Holidays honor people or events If you could create a new holiday what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 175 Some students like classes where teachers lecture do all of the talking in class Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking Which type of class do you prefer Give specific reasons and details to support your choice 174 Every generation of people is different in important ways How is your generation different from your parents generation Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer 173 It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship Do you agree Why or why not Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer
TWE Essays 3292 3 172 When students move to a new school they sometimes face problems How can schools help these students with their problems Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer 171 Imagine that you are preparing for a trip You plan to be away from your home for a year In addition to clothing and personal care items you can take one additional thing What would you take and why Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 170 Groups or organizations are an important part of some peoples lives Why are groups or organizations important to people Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer 169 People listen to music for different reasons and at different times Why is music important to many people Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 168 Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries Why do some students study abroad Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer 167 Your school has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books for the library Which should your school choose to buy - computers or books Use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendation 166 People recognize a difference between children and adults What events experiences or ceremonies make a person an adult Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer 165 You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live What is one thing you will do to improve your community Why Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice 164 164 People do many different things to stay healthy What do you do for good health Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 163 Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past Why or why not Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 162 Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year Do you think these people deserve such high salaries Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 161 People remember special gifts or presents that they have received Why Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 160 When people need to complain about a product or poor service some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person Which way do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 159 The twentieth century saw great change In your opinion what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice 158 When famous people such as actors athletes and rock stars give their opinions many people listen Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 157 In the future students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools Which would you prefer Use
TWE Essays 4292 4 reasons and specific details to explain your choice 156 You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks Which country would you like to visit Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice 155 Plants can provide food shelter clothing or medicine What is one kind of plant that is important to you or the people in your country Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice 154 In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule Use specific reasons and details to support your position 153 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement A zoo has no useful purpose Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer 152 Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources such as forests animals or clean water Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 151 What is the most important animal in your country Why is the animal important Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer 150 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Watching television is bad for children Use specific details and examples to support your answer 149 Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish How would you use this land Use specific details to explain your answer 148 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Playing games teaches us about life Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 147 Your school has received a gift of money What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 146 Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice 145 Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives Which viewpoint do you agree with Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 144 Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 143 Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year Which viewpoint do you agree with Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 142 A gift such as a camera a soccer ball or an animal can contribute to a childs development What gift would you give to help a child develop Why Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice
TWE Essays 5292 5 141 If you could make one important change in a school that you attended what change would you make Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer 140 Some items such as clothes or furniture can be made by hand or by machine Which do you prefer - items made by hand or items made by machine Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice 139 What do you consider to be the most important room in a house Why is this room more important to you than any other room Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 138 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 137 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 136 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Playing a game is fun only when you win Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 135 Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school Which of these two school policies do you think is better Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 134 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 133 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement A persons childhood years the time from birth to twelve years of age are the most important years of a persons life Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 132 If you could invent something new what product would you develop Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed 131 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Only people who earn a lot of money are successful Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 130 Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 129 A university plans to develop a new research center in your country Some people want a center for business research Other people want a center for research in agriculture farming Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country Use specific reasons in your recommendation 128 Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies Which opinion do you agree with Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 127 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Reading fiction such as novels and
TWE Essays 6292 6 short stories is more enjoyable than watching movies Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position 126 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement There is nothing that young people can teach older people Use specific reasons and examples to support your position 125 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school Use specific reasons to support your answer 124 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 123 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People should read only those books that are about real events real people and established facts Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion 122 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People are never satisfied with what they have they always want something more or something different Use specific reasons to support your answer 121 Some people trust their first impressions about a persons character because they believe these judgments are generally correct Other people do not judge a persons character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong Compare these two attitudes Which attitude do you agree with Support your choice with specific examples 120 Decisions can be made quickly or they can be made after careful thought Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion 119 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People behave differently when they wear different clothes Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave Use specific examples to support your answer 118 Some people enjoy change and they look forward to new experiences Others like their lives to stay the same and they do not change their usual habits Compare these two approaches to life Which approach do you prefer Explain why 117 Some people choose friends who are different from themselves Others choose friends who are similar to themselves Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself Why 116 People learn in different ways Some people learn by doing things other people learn by reading about things others learn by listening to people talk about things Which of these methods of learning is best for you Use specific examples to support your choice 115 Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans Which do you prefer - planning or not planning for your leisure time Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice 114 Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults Other
TWE Essays 7292 7 people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults Which view do you agree with Use examples to support your position 113 Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community Use specific details in your discussion 112 Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing Compare these two views Which view do you agree with Why 111 Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends Compare the advantages of each choice Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer Use specific reasons to support your answer 110 Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone Others like to be with friends most of the time Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends Use specific reasons to support your answer 109 When people move to another country some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country Others prefer to keep their own customs Compare these two choices Which one do you prefer Support your answer with specific details 108 Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life Which do you think is preferable Use specific examples to support your preference 107 Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students Discuss these views Which view do you agree with Explain why 106 You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles 64 kilometers away Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use Tell which method of travel you would choose Give specific reasons for your choice 105 Students at universities often have a choice of places to live They may choose to live in university dormitories or they may choose to live in apartments in the community Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community Where would you prefer to live Give reasons for your preference 104 When you write your answer you are not limited to the examples listed in the question It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society Give specific reasons to support your answer 103 In your opinion what is the most important characteristic for example honesty intelligence a sense of humor that a person can have to be successful in life Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer When you write your answer you are not limited to the examples listed in the prompt 102 Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers Do you agree or disagree Use specific
TWE Essays 8292 8 reasons and examples to support your answer 101 Some people like doing work by hand Others prefer using machines Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 100 Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs Which one of these opinions do you agree with Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 99 You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you or would you rather choose your own roommate Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer 98 If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition what would you choose Why Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice 97 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 96 People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life Some read some exercise others work in their gardens What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress Use specific details and examples in your answer 95 Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space for example traveling to the Moon and to other planets Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth Which of these two opinions do you agree with Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 94 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Dancing plays an important role in a culture Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 93 Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important 92 Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 91 If you could ask a famous person one question what would you ask Why Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 90 If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete who would that be and why Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 89 If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history what person would you like to meet Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 88 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion
TWE Essays 9292 9 87 What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 86 If you could go back to some time and place in the past when and where would you go Why Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 85 A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country Where should this visitor go on that day Why Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 84 Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information Others think access to so much information creates problems Which view do you agree with Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 83 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Modern technology is creating a single world culture Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 82 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Advertising can tell you a lot about a country Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 81 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Technology has made the world a better place to live Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 80 Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt Explain your choice using specific reasons and examples 79 Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country Who would you choose Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice 78 Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer 77 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Boys and girls should attend separate schools Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 76 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school Use specific reasons and examples to support your position 75 Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects Other universities require students to specialize in one subject Which is better Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 74 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 73 Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful What is your opinion Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 72 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Grades marks encourage students to learn Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion
TWE Essays 10292 10 71 Which would you choose a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends Explain your choice using specific reasons and details 70 Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems What is your opinion Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 69 If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study what would you choose Explain your choice using specific reasons and details 68 Many teachers assign homework to students every day Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 67 If you were an employer which kind of worker would you prefer to hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 66 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 65 Should a city try to preserve its old historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 64 Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business Others prefer to work for an employer Would you rather be self-employed work for someone else or own a business Use specific reasons to explain your choice 63 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer 62 What do you want most in a friend - someone who is intelligent or someone who has a sense of humor or someone who is reliable Which one of these characteristics is most important to you Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice 61 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older 15 to 18 year-old teenage children Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 60 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Games are as important for adults as they are for children Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 59 Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 58 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit Use specific reasons and examples to support your position 57 Some movies are serious designed to make the audience think Other movies are designed
TWE Essays 11292 11 primarily to amuse and entertain Which type of movie do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 56 A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment Which do you think the company should choose Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 55 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement A person should never make an important decision alone Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 54 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement One should never judge a person by external appearances Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 53 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 52 What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 51 Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances Others believe that success results from careful planning In your opinion what does success come from Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 50 Some people like to do only what they already do well Other people prefer to try new things and take risks Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 49 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication such as letters email or telephone calls Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 48 People work because they need money to live What are some other reasons that people work Discuss one or more of these reasons Use specific examples and details to support your answer 47 Some people prefer to work for a large company Others prefer to work for a small company Which would you prefer Use specific reasons and details to support your choice 46 What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 45 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the days work Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 44 Some people like to travel with a companion Other people prefer to travel alone Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 43 Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 42 What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice
TWE Essays 12292 12 41 Some people think that human needs for farmland housing and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals Do you agree or disagree with this point of view Why or why not Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 40 The expression quotNever never give upquot means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals Do you agree or disagree with this statement Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 39 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement With the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 38 Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present Do you agree or disagree Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 37 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 36 Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives automobiles bicycles airplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 35 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Attending a live performance for example a play concert or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 34 Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives Do you agree or disagree Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 33 You have received a gift of money The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend Which would you buy Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 32 Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 31 Some people spend their entire lives in one place Others move a number of times throughout their lives looking for a better job house community or even climate Which do you prefer staying in one place or moving in search of another place Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion 30 It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community Do you support or oppose this plan Why Use specific reasons and details in your answer 29 Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed damaged by human activity Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live What is your opinion Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 28 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Television newspapers magazines and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion
TWE Essays 13292 13 27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 26 It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood Do you support or oppose this plan Why Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 25 It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood Do you support or oppose this plan Why Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 24 A person you know is planning to move to your town or city What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city Why Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay 23 In some countries teenagers have jobs while they are still students Do you think this is a good idea Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details 22 We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people In your opinion what are some important characteristics of a co-worker someone you work closely with Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important 21 In general people are living longer now Discuss the causes of this phenomenon Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay 20 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city Do you agree or disagree Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay 19 Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation buses trains subways Why Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay 18 What are some important qualities of a good supervisor boss Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important 17 Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher Others think that it is always better to have a teacher Which do you prefer Use specific reasons to develop your essay 16 It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood Do you support or oppose this plan Why Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 15 Neighbors are the people who live near us In your opinion what are the qualities of a good neighbor Use specific details and examples in your answer 14 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students Which point of view do you agree with Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer 13 Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer
TWE Essays 14292 14 12 Many people visit museums when they travel to new places Why do you think people visit museums Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Universities should give the same amount of money to their students sports activities as they give to their university libraries Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 10 When people succeed it is because of hard work Luck has nothing to do with successquot Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position 9 Some people prefer to live in a small town Others prefer to live in a big city Which place would you prefer to live in Use specific reasons and details to support your answer 8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Television has destroyed communication among friends and family Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion 7 How do movies or television influence peoples behavior Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer 6 If you could change one important thing about your hometown what would you change Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer 5 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community Do you support or oppose the factory Explain your position 4 It has been said quotNot everything that is learned is contained in booksquot Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books In your opinion which source is more important Why 3 Nowadays food has become easier to prepare Has this change improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents are the best teachers Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 1 People attend college or university for many different reasons for example new experiences career preparation increased knowledge Why do you think people attend college or university Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Topic 1 People study in college or university for many different reasons I think the most important reason is to gain more knowledge and learn more skills Of course there are also many other reasons that people study in college such as to get more friends and increase ones self-confidence These days most jobs require people who are educated and have good job skills Therefore the people who want a good job have to study hard and at least graduate with a high education Furthermore as technology advances all over the world more and more education is required of
TWE Essays 15292 15 people Some people who study in college or university want to make more friends and increase their interpersonal skills They enjoy their lives in university or college and tend to socialize a lot They can meet more people who have the similar interests with themselves They can go to uni ball after school and make more friends who they trust The people who graduate from college seem more confident in our community These people are more respected by society Many people want to be respected and to be important by family friends their bosses and others in their lives They find that most of them can confidently talk and do their jobs as they are more educated Therefore most people want to get the confidence through the university or college study In todays society people need more knowledge and skills to be adapted The university and college study is a good way to achieve this Essay ID 316 This is a 5 point essay Topic 1 In China more and more people try their best to attend college or university What are the reasons that make people long for it First of all in my opinion the most important reason is to gain competence to live a better life in the future Competition of our days has become more and more drastic and even a very simple job or low position will attract hundreds of candidates to apply for it Only those who have a good education and general knowledge can gain better work So we should attend college or university for better competence Second attending college or university can change our life For example to myself I am a student from countryside I am one of the few people who can attend college or university Most of those who have not studied in college or university go to work early in a small factory in a small town or on a farm in their hometown Just because I have taken higher education I can get better chances to study or work in the capital of our country where a lot of people want to go to Why Good education gives me chances to change my life The third reason for attending a college is to increase knowledge Study is a so interesting thing that it make our life rich and colorful It expands our eyesight by informing us with lots of new things what we cannot gain from our common life or experience On the other hand by attending college or university you can learn the knowledge or skill necessary for your future work People attend college or university for various reasons Some may attend for new experiences and others may think about other things What I have mentioned is just very few of them Essay ID 404 This is a 5 point essay Topic 1 MrTaoxingzhi the most famous educator in China once said the biggest misfortune in ones life is that one does not receive a uniniversiy education Needless to say a university degree often helps a person achieve his goal with more ease However do we attend university just in pursuit of a degree Does a university only provide us nothing benefieial besides a paper-made diploma As far as I am concerned we enjoy a university education in the following aspects which
TWE Essays 16292 16 attribulates us to a university education Firstly with the knowledge learned in a universitywe will have a deep understanding with our society It is ture that genuine knowledge comes from practice but it can not be denied that genuine knowledge tells us how to practise A thorough study in a college or university of course enables us to realize how the society works and how to cope with certain problems arising from it in a more efficiently more skillful way Second an university education usually make it possible that we acquire a decent job Because of an accomplishment of a four-year study it is not difficult for us to find a good job in most cases How can we imagine that a graduate majoring in astronomy has to be a vendor in the street Undoubtfully heshe should sit in hisher labortory making a reseach on aircraft on a computorObviously a university education assures himher a decent job Last but not the least we can help others much better if puttiing what we learn in a university into use A university education corrects our values enhance our skills and broad our horizons With those we are moe capable of giving a hand to those who are in need of help than before Knowledge is powerWhen achieving a degree in a university we can get a better understanding of the society find a decent job in an easy way and help others better All of those are due to the knowledge learned in a university Essay ID 230 Topic 1 People attend a college or a university for the following reasons to acquire knowledge which is necessary for a career to contribute to the society and to experience life Firstly college education is a necessary step for a person who wants to start a career in science and technology areas If a student wants to become a scientist it is important for him to go to a science school if he wants to be an engineer an engineering school is the best place for him There is no other place than a college where a student can get sophisticated education in order to be qualified to become a professional in a specific area Secondly a college education can benefit both the society and the student By attending college one can get himself prepared for and contribute to the society which seems to demand advanced knowledge more and more One the other hand as knowledge plays a very important role in todays economy it has also become the capital and asset of the person who owns it a college education can bring wealth not only to the society but also benefit the individual who processes it In addition college education is a wonderful experience in ones life Only in a college one can be taught by the finest scholars and meet with the most intelligent people in the nation Education can also bring happiness to the student When a student has conquered a difficult mathematical problem he savors the joy which learning has brought to him and feels that he is the happiest man in the world Of course learning in a campus does not mean as much for everybody but it does mean a lot to me I was brought up in a knowledge-respecting family My farther is an engineer and my mother is a teacher in a primary school They are both university graduates My father being the most influential person in my life and the son of a poor Chinese farmer did change the destiny of his own by learning hard to earn a university degree Therefore he firmly believes that knowledge
TWE Essays 17292 17 can change ones destiny and university is the best place to achieve ones goal Of course this influenced me I strongly believe that attending university is the best choice for me I do not have a bit of hesitation to attend a university Essay ID 72 Topic 1 Why do people need to attend colleges or universities Different people have different answers to this question I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career to have new experiences and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people For many this is the primary reason to go to college They know that the job market is competitive At college they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities This means careers such as information technology that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years Also students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns For most students going to college is the first time theyve been away from home by themselves In addition this is the first time theyve bad to make decisions on their own Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves Besides looking for self-knowledge people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting For many this will he their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesnt relate to their career I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career They should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in Essay ID 73 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 1 Now days more and more people are trying to attend college or university Different people do so for different reasons Some typical reasons are new experiences career preparation and increased knowledge In my opinion it is the fast developement almost explosion of our world that make people to consider attending college or university People would usually get bored when they focus on one field for a long time For this reason they go to college to pursue experiences in new areas We often hear that an electrical engineer went to a university to study art or music With the new experiences they expand their ken Maybe some good ideas would jump out during their daily work As for the young they attend college for career preparation Not only could they get knowledge needed for their future work they could learn how to think and how to solve questions The projects students attended are very like their future work Some people who have been graduated from universities for years are also planning to go back to school Most of them reattend universities to increase their knowledge Techlogy is developing so fast that people could not keep up with them unless they keep increasing their knowledge All in all people who attend college or university are preparing for their better futures
TWE Essays 18292 18 Essay ID 238 This is a 5 point essay Topic 1 College is a place that the students can learn more and new knowledge and experience in it Of course different people have different reason to study in college For example some people want to be to go on a further study after they graduate from the college some people hope to find a good job after their studying in the college and also some people wish to exchange their present situation through studying in the college In my opinion no matter what reason people study in the college for studying in the college is just a preparation for their future life First of all students can learn new knowledge and experiences from the studying in the college There are many teachers professors with abundant teaching experience who teach students lots of new knowledge and help them to solve the problems in their study With their help student can learn a lot of useful basic and professional knowledge which is very helpful for their future work and study After they finish their study in the college students go to work in the society and contribute to the different fields Secondly students can learn how to arrange their own time reasonably Before their studying in college their life often arranged by their parents and their study often arranged by their teachers It is very different for them to live and study in college because students studying in college have to arrange their life and study by themselves They have right to arrange their part time such as when to get up when is the sport-time when to finish the assignment etc This is very important experience for students work and life in the future Secondly studying in the college make students having opportunity to live with other student and learn how to cooperate with other people Usually people often have uncomfortable feeling to live with a stranger because they do not know each other and perhaps their habit and personality are different But for the long run it is good for them They have to cooperate with each other and solve a lot of problems they will face together Gradually they can learn how to care and understand other people It is a preparation for students to go to cooperate with other people in the society All in all students not only can learn lots of new knowledge from the books but also can learn much more necessary experience such as how to arrange time and how to cooperate with other people It is ver important for their future work and life Essay ID 335 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 1 Today more and more people attend college or university But why As a student of a key university I want to give my opinion Of course we attend university to increase knowledge University provides some basic knowledge for our research or our career in the following years It provides basic information about the major we chose such as what it research in If you find that you are not interested in that major u can change it till u find one u are interested in It also provides knowledge for all majors such as advanced mathematic English physics basic chemistry Teacher there can help you to decide what you do in the future to enter a graduate school or to take a job We must do a lot of experiment during the school years that makes us quite capable We visit a factory in the second year to get a general idea about the work our major do And we have a internship in the third year
TWE Essays 19292 19 to do the real work Then you can get new experience from university You can join the student union or join a club You can learn a lot from it First you can learn how to communicate with the different people And u can learn how to organize a meeting or a party And also you can prepare for your career There are lots of programs to let the students be trained for a job University runs the program by cooperating with some very large company some manager from the company will give us some courses which teach us how to run a company how to lead your group to finish the work how to cope with some problem and how to be more confident And they also tell us which kind of employee they want in the company These things are quite useful for us especially for those who want to get a job after graduation Now you know that university is quite useful but the most important thing it teaches us is not the knowledge nor the experience it is how to think and how to learn Essay ID 465 This is a 5 point essay Topic 1 Nowadays more and more young people attend the universities for different reasons According to the survey the main goal of what most of them do so is for career preparation There are many reasons to demonstrate it The most primary reason is that is that university are the most suitable spot to absorb knowledge which mostly determines your career development With the development of the society quotknowledge is powerquot has been a rule the more knowledge one possesses the more easily he succeeds in his career For instance it is often reported that MBA graduates in famous universities such as Harvard will acquire high start payment when the companies employ them for the first time After several works abundant working experience and solid knowledge base will make them further develop in the manager class Another reason is that universities will provide one with not only knowledge but also many other abilities including communication ability corporation ability and independency ability etc which are beneficial to future career At the same time he can make friends with his schoolmates and deals with all kinds of people who often become his colleagues or business partner in the future Furthermore in this way his view will be widened and abilities will be improved When he goes off the campus he always has stronger competition ability than those who do not go to the universities Last but not the least one is that in contrast history illustrates that people refused by the universities have few opportunities to succeed in their career development Because of their low educational level most companies would rather employ them as physical workers than mental workers in this way the development of technology and science will fall them into disuse Such as in many manufacturing factories now there are automatic machines as substitute for workers In a word of many reasons for people to go to universities career preparation has been the most primary When education background becomes more important in career development it will attract more people to do so for a long period Essay ID 389 This is a 5 point essay Topic 1
TWE Essays 20292 20 There are many people want to go to university or college every year and they decide to do so for many different reasons I believe there are three common reasons are to prepare for career increase their knowledge and get new experience Prepare for career is very important for young people nowadays In a competitive society if they have not a good educational background they will not get a good opportunity in their career or even cannot find a job so college and university can provide them new skills to meet the requirements of career Also students attend to university or college can increase their knowledge in subjects they interested for many people this is maybe the primary reason to go to college There are many excellent professors and experts can give us a plenty of knowledge which including many areas For many people this maybe their last chance for a long time to get knowledge that dont relate to their career Besides looking for knowledge some people want to go to college or university because they decide to live a new life University can support young people an environment where they can intercommunicate about many topics such as literature goal of life art and emotions which are hard to talked about after their university lives so it is a special experience for young people to live and study in college or university All in a word I prefer increase knowledge and get a special experience to prepare for career in university because getting good opportunities in career is partly depend on your knowledge and experiences on diverse areas Essay ID 260 This is a 5 point essay Topic 2 Who teaches you to walk Who teaches you to speak It is your parents who teach you to do these basic things in your life So dont you think that parents are the best teachers Firstly parents know us very much Parents give us life and I think that we will spend large amount of time with them So they know our merit and demerit in details Meanwhile they will help us to get rid of our demerit Furthermore parents possessed many experiences Since they are older than us they have experienced many things Sometimes they are just like our models And as the saying goes quotExample is better than preceptquot So we will unconsciously copy some of our parents habits and styles of behavior ie we can learn many things from them Finally parents will teach us everything Since schoolteachers can just teach us knowledge from love me most so they will teach me everything without reservations Just as the saying goes quotThere is no place like homequot And I think there is no teacher like our parents They are the best teachers in our life Essay ID 276 This is a 5 point essay Topic 2
TWE Essays 21292 21 Some people believe parents maybe a very important teacher for children but will be taken place by teacher after children go to school however I believe parents always are the best teacher no matter how many knowledge children have acquired from school the reasons why I think so go as follow First children always imitate their parents from birth so the parents influence on children is great For example researchers said that parents expression can influence the growth of their children character if parents always smell and watch their child while he is playing the child confidence will be greater than other child whose parent always leave him alone at home Second parents are also the best teacher for children in emotional area For example If a child feel oppression or feel frustrated in school he always not talk to his teacher at this time parents can help him and child are also willing to tell his inner feeling to his parents Third although child get many knowledge from teacher basic skills in his whole life are come from his parents For example our basic language skill basic realize skill and even basic sport skill are all acquired from parents Because of this basic skill parents teach their child the influence of parents will follow the childs whole life All in a word the effect parents take on the childs education process is greater than any teachers in school they are the best teacher Essay ID 261 This is a 5 point essay Topic 2 Parents influence greatly their children for a lifetime I think people are molded by two factors family and the society that they are in From birth humans are influenced by the surrounding people for their characteristics Parents take a big role in bringing up children which affects their lives for a long time In early infanthood babies are looking to moms and dads to learn basic manners to be accepted in society Some of these manners include not running around in restaurants or hitting other kids As they grow up they learn more from parents about social etiquette which makes them more suitable to live in society Children tend to look to their parents for role models knowingly or unknowingly Besides parents can also affect childrens study habits Children of doctors lawyers investment bankers and other professionals see their mothers and fathers work a lot of time reading books and punching keyboards even at home They are showing their children how to study by their own behavior However parents can also be a bad example for their kids It is difficult for children who have abusive parents to lead a normal childhood and is possible that they may become similar to their abusive parents when they grow up In this sense the parents negative role in shaping the childrens personality cannot be emphasized more In conclusion parents are the best teachers for their children They leave big marks on their childrens lives and are therefore more influential teachers than any others they may have in their lives Essay ID 324 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 22292 22 Topic 2 Who are the best teachers in our life In my opinion the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents They teach us to walk to speak and to have good manners before we reach quotthe real world quot More than even the professional teachers that we have in school parents are generally the most involved in the development and education of children The main reason for my view is that our parents are the best teachers at the beginning of our lives which actually corresponds to the parents role in nature Parents are most committed and involved in teaching their children they have a kind of instinct to sacrifice a part of themselves for the betterment of their children They love us and have great patience while passing down their knowledge to us They wish us a success and thus will not teach us bad things And of course implicit learning occurs when children unconsciously copy some of their parents habits and styles of behavior Also during the second stage of child development adolescence parents can still be in the best position to offer advice even though the children might not accept it In this case perhaps the childs friends would be the best teachers Adolescents are notoriously rebellious in many cultures and may automatically reject any advice from their parents My first marriage for instance was solely a matter of doing the opposite when my parents tried to intrude in offering their advice So in such matters parents should be much more flexible and be rather the partners with their children So we can see that being a teacher of growing child become more and more complicated case as the time passes and many parents are simply not able to meet the increased demands On the other hand I would say that parents are not professional teachers and they tend to be very biased by their love of their children So wishing good things and an easy life may prevent children from maturation In any case parents usually can present only one viewpoint of the world while good teaching should be based on different attitudes Thus when children go to school and have a great diversity of teachers they learn much more than their parents could probably give them Furthermore once our parents get older they become more conservative and cannot always be objective in regard to modern trends and fashions Thus we need to take their advice with caution during that period However some kind of intuition which I believe shared between relatives about what everybody needs and great love which exists in a families still makes our parents very good teachers and advisers at any time In short while parents are not the ideal teachers and well-rounded children will generally need a great diversity of teachers in their lives in order to have a more accurate view of the world parents are generally the most committed of all teachers and have the greatest emotional investment in their children and their future Essay ID 74 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 3 Man through the ages has undergone many changes from a period when he hunted for his food to the present era when man is dependent on preprocessed foods During this period not only has man changed his mode of eating but his whole lifestyle as well In pursuit of more in this competitive world man no longer has time as he once had He is caught in a race against the clock A person who finishes more in lesser time is considered more efficient This pressure to do more in less time has affected his eating habits as well and as a result man no longer has time to cook food Early mans only objective was to seek food to sustain him and his family Nowadays finding food has taken a back seat to other priorities such as career and education
TWE Essays 23292 23 Food is no longer of that importance This is not an encouraging trend People are too dependent on preprocessed or precooked food which no longer has the freshness it once had Such foods loose their mineral and vitamin content and are not as healthy as fresh food That is why the number of diseases is also rising People have also shifted to high calorie content food like French fries pizzas and ice cream etc which is causing obesity fatigue etc As man is becoming busy and too involved in his busy schedule he has no time even to take care of his own personal needs Furthermore cooking is an art which is dying out People once enjoyed cooking It was a means of eliminating stress and tension People were once able to relax during this time and reflect on their lives People may tend to argue that by using precooked and preprocessed food they are efficiently using time and can use this precious time saved for other purposes But is it really worth it This is a question whose answer can invite much speculation about whether by saving this little time we are inviting lots of other problems which could easily be avoided It is actually making our lives not simpler but more complicated We have lost many of the simpler things in our lives like the simple acts of selecting our evening meal preparing it and enjoying it with our loved ones and we are worse off for it Essay ID 336 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 3 Nowadays wherever we turn our gaze we can see different types of food that are easier to prepare For instance we can buy frozen foods in a supermarket and just prepare it in a couple of minutes whereas before it could have taken us maybe hours to prepare this kind of meals I would accept that this so-called improvement has changed our lives but I believe that there are some drawbacks as well It is true that these kinds of food do not involve hard work to prepare but food that is easy to prepare generally has some artificial ingredients mixed in it that makes it quoteasy-to-cookquot If we take time to read the ingredients we would definitely come across words like preservatives or artificial flavorings It was just a couple of days ago that I came across a newspaper article which stated that someone was poisoned because he ate this type of food He was hospitalized for almost a month Not having to cook has also taken the fun out of cooking Cooking is an art but in todays world this is no more true People are so busy with their work that they just rely on this simple foods The invention and production of this foods have made people lazy not only for cooking but also for a well family get-together It was not like former times when families would sit together and eat freshly baked food Instead they are getting these artificial things with minimal nutrients in them Cooking in the yesteryears was much better than todays People would spend more time in the kitchen preparing the food in the way that they liked it This brought families closer together and also contributed to the high quality and nutrition of the food Granted people are busier nowadays and do not have as much time as they did in the past but I believe that people have forgotten the importance of healthy fresh food and of the time a family spends together preparing the food So I would say that having food that is easy to prepare has had many disadvantages Essay ID 325 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 24292 24 Topic 3 It can not be doubted that our eating style has encountered a revolutionary change in the last few decades It is the change in the type of food that has had the greatest influence Not only have the recipes of certain food types have been altered but also absolutely new ones have been created Examples include yet are not restricted to beef hamburgers potato chips and cola drinks All of these changes contribute to making food preparation as fast and easy as possible It cannot be neglected that modern cooking facilities play a dramatic role in this trend Some people regard this trend as a spoiler of our lives Their argument focuses on two main points First many newly emerged types of food have not the essence of a quotcomplete mealquot as defined by nutritionists To add to the problem these food types are often served alone In fact there are many medical reports warning people from depending upon such fast meals in their food Other reports indicate a high potential of malnutrition among those who are quotaddictedquot to the common duet of burgers and cola Second the advantage of gathering family members around a meal at home is lost Fast prepared food types are usually eaten outside home With the absence of regular family meetings relationships are likely to be weaker Others think that fast prepared food types do improve our style of life This opinion comes especially from busy people working wives and younger people They believe that we have many things in life more important than eating Time spent on food preparation is considered wasted by them Wives will have more time to take care of their families souls not just stomachs Family relationships will get stronger Business men and women will have more time to concentrate on their business without worrying about food arrangements In general people will have a greater opportunity to take care of their minds and hearts Reports estimate the time spent on food arrangements as a large percentage of our lives I agree with that food preparation should take its necessary time and care Otherwise the time saved in food preparation can lead to longer times of headache or even of staying in hospitals suffering from malnutrition Essay ID 328 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 3 The twentieth century has brought with it many advances With those advances human lives have changed dramatically In some ways life is worse but mostly it is better Changes in food preparation methods for example have improved our lives greatly The convenience of preparing food today is amazing Even stoves have gotten too slow for us Microwave cooking is much easier We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal and now they can use that time for other better things Plus there are all kinds of portable prepackaged foods we can buy Heat them in the office microwave and lunch at work is quick and easy Food preparation today allows for more variety With refrigerators and freezers we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes Since technology makes cooking so much faster people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal Parents are more likely to let children be picky now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side Needless to say adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well If
TWE Essays 25292 25 they dont want to cook a lot of different dishes its common now to eat out at restaurants several times a week Healthful eating is also easier than ever now When people cook they can use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol Additionally we can buy fruits and vegetables fresh frozen or canned Theyre easy to prepare so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily A hundred years ago you couldnt imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender Our lifestyle is fast but people still like good food What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices Today we can prepare food that is more convenient healthier and of greater variety than ever before in history Essay ID 75 Topic 4 There are two main channels for people to learn knowledge from books and from experience Generally knowledge gained from books is theoretical that gained from experience is practical It is difficult to answer which is more important to we people It depends on the phases and events of our learning Knowledge learned from books is instructive which perhaps cannot learn directly from experience We often hear thunders and see lightning in the sky and we can easily find that lightning will be seen sooner than sound will be heard According to our experience alone we cannot tell why it had happened But when we learn some physics in textbooks we will find the answer clearly that because light travels faster than sound does it takes less time for light to travel the same distance than for sound Therefore book knowledge can inform us some useful theories that can give us general ideas and help us understand the real phenomenon better In turn practice knowledge check out the theories gained from books There is an old Chinese saying that practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth So not all knowledge from books is credible even false When Aristotle wrote in his transcripts that the earth is the center of our planets no one doubts this for centuries However when Galileo read about it he did not suspect it at first but when he made some observation and research he found it is not the truth Then comes the new theorySun center theory In our daily life we can learn much information from practice To learn swimming it is useless to be absorbed in reading skills written in books Only when you learn it in a swimming pool can you make it There are still a lot of things you must learn from your own experience such as driving a car riding a bicycle operating a machine And the most important is that it is often easier learn knowledge from practice than from books As far as the average people are concerned it is natural to learn from experience Primitive people learned skills hand by hand which is the way they were handed down from one generation to another Modern people also learn things in practice In workshops leading workers teach apprentices carefully in activity clubs teachers teach youngsters to be familiar with their hobbies It is obvious that all of things considered knowledge gained from practice is more close and direct than from the books Therefore two kinds of knowledge has importance For research people knowledge from books is more important while for our average people knowledge from practice is more important As students we must first learn knowledge from books well and at the same time we must have the
TWE Essays 26292 26 good sense to tell from what is right and what is wrong Essay ID 76 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 4 We gain our knowledge about the world and our life from two sources from experience and from books These two resources are both important but which of them is more important Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure In schools and colleges we learn knowledge which is fundamental to our future career We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to this society in the future A student learns mathematic equations and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist or engineer We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books Moreover we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books magazines and newspapers This is also very important as we cannot experience everything all by ourselves Therefore books are a very important source of knowledge On the other hand we cant learn everything from a book Experience is the best teacher is an old clich but I agree with it The most important and sometimes the hardest lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations We learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect from our experience not from books We cannot learn emotional feelings such as love and care through books they come from our real life experience Knowledge from experience is also a very important supplement to knowledge from books Needless to say both learning sources books and experience are very important to us But in my opinion knowledge from experience is more important because without knowledge from experience it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books and how to apply this knowledge to real world situations Essay ID 77 Topic 5 I have been living in a peace and quiet town for about 10 years All people around here is so kind and the landscape is so beautiful that I love this town very much Recently I heard news that a company will set up a new factory near my community I was shocked and I hold a negative opinion about this decision The main reason why I oppose this plan is that establishing a new factory will cause air pollution As we know a factory will give off a lot of waste air which is harmful to peoples health Even though the factory will take measurements to purify the air it can not make the air as clean as before It is no doubt that peoples health will be affected by the air emitted from the factory Another reason is that a factory makes too much noise My community is always a quiet place and this is just what I like the most A factory will cause the town to become too noisy For example every morning we can be awake from our dreams by the noise of buses which take workers to the factory The noise of engines will also influent our temper and may cause us susceptible to anger and easily lose temper Furthermore a strong reason to oppose this idea is that building a factory will destroy the landscape of this town Most people living in this town make their living by cultivating and harvesting crops The factory is inappropriate with the landscape of the town and it will occupy the land that is used to farming
TWE Essays 27292 27 Of course building a factory also has advantages to some extent For example it will bring more working opportunity for local people and also it will help developing the local economics But comparing with the disadvantages I strongly oppose the idea to build a factory near my community Essay ID 79 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 5 I support the idea that a factory to be built near our community I list my reasons as follows Firstly a new factory near our community helps to improve living standard of people in our community The factory will employ a lot of workers As a consequence the unemployment rate will drop significantly Many people in our community will find a job in the factory As peoples income increases they will be able to spend more money on their food clothing and leisure time and the quality of life will be increased Secondly a new factory will bring prosperity to our community The tax collected from a factory is an important source of revenue for our town As people have higher income income tax collected will also be increased The town will be able to spend more money on infrastructures and other development Moreover in order to accommodate more workers more homes and stores will be needed This will boost real estate development in our community Some people say that a factory would bring smog and pollution and destroy the quality of the air and water in town This is not the truth Modern technologies have made todays factories technology intensive and brought pollutions to the minimum There are also worries that the social structure of this community will be changed and the traditional life will be affected We should understand that society needs to evolve and we cannot always stay in the old time Of course there will be some drawbacks of building a new factory here But in my opinion the benefits outweigh the dangers I strongly support to build a factory here and hope that others feel the same way Essay ID 78 Topic 5 If a large factory is going to be built near your community is it good or bad Its a quite difficult question to answer Because there are many aspects to take into your consideration the advantages and the disadvantages Lets talk about that First a large factory especially a large chemical factory is quite harmful to our environment when it is built near our community It will affect our daily life a lot All the chemical factories will produce a lot of waste and most of the wastes are harmful to the environment including poisonous gas and liquid Some of them can not be entirely broken down If they are released into the air or the river it will affect our health And also the factory may produce a lot of noise The environment we want to live in is a quiet and peaceful one so the noise will be quite boring And yes noise also affects our health Still one thing a factory can be very dangerous Because a fire or a explosion may break out in the factory If its very near our home its quite dangerous But in other hand a factory may be a good news to us It can provide more jobs for us especially
TWE Essays 28292 28 for the young people in our community Since the factory is near its so convenient to go to work and the factory will get more chances to our area It will help to develop our area So if the factory can bring us a lot of chances we will agree to build one But the most important things are 1 Build the factory in a safe distance from our community not too near 2 Make sure that the factory can deal with the waste properly Do not release the poisonous gas into the air and not release the waste water into the river nearby 3 Make sure the security guard in the factory works very well Essay ID 466 Topic 5 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near our community To be frank I have mixed emotions about this Obviously there are some advantages having such a factory nearby For example it can provides more job opportunities and many people may work in the factory What is more it also gives a good chance for the development of other business in our community such as shops theatres and restaurants Furthermore the products the factory manufactures will improve our quality of living On the other hand there are some disadvantages building a factory here First it will disturb the quiescence of our community Once the factory is set up a lot of people will rush into our community to work and the road will get crowded To transfer the raw materials the factory needs there will be many trucks coming and going through the streets and the noise will disturb residents and it is unsafe for our children who always play freely in the streets before Second the factory will produce many waste products each day and there will be much waste water coming out from the factory and it will pollute our rivers We do not want to have to see hundreds and thousands tons of waste piled near our houses and we do not want to see our nearby rivers turning into black dishes either After weighing the advantages and disadvantages I decide to oppose to set up such a factory near our community because we need quiet surrounding blue sky and clean rivers Essay ID 423 This is a 5 point essay Topic 5 Weather it is beneficial to build a large factory near our community is a prevalent topic undergoing serious debate Two different opinions obviously exist to support and to oppose After pondering the opinions from several aspects personally I agree with the idea that it is beneficial to build a large factory near our community By comparing the advantage and disadvantage they will get people judge which role they should hold In my opinion the advantage in this case is superior than the disadvantage we can see it below The main reason for my propensity for the choice is that the factory will supply lots of employment opportunities for society especially the people of the community nearby The
TWE Essays 29292 29 unemployment will decrease and the peoples standard of living will increase in some degree so no doubt people will accept the factory willingly and rapidly Another reason why I prefer to the statement lies in the fact that with the developing of the factory many other establishments will be founded around it These establishments will make the lives of the people of the community more convenient For example drugstores restaurants even hospital new bus stop will be built up People here will enjoy the convenience the factory brings It is undeniable that the factory will bring some problems such as the noise air pollution Whatever these disadvantage will be limited into a low level so that they can not contaminate the environment of the community From what has been discussed above we can safely draw the conclusion that it is beneficial to build a large factory near our community Essay ID 496 This is a 5 point essay Topic 6 Everything in the universe is in constant change And everything needs continual improvement if the ever changing and increasing demands of humankind are to be met If I am ever given the chance to change one important thing about my home town it would be internet service Needless to say that nothing generally revolutionized the way we live as internet in the past decade Thus an improvement in this vital service would mean an even more unheard betterment to the people in my home town It is said that information is power True saying indeed I can envision how everything in my home town could improve dramatically if the internet service in it were made free fast and staying out there like electricity telephone or water all the time One thing a fast free and reliable internet service could improve in my home town is the way people work If there is a this said service people in my home town must not necessarily commute to a far place to do their job This in turn would mean less traffic jams spacious work place more time for family and recreation and so on The way people learn would be another important thing that a fast free and reliable internet service could better in my home town People will have the chance to go through tremendous and different information resources in a very small amount of time They apparently will also take less time to share it This assures a more fulfilled life for my home town people Since its advent internet touched every part of our life It in a dazzling way improved the way we do business learn and communicate A change in internet service implies good way of living for every one in my home town Essay ID 331 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 6 If I could change one important thing about my hometown it would be air pollution problem and I will give the following reasons to explain why I want to solve the problem The first and most important reason is that I hope that my hometown can become a beautiful city As an old industrial city my hometown has made a great deal of contribution for the countrys economic development At a result the natural environment of the city has been badly damaged The forest has disappeared the mountains have become bald and the most awful thing is that the air quality becomes more and more worse People seldom see the blue sky during most time of
TWE Essays 30292 30 year Another reason why I want to change my hometowns air pollution situation is that the citys development needs clean and tidy environment to attract investors Nowadays people have come to know that the citys environment which is so called software facility of the city plays an important role in the citys future For example due to the fact that the environment of the city is very poor many local students who pursue their study out of the city would rather find themselves a job in other cities than coming back to their hometown after they graduated In addition nowadays people have paid more and more attention to their health If air pollution problem cannot be solved as quickly as possible peoples requirement for a healthy body will never be realized In my mind changing air pollution will apparently be my first choice if I can change one important thing about my hometown Fortunately people in my hometown are gradually aware of the serious problem Essay ID 80 Topic 6 If i could change one thing about my hometown i would like to build up some useful and advanced facilities for their use A modern library an advanced broad band system and an integrated gym may bring a lot of changes to people living in my hometown and keep them up with the latest information and technology In my opionion a modern library in my hometown can provide a good environment for the local people to study and upgrade themsevles There are a lot of newspaper magazines and reference reading and learn to get knowledge from books quotKnowledge is strenghquot Knowledge can give us guidance to overcome problems we meet in the daily life To popularize the broad band at home also is a quick access to Internet and movie channel which can give people much more chances to choose their entertainment Because of the Internet our lives have been changed a lot no matter whether we accept or not We can read news buy items from e-commerce companies send a free e-card to our friends mail our beautiful photos to anyone we like or watch the movies online Anyway Internet brings us obvious changes Additionally broad band also can provide movie channel to users Can you imagine that you can watch the movies you like just by cliking one button It provide different types of movie for you to choose People have more choice to enjoy the life and advanced technology at home Besides important information we need to know and advanced technology we use we also need to do exercise to keep our healthy life This is the reason why i want to set up an integrated gym in my hometown Through doing many various exercises such as swimming jogging playing badminton or tennice peopple can enhance their ability to resist the virus and enjoy the life happily Furthermore people who often do exercise have positive attitudes towards life although when facing difficulties This is really what i hope to see In summary i want my hometown to be a city equipped with a modern library an advanced broad band system and filled with people liking exercise loving life and possessing positive attitudes towards life Thus i want to build up above-mentioned facilities first Essay ID 270
TWE Essays 31292 31 Topic 6 With the developement of my hometown in the past few years the population is expanding very fast The city is expiriencing not only a higher birthrate than ever but also waves of immigration The streets in the city are crowed or even jamed during the rush hours If I could change one thing about my hometown I would develope an advanced public traffic system In order to hold such an exploding population the city has extended miles by miles without much plan It is common for people to travel from the southmost part to the northmost part of the city to go to work everyday They have to spend three hours or more on the way they go to work and come home Eight hours work is a heavy burden while people have to spend hours before and after the work A subway running through or around the city can solve the problem People could live further away from the downtown without worrying about spending too much time on the way Some people buy their own car or take a taxi to work everyday Its really expensive for most of the people in the city They cant afford paying so much on traffic fares Many civil engineering experts advocate that sharing a public traffic system is the most efficient way People could reduce their fares a lot by using the public traffic system and they can spend the money on some other things Even there are more and more people who can afford buying a car or taking taxi everyday It is still suggested to using the public traffic system Because the road developement can never keep up with the demand of the increasing cars the cars may jam on the roads during rush hours Usually the speed of the car in that time is no higher than a bycicle And pollution is another concern So many private cars running in the city will bring us an environmental problem On the other hand the pollution from the public traffic system is much lighter All in all an advanced public traffic system time efficient cost efficient and pollution preventing This is the trend of advanced cities Essay ID 256 This is a 5 point essay Topic 6 I am from Arroz e Feijao a small town in the northeast of Brazil Building a factory in there will bring a lot of advantages and disadvantages but I believe that Arroz e Feijao will mostly benefit from the building of a new factory because it is largely populated by poor people and the factory would bring many benefits to this small town However of course a factory has disadvantages as well As you know factories usually bring pollution If this factory is not managed very effectively and efficiently according to specific rules its prone to polluting the local air and water Whats more factories usually make noise Beside clean drinkable water and fresh air an ideal community should be quiet If the factory cannot maintain this situation to the community it will not last long A factory that is too noisy or pollutes too much will eventually be relocated to a new area On the other hand a factory could bring a lot of benefits to the community So I would support the plan to build a factory to my community for all the reasons I will describe below First of all the factorys construction will surely improve the local infrastructure To run smoothly the factory will have to have a steady reliable supply of water and electricity Some old pipes will be changed and some facilities will be renovated The residents living standard get improved as a
TWE Essays 32292 32 result of these widespread changes an important benefit in Arroz e Feijao where many people do not have access to clean water Secondly to make the employee commute more convenient the local roads will have to be rebuilt and broadened resulting in improved public transportation The towns residents can take a public bus to go shopping or go to work As a result air pollution and fuel consumption might be reduced Most important a factorys establishment will bring up a lot of employment opportunities for the community A factory need experts from various fields The residents can take just a few minutes to go to the factory to work So the local residents can get great benefits from this factory Generally speaking I agree with the plan to build a factory near my community If the factory can be managed successfully the factory and local residents can have mutual benefit Essay ID 330 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 6 Have you been waiting for buses at bus station for an hour in an extremely hot day Have you been staying in a car waiting hours for the heavy traffic Have you seen the scene that tons of people are crammed on a small bus Maybe you think thats incredible but its true in my hometown So the thing I want to change most about my hometown is the mass transportation system Mass transportation system is a very important part of a city It influences peoples daily life work and entertainment An effective mass transportation system can save peoples time so that people can do more work hence to increase the citys efficiency If you were the mayor would you like the people in the city to sit in the cars or stand at bus stations wait for hours or would you like them to sit in the offices or stand in factories work for hours Moreover a city with bad mass transportation system cant be qualified as a good city regardless how rich the city is and how big the city is Its essential for a city to have a good mass transportation system to be qualified a good city For example big cities such as Toronto Tokyo New York all have very good mass transportation systems which can bring people anywhere they want in a short time A bad mass transportation system would limit the city to grow and it would be a handicap for the city to develop in the future Finally as we can see if my hometown can improve the mass transportation system people will appreciate it a lot It will be a great thing which benefits everyone in the city and makes our lifes more convenient Essay ID 480 Topic 7 Do movies and television affect our behavior I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior both for the better and for the worse Movies and television influence our behavior because they make us less active Looking at films is a passive activity If we watch too much we become unhealthy both mentally and physically We stop using our own imagination when we see things acted out for us Mental laziness becomes physical laziness wed rather watch sports on TV than play sports ourselves Wed rather visit
TWE Essays 33292 33 with the characters on quotSeinfeldquot or quotFriendsquot than go chat with our own neighbors Imaginary people have exciting lives Is it any wonder that some people would rather live a fantasy life than their own Movies and television also can make people more violent The more we see violent acts on television the less sensitive we become to them Eventually violence doesnt seem wrong We may even commit violent acts ourselves This is especially true because we dont always realize that violence has consequences Actors can be killed and come back for another movie Sometimes we confuse that with reality We forget that killing someone is permanent Of course watching movies and television can also be good for us It can give us a broader window on the world For example seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures We can then overcome some prejudices more easily Recently there have been more handicapped people in films and this also helps reduce prejudice The best influence on our behavior is that movies and television reduce stress Watching films we can escape our own problems for a little while Also sometime movies show positive ways to resolve problems we all face While TV and movies shouldnt be a way to hide from life sometimes they can help us cope It is true that movies and television can influence our behavior negatively However I also believe that they influence our behavior in positive ways How they affect you depends on how much you watch what you watch and how you respond to what you watch Essay ID 81 Topic 7 Hesitating I enter my house the light outside is dimming and the shadows make everything appear unfamiliar I know that my husband has not returned from work yet simply because his car is not in the garage I am alone I carefully check all the rooms almost expecting something to happen suddenly I hold my bag in my hand as if it were a weapon After the whole house has been declared quotclearquot I start to breathe normally again and a smile appears on my face as I realize once again how a simple movie seen at the cinema a week earlier can modify my actions Sometimes I wonder if I should watch TV with all its shows that make me wonder whether I exercise enough whether I am slim enough or whether I treat my pets with the care they deserve am I really concerned about their mental health Not to mention the hundreds of commercials that try to make me believe I need a water purifier to remain alive since the water I am currently drinking is heavily polluted And countless are the times when I have heard people talking by quotations learned from movies We need to watch shows and films to know what to say how to be how to act We are so addicted to all this that it almost seems like we cannot think on our own I cannot help thinking about what happened to me some days ago an example that clearly shows what kind of power TV has over people My husband and I were in a restaurant when I heard my young neighbor pronouncing violent words in a low angry voice Surprised I turned to better understand the situation and I saw that he was holding a fake military device and was acting as if he were filming a war movie I am sure that if I had been a little be more updated about this type of movie I would have recognized what he was saying as a quotation Now I wonder if he uses such a language also with his friends and with his parents if he is aggressive and if so whether his attitude has really nothing to do with what he watches on TV That same evening on the way home I saw two cars stopped one next to the other at a traffic light and as soon as the light turned green they started racing in the middle of town In this case not even a major knowledge of movies and TV programs would have helped me there are just to
TWE Essays 34292 34 many of them on the market showing the exact same thing people racing with cars I am sure that everybody if asked could easily list many other examples of how TV and movies can modify our behavior and therefore our life but I wonder if we will always be able to draw the line between a TV show and real life between what they make us think we want and what instead we really need and are and believe Essay ID 332 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 8 Television is undoubtedly one of the most powerful means of communication in the history of humankind rivaled only by such other forms of communication as the Internet the telephone movies and of course simple low-tech speech Television with its wide availability and rich media with image and sound is difficult to ignore and even seductive in its appeal Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals work or school studies consistently show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as she does in school Furthermore because television is so rich in its media it often requires our full attention or is more attraction to us than are our daily lives Naturally the more time one spends watching television the less time she has with her family and friends Thus we can clearly see why some have claimed that television has been harmful for communication among family and friends However I believe that while television has been somewhat harmful in its effects it has hardly quotdestroyedquot communication among family and friends for most people although for some this may be true Most people much prefer spending time with their families and friends to spending time watching television Television is of course an important part of many peoples lives but most people would gladly choose family and friends over television were they given the choice Furthermore most educated people are aware of the deleterious effects of too much television and either avoid excessive time watching television or actually do not enjoy it I for example after a long day at work would much rather spend time talking with my wife and playing with my children than I would watching some unrealistic portrayal of life on television For me and my family our time together is precious and beautiful and could never be replaced or hurt by television Furthermore the effect of television is simply not so great that it could be said to have quotdestroyedquot communication among family and friends Granting that communication among family and friends in industrialized countries has decreased in recent years it might be tempting to blame this problem on television since its rise roughly coincided with the decrease in time we spend with our families However I believe this situation is more likely due to increased pressures relating from work school and the economy In my case for example I find that my pressures from work are so great that I must often sacrifice time at home so that I can meet the challenges of running my own business Many of my friends are in similar situations--my best friend for example has just finished law school which took about sixty hours a week of his time In a word people nowadays have very little time for anything but television is not the cause--it is increased desire to succeed In some situations however television has surely contributed to a decrease in communication among family members In my childhood in the countryside I often saw parents and children watching television for hours on end rarely speaking with one another It seemed for them that television was a way to escape from their sad miserable existence However even in this case I would say that television merely contributed to the bad situation but did not cause it were television not existent surely these people would have found other escapes alcohol or gambling for example In other words people always find a way to do what they want to do
TWE Essays 35292 35 In short I do not believe that television has destroyed or even harmed interpersonal communication among most people Most people realize that television is merely a temporary diversion and do not use it to replace interpersonal communication I believe that the damage attributed to television is greatly exaggerated and that such damage is most likely attributable to other more powerful social factors Essay ID 339 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 8 When asked about what has been brought by television different people have different answers There is some people who dont like TV saying that television has destroyed communications among friends and family however other people take a negative attitude on this issue In my opinion I disagree with the above statement The reasons are given below Television is only one instrument for people to relax There is many ways of amusement for people to select after the working time nowadays You can select to meet your friends to accompany your parents or to take part in some sports activities Watching TV at home is simply one way to live It is too narrowly to regard TV as one main reason to damage relationship among friends and family just because some people has spent a lot of time on it Another reason that I disagree with the above statement is that TV can provide some additional topics for communication among friends and family Talking about the news the soap drama or soccer game watching on the TV last night is also good communication ways to increase your affections with your friends and your family Also sometimes skipping one TV program could probably make you lose voices among your friends Last but not least watching TV is one good medicine to cure the loneliness when your friends and parents can not accompany with you I would not forget the warm which was brought by TV when along outside the hometown I cant deny that some people has ignored friends and family when they are addicted into watching TV However everything has its two sides All the factors mentioned above determined me to draw the conclusion that it is not reasonable to say television has destroyed communications among friends and family Essay ID 234 This is a 5 point essay Topic 8 Some people believe that television has destroyed communication among friends and family I think this is an exaggeration In my opinion whether or not television hurts communication depends on what type of program is being viewed More importantly it depends on the type of viewer There are empty programs and educational programs Empty programs do not challenge people They have just enough storyline to keep them from switching channels There are also passive and active viewers A passive viewer will just watch television without thinking about what he or she is seeing The combination of an empty program and a passive viewer makes communication unlikely Passive viewers just continue to watch actually enjoying the fact that they dont have to think They wont break away to talk about programming with friends and family Even with better programming passive viewers still wont think or communicate much Theyll probably even
TWE Essays 36292 36 prefer the empty programs because the better programming is too much work On the other hand active viewers watching educational programming always want to share what they see with friends and family quotEducationalquot doesnt necessarily mean documentaries on PBS They could be dramas with realistic relationships or action shows with clever plotlines When active viewers watch programs they have ideas and talk about them with others Good programming inspires them to change their thinking and their lives Unlike passive viewers they dont want to watch more and more without thinking In short television may destroy communication among passive viewers Those viewers probably dont want to communicate with friends and family much anyway For active viewers who already enjoy communicating television is actually helpful Essay ID 82 Topic 9 I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both I never thought that I would like living in a big city but I was wrong After ten years of living in one I cant imagine ever living in a small town again Small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transportation In a small town you have to own a car to ensure a comfortable living You cant get around without one because there isnt any kind of public transportation Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking but there you have a choice of taking public transportation Its not free but its often cheaper than driving when you consider gas and time Especially if you dont have a car youre better off in the city I love the excitement of big cities Small towns have a slow pace Large cities mean you have to adapt to a variety of situations like finding a new route to work or trying a new restaurant I enjoy that challenge very much Another pan of the excitement of city living is the variety of cultural activities available There is a wide assortment of theatre music and dance performances available in big cities These things are rare in small ones The final thing I like about large cities is the diversity of the people The United States is made up of people of different races religions abilities and interests However you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become boring Of course security is a concern and thats one area where small towns are superior to big cities Still I would rather be a bit more cautious and live in a large city than to feel secure but bored Essay ID 83 Topic 9 Where should we live Some may choose to live in big cities while other like the natural and quiet surroundings in countryside As far as I am concerned I would like to live in a big city because living in a big city has more advantages than living in countryside To begin with the city is the symbol of human civilization and there are a many facilities for living recreation and health care Therefore living there is more convenient than living in countryside For example we can find a plenty of malls around our neighborhood where we can
TWE Essays 37292 37 buy everyday necessities at a low price Furthermore people concern more about their health and safety than other things in their lives In big cities medical facilities and emergency services are easily accessible than in countryside Big cities also have convenient transportation and utility systems They also offer faster Internet connections These all make our life easier in big cities In addition we can take part in a variety of events in big cities Human being likes to live together and need to interact with each other In a big city the population density is high therefore there are always plenty of social activities sports events and concerts There are more recreational places in big cities such as opera houses movie theatres clubs and swimming pools You will have many kinds of entertainment in big cities and meet many people In countryside however the life may be dull and quite and you may only have a few neighbors Living alone with few activities can easily cause mental diseases Some may argue that the pollution in cities makes people sick However with automobiles and modern highways we can easily take a break to expose to fresh air in countryside and sunshine on the beach In conclusion I strongly hold that living in big cities is much better than living in countryside because of the advanced facilities and social activities in cities Moreover the autos and highways enable us to enjoy the natural and quiet surroundings in countryside Essay ID 411 Topic 9 In English there is a well-known fairy story about a poor country boy Dick Whittington who goes to London because he believes that the streets of that city are paved with gold The story is a tale of from rags to riches Dick eventually becomes the Lord Mayor of London Like the hero of that story I always find wonder and adventure in cities Cities contain a great assortment of people Whenever I walk around a shopping precinct at midday on a weekend I am fascinated by all the different types of people hurrying around the shops Sometimes I just sit on a public bench and simply watch the variegated streams of shoppers Today in the age of globe-trotting transport and communications city life is more mixed than it has ever been Capital cities are not cosmopolitan and eager to attract foreign trade and currency There is a contemporary English joke which tells that you can never find an Englishman in London Whether rightly or wrongly governments and local authorities usually build public amenities in the big cities Money is invested in transport libraries parks and museums Often countries will compete with each other for the best show-case building Malaysia has built a skyscraper that is taller than is anything in New York In large countries region will compete against region New York against Chicago Shanghai against Hong Kong and Beijing All of this is good for the citizen The magic of the Dick Whittington story is rekindled in me when I enter a library in a magnificent building If a person is at university studying art or music a large city usually offers galleries and public performances Even as a teenager I appreciated the worth of living in a city because two or three times a year there was a rock concert by a favorite band Architecture is the urban landscape If a person has an appreciation of architecture a city can be as visually exciting as the Himalayas A modern metropolis is a mountain range of height light and solidness And then there are the old buildings the quaint unspoiled side-street or shops and homes from a distant age If a person lived all of his life in one large city he would continue to
TWE Essays 38292 38 discover its architectural secrets into his old age Man is a social animal He talks mixes and creates Cities offer the libraries universities and cafe bars for him to meet others of his kind Essay ID 489 Topic 10 I fully agree with the claim that there is no correlation between success and luck Moreover I understand success to refer to ones ability to achieve the predominant part of his goals in his lifetime which in turn leads to a correlation between success and income since the accomplishment of such a natural goal as to provide a good future for your loved ones demands the means What is the simplest and most lawful way to earn enough to consider yourself a successful person To receive a good education and to find a good job Both receiving an education and making a career presuppose ones readiness to work hard and success without hard work is simply not possible for the vast majority of the worlds population The reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point of view First of all considering an education and a career as key factors of success one will choose to pursue a degree from a college or a university One wishing to be admitted to the university will have to take several tests It is doubtful that someone will be so lucky that knowing nothing he could pass the test with a high score A low score means failure and that test taker will not likely be admitted Therefore in order to be successful one should prepare for the tests and work hard because a good education will provide him with a good job and an opportunity to accomplish some of his goals and dreams In my lifetime I have never met a person who could graduate from a college without working hard Secondly it is impossible to make a career if one is indolent and lacking knowledge at least in developed countries Luck plays no role in achieving this success Even if someone was unbelievably lucky enough to become a manager not being qualified enough he will be asked to resign in the near future because of his inability due to lack of knowledge and experience to make right decisions For instance I used to work for a very small company owned by a friend This company was later closed because of bankruptcy The cause of bankruptcy was wrong strategies and decisions made by the owner After the failure he went to a university and worked for another company so that he could obtain experience and become a successful businessman Nowadays he considers himself a successful person because he had turned into reality his two biggest dreams of producing consumer goods of high quality and making charitable donations to needy people In sum as long as someone understands success as an ability to turn into reality some of his dreams and goals he will have to work hard because he will need money And his chances to earn that money will remarkably increase if he could graduate from a college and make a career All of these things are simply not possible without hard work Luck has no place in such a scheme of events Essay ID 71 Topic 10 There is a humorous saying in English The grass is always greener on the other side of the valley The saying is used ironically to point out that there is a temptation in us all to insist that others are more fortunate than we are This is nowhere more true than on the question of luck and
TWE Essays 39292 39 hard work When faced with the bad times we often find comfort in the idea that we are special in our degree of misfortune I feel that such an attitude is negative and that it can bring only further misfortune Many famously successful people have begun from small origins Mao was the son of a modestly prosperous peasant the explorer Captain Cook was so poor that as a child he had to work by day and study by night many of the affluent Americans of today are the children of the poor immigrants of yesterday Beethoven it should be remembered became deaf before the end of his career There are many many more people who have also made genuine though Jess spectacular successes against the odds Within his own terms a person who is born into poverty in India is a great success if he manages to own a house in later life Poverty cannot be reduced by merely complaining and blaming others no matter how guilty other people are each individual must reach out to success for himself Indeed some economists believe that the world operates by what they call the rule of the jungle They believe that in economics a person a1ways attempts to gain profit from his neighbor that given the chance the poor man would quickly make himself rich by trading to his own advantage Also it is presumptuous to judge another according to his or her apparent fortune No man can ever truly understand the sufferings of his neighbor A man who appears comfortably rich may have suffered elsewhere in his life - through the death of a loved one for example Retired businessmen have often worked long hours in their youth Surely it must be wiser to respect achievement than to deny that anyone has achieved good in the world To rely on notions of luck - to believe that life is a kind of lottery - is an attempt to escape reality Paradoxically the only time a person can claim that luck is more important than work is when he reflects on his own success Because of that modesty the great man then becomes even greater Essay ID 486 Topic 11 In my point of viewsports activities are as important as if not more important thangood librariesSo it is wise for universities to give the same amount of money to their students sports activities as they give their university librariesThere are numerous clear reasons and i would explore some important ones here Firstgood health is the prerequiste for future successUniversities are not only the place for students to expand their minds but also a place for student to build their bodyA good health is very essential for study and future successIn our universitythere are several middle-aged teachers and researchers suffer from diseasessome even died when they were atill at the acme of their academic achievementsThis is a great loss for their families and our university Secondthrough sports activitiesstudent can benefit both physically and mentallyAnyone who has played in a football game knows that the cooperation and competition are important for successThey are two basic traits for those who want to succeedand student who can combine them harmoniously have better chance of success in the future Thirdinvestment in sports activities can save money in the long runIn China all of students medical expenses are patronized by government anf this is a heavy burdenIf the students health imporveda lot of money can be saved every yearWith these moneyuniversities can build more classroomslaboratories and libraries
TWE Essays 40292 40 Of course good libraries are also important for universitiesA good library with its large collection of books is the pride and symbol of a prominent universityBoht libraries and sports activities are indispenable for unicersityso it is wise for unicversities give the same amount of money to their student activities as they give to their libraries Essay ID 464 Topic 11 I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork strategy and reaching your goals it should not be the principal focus of a university education Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain These include computerized programs and access to Internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago its depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in the last decade More is being published on every subject and every university wants to have this information available to its students It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries open Students need to have access to all the libraries research tools as much of the time as possible Because students are young and can stay up all night studying many universities are starting to leave their libraries open all night during exam periods This costs money because the staff has to be paid extra to be there It also costs money to run the building electricity heat during that time Students at universities are only going to benefit from their education if they can get to all the tools they need to learn Sports are secondary to the resources that students need from university libraries For this reason libraries should always be better funded than sports activities Essay ID 90 Topic 11 Both libraries and sports activities are welcome in the universities Students could study in the libraries to build up their knowledge They could get the information that they cannot get in the class But knowledge is not all for the students They are willing to have sports frequently Anyone cannot go on his study without a healthy body Unfortunately if we have limited resources to put on the construction and operation of libraries or sport activites how could we make a decision I disagree with the statement that universities should give the same amount of money to sports activities as libraries The librarie is necessary part of a university We cannot imagine a university without any library Student would like to find books in the library to facilitate their study The time in the class is very limited So they could get more academic information in the library On the other hand students could enjoy sports outside the campus Many people just like running which doesnt need any investment
TWE Essays 41292 41 Considering the operation of the establishments we should certainly pay more to run a library than the sports activities With the developement of the informationalization of the world more and more books are published In order to possess those books universities must pay a lot money on them While running a stadium is much more easier Because university is a place to study it is natural that more students go to the library Whenever you go to the library you will see diligent students studying there Especially in the examination period you can hardly find a vacant seat To sum up sports activities are very important to students health but if there is limited money we have to spend more money on libraries than on sports activities Because libraries are necessities of a university which need a large amount of money to run and many students enjoy them Essay ID 271 This is a 5 point essay Topic 12 When people travel to new places they often choose the local museums as a must-see place Sometimes the museums are even more attractive than the most famous place of interest This phenomenon can be easily explained if the function of museums is taken into account As we have known museums can help us know the history the customs and the most representative products of that place Different place has different history And the most convenient way to know the history is to visit the local museum Last year when I traveled to Xian an old city I went to the history museum to explore the course of its development With the background knowledge provided by the museum I found that it was easier for me to understand the city So the museum can clear away the barriers between tourists and the city by making them familiar with its history To a tourist the most attractive part of a place is usually its customs which can be demonstrated by the local museum In the Beijing custom museum the real life of typical Beijingers is vividly shown A tourist can satisfy his curiosity by knowing the origin and characteristics of the quart-yard the most classical building in Beijing With the help of museums tourists can have a deeper understanding of the life of local people Every place has its own representative products which are usually handcrafts Tourists can have the access to a wonderful show of these handcrafts in the local museum For example in Jingde town the most famous pottery-making place in China tourists can be excited by the beautiful pottery products and the complicated making process exhibited in the pottery museum It will be a pity for a tourist not to experience the wonderful show of the local products in the museum In a word museums serve as a bridge between tourists and the place they travel to That is why people are so eager to visit museums when they travel to new places Essay ID 469 Topic 12 Museums are presents the whole world left to us with which we can learn lots of things we did not previously know be aware of what has happened in the past as well as what is going to happen in the future or gain self-understanding Personally among countless factors which influence the reason for visiting museums there are three conspicuous aspects as follows
TWE Essays 42292 42 The main reason for my propensity for visiting museums is that more about local histories can be known in this way Nowadays many museums are mainly operating for responsibilities to collect preserve historic treasures and exhibit fine art and antiquities For instance the National Museum of Chinese History the first of these kinds to be established in China has over 300000 items including more than 2000 first-grade pieces items 100000 photographs of cultural relics and over 200000 professional books As you walk around the General Chinese History exhibition rooms looking at the cultural relics and imagining the past you may feel that you are traveling along a path spanning the course of Chinese history Another reason can be seen by every person is that you can see something rare so much as unique in museums For example Emperor QinShihuang the first emperor in Chinese history is known as the Emperor Qins Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Today the Emperor Qins Terra-cotta Museum quotthe eighth Wonder of the worldquot is not only a treasure house where the tourists can learn histories but also a main scenic spot of China The vivid pottery figures colorful uniforms and various weapons acclaimed as the peak of perfection are unique forever Furthermore visiting museums can enrich our knowledge about various sides such as preventive measures of a disease the reason of earthquake mans region the latest development of the laser and so on The inventive genius may be inspired in someone by making exhibits because knowledge is acquired more easily in this way than being taught in class Still people might list other reasons to explain why they always visit museums while traveling to new places but the three points I have explored in the above discussion I believe are most relevant to the issue under discussion Essay ID 500 Topic 12 Many people visit museums when they travel to new places By visiting museums one can learn as much as possible about those places where one visit in a shout time First of all one can learn about the history of the places in museums Today almost every town in the world has realized the importance to set up their own museums to exhibit historic items which belong to their past When we visit a new place we can get almost everything we need about its history in the museums Last summer vacation I and several classmates traveled to the city of Taian At the foot of Mount Tai located a museum about General Feng Yuxiang After visiting it we knew a lot about Mr Feng and what he did to the local people He was respected by there people and so did us Second visiting museums gives information about local culture After a long exhausting journey what a good thing to sit in the museum theatre watching a performance about local culture When we travel to a new place especially for a limited time when you cannot go everywhere so you can get as much information as possible about local culture by visiting museums What is more visiting museums gives us a good chance to make new friends Surely there are a lot of people will visit museums like us We can chat with them about what we see and what we hear At the end of visiting we sit together to have a cup of coffee and we become good friends By exchanging telephone number we can also keep in touch with each other late What a good experience In a word more and more people visit museums when they travel to new places because they
TWE Essays 43292 43 want to get more pleasure from their journey Essay ID 429 This is a 5 point essay Topic 12 People love to visit museums when traveling to new places I think this is because museums tell them a lot about the culture of those places Museums are also fun Its almost impossible to get bored in a museum Every museum will have at least one thing of interest to somebody When visiting someplace new you can find out about the culture of that place in many ways You can go to a movie or a place of worship or a nightclub Another option is to sit in the park and listen to the people around you The easiest way to learn about a-places culture though is by visiting its museums Museums will show you the history of the place youre visiting Theyll show you what art the locals think is important If there arent any museums that tells you something too Museums are fun Even if youre not interested in art or history there is always something to get your attention Many museums now have what they call quothands-onquot exhibits These were originally designed to keep children occupied while their parents were looking at exhibits However museums have found that adults enjoy hands-on opportunities just as much as children These exhibits have activities like pushing a button to hear more about what youre looking at creating your own work of art or trying on clothes like those on the models in the museum People also enjoy visiting museums about unusual subjects For instance in my hometown theres a museum devoted to the potato This museum has art made out of potatoes It also tells all about the history of the potato and sells potato mementos like key chains and potato dolls People enjoy visiting this museum because its different Its not something theyd find in their hometown and the museums curators enjoy talking about the Great Potato Museums are popular because they are about us They reflect our creations our values and our dreams No matter who you are or what you like somewhere there is a museum that will amaze and interest you Essay ID 91 Topic 12 Do you like to visit a museum when you visit a new place Id love to Because its an easy way to know the history the custom the people the culture and natural environment there When you arrive at a place ask which kind of museum they have To do this you can know what the people there like For example if there are a lot of are museums the people must like art very much So you can enjoy an atmosphere of art there If there is a history museum its the best way to know the history of this area It can tell you when the area was built whether it has a long history who came here first what happened in this areamaybe a revolution or a war what changed the peoples life there and so on If you want to know the people there you must know the history there Because its history what affect peoples behavior emotion and custom If there is a special festival maybe its related with a historical affair Want to visit a nature museum Its a good idea There must be introduction about the natural
TWE Essays 44292 44 environment there Why to know that We can get information about why people there eat this kind of food maybe its because of the weather And where is the best place to visit in this area Go to visit an art museum Which kind of art you find there Modern art Then it may be a modern place Classical art It may be a city with a long history Maybe you can enjoy an old way of life there Dont forget the science museum It can tell you how the people developed their technology whether the science there is well developed Do people use new technology to develop this area If not its the best explanation to the question why people there fall behind with people in other areas So go to a museum it can tell you about a new place more than you think Essay ID 478 This is a 5 point essay Topic 12 It is an interesting phenomenon that when traveling to new places they have never been to before many people choose to visit museums Why museums are peoples common choice Based on my personal experience and according to my observations I think this is because museums tell people a lot about the culture of those places and give them pleasures It is easy to find out many ways to obtain knowledge about the culture of the place where people visit for the first time You can go to a theater or worship or a nightclub Another option is to sit in the park and listen to the people around you Among various options visiting museums might be the easiest way Museums show you the history and art and those things that the locals think important by exhibiting objects and works some of which might be unique in the world On the other hand the museums themselves are part of the landscape of the places Many museums are designed and built based on the historical and artistic characteristics of the places where the museums are located in The Forbidden City Museum is the most favorite tourist site because not only it contains a large variety of historical objects and art works but also it is the representative of Chinese history and the highest Chinese ancient architecture achievement As a result people are willing to select museums as their first destination to understand culture of the place they visit Museums also give people pleasure Even if you are not interested in art or history there is always something to get your attention Many museums now have what they call quotinteractivequot exhibits The quotinteractivequot activities were originally designed to keep children occupied while their parents were looking at exhibits However the interesting thing is that adults are keen to these activities as well as their children It is fascinating to create your own work of painting in a art museum or to design an appearance of a robot by yourself in a science museum People can be really pleased through performing the quotinteractivequot works in museums as well as gaining related knowledge Museums are welcomed by both local people and new comers because they are an essential part of our life They reflect our history our art our values our creations and our dreams No matter who you are and what you like somewhere there is a museum that will amaze and interest you Essay ID 401 Topic 13 Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants while others like to prepare food at home Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have Those with very busy jobs outside the
TWE Essays 45292 45 house dont always have time to cook They like the convenience of eating out Overall though it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home While eating in restaurants is fast the money you spend can add up When I have dinner at a restaurant with a friend the bill is usually over twenty dollars I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person Thats enough to feed the whole family at home Eating at home is better for you too Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories and they serve big plates of food-much more food-than you need to eat at one meal If you cook food at home you have more control over the ingredients You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza At home you can control your portion size You can serve yourself as little as you want In a restaurant you may eat a full plate of food quotbecause you paid for itquot Its true that eating out is convenient You dont have to shop or cook or clean up But real home cooking doesnt have to take up a lot of time There are lots of simple meals that dont take long to make In fact theyre faster than eating out especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant parking waiting for a table waiting for service and driving home Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best Essay ID 92 Topic 13 In the modern life now more and more people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants They think that will save time so that they can have enough time to do their jobs But I still prefer to prepare and eat food at home There several reasons First of all you can save money if you eat at home In general to get profit the restaurants ask for more money on the same food you cook at home That is the waste of money To save money you may prefer to prepare you food at home with less money The second usually the food in the restaurants is not what you are expecting you may dislike the way the restaurant cook the same dishes as you do at home For example the other day I asked for potato in a restaurant After the first bite I thought it was so awful My mom never cooked such potato for me The bad lunch even destroyed my mood in that day The third if you prepare food by yourself you will have a happy mood when you eat it regardless of the real savor of the food It goes a saying well quotlabor brings happinessquotIn addition you can change your method of cooking considering your taste on that day The reasons above may can answer why I prefer to eat food at home Cooking even has become my hobby now Come back and have your delicious food Im sure you will like it Essay ID 393 This is a 5 point essay Topic 13 Nowadays some people like to eat at home and prepare food for themseves but others have a
TWE Essays 46292 46 negative attitude that they prefer to eat out side in restaurant or at foodstands As far as I am concerned it is better to eat at home There are numerous reasons why I hold on and I would explore only a few primary ones here I t cannot be denied that there is some advantage to the first points Firstly the condition of the restaurant is more comfortable and the food of there is more delicious usually Then eating in restaurant become a good choice of getting together with friends In addition eat out side take people convenience and shortcut For the people who are busy on working prepare food for themseves will make troubles and waste time For the young person who are not able to cook for themseves eat at foodstands resolve the problem The main reason for my propensity for eating at home is that eat at home and prepare food for themseves can enhance the emotion among the member of family and bring pleasure to everyone In modern society everyday parents are busy on working and sociality and children are busy on study and playing For convenience and saving time they offten chioce eat out side Then there left so few time of them to share Sharing the dinner at home is not only eating but also provide a chance to talking making joke and exchange feeling with each other Maybe someone think that make dinner is a heavy burden But I believe prepare food with family is also a happy likely have dinner with family is a pleasure With your sisters and brothers help your mother do a meal in weekend and enjoy the food and you will feel everything is so nice Another reason is that I think that eat at home is more economical than go to restaurant and save money Using the same number of money you can buy more and better food from shop than from restaurant You can do nourishing meal for your children rather than the junk food from foodstands And you can spend the saved money on many the other way such as buy new clothes and see a movie General speaking eat out side is comfortable and convenience to our live while eat at home can share happy with family Taking into account of all these I prefer to prepare food for ourseves and eat at home Essay ID 282 Topic 14 Nowadays it becomes a heatedly debated topic whether a student should be required to attend classes or not Some people hold the opinion that the university students should be required to go to classes However others have a negative attitude If I were forced to agree with one of the two positions I would stand behind the latter My Arguments for this point are listed as follows I agree with the statement that going to classes should be optional for university students without reservation since I believe a student is supposed to attend those classes he or she is interested in Naturally interest is the mother of study When attracted by a wonderful class you will attend it unforcedly and immediately Nevertheless not all classes are so popular in reality and no one has interest in every class Consequently you should select the classes you like to attend for a higher efficiency of studying It can be given a good example in current universities many excellent students almost have the record of skipping some boring and undesirable classes Another reason that can be seen by every one is that it contributes to build a university students ability of learning by himself or herself Obviously by choosing good and meaningful classes giving up those undesirable or studying these classes you can not attend somehow by yourself you will learn how to distribute your study time and acquire the capability of learning by yourself which is tremendously important to modern university students Many celebrities such as Bill
TWE Essays 47292 47 Gates have such powerful ability by not attending some classes when they were in university Admittedly being required to attend classes has advantages of disciplining the student however considering most university students can discipline themselves on their own I believe it is sagacious to agree with that going to classes should be optional for college or university students Essay ID 93 Topic 14 Should university students be required to attend classes There are two different opinions Some people claim that attending classed is a must to students Other people however argue that it should be for students to decide whether they want to go to class or not As far as I am concerned no matter whether students like it or not they must attend classes Students who dont like to go to classes have their reasons The main one is they can learn knowledge by themselves If they were asked to attend the class in which the professor teaches something they already have known it would be a pain Not attending class students can control their time more freely and are likely not to waste time Although I agree that there may be one or two advantages to not attending class I insist that the advantages of joining classes far overweigh them In the first place professors can teach students a lot of things that cannot be obtained from books In Chinese dictionary a university is defined to be a place where teachers forward what they know to students In the book normally there is just concentrated knowledge How the writer gets and develops it is a question How to answer this question Go to the class The professor will not only teach you some knowledge but also let you know how to use and develop it As a Chinese slang says quot Owning a key is owning a housequot That is the most important reason people want to study in university In the second place you will be benefited from discussing with your classmates if attending classes Different people have their own special capability One people cannot be good at every aspect What is the best way to share your knowledge with others and learn from others Go to the class Professor always gives some topics for students to discuss In the discussion you will be surprised that so many great fresh thoughts are pushing to you from your colleagues and they are free In conclusion I believe that students should attend classes not only because professors can teach you the method of how to master and develop knowledge but also because students can learn from each other in the class In short attend classes if you select to attend university Essay ID 409 Topic 14 Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional but I disagree I dont understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they dont attend classes Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom but when it comes to learning about academic subjects students need to be in class In class they receive the benefit of the teachers knowledge The best teachers do more than just go over the material in the class textbook They draw their students into discussion of the material They present opposing points of view They schedule guest speakers to come give the students additional information or show documentary films on the subject
TWE Essays 48292 48 Also attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts It teaches students how to learn how to absorb information and then apply what theyve learned to other situations Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills They cant learn them just by reading the textbook Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class Many times students will be given group assignments This is different from what they did in secondary school Here theyre with people from different backgrounds and experiences In this situation they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job Being at that place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career In short by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher They also learn how to learn how to work with others and how to work responsibly These are not optional skills in life so attending classes should not be optional in college Essay ID 94 Topic 15 If you have a good neighbor you are a lucky person You have someone who cares about your needs and your property who is helpful in the little day-to-day situations that come up and who is supportive in times of crisis A good neighbor is someone who for instance understands that your children may occasionally run across his lawn- even though you tell them not to Hell realize that children can be careless about things like that and he wont make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing In the same vein he knows that youll understand if some of the trash from his trash cans blows across into your yard In other words he is sensitive to the unintentional things that can happen He doesnt make a big deal about them A good neighbor is also respectful of your property For example she asks your permission before doing anything that interferes with whats yours This means she wouldnt plant a huge tree in between your houses without asking how you felt about it If she wanted to put up a fence she would let you know first She might work with you to decide where it should be placed Maybe the two of you would even split the cost A good neighbor would lend you some milk if you ran out Shed give you a ride to work if your car was broken and let your children stay at her house in the evening if you got stuck working overtime You would do the same for her Both of you would help make the others life easier When something really awful happens to you like a death in the family a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can This could mean something small like making some casseroles to put in your freezer to feed visiting relatives Or it could mean something big like helping you get through the sadness of the funeral I think only someone who has experienced a bad neighbor can really appreciate a good one A good neighbor can be a good friend He or she can make all the difference in the world to your life Essay ID 95
TWE Essays 49292 49 Topic 15 Neighbours are the people who live near us and their behaviour influence our daily life Good neighbours can make us feel comfortable and give us many help and everyone will benefit from a good relationship among neighbours In my point of view these are three conspicuous aspects of the qualities of a good neighbours One of the most important characteristic of good neighbours is that they have a good living habit and are friendly to others A person with bad habit will affect your daily life For example children are most likely to be influnced by bad neighbors and carry on bad habits On the other hand being friendly is also an important nature of good neighbors If neighbours are unfriendly they are hard to approach and difficult to get along with Another important aspect of of good neighbors is that they should be willing to help others In our daily life emergency situations may happen and we may encounter difficulties which can not be resolved by ourselves At this time the quickest help we can get is probably from our neighbors To some degree neighbours are as important as relatives to us because they could provide the immediat help In the same way a neighbour who likes to help others will get help in return Help each others can form a friendly and harmonious relationship among the neighbours All in all a good neighbour is someone who have a good living habit is friendly and is willing to help others Taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that a good relationship among neighbours need the maintenance from us Essay ID 354 Topic 16 I can see both advantages and disadvantages to having a new restaurant built in our neighborhood Im worried about traffic and how it will affect our neighborhood However I think that it will benefit local businesses and increase appreciation for our neighborhood Overall I think it is a good idea Traffic congestion is always a concern when you build something new Our streets are narrow with parking on both sides More cars traveling through the neighborhood could cause a lot of congestion Traffic means parking problems too Our neighborhood has very few garages attached to the houses Most of us depend on finding a space to park on the street If the new restaurant is built well be competing for those spaces with the restaurants patrons Plus if the restaurant offers valet parking itll be even worse Valet parkers work in teams to grab every possible space available on the street Im also concerned about the type of patrons this new restaurant will bring into our neighborhood A family restaurant wouldnt be a problem However if its going have a bar and dancing then there could be problems The restaurant would stay open later and people leaving the restaurant might be drunk Who wouldnt worry about rowdy customers staggering around our neighborhood in the early morning hours looking for their cars I have to admit though there are advantages to a new restaurant Our neighborhood could certainly use the jobs the restaurant would provide Not only that the money neighborhood residents would earn there would likely be spent at other neighborhood businesses This would give a boost to those businesses and make our neighborhood more prosperous
TWE Essays 50292 50 A new restaurant would also attract a lot of people to our neighborhood They could see what a nice area this is to live That might attract new residents to the neighborhood That would be a good thing because weve been losing residents to the suburbs the last couple of years There are a lot of details to consider but all in all I support the idea of this new restaurant in our neighborhood Essay ID 96 Topic 17 Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions However to learn about something more complex its always best to have a teacher Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds Theyve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style For instance some students learn better by discussing a topic Others learn more by writing about it Teachers can help students learn in the way thats best for each student A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something Plus theyre only as helpful as your ability to understand them A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs Teachers help you focus on what youre learning If youre learning something by yourself its easy to become distracted and go on to other activities Teachers keep your attention on the subject They also approach a subject logically taking it one step at a time On your own its tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you dont need That can hinder your ability to really understand the subject Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning You can only use the information you get from the textbook With a teacher you get the information in the written materials as well as the teachers own knowledge of the topic Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what youre learning Theres nothing wrong with studying on your own and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study For the best possible learning though a good teacher is the biggest help you can have Essay ID 97 Topic 18 Even though job situations can be very different there are several qualities that all good supervisors have in common A good boss treats all her employees fairly She doesnt single out one employee for better or worse treatment than the others A poor supervisor has favorites Sometimes shell even use her favorites to spy on other employees She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her This can cause a lot of bad feelings among employees A good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions She doesnt constantly change her mind about what she wants employees to do She also doesnt get angry with an employee who is confused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully Delegating authority well is another quality of a good supervisor She knows how to use the skills of her employees to best advantage A poor supervisor insists on doing everything herself She is unwilling to give any authority to others
TWE Essays 51292 51 A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable set of criteria not on how she feels about them personally And she lets the employees know what those criteria are so they have a fair chance of meeting them She gives both praise and criticism in a straightforward manner She also offers guidance when needed A poor supervisor will criticize without giving any suggestions on how to improve Most importantly a good supervisor sets the standards for her employees by her own behavior She works hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company This promotes good morale among her workers and this is of great benefit to her business Essay ID 98 Topic 19 Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways or on improving public transportations There seems to be a difficult problem since many reasons should be involved However after carefully pondering it I buttress the last one spending the money on improving public transportation The reasons are presented below There is no denying that improving the public transportation will surely alleviate the pollution given off by enormous cars If a city has not a developed public transportation the air will be polluted more heavily What a dirty environment we will live in Every day breathing into the air filled with the flour of the gasoline seeing the sky with the dull color will be the title of our life So the essence of environment has been realized by an increasingly number of people to the governments the protection of environment is especially an undeniable mission Another reason I agree with it is that developed public transportation will decrease the frequency of the traffic jams Perhaps no worse word than traffic jams exists to the businessmen who believe in Time is money Traffic jams not only cost the people time and expense but also create a bad mood for work It greatly decreases the efficiency of the whole city I imagine how can a city whose avenue full of traffic jams develop its economics Finally I want to say that improving the public transportation provide a great number of ways of transportation for most of the poor people who can not afford to buy a car It is known that our citizens is not made of only people who has the ability to own a car but the very poor people are also included I believe that however the technology is improved the public apparatus should not be ignored because it serves the people all over the city Nevertheless the private transportation has its own advantages for instance it can save a lot of time in some cases provide some convenience for people But improving on roads and highways is advantageous only conditionally Based on the above discussion I agree with the opinion that the government should spend money on improving public transportation not only it can protect environment and save time for people but it also can create a convenient environment for all the citizens Essay ID 530 Topic 19 Governments should definitely spend more money on improving all forms of public transportation These include buses subways and trains This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution
TWE Essays 52292 52 As a planet were dealing with a finite amount of natural resources Once theyre gone they cant be replaced They cant fill our need for oil and gasoline forever But we seem to forget that and consume them at an incredible rate In wealthier countries some families have two or three cars As soon as teenagers get their drivers licenses theyre given cars so their parents wont have to drive them places Public transportation hasnt been sufficiently developed Because of this suburban areas surrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely This means that people cant even go to the store without having to hop into the car Everything is too far away from where they live If there were better and more frequent public transportation people would be able to give up their cars for local driving As a result of all the cars being driven were dealing with terrible pollution problems In big cities there are days during the summer when the elderly and people with respiratory problems are advised not to leave the house Ten years ago this was unheard of Now its the norm Public transportation would cut down considerably on air pollution Public transportation also encourages a sense of community People who travel to work together all the time get to know each other Cars isolate us from our neighbors However people feel they need to drive because they cant depend on public transportation to fit their schedules If more money were available buses subways and trains could run 24 hours a day Then they would be available all the time to the people who need them I always try to take public transportation whenever possible and I encourage friends and neighbors to try it to I think we must support public transportation in order to create a better world Essay ID 101 Topic 20 With the development of the transportation system and some residence institution the world is getting smaller and smaller and people are not restricted in only one area In addition to the convenient condition because there are different places with different cultures living standards education environment and other disparity they are inclined to transfer from one place to the other Is it better to move around than stay in one place I believe there are no uniform answers but in my opinion I do agree with the claim that to move around is better than to stay in one place Most peoples growth comes with the transfers in their life As for me when I was young I lived in a small county Because the school in there was not suitable to me I transferred from my little county to a city to get a better education As soon as I got to the city I was amazed that the world here was so different here as my hometown If I still lived in my hometown it was impossible for me to make the wildest guess at what the real world looked like The first transfer has made me to imagine my own life and spur on me to go further With the confidence I went into a university which I would never think of it before The university is located in a different city so that I have to come into another world Compared with my living city the one is more complicated in which there are different people more convenient transportation more competitive environment I love all of this very much Communicating with different students and teachers I have learned much from them which will benefit me throughout my life and my lifestyle Now I am in a graduate school also so beautiful that I will never regret my selection of leaving my hometown because the transfer has given me a splendid life
TWE Essays 53292 53 Also like we students there are many adults transferring their work place in order to grasp better opportunities No matter in industry in agriculture or in service workers have rights to choose their work companies which leads them to work from place to place and then they accumulate precious experience and skills to get priorities to others People not only transfer in their own country but also go abroad to get education work or live through the rest of their life in appropriate countries We can see that many students including me want to go to the foreign countries to study further and forge ourselves and that many parents send their little sons or daughters to foreign countries to study After all diverse circumstances give persons new experience and broaden their narrow sight even help them get more comprehensive understanding of the world the society and our life itself However some people may say that if people move around they will pay for much such as money time and energy It is right to say that it takes one person some time to get used to his or her new environment new personal relationship which indeed influences the growth of children the efficiency of our work and the stability of our society and family And I have to admit that people should make considerate plans before changing their places and may not transfer aimlessly and frequently But I think sometimes it is just all the friction that has made the world wealthier and more beautiful Therefore I still think it is better to travel around than to live in one place Essay ID 102 Topic 20 There are advantages and disadvantages to a childhood in either the country or a city Its hard to say which is better Growing up in the country means a certain amount of isolation Youre in a small town or on a farm and not with a lot of people Even more important the people you meet every day tend to be just like you Most will be the same race as you have the same background as you and will have gone to the same schools as you In the city the people you meet are all different There are different races and different cultures You get a more interesting mix City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot So there isnt the sense of community in the city that you have in the country People in the city can live in the same apartment building for twenty years and never get to know their neighbors In the country everybody knows everybody For a child this means the country is more secure A child can get lost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to In the country everyones a neighbor People in the country feel connected to each other A child growing up in the city has the advantage of a lot of interesting and exciting places to visit He or she can go to the zoo museums art galleries and concerts There are a lot of restaurants with different kinds of food Its easy to see every new movie that comes out Children in the country dont have a lot of these activities nearby All in all I think a childhood in the city is better because it prepares you more for what real life is like Essay ID 103 Topic 20 Where is a better place for children to grow up the countryside or the big city The answer to this question differs from individual to individual As far as I am concerned it is better for children to
TWE Essays 54292 54 grow up in a big city Some people argue that the countryside is an ideal place for children to grow up For one thing it is less polluted than the city The air is fresh in the countryside The sky is bluer and the water is clearer Living in such a place is good to the childrens health For another as children like playing only the countryside can satisfy them well They can run everywhere play games in the field swim in the river On the contrary the city cannot provide such places for children Maybe they can only stay at home and watch TV Although I do agree that growing up in the countryside has one or more advantages I insist that it is far better to choose the city as the right place for children To begin with living in the city can broaden their horizons They can meet a lot of people and hear a number of things that will never happen in the countryside In addition city means more chance to receive better education In most countries it is no doubt that the education level in the city is higher than that of the country As a result children can meet better teachers and receive high quality of education in the city Last but not least children can also develop many hobbies in the city They can learn to play the piano draw and so on which are impossible in the country In conclusion I believe that it is better for children to grow up in the city not only because it can broaden their horizons but also because they can receive better education and have a chance to develop many hobbies there Essay ID 416 Topic 21 With the development of human society people are living longer now Many factors interacting together to enable the longer life There are three most important causes the quality of food has been greatly improved people could have medical services more and more people realize that regular sports benefit their health The improving quality of our food is the most important factor of the longer life We could have not only enough food as we want but also the healthier food When we preparing food we no longer consider the cost but pay more attention to the nutritions of the food With the development of transportation systems inland people now could also enjoy seafood and tropical fruit Furthermore governments are paying more and more money on medical establishments Citizens could have medical services more easily Because of the convenient medical service more illnesses could be detected at an earlier stage Also many illnesses that had been considered fatal could be cured today The better detection and curement enable peoples longer life Last but not least important is that people care more for their own health Every morning you could see people doing sports outside More and more people have realized the saying quotlife is locomotionquot Regular sports build up a strong body Naturally people with stronger body could resist more deseases To sum up the development of our society causes the longer life of people People have better food and better medical services And people spend more time on sports to biuld up stronger bodies As we could predict people are going to live even longer
TWE Essays 55292 55 Essay ID 364 Topic 21 Nowadays more and more communities for old people are founded everywhere all over the world When you walk in a department store you will find that more and more products for old people have been put on the shelves The population of old people in the world is growing rapidly and the reason is people are living longer now There are several explanations for this phenomenon First under the development of science and technology its obviously the standards of living have been improved a lot People work less and relax more these days than ten years ago More entertainment has also been provided hence people have more chances to entertain and keep a good mood everyday which is essential for being healthy and living longer Moreover highly developed health system is another significant factor for people to live for a long time As the governments put more fund for health expenditure more people are saved from the torture of illness Further more the improvement in medicine also plays an important role Theres an undeniable fact that after people discovered the mysteries of gene more and more newly developed medicine cured a lot of illness that cant be cured before Besides all these explanations we discussed above there are also many other reasons But the main causes of peoples longer life is the development of science and technology efficient health system and improvement in medicine Essay ID 479 This is a 5 point essay Topic 21 With the development of modern medicine people are living longer now There are many factors why people can live a longer life In my opinion there are three most important reasons the quality of food has been greatly improved people benifit from improved medical services and more and more people realize the importance of regular sports and excercises to their health The improving quality of our food is the most important factor for a longer life With the convenience of modern transportation and food processing technology we can find any food in the market and as our standard of living and income increases we can affort to buy any kind of food we want we no longer worry about the cost but pay more attention to the nutritious balance of the food Better food and better nutrition give us a healthier body Furthermore the development of medical technolgy and method ensure a longer life for people Many fatal deceases which were considered incurable before can now be treated and cured Governments are paying more and more money on medical care and training of doctors and nurses People can access medical services easily regular physical examinations ensure that deceases can be found ealier and therefore can be treated in a timely fasion Last but not least people care more about their own health and realised the importance of excercises to their health Every morning you could see people doing sports outside More and more people have realized the saying quotLife is locomotionquot Regular sports build up a strong body Sports like hiking jogging and swimming can all benifit our health Naturally people with stronger body could resist more deseases and therefore can live longer
TWE Essays 56292 56 To sum up the progress of our society is the reason why people live a longer life now People eat food and have access to better medical services And people spend more time on sports and excercices to build stronger bodies As we could predict people are going to live even longer in the future Essay ID 350 Topic 21 Today people are living to be much older than ever before Some of the main reasons for this are the improved health care and better nutrition available to everyone Medical care is more available to people Although not everyone can get the best health care everyone can get basic health care and advice When people are seriously ill they can go to a public hospital and be taken care of Years ago health care wasnt available to everyone Some people didnt live near a doctor or a hospital and others couldnt pay for the care they needed They made do with herbal medicines or folk remedies Of course some of these worked but not for the more serious diseases The quality of medical care has improved Thats also a factor in longevity Doctors know more now about what causes disease and how to cure it Years ago doctors only knew about the most basic diseases and cures Medicine was not very advanced You could die from something as simple as an infection from a cut Now we have antibiotics and other medicines to help cure infections People are also living longer now because of better nutrition Were eating better and more healthfully than we used to Thats reduced the number of people with heart disease and cancer Improved medical care and healthy eating habits has greatly expanded our life spans What we need to do now is make sure that everyone in the world has these benefits Essay ID 104 Topic 22 We spend more time with our co-workers during a week than we do with our family Thus its important for our co-workers to be people we can get along with Ive worked in a lot of offices and Ive found there are certain characteristics that all good co-workers have in common A good co-worker is very cooperative She does her best to get along with others She tries to keep her end of things flowing smoothly to help others in the office She realizes that if one person doesnt get her work done it can hold up everyone else She has a positive attitude that creates a pleasant working environment A good co-worker is adaptable She is not stubborn about changes in schedules or routines and doesnt object to having her job description revised That can make life miserable for everyone around her A good co-worker is willing to change her schedule to accommodate another workers emergency She has no problem with new procedures and welcomes changes when they come A good co-worker is helpful She pitches in when someone falls behind in his or her work Shes
TWE Essays 57292 57 willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done She doesnt keep track of how often she has to finish anothers work or take on extra work Some co-workers do their own job period They have no sense of office community They only want to do their work get paid and go home A good co-worker is a sympathetic listener and never uses what she learns against people She doesnt gossip A bad co-worker uses negative rumors to take advantage of others Being a good co-worker isnt too hard but some people just cant seem to manage it Wouldnt it be a wonderful world if everyone could Essay ID 105 Topic 22 We all work with many different kinds of people Different co-workers have different personality To me my co-workers should have some important characteristics such as independence optimism and teamwork spirit I think a good co-worker must have his own opinions A co-worker should dare to propose his own opinions He should not say the same as others and hide his opinions Only everyone tries his best to analyze every aspect of a thing it can be done best So independence of thinking is important for a co-worker An other important characteristic is optimism If we have some difficult problems he must be brave and should not fear them He should encourage others to find methods to solve problems This point is very important because ones mood can influence others easily Once a co-worker shows a little fear of difficulties others may become discouraged soon So a good co-worker should be optimistic In addition teamwork spirit is an important characteristic of a co-worker Although a co-worker should be independent to analyze a thing he should be tolerant to the different people and their ways of working He should be willing to dedicate his energy time and knowledge to reach the goal of whole team Independence optimism and teamwork spirit are important characteristics of a co-worker If everyone in a work group has these characteristics the group can overcome difficulties and reach its goals Essay ID 460 This is a 5 point essay Topic 23 I dont think it is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students It can interfere with their studies it can disrupt their home life and it takes away pan of their childhood that they can never replace Education today is very complex and difficult In order to learn and get good grades a student must work very hard and concentrate This means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon then doing research for projects then going home and doing homework Its a busy schedule for anyone For someone trying to hold down a job its even harder Students need all their energy for their studies If theyre working after class at night theyre going to be tired the next day They wont be able to concentrate This will have a negative impact on their learning and eventually on their grades
TWE Essays 58292 58 Having a job can also disrupt a teenagers home life Families spend less and less time together If a teenager has a job to go to after school he wont be home for dinner He wont be home after dinner either and may not get home until late at night This means he doesnt have a lot of time to spend with his family If he doesnt have a car it can mean changes in his parents schedules too They have to drive him to work and pick him up The main drawback of a teenager having a job while hes still a student is that hes missing out on the fun of being young He has a whole lifetime in which hell have to earn a living This is the last free time hell have Its the last chance hell have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself Soon enough hell have to worry about paying the rent and buying food Jobs bring money but money isnt everything A teenager with a job gives up too much No one should spend all his time at work and especially not a teenager Essay ID 106 Topic 24 If a person I know is planning to move to my city what this person would like and dislike about living in my city It is an interesting question for me Frankly speaking living im my city - Taipei for a long time I never thought of such a question before I started to write this essay In my point of view there are many good sites about this city and my friend will enjoy living here First Taipei is a city where have lots of job oppotunities Job opportunities is very important when an outsider wants to start a new life in a city Taipei as everybody knows has many factories companies and international headquaters With superior urban environment and infrastructure Taipei not only attracted many foreign institutions but also many domestic investors to set their offices and build their factories here Therefore you can find many jof vacancies on the web or newspapers in Taipei Second Taipei is a place where you can learn what you want to learn There are so many colleges schools training classes in Taipei The learning opportunities is available all year round If you want to learn English composition ther are a lot of schools and classes for you to choose If you wnat to learn dancing you can join one of many dancing clubs in the park where teachers teach people dancing for free Last but not least you never feel bored in Taipei There are so many places where you can go and so many activities that you can do When you get up in the morning you can go to the nearest coffee shop and enjoy drinking a cup of coffee Or you can choose to eat Chinese foods There always have a variety of thing for you to choose If you feel upset you can go to night pub listening some tender music Take what I have mentioned above into consideration living in my home town is a great pleasure I think my friend will like living in my home town Essay ID 349 Topic 24 A friend of mine from college is moving to my city so I have been thinking about what she would and wouldnt like about it Id say the quality of life here as far as fun and activities are concerned is very good The quality of life isnt very good though in other important ways
TWE Essays 59292 59 Living in a large city is exciting but you pay a price for it There are lots of interesting things to do and good restaurants with food from around the world There are museums art galleries and lots of movie theaters However the crime rate is high and people have to be careful about where they go at night Theres a lot of traffic most of the time and finding a parking space can be a problem There are also a lot of people living here Sometimes it feels too crowded In a big city like mine housing is very expensive It costs a lot even if youre just renting an efficiency apartment The good side is that theres a lot of choice about where you want to live and how you want to live You can find apartments of all sizes in different settings Houses of equal variety are available for sale or rent If my friend likes the great outdoors she might be disappointed Unfortunately my city doesnt have a lot of wide open green spaces and there arent a lot of trees on the streets Were not near the ocean and the mountains are a days drive from here Still we do have some natural areas For example we have a beautiful big park It even has a lake in the middle thats used for ice skating in the winter Theres a different kind of beauty in the city Thinking about it I suppose whether my friend likes my city will depend on whether or not she likes exciting places I hope she likes a lot of variety as far as housing and activities are concerned If she does then this is the place for her Essay ID 107 Topic 24 Recently one of my friends will move to Shanghai from New Zealand and she asked me which aspects she might not adapt in Shanghai I think that it is as follows Firstly she may think that the air pollution is very severe in Shanghai As everyone knows that New Zealand is a developed country known for its beautiful natural environment There are fewer industry plants in New Zealand than in Shanghai So New Zealand is a very clean and beautiful country just like a garden However in Shanghai the air pollution is still out of control When you come back home from your company every day you will find that your shoes are covered with dusts What is more my friend may find that the streets in Shanghai is very croweded with traffic The population of Shanghai is 13 million which is much more than that of New Zealand She might find uncomfortable travelling in the streets of Shanghai During rush hours Finally I think that she may complain about some other small things about Shanghai For examplem suppose she walks on the pavement and will find that there are too many bicycles parked on it which block the sidewalk Sometimes she has to walk on the street I think having lived in New Zealand for a long time these small things in Shanghai may bewilder her In a word I think that my friend will dislike the air pollution crowded transportation and other aspects of Shanghai As a Shanghaiese I think we all should try our best to make Shanghai a better place to live in the future Essay ID 359 This is a 5 point essay Topic 25
TWE Essays 60292 60 There are both advantages and disadvantages of establishing a shopping mall in our neighborhood I am worried about traffic and how it will affect our community However I believe it will benefit local business and increase appreciations for local area All in all I think it is a good idea For those what I am worried about traffic congestion and parking problem are obverse First of all traffic congestion is always a concern when building something new Our streets are narrow with parking on both sides A shopping center will certainly bring more traffic than ever before and heavy traffic means big congestion At the same time parking is also a problem in this area There are few garages attached to houses Most of residents depend on finding spaces on the street for parking If a shopping mall is build we must compete with customers and patrons for those parking spaces Furthermore if the shopping center offers valet parking service it would be even worse because valet parking works in terms to grab every possible spaces available in street On the other hand building up a shopping center will give this neighborhood more opportunities and benefits Residents in this area could certainly take the job that shopping center offers People would earn more money and spend on other business such as entertainment and education which are operating in our neighborhood or adjacent communities As a result not only local business but also inter-community business boosts up and a prodigious amount of fortune will be accumulated to our neighborhood A shopping center can also attract people to visit our community When they drive to the shopping center they will see what a nice place this area is to live Therefore we would have an increasing number of residents in the next couple of years It is very important to introduce new numbers because we have lost many residents to suburbs during recent years In a short there are several details to consider when planning a shopping center In my part I support to have a new shopping center in my community because its advantages outweigh disadvantages Essay ID 502 Topic 25 There would be both advantages and disadvantages to having a shopping center built in my neighborhood One advantage would be the convenience I would like to have all those stores close by Shopping would be much easier and faster because I wouldnt have to drive great distances to get to the stores A shopping center would mean more choices because there would be more stores selling different products I might have a movie theater nearby because so many shopping centers these days include movie theaters in their plans Most shopping centers also have restaurants and a food court That means a greater variety of places to eat in our area Having a shopping center built in the neighborhood would also mean more jobs for the community Initially these jobs would be in the building of the center Later the jobs would be in the stores theaters and food establishments Of course there would be some disadvantages Probably the biggest problem would be traffic A lot of people would be coming to the shopping center Theyd drive through our neighborhood to get to the center In addition if there wasnt enough parking at the center they might look for parking spaces near our homes A shopping center might also invite more crime into our neighborhood Parking lots after dark are a big temptation to robbers They know people are there with money to spend The shopping
TWE Essays 61292 61 center might also become a place where unruly teenagers would gather This could cause trouble Our town would need a community center for them to go to instead On the whole though I think my neighborhood should support having a shopping center built here It would bring more variety to our shopping give us the opportunity to amuse ourselves at movie theaters and restaurants and bring more jobs into the area Essay ID 108 Topic 26 I know from the media that a new movie theater may be built in my neighborhood Going to see a movie is one of the most common ways of entertainment With the movie theater nearby I could go to see a movie more convenient However there are more reasons to oppose the building of a new heater especially near our community If the movie theater is built in our neighborhood it certainly provides us the conveniece to see a movie We no longer need to drive downtown to see it but walk to the movie theater after dinner without any hastle It will save a lot of time on the way to the teater And we will never worry about finding a parking lot However the movie theater nearby will also bring some problems First the noise of the people going to the theater will bother other people in the community The movies usually end very late People who enjoy the movies will certainly discuss it when stepping out the theater some people will argue or even cry for the movie Furthermore the noise of the cars engines will make the condition worse The people who live in the community nearby will suffer from the noises of people and cars Another disadvantage of building a movie theater nearby lies that it will cause trafic jam during the hours people going home People who live far away will drive to the theater These cars together with the cars of the people after work will pose a heavy burden on the trafic system of the town The trafic jam will not only make many people late for the movie but also bring us who live nearby bad moods before going home Considering the advantage and disadvantage factors above I oppose to build a new movie theater in my neighborhood because the problems outweigh the benefits We usually see movies once a month I cannot afford suffering from the trafic jams and noises in the late evening throughout the month except for the day I amble there to see a movie Essay ID 396 Topic 26 It has recently been announced that a new movie theatre may be built in my neighborhood However as far as I am concerned I do not support this plan The argument of my view goes as follows To begin with people seldom go out to watch movie nowadays With the development of science and technology people have a lot of methods to enjoy themselves They can watch TV at home go to watch the soccer game play basketball and so on In my hometown fewer and fewer choose to watch movie in a theater They prefer to watch movie on TV at home which is more comfortable
TWE Essays 62292 62 In addition I think there are enough theatres now As I know it is only fifteen minutes walk between the two theaters in my community As a result it is obvious unnecessary to build the third one If we do build another theatre the average persons per theater will decrease which makes every theater earns less money Last but not least it is to some degree a waste of money Nowadays we must use money in quite a number of fields For instance there is only one primary school here It takes some children half an hour to go to school from their home If we can build another school instead of the theatre students will spend less time on their way which is safer because there are many buses and cars on the road In conclusion it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them Then any thinking person must agree that it is not necessary to build a movie theatre Essay ID 447 This is a 5 point essay Topic 26 Some people will say that a new movie theater in our neighborhood would be a bad thing However I fully support the plan to build one I feel that a movie theater would bring more opportunities for recreation reduce teenage delinquency and lead to several improvements in the town As it stands there is little to do in my town There are no parks here and there is certainly no nightlife Additionally the nearest movie theater is more than thirty minutes away That is inconvenient for everyone here Many movies end late at night Who wants a long drive home at 1130pm or midnight Building a new movie theater here will reduce juvenile delinquency Like everyone else teens here are bored They need activities to keep them busy and out of trouble The jobs that the theatre will provide will help teens too We need more businesses that are willing and eager to employ young people Overall the new theater will bring many improvements to the town For example it will help other businesses That is because the movie theater will attract customers from neighboring towns Those neighbors do not have a reason to come to this town now However if they are coming here for a movie they will be more likely to stay here to shop If we get more visitors well need better roads While this may be costly it will also make travel easier for people living here We will be able to get around faster Safety will be improved with the new roads because they will be in better condition than many that we have now I believe that our town needs a new movie theater Again I support it fully I hope that others in our community will join me to convince residents and local government Essay ID 109 Topic 27 I agree that people should sometimes do things that they dont enjoy doing This is a basic part of being an adult Plus some things that arent quotfunquot are still good for us in the long run
TWE Essays 63292 63 Take personal tasks Who enjoys going to the dentist Very few people enjoy having their annual check-up with the doctor Not a lot of people enjoy changing the oil in their car or mowing their lawns These are all things we do because we have to not because we want to We realize that taking care of our physical health is the sensible thing to do We know that if we dont change the oil in our cars our cars wont run We understand that grass grows and if we dont mow it our lawns will look like tropical forests Professional tasks are another part of the same equation No one likes to be stuck with a boring assignment or to be told we have to work with someone no one else gets along with Sometimes we have to put up with unfair criticism from a supervisor or resentment from those we supervise If were in management we may have had the unpleasant task of having to fire someone None of these are fun things Unfortunately theyre all part of earning a living something the majority of adults have to do On the other hand sometimes doing something we dont enjoy doing can lead to enjoyment Simply by trying it again we may decide we like doing it For instance we may have convinced ourselves we hate to dance We agree to go to a club only to please someone else Yet for some reason this time we enjoy dancing Weve been cheating ourselves of enjoyment without even knowing it The same can be true of trying new foods or going to a new type of museum Doing what we dont enjoy doesnt always have to be a bother does it Its just part of life Essay ID 110 Topic 28 I think the media pay too much attention to the private lives of famous people Television newspapers magazines and web sites dig up all kinds of past bad actions They say that these are true reflections of a persons character This may be true if they occurred only a few years before but some of these are things people did as teenagers People in their forties are expected to explain something they did when they were fifteen If they killed someone obviously thats more than a youthful mistake Usually though these incidents involve experiments with drugs or being reckless in a car Theyre not something that the public needs to know The media love to say that the public has a right to know Thats not true We dont need to know if a movie star or politician has had an extramarital affair That is something of concern only to the people involved We do need to know if someone were electing to public office has been involved in shady business deals but we dont need to know if he or she defaulted on a loan twenty years ago It seems the media dig up these facts without giving thoughtful consideration to what might happen It has an effect on the celebritys family especially the children A celebritys good name and credibility may be ruined before he or she can prove that rumors are false If a case goes to court paying a lawyer can use up all their money Even if it doesnt come to that they may find their career ruined When are we the public going to make it clear to the media that were tired of having to watch this kind of thing on the news Wouldnt it be better if they would concentrate on more important issues Essay ID 111
TWE Essays 64292 64 Topic 28 Santa told a famous man in front of a flashing well decorated chritmas treequotYou could make three wishes and just only three best wishes for the coming new yearquot Would you be eager to know what are the three wishes Then he wished quotfirstlymay God send me my own calm and tranguil personal life without any interevenation SecondlyI want to keep myself and my family away from spotlights and all the media focuses as far as possible Last but not leastall what I have wished is the very secret between God and me To think a well known man standing high above the masses to our surprisewas making such a hard and transparent livingIt is certain that everyone has their curiosityand in their image- nation famous people are so perfect that there should be no flaw in their lifetimeBut how could that be As an old saying goes quotNo man is infalliblequotIn my opinionthereforemedia has negative effects on their personal life I feel that this phenomenon suggests that those who are interested in famous peoples personal life are in fact jealous of their achivements Almost every successful figure has experienced failure rubs and what they have owned today proves that their efforts are paid offA winner has a zest for life workplayfood other people and the world of nature also enjoyshis own accomplishments without guiltyWhy do they soar when others sink It depends on your own effort and deligence A celebrated public figure has ever saidquot Winners have different potentials Achievement is not the most important thing Authenticity isThe authentic person experiences the reality of himself by known- ing himself being himself and becoming a credibleresponsive person Indeed televisionmagazines and other media neednt pay so much atten- tion to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebraties Please never rehearse another tradegy of Diana a beloved British princess who now may enjoy her calm life in the paradise What most deeply impressed me in Dianas eulogy is------ How great she suffering is we cannot even imagine Essay ID 510 Topic 29 People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years Human activity influences the Earth Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed by human activity Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live In my opinion the earth is being damaged by human activity There are many statements supporting my opinion Human activity has damaged natural environment and almost exausted natural resources Modern industry needs more and more resources including minerals fuels and water So we confront of the serious problems such as the lack of fuels and water Ecological balance is damaged because factories occupy many places where animals and plants live More and more buildings are constructed and forests become less and less If we cannot recognize these problems and solve them soon we would finally lose the environment suitable for our living An other serious problem is quotthe green-house effectquot Human activity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels so that the gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there are not enough plants to absorb it The green-house effect is more obvious and more sensible these years Due to the effect icebergs in the south polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomes higher than before I am worried about the cities nearby the sea and hope scientists find
TWE Essays 65292 65 an effective method to eliminate the green-house effect Although we have advanced machines and our life seems more comfortable than before we have less chances to approach natures and less spaces to act The cities become bigger and if we want to have a picnic with our friends we have to drive a long distance to find a natural place In fact the spaces of human activity are being damaged by the skyscrapers and factories From the above statements we can conclude that human activity brings the Earth many damages Fortunately people have recognized the point and I believe that the Earth will become a better place to live with our ceaseless efforts Essay ID 378 Topic 29 Nowadays our Earth faces a number of serious problems such as the environment pollution the increasing population the fatal effects of nuclear weapons and so on So some people believe that the Earth is being harmed by human activity But as far as I am concerned that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live and also makes some negative effects in this process My arguments for this point are listed as follows Even though we face so many crisis no one can deny that Earth are more suitable for human habitation That is the result of the efforts of generations of people If without that we might also live in caves and eat the crude food just like wild animals If that is true we must havent time and energy to think over the problems of the Earth because we have to look for food and avoid becoming the food of other animals At that state whether the Earth were harmed is not important for human because some certain crisises can annihilate the total population such as some infectious disease or the a change of climates It is inevitable to produce some positive aspect functions when human are struggle to improve the survive abilities and from the experiences of history we also have make great effort to resolve this kinds of problems For example most of people hope to limit the scope of nuclear weapons and the protection of environment is accept by almost every one Most of problems are controlled by ourselves and some of them have the hope to be resolved in years We are finding the balance between the development and the protection of our Earth So it is unnecessary to deny the advancement of human For the reasons presented above we admit that there are some problems in the process of the human development but those problems are resolving and as a whole we make the Earth a better place to live Human evolved in the mode of continuing to correct their mistakes and making a better progress Essay ID 287 This is a 5 point essay Topic 29 The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries but Earth is being harmed more and more by human activity As we develop our technology we demand more from our planet Eventually this will harm people as well Our planet gives us everything we need but natural resources are not endless Strip mining devastates whole regions leaving bare and useless ground Deforestation removes old growth trees that cant be replaced Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they
TWE Essays 66292 66 cant recover We are too careless in taking what we want without giving anything back There are more people than ever living longer than ever So is it any surprise that many areas suffer from too much development Anyone living in or near a city has experienced quoturban sprawlquot There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses townhouses and apartments everywhere Traffic gets worse and worse because planners cant keep up with growth Keeping up with human demand is hard enough Environmental concerns come in last With growth comes pollution Companies and communities dump waste into water Landfills are full of trash Emissions from factories pollute the air Barrels of industrial waste and worse radioactive waste have no safe place to go If were not careful we can harm our planet beyond repair People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it If we dont what kind of future will we have Essay ID 112 Topic 30 I oppose having a new high school built in my neighborhood Although I know theres a real need for a new facility I have to say that I dont want one built so close to me I think it would cause a lot of problems First of all there are very few teenagers in this neighborhood or in our suburban subdivision for that matter Most of the residents here are either retired or are just starting out with young children This means that the kids coming to the new high school wouldnt be walking They would come on buses or would be driving to the school Either way this would mean a lot more traffic on our streets In addition to the traffic on school days there also would be traffic whenever there was a sporting event such as a basketball or football game or activities at the school Would there be enough parking in the school lot for everyone attending those events Probably not Consequently those extra cars would end up in our neighborhood My neighbors and I would also be upset about the loss of the park which is the site thats been selected for the high school Mothers with young children gather there every morning for their kids to play together People my age like to take a walk after dinner On weekends that park is a place for picnics and relaxation Wed be sorry to lose our neighborhood park I also have some concerns about all those young people being in our neighborhood Would there be problems with drugs or fights Could the school district guarantee us that security would be apriority These are concerns that I dont think can be addressed sufficiently for me to support a new high school in my neighborhood Essay ID 113 Topic 31 Even though I have lived in the same house in the same neighborhood in the same city my entire life I know I would be happy living in a variety of places Moving would expose me to new people new weather and new housing
TWE Essays 67292 67 Even if I were to move to another part of my city I would encounter new people Each neighborhood has a distinct personality When I move to that neighborhood I would meet the shopkeepers and residents that shape that personality I may even adopt part of their manner as my own so I could be recognized as part of that community If I want to encounter different weather patterns I would have to move beyond my city Where I live now it is the same temperature all year I would like to go to a place where there are four seasons so I can experience really cold temperatures I would like to walk in the snow and perhaps go skiing I could learn winter sports if I lived in the north Now of course I live with my parents in their home It is a one story house built around a courtyard where our family spends a lot of time If I were to move I would like to live in an apartment on a very high floor so I could see all around me I could also meet my neighbors in the elevator and we could get together for coffee in my apartment The more I move the more I would experience change I would meet new people in everyplace I lived I could move to sample countries with four seasons or even a continent like Antarctica which only has two Wherever I lived I would experience living in housing particular to that area I would then be a citizen of the world wouldnt I Could you call me a foreigner if I called everyplace my home Essay ID 114 Topic 31 Some people spend their entire lives in one place Others move many times throughout their lives in order to looking for a better job house community or even climate As far as I am concerned the latter is more enjoyable than the former The reasons for this view go as follows In the first place some people have found a better job far away where they live currently In this kind of situation do you move for the better career or do you still live in the old place where you are already familiar with everything nearby Absolutly I will choose moving not only because it gives me a good career but also because moving is very exciting In the second place moving is very exciting Fining a new house buying the new furniture all of these are wonderful thing For example if I move I want find a single house instead of the town house which I live now because a single house can possess more grass which my son love very much Moreover I want choose a big kitchen that all my family can sit a big dinner table and have dinner togather In the third place living in a place in all my live looks like too boring for me Moving to different place I can enjoy different community and different climate For example I can enjoy the mild tempareture in the sourth America and also I do not miss the beautiful snow in the northern From what I have discussed above moving is exciting not only because it gives me a new job opportinuture but also because it can let me enjoy the beach of south and the snow in the north Therefore I prefer moving in search of another place instead of staying in one place Essay ID 308 This is a 5 point essay Topic 31
TWE Essays 68292 68 Some people hold the opinion that living in one place is superior to moving in search another placeOthershowevercontradict itPersonally I would like to vote for moving to another place There are no less than three advantages in it as rendered below First and foremost moving to another place may contribute to ones developmentPeople always choose a better place than their present ones to be their destination That way they can learn some new knowledge communicate with new friends and find some more chances Those who change their majors may learn even moreThere will be a new world open to themSomoving to another place is really good for us There is another factor that deserves some words here Changing their characters or habits may be one of lots of reasons for some peoples moving For instanceif you do not like your present statue you should try to move to a new place which you have not been to Certainly your mood and attitude will change with the new circumstance In addition if you like to make friends moving to a new place will be fit for youWhen you come to a new placeyou will communicate with some new friendsand you can help each other So changing a place will make you more sociable It is undeniable that staying in one place has its own merits You can do your work step by stepYou will spend lots of time with your ole friendsand you can feel comfortable in the place with which you are very fammilar Nonetheless I still prefer moving to another place constantly Because I can make new friendslook for some chances and become more experiencedI love changes Essay ID 462 This is a 5 point essay Topic 31 It seems like the world is becoming smaller and smaller almost by the minute When I was a child I had never met anybody from outside my hometown much less somebody from another country However nowadays I routinely interact with people from all over the world I might discuss a topic with my classmates from Iran Korea Brazil or Palestine buy computer parts from the shop run by Chinese have lunch at a Mexican restaurant or buy Russian pastries at the caf near my house In these experiences I can see the product of a world in which borders are falling and people are free to move about as they wish There is nothing more invigorating for me than being a part of this emerging quotglobal villagequot I have now lived in three different countries Argentina France and the United States and am convinced that I am a better person for it In each country I found something different I remember the warmth of the human interaction of my hometown in Argentina I enjoyed the great sense of culture and wit in France in the United States I am impressed by the feeling of liberty and acceptance In each country I have learned a different language experienced a different climate conversed with people in different ways I have learned that each place has something special about it and that no place on Earth is a perfect place We may lose one thing when we leave a country but we always gain something else in its place So the greatest benefit of having met so many people from all over the world has been learning that each person and each culture has a different yet valid way of seeing the world I cannot say that Argentines have a monopoly on how to view the world nor can I say that the American system of doing things is best I can only say that from my experience each system works for each culture and that each one is a valid way of seeing the world
TWE Essays 69292 69 Perhaps this point is the most important one for the coming age of information and technology and falling political and trade barriers As people from all over the world migrate more freely in search of better lives they will necessarily have to learn to be tolerant of different worldviews People who do x will learn to accept people who do y and perhaps even experiment with the new way By accepting cultures different from our own we learn more of the broad range of the human experience and we are richer people for seeing beauty and truth in its many forms Essay ID 340 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 31 Moving a number of times throughtout their lives looking for a better job house community or even climate are the right attitute to the life I prefer this opinion For somebody who spend their entire lives in one place they can only know the outside of hometown by television newspaper and books They may live with unhappy enviroments such as cold sand storm and pollution Only know somebody who is old classmate and have a few people can talk with So their knowledge is less than some body who like to move If you would like to move from one place to another you can find one that is your choise you will happy with the climate and enjoy the fresh air and sun shine It is easy to keep your body healthy you will be feeling fresh and geting new friend with you will get different new idea about the life The new culture will give you more knowleadge more interesting Forthmore you can make more new friendship to help each other So I prefer to move and search another place rather than spend my entire lives in one place One of the famouse man saids the tree will be died after moved but man alive Essay ID 516 This is a 5 point essay Topic 32 quotSave it for rainy dayquot Thats my motto When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank I always put it in the bank I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education travel and unforeseen emergencies I need to have money set aside for these expenses Education is expensive I cant depend on my parents to pay all my bills I have tuition room and board books and incidental expenses to pay for Ill try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses If I spend my money now I wont be able to pay for my education I need to save money for my education Travel is also very expensive I dont mean vacation travel I mean travel to get to and from school Transpacific airfare costs a lot even special reduced fares I first have to get to school and then of course I want to return to my family for important festivals and occasions Going back and forth will be costly but worth it I need to save money for these trips Emergencies could arrive at any moment I might have an unexpected illness while I am at school There might be costs that arent covered by the school insurance One of my family members may need help I will have to send them money You cant predict emergencies like this but you can be prepared I need to save money for these emergencies
TWE Essays 70292 70 When you are not rich you cannot spend your money carelessly You must plan ahead I know in my life I will have expenses for my schooling and for traveling to and from my home I know that I will also have unexpected expenses related to unforeseen emergencies I must be prepared I need to save money for these events Essay ID 115 Topic 32 When faced with the decision of saving your money for some time in the future or enjoying your money when you earn it quite a few would claim to enjoy their money but others in contrast deem to save their money as the premier choice and that is also my point This quite different view is based on the every possible reason Fore most reason for saving the money for future use is when you need a lot of money to deal with some emergent things that happen to you you should not worry about the fund or lend some money everywhere at that time For example two years ago I spend my summer holiday in a famous scenery pot after a wonderful trip of the first day I lost my wallet unconsciously then I took out some money in the bank to finish the trip If you did not have some deposit you can imagine how embarrassed you are Second I have finished my college study and I am going to go abroad to get a master degree to enhance the ability to face the challenge in the society Plenty of money is very important to me so I have to save all the money that I economized for future use Third the economy condition of my family is not so good that I decide to earn enough money to buy a big house for my deeply loving parents This is arbitrary to judge saving money for future use according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph But I do not deny that enjoying the life is also important to everyone because of brief life That is to say I will enjoy my money if I deposit enough Essay ID 342 This is a 5 point essay Topic 33 The choice between spending money on tickets to a concert or spending money on jewelry is an easy one Given this choice I would buy jewelry The reasons are obvious Jewelry is an investment it is permanent and it is fashionable Jewelry like a gold bracelet for example is a very good investment It is important for women and for men too to have gold jewelry If you have some serious financial problem you could always set your jewelry to help you over any rough spots You could not sell your used concert ticket Jewelry unless you sell it is permanent You always have it to wear Each time you put it on you will remember the day you bought it It will give you pleasure for years and years You could not wear the ticket stub from the concert Jewelry is very fashionable I would feel very smart wearing a beautiful gold bracelet or diamond pin People would comment and tell me how much they loved my jewelry They would compliment me on my good taste
TWE Essays 71292 71 I would feel very rich with my jewelry I would have a good investment which is permanent and fashionable Then when someone invites me to a concert and pays for my ticket I will have something beautiful to wear Essay ID 116 Topic 34 There are many advantages and disadvantages to off employees job security for life In Japan for example prospective employees know that their employers will provide them with job security for their entire working days and they are better able to plan for their future and family However many businesses are now realizing that their employees have less motivation to work and this leads to less profits for the company I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of this system in this essay and I will show that ultimately jobs for life is not good for a society Job security is very important for both the employee and the employer For the employee job security is important because she can depend on her source of income and better plan her future accordingly For the employer the employee represents an investment because of the number of hours of training required and the company will continue to have a return on this investment As we all know feeling secure about where our future income will come from is very important for our well-beinganybody who has lost a job and has had trouble finding a new one knows that this transition period can cause a lot of anxiety However job security tends to lead to decreased productivity In general employees who are certain that they can never lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently thereby contributing to an overall reduction of productivity in the company A common example all over the world is that of civil servants In Thailand for example many government workers are so indolent that it can take days or months for something to be finished that should only take a few days It is not uncommon to walk into a government office and see employees filing their nails making personal calls on the telephone taking three-hour lunches or surfing the Internet for fun Finally the model of capitalism is proving to be the most efficient model that we have right now This model of job security completely contradicts the foundations of capitalism We can see in the United States now that people are starting to change jobs even careers more and more often Some career consultants even recommend that employees find new jobs every three to five years Even in countries that still offer job security for life this model is showing signs of dying out For example in Japan once famous for its lifelong jobs both employees and employers are starting to expect that these jobs will not last a lifetime Many of my Japanese friends travel back and forth between the United States and Japan are have been able to find temporary professional jobs while they are in Japan In short I disagree that companies should offer their employees jobs for life We can see this example in some parts of the world and in other areas in the United States but these examples are generally regarded as outmoded ways of conducting business Finally the models of capitalism even though it may seem cruel the so-called law of the jungle are proving to be the most effective way to raise the standard of living of a country Essay ID 117 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 34 Should business hire employees for their entire lives My answer is no A business has the
TWE Essays 72292 72 responsibility to take care of the right and interests of its employees therefore it should keep them as long as it can But it is not realistic that a business can hire its employees for their entire lives Firstly on the business side in order to survive and thrive a business like a human body needs to constantly bring in new ideas and fresh minds into the corporation and eliminate those positions which are not needed any longer Although this might sound cruel but it is for the survival of the business If the business itself cannot continue every employee will lose his job People generally think big companies like IBM or Nortel are the kind of place where people can keep their jobs for ever but these days we often hear about the news that these companies also lay off hundreds and thousands of people due to economic situations Secondly on the employee side securing a life-time job in one company is not good for his personal advancement He tends to be satisfied with his current job and make no plans for future career advancement This is harmful for both the company and himself In fact it is those hop around among different companies who can get a big increase in terms of salary and benefits and bring new experiences and skills to their new employee In conclusion I think it is not a good idea to hire employees for their entire lives It is both harmful to business and its employees and therefore also harmful to the society Essay ID 118 Topic 35 Some people like to attend a live performance while others think that watching the same event on television is more enjoyable To me I choose watching an event on television because it is easier and not limited and you have choices and can know more details of the event Watching an event is easier than attending it You need only a TV set in your room You do not have to buy a ticket or drive to the place where the event is performed You can drink some coffee or tea when you want But if you attend a concert or a play you have no the freedom to drink or do something else In addition you do not need to worry about the traffic jam and being late for the event so you have light mood to enjoy the event The other advantage of watching an event on television is that you can enjoy it at any time and you can choose what you like from many channels But if you attend an event and find you have no interest on it you would regret and waste time and money Watching it on television can avoid it If you are interested in the play you can stay on it if you are bored it you can change the channel to find some interesting Watching an event on television has an other advantage that you can get more details of the event from the interpretation You can know the background the present situation and such information of the event But if you attend it you cannot learn more knowledge about it So I choose watching an event on television I think it is more enjoyable than attending a live performance Essay ID 403 Topic 35 Do you like watching TVDo you watch it regularlyIf a living performance is available what do you thinkwill you choosewatching TV or attending the performanceBut if I were you I will
TWE Essays 73292 73 prefer the latter Watching TV is boring and exhastiveJust sitting before the grey box will make you sleepyYou can not feel the atmosphere in the auditorium which makes the audiences feel refreshed and excitedYou can appreciate all the programs through your own eyes not though the sqare glass screen There are many other audiences as well as you sitting there and watching the performance which makes you feel accompaniedAnd you can communicate with others about what you have just seen or thoughtThis gives you an opportunity to express your opnionAnd you know you are not alone then Going to see the performance out of your house is also good to your bodyFor you may have a walk after the activity even go to a good bar and find something to drinkYou can also see some friends after the showThough I am not very sure about others I will commonly do such things after a concertIt makes me feel great Soto take part in a living show is my favorite chioceIntsead of watching TV I would like to have some performance publicallyIt is better than the program in TV I think Essay ID 528 This is a 5 point essay Topic 35 Some people like attending live performance rather than watching the same event on television They think that will be enjoyable Others like me however do not think so There are no less than three disadvantages in attending a live performance rendered below First and foremostpeople who will go to a live performance may not see or lister to clearly Not all seats there are the best placeMay be you will feel disappionted after attending itand you must think the price for ticket is not worth that There is another factor that deserves some words hereThe quality of the performance will depends on some external factorsSuppose that you go to a concert outdoorsBefore you leave home you have to consider how the whether will be goIt is likely that audiances are wet because of rain during the performanceSo even though the performance is in high qualityyou may not feel comfortable more or less In addition attending a live performance may waste your time You must go there ahead of timeand you have to parkThat will spend much time I can not deny that attending a live performance has its own meritsNonethelessbased on the above discussion I strongly disagree with the opionion that attending a live performance is more enjoyable Essay ID 472 This is a 5 point essay Topic 35 I do not agree with the statement that attending a live performance such as a play concert or sport event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on TV because there are many disadvantages in attending a real performance
TWE Essays 74292 74 Firstly there is too much trouble in attending a real performance You have to buy tickets sometimes stand in a long queue you have to plan the trip and set out a few hours before the show started After arrived at the theatre or stadium you will have great trouble finding a parking place During a sport event your personal safety might be jeopardized the sports funs might get too excited about the event and throw bottles Many people might have heard the news that a girl was killed by a puck during a hockey game If you take public transport or a taxi home after the show you might find it very difficult to catch a bus or call a cab Secondly the seating arrangement can greatly affect the comfort of seeing the show If your seat is far from the stage or playground you cant even see the show clearly Peoples heads and cheers will distract you from viewing the show and in the end you dont even know whom you have seen in a play or who wins in a sports event Thirdly there is no flexibility in a real show After you have been through so much trouble and eventually start to enjoy the show you might find that you are quite disappointed about the show after all Unlike watching TV programs you neither simply change channels nor leave the theatre in the middle of a concert or play You might spend a lot of money to suffer from a show that you do not like On the contrary watching TV at home where you can make yourself a cup of coffee sit back comfortably and relax watch the show closely and enjoy the realistic image and sound from your SONY home-theatre system Besides you can watch programs whatever you like and go to bed right when the show has ended Although many people enjoy the excitement of watch a real show I think nothing is more convenient and comfortable than watch TV at home Essay ID 119 Topic 35 To many people attending a live performance such as a melodrama a concert or a sporting event is so incredibly attractive that they will go all out to get a ticket regardless of the expense or the difficulty involved But why not enjoy the performance on television while you can comfortably lie in your sofa or couch with popcorn at hand That is because attending a live performance provide you with far more enjoyment than watch it on TV In a live performance you will feel that you are in the company of many friends who are indulged in the same interest who can share your sorrow or pleasure or excitement This kind of resonance at heart is so rarely sensed in our daily life that this one reason itself is sufficient enough for many people to attend a live performance While watching it on TV we certainly find it hard to feel the emotion-sharing and our loneliness is hardly mitigated Furthermore attending a live performance gives you a sense of participation which cannot be achieved by watching on TV Live performance is an intercourse between the audience and the performers and both parts of the performance decide whether it will be a wonderful one In this way You may lament or laugh may sob or smile as you are so influenced by the misfortune or happiness of the characters You may fall into the indescribable intoxication while listen to a favorite piece of music And correspondingly the performers will receive the response of their audience and act accordingly So the final success of the performance results also from the participation and interaction of the audience of which you are a member
TWE Essays 75292 75 With these foregone advantages we may say that attending the live performance is definitely much more enjoyable than TV watching Essay ID 415 Topic 36 An airplane is a form of transportation that has changed peoples lives Thanks to the plane our lives are now faster more exciting and more convenient that before You cannot deny that a plane is fast For example the Concorde flies at supersonic speed A businessman can leave Paris at 11 am in the morning and arrive in New York at 8 am the same morning in time for a days work Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noon meeting and then return home to Rome or Madrid for dinner It is always exciting to take a plane trip When you take a trip by plane you know that you might cross many time zones many oceans and many countries When you get off the plane you could be in a place that speaks a different language A plane is like a magicians trick You get in a box and you come out somewhere totally different Nothing can beat the convenience of a plane In the old days it might take you days to do what the plane can do it an hour Boats for example only leave on certain days of the week and take a long time to get to their destination Planes give you the option to leave several times a day and get you to your destination quickly Although other forms of transportation may be more comfortable none has changed the way we do business and live our lives more than the plane Thanks to the speed excitement and convenience of the planes our lives are richer Essay ID 120 Topic 36 The modern society have been changed by the enormous impact of the invention of the transportantion such as the automobile which has become indispensable in the daily live The automobiles are so popular that almost every family or even everyone has one Since the function and effect of automobile is known by everyone In this essay I would discuss another invention of the transportantion that is as important as the automobile in the modern society the plane As far as I am concerned these are three conspicous aspects as follows The main reason for my propensity to choose plane is that plane is the vehicle used by people most frequently Usually people drive car in short way while they take plane in long travel The most important reason people choose it for long distance is that the speed of plane is much faster than others The invention of plane create a compeletely new live Nowadays we can travel around the earth within twenty-four hours that is something say we can reach any place of the word in one day And there are many people who live in a place and work in the other city even the other nation for the plane can bring them go home in weekend Another reason can be seen by every person is that plane is known as one of the most safe and convenient vehicles It is reported from the relative data that the accident ratio of the plane is far under that of the train the ship the automobile and any other else With the developenment of the hi-tech faster safer and more comfortable plane are madeSince the supersonic plane appears
TWE Essays 76292 76 both speed and security rapidly improveFurthermore new type plane provide various of the equipments to alleviate the fatigue of the passengers and improve the degree of comfort In addition the charge for taking plane is affordable to common person Similar to the most family can take enough money to buy a car most people have enough money to buy a ticket of plane Especially there are so many discounts for studentsold men and children by the ailine company General speaking the new technology has brought many invention to us in the modern society Taking into account of all these things we may reach the conclusion that as a important transportantion vehicle the plane changes our daily live and at the same time brings the enormous influence to the modern society Essay ID 280 Topic 37 Who would disagree with the statement quotprogress is goodquot Without progress there would be no change Without progress there would be no change in our economy our standard of living or our health Progress is required to keep the economy moving forward New products need to be developed new services need to be created Without progress our economy would standstill There would be no change Without progress there would be no supermarkets with fresh produce brought in from all over the world Progress is required to improve our standard of living Our homes today are more efficient and use less natural resources thanks to improvement in home construction techniques Our clothes are warmer and safer thanks to developments in textile manufacturing Our educational system is better thanks to the use of the computers and the Internet Progress is required to improve the health of the world population Without progress there would be no vaccines against deadly diseases like smallpox Without progress there would be increased infant mortality Thanks to progress our lives are longer and healthier Progress is a natural state Without it we would not evolve Without it our economy our standard of living and our health would deteriorate Who could deny the necessity of progress Essay ID 121 Topic 37 Is progress always good Scientific progress brings us many conveniences and advanced machines such as computers automobiles and so on Progress seems to have made life more simple and more comfortable But if we analyze it carefully we will find that progress is not always good Modern industry brings us more convenient life But at the same time some problems appear For example quotthe green-house effectquot is a very serious problem that scientists try to solve it as early as possible It increases the earth temperature and some icebergs melt and the sea level becomes higher and higher gradually Maybe someday the sea will swallow some big cities nearby the sea Progress enhances the product efficiency but it also brings us an other serious problem-pollution Pollution is so serious that ecological balance is damaged and many animals and plants lose their
TWE Essays 77292 77 living environment and become extinct eventually The air is polluted and it is not suitable for people The water is also polluted and people are facing deficiency of drinking water in some countries Progress makes the speed of life faster and faster because of the usage of computers and automatic machines People have to work faster than before and it makes them nervous More and more physical and psychological problems disturb peoples life Many people do not have time for recreation From the above statements it can be concluded that progress is not always good It has its own negative influences on our life Maybe those problems can be solved by more progress Essay ID 367 Topic 37 Alll over the world people are welcoming progress into their home their business and their education Larg corporations use progress in technology industries use progress in their manufacture process How ever when we think about in larger picture it is clear that progress can be damaging in some cases We as asociety have to check ourselfs once and a while to make sure that the progress is not making to much damage to certain communities around the world Speaking as a member of avery spacial community called a Kibbutz which used to provid to our poeple from the agriculture products we grow in our own feilds and sell in markets When progress came to our country many industries got stronger and farmers like ourselfs found their selfs without a future for their agriculture investment that they worked and built for years In this case progress has damaged a larg community and made them face a hard finencial fueture Another unfourtunate veiw on progress is the use of computures to entertain children In the year 2000 when every home has adopted the progress in computures children find themselfs sitting long hours infront of the compure instead of playing outside or inviting friends over This way of spending to much time on the computure is very damaging to thier social skills and even a reason for weight gain amoung young children After looking at a differnt aspects of progress i can say clearly that progress has to be supervised That in some cases progress is making a big damage for our society People sould welcome progress in many feilds of life but always have your eyes open for littel quotland minesquot that could make an unreversable situation and future Essay ID 317 This is a 5 point essay Topic 37 The nobleness amp the use of progress in any field to an individual or to the society on the whole will depend on what use the progress is being put to and I feel cannot be generalized as stated above Progress has been inherent with the human race As the human brain developed so has progress been achieved in almost all fields known to man The cultural progress over the ages have made humans better and made this world a better place to live in Similarly scientific progress has been effective in eradicating diseases providing better food crops facilitating transportation etc Literary progress has helped us better document our history and has produced works that have made us think Progress in communication techniques have converged this whole world of ours
TWE Essays 78292 78 into the global village If we look at the above examples we see that they are all aimed at the betterment of our world Here progress is being applied for the societys good The products from the same progress in the various fields when in wrong hands wreak havoc in the same society that they are supposed to make better Sophisticated arms amp explosives in the hands of terrorists amp children science of human cloning in the hands of scientists crop control technologies in the hands of corporations etc are some of the examples of how progress can go wrong Think of how much better the world would be without nuclear and biological weapons without mutated food grains et al Think of how many people would not have died or maimed for life if there had been no land mines After witnessing the destructive use the Dynamite could be put to Alfred Nobel himself repented his own creation of Dynamite so much that he set up the Nobel prize to be awarded to people who work for the betterment of the human society Therefore it is my strong contention that progress is only good when it is put to the right use for the betterment and upliftment of the individual and the society on a whole Progress put to any ulterior uses should be outrightly condemned Essay ID 320 This is a 5 point essay Topic 38 I disagree wholeheartedly that learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present In fact the definition of learning includes the idea of an accumulation of experiences from the past Learning can only take place if we make an association between things that have happened in the past or between something in the past and something that we predict will happen in the future All knowledge that we acquire as we grow is from the past-language customs academic subjects and so on While it may be helpful sometimes to be able to overlook previous knowledge in order to avoid the constraint conformity the vast majority of knowledge that we learn is a huge boost-imagine if each of us had to discover by ourselves that 2 2 4 So in a very real sense all learning depends on past events We are only able to live in this world with our current standard of living because we have learned from the past We receive knowledge from the past and we are able to use it and improve it We examine our actions in the past and we make judgments about what was right and what was wrong Then it is hoped we will attempt to avoid those same mistakes again For example one of the great mistakes all over the world has been depriving women and the disempowered classes status in society and many industrialized and developing countries all over the world are attempting to avoid such mistakes both in the present and in the future Furthermore all of the knowledge that we have today is a result of all the work of our predecessors The ancient Greeks developed geometry which helped other European scientists analyze the solar system which in turn gave us a new understanding of our place in the universe The great majority of technology today depends directly on several thousands of years of work of past thinkers To ignore the knowledge of the past would be to throw away five thousand years of history and experience There is however some seemingly small but important value to ignoring the past It is often the case that history or tradition has the effect of constraining our thought in the present and many important philosophical and scientific breakthroughs have only been possible as a direct result of
TWE Essays 79292 79 ignoring the past The past in a sense can blind us to the truth we can become bound by tradition For example at one time leading thinkers in Europe thought that the Earth was at the center of the universe and those who disagreed were persecuted as heretics even Copernicus who we now know was correct about his heliocentric model of the Solar System However scientists were eventually able to break from the past and accept the new model of the universe In short learning from and analyzing the past has enormous value for us and life as we know it on Earth today would not be possible without the benefit of thousands of years of history and accumulated knowledge It is important however to ignore the past so that we can make a step forward and such free thinking should be encouraged although not at the expense of past knowledge Learning from the past is something like learning from our parents-in most cases their past helps us have a better future but there are times when we need to make a break from the past and make a bold step into an unknown future Essay ID 122 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 39 Technology has greatly improved the way we get information Students can now get more information get it more quickly and get it more conveniently The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database to students around the world Information comes not only in print form but also in multimedia You can get audio and video data You can get information about events in the past as well as events that unfold as you watch your computer monitor Information comes at the speed of the Internet which is to say in nanoseconds You can type in a few key words in your search engine and the engine will search the entire WWW to find information on your topic You dont have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in the library and looking at the shelves This research is done for you instantly on the Web It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer Your computer is open 24-hours a day unlike a library or office which has limited hours and limited resources You can do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast What could be more convenient Technology especially the Internet has certainly changed the quantity and quality of the information we get The speed and convenience of a computer helps students learn more more quickly Essay ID 123 Topic 40 I do strongly support the idea that we should keep trying and never stop working for our goals I think this is the most important thing that can help us to achieve our goals I believe that everybody meets many obstacles in their lives before achieving their goals I have learned the biography of some famous people in the past I found that almost all of them persevered through enormous hardships in order to reach their goals In this essay I will give you an example of the attempt of a great inventor of the world named Thomas Edison I am quite sure that everybody knows Thomas Edison He made many inventions during his lifetime According to his biography it states that he always met obstacles in order to invent something However he still kept trying in order to meet his goals I personally think that this is
TWE Essays 80292 80 the most important thing that made him reach his goals Some scientists said that it was impossible to invent something such as electric light and movie projector However he could make them success In my opinion the greatest invention of Edison was electric light I have learned that he got many hardships and failures but he never gave up He spent about two years to achieve it He used to say that his successes came from hardworking more than luck or fate In conclusion I believe that everyone cannot achieve their goals if they always give up when they meet the obstacles and hardships I think that we have to try to solve the problems we will meet I am quite sure that we can do everything success if we are confident that we can do it and never give it up Essay ID 125 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 40 quotNever never give upquot means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals I think its a very good piece of advice for all of us Never stop working for your goals doesnt mean you must be successful it doesnt even mean that you must achieve your goal but its very important to keep it in your mind You want to be a great basketball player but you are 160m tall you want to be a great pianist but what you have studied in the university was physics you want to establish your own company but you are just a clerk in a small company These examples are very common in our real lives There are enough unfavorable conditions which make our lives difficult but what important for us is to make efforts towards your goal or your dream If you have given your best for your goal or your dream whether you succeed or not at least you wont leave any regret in your life Whats more who knows what will happen in the next 10 years You might not be a famous basketball player but you could become a good player in the basketball-team of your school You might not be a great pianist but you play the piano very well and enjoy yourself after the heavy work every day You might not be able to establish your own company yet but you are just collecting experience and knowledge as a good manager and maybe in 10 years you will become the boss of your own company Few of us have perfect lives what I want to say is dont give up working for your goal or your dream If you succeed you will taste great joy in your life If you dont succeed you wont have regret in your life because you have given your best Besides in trying to achieve your goals you might find out that perhaps your goals are not correct or not practical at all then you can improve them and make your life more beautiful Essay ID 124 Topic 41 In the past there have been many endangered animals Now they are extinct Does it matter Has our environment been affected by their absence Has the quality of our own life been changed The answer to these questions is quotYesquot It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop more farmland housing or industrial parks There is a delicate balance of nature If one small part is removed it will affect all
TWE Essays 81292 81 the other parts For example if certain trees are cut down bats will have no place to roost If they cannot roost they cannot breed If there are no bats there will be no animal or bird to eat certain insects that plague our crops Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain animals Certain flowers are pollinated by butterflies which migrate from Canada to Mexico Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were destroyed Now these flowers are disappearing from certain areas We will no longer be able to enjoy their beauty The quality of our life has been changed America used to be covered with giant trees Now we have to visit them in one small park Rainforests around the world are being cut down to make room for humans We will never be able to see or study this fragile ecosystem I would encourage us humans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands housing and industries We have alternatives the animals do not Essay ID 126 Topic 42 Upon the question that what is the very important skill a person should learn in the world today different people have differnt opinions In my point of view I perfer to think that communication is the most impotant skill for almost every person There are many reasons to support my view Firstly communication is a bridge between people Nobody is omnipotent people depend on one another in their daily lives We all hope we can be become the person who masters every skills and can complete every kind work by ourselves However the real world tells us that this just is a dream Therefore people are interdependant no can can say that he does not need other peoples help The society requires cooperation among people Communication is the link Communication is the first step of successful cooperation among people By communication we exchange of thoughts and information and get other people understand our needs and ideas For example in a company big or small a manager always has to communicate with his boss coleagues and subordinates Secondly communication can help us keep friendship and make new friends Friends need to communicate to each other so that they know each others needs and feelings Indeed the most important qualities of a friend is communication and understanding If you are a good communicator it is very easy for you to keep your friendship and make new friends If you do not communicate with your friends you will not only feel lonely but also can eventually loss your friends From all above I think that communacation is the most important skill for people to survive in this society I hope everybody works hard to get the skill Essay ID 362 Topic 42 Nowadays people say that we have stepped into quotThe Information Agequot therefore computer skills are one of the most important skills in todays society Being able to operate a computer is an advanced technique and can increase ones work efficiency and simplify many works Using a computer can help people do many complex works You can calculate a very complex
TWE Essays 82292 82 arithmetic problem Many arithmetic problems in engineering are too complex to work out by hands A computer can do these works conveniently and easily You can also look for some references from a foreign country from a computer if you login in the Internet You can save your documents in some discs on a computer no matter how large they are and you do not need to take a lot of paper Using a computer can increase your work efficiency With its help you can book plane tickets and hotel rooms for a business trip You can easily compile your files in a shorter time and retrive them whenever you need If you are an engineer you can control machines automatically with the help of a computer The products are more precise than those controlled by hands and the product efficiency is higher You can save a lot of time to consider other things and this is important for your success If you can operate a computer you can sit down in your own home and control distant work All you need to do is pressing some keys With the help of a computer your work can be simplified You also can use a computer to communicate with your friends by e-mails and it is quicker and safer than ordinary means There are many other skills a person should learn to be successful but I think that being able to operating a computer is the most important Essay ID 365 Topic 42 With the development of science and technology the world is no longer what it used to be Everyone should master one or more skills in order to survive and succeed in the world As far as I am concerned the most important skill one should learn is to teach himself or herself To begin with no one can depend on a teacher in the whole life In high school and university several teachers can tcach you physics chemistry biology and so on But when you find a job and leave school few people will tell you how to solve the problem you encounter in the job What you can do is to read books and find the answers yourself If you do not have the ability to teach yourself it is difficult to survive in the world In addition what we have learned in the school is probably not enough Nowadays new science and technology develop very rapidly Suppose you are majored in computer As we all know the computer science is changing fast New idea and concept may appear everyday Once you stop studying you may probably leave behind and even lose your job Last but not least keeping studying can lead you to a high salary job If you understand the most advanced knowledge lots of companies may hire you because the more science one can master the higher productivity he will have Do you have a dream to have a good job If you do learn how to tcach yourself right now So from what has been discussed one can reach only this conclusion that teaching himself or herself is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today Essay ID 430 This is a 5 point essay Topic 42 Two years ago if you ask a person what do they think is the most important skill to be successful
TWE Essays 83292 83 in the world you will get a variety of answers If you ask a person who is about my age the same question persumably eight out of ten will give the same answer as mine-computer skill is the most important skill a person should learn Why I think computer skill is the most important skill First computer skills such as operating a word processing software package or typing are convenient and efficient For example I am writing this essay by using a computer If I do not have computer skill I can not make a composition as quickly as possible maybe I can only write on paper Another vivid example is that many colleges is offering online classes for student to choose which means the students can study in the comfort of their homes and acquire their knowledge by means of using computer at home Secondly computers is an important tool for teaching and communicating between teachers and students Recently school teachers have an increasingly demand on students to turning in their papers or school works and the teachers can score on line If the teacher has a assignment they just send an e-mail to the students In addtion many young people use computers to communicate with each other They use online chat rooms ICQs and messengers They even play online games through the internet Therefore computer skills are important for students to communicate with their teachers and fellow students Last but not least computer skill help a person to find a good job after they graduate As we open newspapers and search for a good job we can find that computer skill is a required skill for nearly every job Indeed whether you work as a receptionest salesperson warehouse manager and office clerk you have to operate a computer and therefore computer skills is absolutely neccessary for these jobs and most others Although there are many other important skills for a person to succeed in todays world judging from what I have mentioned above I think my point of view is solid and sound Having computer skills is one of the most important thing in todays world Essay ID 358 Topic 42 The one skill I would choose for success is tolerance I do not define success economically I define success socially To succeed in the future we will need to be tolerant of one anothers background opinions and lifestyle The world is becoming increasingly mobile We no longer are able to live and work only with people who went to the same schools and went to the same parties as our parents and we did Now we will work directly with people whose backgrounds are completely different from ours We must be tolerant of these differences as they must be tolerant of us if we are to live and work together amiably We cannot stop speaking to people or start a war just because there is a difference in opinion We must learn to be tolerant of one another and respect these differences in opinion We have to find a common ground an idea we can both agree on Once we have agreement on one subject it will be easier to settle differences in other subjects Different people have different lifestyles We must accept these differences even though they may be different than what we are used to Women can live on their own hold important jobs and raise children on their own Men can stay home and take care of children Social roles can change and we must be tolerant of these changes
TWE Essays 84292 84 To succeed socially you must get use to varieties You must be tolerant of all peoples regardless of their background their opinions or their lifestyles Essay ID 127 Topic 43 Have you experienced the fear of bungee jumping Have you ever enjoyed the excitement of car racing Nowadays more and more people are attracted to such dangerous activities especially the young people Wondering why After thinking about the lifestyle of those people the reason goes as follows While the world is becoming more and more competitive the task on each persons shoulder becomes heavier and heavier Peoples activity everyday is very intense and they get more and more burdened after days of hard work So everyone wants a release and the best way to relax and get relieved is to do the dangerous activities because while you are doing something dangerous you have to be concentrated on it and you cant think about anything else Hence you relieved all the unhappiness and the troubles you had in daily work In addition to take risks and try out new things is one of human beings basic instincts People always like to do something new especially when something is popular as well According to some stastistics the dangerous activities are becoming extremely popular among young people If you dont try some dangerous activities people will think that you are a coward and afraid of doing it So its reasonable enough for them to do dangerous activities to show their braveness However I dont like dangerous activities and I believe the phenomenon that people are attracted to dangerous activities is just a whim After realizing countless disadvantages of them people will reconsider about them Some safer activities to help people to get relieved will be developed afterwards Essay ID 517 This is a 5 point essay Topic 43 Dangerous sports or activities attract a certain type of person This person is often a risk taker an optimist and a fatalist People who take risks are found both in dangerous sports and business But it is a special person who takes a risk with his own life as opposed to his money My father was a risk taker He put everything he owned into his business but he stopped playing risky sports like horseback riding and skiing Once his business was a success and he no longer had to worry about providing for us he returned at the age of 60 to the risky sports that he did as a youth Someone who plays dangerous sports must be an optimist They cannot imagine that anything will happen to them They never think about breaking their leg while skiing falling off a cliff while rock climbing fatting on their head while sky diving They live for the thrill of the moment without a thought to the many things that could go wrong Rock climbers and sports car drivers must be fatalist They might plan for potential problems but once they have done everything they can do the outcome is out of their hands A motorcyclist who jumps across a narrow canyon will get the fastest strongest bike available that will carry him or her across the canyon However wind conditions or other problems might interfere and the
TWE Essays 85292 85 cyclist may fall short of his goal Many people have the same traits of course Many of us are risk takers optimists and fatalists But I think people who play dangerous sports must have these characteristics in abundance Essay ID 128 Topic 44 Traveling is a very pleasant thing Some people like to travel with several friends Other people however would prefer to travel alone Each way has its advantages As far as I am concerned traveling with my friends is my choice Why do some people like to travel just himself or herself For one thing they have more freedom They do not need to discuss the routine with others What he or she wants to go just go For another they can have more relax They do not need to keep an eye on how to get along with friends Although there may be one or more advantages to traveling alone I insist that traveling with friends far overweigh them In the first place you can make the trip easyTraveling is not a very easy activity For example you need to find transportation tools hotel and restaurant in strange places Several friends can average these tasks so that such things will not bother every one much and enjoy the journey more In the second place you can get help when you need There will be many unexpected surprising thing during the journey Such as get lost be sick cannot wake up early for the morning flight It is very tough for people to handle these situations by themselves especially when they travel to a strange place Friends can give you a hand to overcome all these difficulties As a Chinese slang says quotevery one needs the help from othersquot In addition you can have more fun Enjoying the scene spots is wonderful while traveling on the road is boring How to spend this boring time Talking with friends playing cards will help you out In conclusion I prefer to travel with friends rather than travel alone not only because the trip will be easier with friends but also because more help and fun will be got from friends Essay ID 410 Topic 44 I prefer to travel with a companion First you can save plenty of time and money In the travel you have lots of things must do except see landscape such as booking hotel buying tickets looking for bus stations etc If you have a companion can do these things with you you will have more time to see landscape and to rest Its the most important that you will have a good mood rather than be upset by those small beer Money is a very big problem If you like to travel alone you must afford all But if you have a companion you can save money in transport hotel even tickets That may let you travel more days than you plan Time and money is important to you but when you have trouble what you want is sincerely help I like climbing mountain I have been to the Jiuzhaigou in the Sichuan province It is very
TWE Essays 86292 86 beautiful place but it locates high altitude We meet big trouble of breath when we climbed mountain in the way my friend and I had a turn on carrying bags and helping each other when we felt tired when we reached the mountain peak we embraced We all knew the one thing that if you have no help from your friend you cannot reach the peak In most of time you may get funs from your friend When you want to get a photo your friend can take a picture for you When you feel scared your friend can encourage you When you are lonely your friend can joke you When you get a beautiful place you can share your happiness inspiration with your friend A companion can bring some help save time and money also you can feel humans spirit in the same time Your eyes not only see nice landscape of nature but the beautiful landscape of human beings Essay ID 402 This is a 5 point essay Topic 44 Traveling alone is the only way to travel If you take someone with you you take your home with you When you travel alone you meet new people have new experiences and learn more about yourself When I travel with a friend I spend all my time with that friend We eat together and sightsee together When I travel alone I spend my time looking for new friends It is easy to find other people either other tourists or locals to eat with or have a coffee with When you share meals with strangers they become friends When I travel with a friend my routine is predictable We maintain the same schedule that we do at home When I travel alone I adopt the rhythm of the place I visit I might take a nap in the afternoon and eat dinner at 11 pm I might go to a disco and dance all night When I travel with a friend we know how we will react to things When I travel alone each new experience requires a new reaction If I dont try new things I wont be able to decide if I like something or not Shall I ride an ostrich or eat one I think it is always important to do things on your own You can find new friends collect new memories and adopt different ways of doing things Isnt that the point of travel Essay ID 129 Topic 45 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the days work Others however prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night As far as I am concerned getting up early is a good habit because it is good for health and is easy to take care of everyday works In the first place everyone knows that getting up early is a very good habit for our health You can enjoy the fresh air in the early morning and also you can get a good night sleep during the quiet midnight time Moreover if you get up early before go to work you still have enough time to do some exercises such as walking running and riding the bike Without doubt all of the exercises do help your health In the second place it is a little bit easy to take care of everyday works if people get up early For
TWE Essays 87292 87 example if everyone in the family gets up early wife will have enough time to prepare the breakfast for the whole family children will have enough time to catch the school bus husband will never forget to change his dirty shirt Everything is on the order Admittedly some people who work until midnight and get up later in the day claim that working in the midnight is more efficient and can concentrate the work without distraction However the advantages of getting up early carry more weight than those of getting up later To sum up from what I have discussed above we can safely draw a conclusion that getting up early can benefit not only because it is good for ours health but also it is easy for us to take care of everyday works Therefore I prefer to get up early in the morning and start the days work Essay ID 257 This is a 5 point essay Topic 45 Some people prefer to get up early in the morning to start the days work while other people like to get up later in the day to work until late at night Which option do you prefer I would choose to get up early in the morning This view is based on the follwing reasons By getting up early in the morning you can enjoy a lot of good things that nature offers You can breath fresh air smell aroma of flowers listen the birds singing in the morning What a beatiful world In the meantime these can refresh our brains and quickly get ready for the days work We can immediately concentrate in the work and solve the problems with great efficiency For example when I was in senior middle school I got up early in the morning everyday to go over my lessons and prepare the courses that I would have that day I found it was so efficient and I memorized my study material so deeply On the contrary people who get up late and go to bed late tend to leave all the days work to the night and tend to go to bed until the finish the days work This is not a good living habit and also not an efficiently way of working Anotherreason why I would like to get up early to start a days work is because I believe that it is good for our health The bodys cycle follows the nature when the sun rise it is time to get up when the moon rise it is time to go to bed Besides by getting up early we can have time to do some excercises such as jogging hiking and swimming which will benifit our health Many statistics show that most people who live a long life get up early and go to bed early While getting up late and go to bed late violates human biology and therefore will do harm to the health And peopel who get up late never got a chance to do morning excercises In a word getting up early in the morning to start a days work is a smart choice for people it can benifit both peoples work and health Essay ID 361 Topic 45 I prefer sleeping late and staying up late at night This routine fits my bodys rhythm my work schedule and my social life I believe in following my bodys natural rhythm My body tells me to sleep until I am ready to get up and go to bed when I am sleepy This means I never get up early in the morning My body tells me it likes me to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day Sleeping late also fits my work schedule Actually I dont have that much work to do I can easily
TWE Essays 88292 88 finish my work between lunch and dinner I think that if one works too much there is not enough time left to enjoy ones self My active social life is another reason I prefer to sleep late Who gets up early in the morning to have fun No one Anything amusing such as concerts dances parties dinners all happen at night If I got up early in the morning I would be too tired to enjoy myself in the evening I will maintain this pattern forever I hope I think it is always important to listen to your body and if your body tells you to stay in bed you should listen to it By listening to your body you will never let work interfere with your social life Essay ID 130 Topic 46 The qualities of a good son and daughter-obedience loyalty respect-have not changed Any parent will tell you that like their ancestors they expect these qualities from their children However they do not always get what they expect from their children Parents demand that their sons and daughters regardless of age obey them Even if the children are married and have their own children they should still do whatever their parents ask of them At least thats the way it was Now children tend to obey their parents until the children are of college age Then they feel they are adult enough and can make their own decisions even if these decisions are against the parents wishes Parents also expect loyalty from their children If there was a dispute in the neighborhood or between families the parents would expect their children to side with their own family This quality is probably still very common Most children today will support their family against others Parents of course demand respect As people become more mobile and children are introduced to non-traditional ways of doing things this quality may not endure Parents are sometimes viewed as old-fashioned Children dont think their parents can appreciate the way life really is They think their parents are too old to understand They lose respect for their parents Obedience loyalty and respect are virtues that are being challenged today We may not obey our parent give them the loyalty or respect they wish or deserve but I hope my children obey me are loyal to me and respect me Essay ID 99 Topic 46 When asked about the important qualities of a good son or daughter people have all kind of views concerning it From my point of view the important qualities of a good son or daughter consist of listening to the right advice from parents taking care of parents when growing up and respecting them The most important quality I think is that we should respect our parents It was our parents who brought us into the world and brought us up They provided us food and clothes and send us to school to study knowledge They tried their bests to make our life happy and comfortable Accordingly it was our responsibility to respect our parents including their labor and opinions We should not spend too much money on useless things because it comes from parents labor At the same time we must listen to the right advice from parents and dont act according to our own
TWE Essays 89292 89 wishes and desires despite the objection of parents The second quality for a good son is that we should care for our parents when we grow up Nowadays we have already attended the university usually far away from parents So we should keep in touch with them by telephone letter and e-mail not making them feel lonely We may talk about their life at home such as their work and their health In fact every time when I give a call to my parents I may feel that they are very happy because of the telephone The reason is that not only can the get the information about me but also they know that their son concerns himself with his parents A good son should have many merits From my point of view respecting the parents and caring for them are the most important for everyone Whats more they cant be changed with the development of the society because they are the fundamental qualities for a good son or daughter Essay ID 131 Topic 47 No doubt I choose to work for a small company because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose But working for a large company has advantages no more than its disadvantages The most important benefit of working for a small company is that I will have many chances to develop In gerneral a small company is a developing enterprise and it is not easy to absorb many excellent employees If I enter this small company I think that the boss will appreciate me and give me many opportunities to reveal my abilities Only I let the job do well I am sure that I will rise very rapidly On contrary to this a large company is already a high developed institutions There are many prominent talent working for it A good position will absorb hundreds of opponents It will take me a lot of time and vigor to get this position Maybe I have no chance to win this competition at all Another benefit of working for a small company which working for a large company almost cannot achieve is that I can learn more skills in a small company than in a large company As shown above a small company is a developing enteprise This means that it have no a great deal of money to employ many persons So I can do all kinds of jobs at the same time I think that this will be useful to compete in the society But in a large company maybe I only engage a monotonous job over a long period of time I believe that this will be helpless to improve my capacity Of course choosing to work for a large company also has advantages to some extent For example it will afford handsome salary and will be not easy to fail in business competition But from my own development I still want to work in a small company In addition I believe that every large company originates from a small company Maybe I will become an important person when the small company in which I work become a large company Essay ID 284 This is a 5 point essay Topic 47 I would prefer to work in a large company rather than a small one A large company has more to offer in terms of advancement training and prestige
TWE Essays 90292 90 In a large company lean start at an entry-level position and work myself up to the top I could start in the mailroom and once I know the company can apply for a managerial position In a small company there is not as much room to grow In a large company there are a variety of jobs I could work in sales in marketing in distribution in shipping or in any department I applied for I could be trained in a variety of positions and would have valuable experience In a small company there would not be the same opportunity In a large company there would be more prestige I could brag to my friends that I worked for one of the biggest companies in the world I would always have something to talk about when I met strangers If I worked for a small company I would always have to explain what the company did small company-unless the small company was my own Essay ID 100 Topic 47 Some people show special interest in working for a big company while other are more willing to work for small ones Of course every individual has his own opinion about the strengths and weakness when it comes to serving in a big firm or a small one for me my choice is definitely to work for a big company Now lets use the analysis of quotSWOTquotwhich was always employed in the field of economics to get the above-said problem sloved Here S stands for quotstrengthsquotW for quotweaknessquotO for quotopportunitiesquot and T for quottargetquot Working for a big company will have many aspects of strengths for your development in your career because in my head a big company usually provides more competitiveness and it demands its employees to be self-educated at the very beginning of becoming one member of the group or he or she will be dismissed without hesitation for as a big company there are always a pool of talents waiting for the position which he or she occupied before Besides in a big company you will deal with shades of people who are maybe from different provinces or even different countries having various education as well as family background and so on in such way you will be inevitably influenced by quotmulti-culturequotregardless of the various cultures of different provinces or of different nations which is of great importance for a person with the hope of tailoring himself to be an international talent Finally in a big company you will be given more opportunities to be charged up in your free time either at home or abroad and be endowed with more chances to contact with more elites in the specific field or other fields When speaking of the weakness in my humble opinion of course every thing is a double-edged sword working for a big company might have little chance for those who have little of parts to get out due to the bulk of talents but compared with strengths and the opportunities mentioned above it can be omitted to put it exceedingly When it comes to the target you as a member of a big company you will be more likely to motorize your target because of the plentiful resources including material resources as well as human resources
TWE Essays 91292 91 All that I have said above boils down to the conclusion that if you are a person who craves for competitiveness and desires to be an international or Inter-provincial talent you should choose the big firms for your future development Essay ID 392 Topic 48 In modern society work has already been a necessary means by which all the people live in the world in spite of a few exceptions First of all people must work in order to get the money to meet their living Besides there are some more reasons that are also important for peoples working of which making continuous progress is what I mostly want to emphasize As we all know the human being is an animal greatly more advanced than and greatly different in many aspects from other common animals in the world such as cats horses oranges and so on So feeding is not the only aim that people live for as is said in a Chinese saying human beings are not living for only living People also need to make continuous progress personally in the modern and continually changing world And all kinds of work give people one of the most effective ways to make progress which can be illustrated by some reasons below First of all people can learn varieties of basic knowledge and abilities that they need to deal with all kinds of problems they may meet in study life or work in current society All the abilities except for those physiological functions people need to live in the world are not innately of which family and school could supply only a small part and most of them must be given by work For example proper relationship in work is the basic warranty of your working successfully While in work you would learn how to deal with the relationship between you and your leaders of your company if you are an ordinary employee or the relationship between you and your followings if you are a director mastering the company Further more this rule can surely also be used when you affiliate with other people you meet in society Besides on the way of making continuous progress people usually cant control themselves correctly by themselves in two basic aspects the direction and motivation of progress However in the course of work people will not lost their basic direction according to the daily task given to them As the same time once you have a fresh task that can interest you you also will process the motivation to finish it which keep you making progress in your life In a word there are various kinds reasons that people need to work some of which usually combine to each other So far as to me however making continuous progress is one the most important reasons because it is peoples one of the most expected aims in their life and work gives people a very effective approach to reach the aim Essay ID 515 This is a 5 point essay Topic 48 Although people work to earn money money is not the main reason people stay in their jobs They also work because they enjoy working they receive job satisfaction and they like the sense of accomplishment Most people work for works sake They enjoy going to an office or store Or school each day They like to interact with other people They like to help people solve problems learn something or get a product People like to help other people
TWE Essays 92292 92 A lot of people keep the same job because the job gives them a lot of satisfaction They genuinely enjoy what they do This is true for most teachers A teachers pay is not very great but the job satisfaction can be very high Helping someone learn is one of the greatest things anyone can do People enjoy their work because they like the sense of accomplishment They like to know that they finished a project People who work in factories take pride in the car they produce or the television they assemble When they see a car on the street they can feel a sense of accomplishment They helped make that car Money is nice but it is not the only reason people get up and go to work each day I believe that people work because they enjoy the act of working they find their work personally rewarding and they like the feeling of a job well done Essay ID 132 Topic 48 When talking about working some people always complain a lot about it They regard working as affliction which means hardship vapidity and low earnings They may even dream that they can also live a happy life without working But as we all know that wont come true Everyone needs to work for many different reasons I believe the three most common reasons is to acquire knowledge to seek fame and to enjoy life In the first place we work to practice our skills and we have to learn many aspects of knowledge to solve the problems and to overcome difficulties So working makes us skillful and effortless The experiences we learn from working are the most important wealth They are the major sources of wisdom If we dont work how can we improve our intelligence and then how can we create wonderful lives In the second place we work to realize our value by producing large amount of goods and serving the others Farmer is not a farmer until he plant corps teacher is not a teacher until she instruct classes They all have their responsibility and they also receive our respects because of their contributions to the societyThats the meaning of the life which gives us courage and confidence to exert our powers to build happy home In addition we work to keep us healthy We can communicate with each other during work Meanwhilewe are helpd and encouraged all together However If we dont work we will become torpid and fat We have to work to relieve our pressure When you do something you are very competent to you will view it as a kind of entertainment You even find joy from them In conclusion I believe working is a tool by with we can make a key to the gate of knowledge it is a road which leads to tomorrow and it is a drug which can keep us fit All in all working provides us so much that I love work Essay ID 433 Topic 49 There are many different ways of communications such as letters emails or telephone calls However face-to-face communication still remains the most efficient way of communication between people
TWE Essays 93292 93 Firstly in face-to-face communication people can get direct response from the other party When we talk with our friends we can get feedback immediately from their verbal response body language and facial expressions Based on these responses we can know whats the next step to take such as how to carry on the conversation and change the direction or finish the conversation if necessary Sometimes speaking words and body languages may not mean the same thing Although we can hear words from a telephone conversation from our friends but we do not always know if they really mean it This is also true in criminal inspections Police inspectors can judge whether the suspect is telling the truth through his or her body languages therefore get new clues and solve a criminal case more quickly Thus face-to-face communication is more perceptible and can help us understand a speakers true feeling better than other ways of communication Secondly face-to-face communication is the most helpful way to express ourselves In communication it is just not enough for us to say the words we need eye contact body language to express our feelings Sometimes we are so happy or angry that we are out of words At these times there is nothing more efficient to express our happiness or anger than a big hug or turn our face to another side When we are a tourist in a foreign country language is not always enough and gesticulations might help us get understood more quickly We can order in a restaurant by simply pointing our fingers to the menu when we do not know how to pronounce an item exactly Finally face-to-face communication is indispensable in situations such as a relationship Lovers need body contact such as a hug a kiss and more which cannot be done in letters or emails Although lovers can use letters or emails to communicate being apart for a long time is definitely not beneficial to a relationship In brief face-to-face communication is a very important way for us It is good for better understanding It is more visible direct and more effective than any other ways Essay ID 237 This is a 5 point essay Topic 49 encourage continued interaction If you are talking to someone directly you can see right away if they dont understand you A persons body language will tell you they disagree or dont follow your line of thought You can repeat yourself or paraphrase your argument If you had sent an e-mail the person may have misinterpreted what you wanted to say He or she could be insulted and you would have to waste time explaining yourself in another e-mail When you talk face-to-face you communicate with more than words You communicate with your eyes and your hands You communicate with your whole body People can sense that you really want to communicate with them This energy bonds people together Your relationship with a person can grow much stronger when you communicate in person Face-to-face encounters tend to go on longer than other forms of communication An e-mail lasts a second a telephone call a few minutes However when you meet face-to-face youve made an effort to meet with the person and the person has made an effort to meet with you You will probably spend longer together talking The longer you talk the more you say The more you say the stronger your relationship will be
TWE Essays 94292 94 In summary if you want to establish a relationship with another human being the best way is talking face-to-face When you communicate directly you can avoid misunderstandings that may occur in writing You can communicate on levels other than just words and you can spend more time doing it Essay ID 136 Topic 49 With the rapid growth of high technology computer telephone and other communication tools have become more and more important in our daily life so what people have gradually ignored face to face communications If I were asked whether face-to-face communication is better than other forms of communications such as email phone calls or letters I would choose email and phone calls Here I am going to enumerate some reasons to support my choice The main reason is that communication by telephone or by e-mail is more convenient There is no need to make appointment with friends before meetings all you need is just to remember their phone numbers or email addresses Wherever you are and whenever it will be communication is as easy as face-to-face talking Moreover it is more efficient for people to communicate Another important reason is that the way people connect by email can make more friends I have many friends on the Internet and we communicate each other regularly so I have gained more information and knowledge in many other fields Last but not least indirect communication such as emails and phone calls can avoid direct confrontation and embarrassment Sometimes we may not feel comfortable to borrow something or ask for a favor from our friends because we do not know their reactions At this time an email or a phone call can be more convenient and can avoid embarrassment If all these factors are contemplated the advantages of communication through email or telephone carry more weight than those of face-to-face communication Essay ID 408 Topic 50 I am not a risk taker I like to do just those things that I am proficient at I have learned that it is better to focus my attention do one thing and do it well and not try anything new When I was younger I was always experimenting with a lot of different things First I wanted to be a dress designer so I studied drawing I couldnt draw so I decided to be a veterinarian because I liked animals I didnt like to see sick animals so I decided to be a historian That suited me perfectly since all I had to do was sit in a library and read I learned to focus my attention on one subject Im a very good reader and history is very interesting to me 1 decided not to read any other subject I only read history books I even focused my attention on Chinese history I only read history books on Chinese history I do one thing and I do it well I dont like to try anything new If I read things in another area I dont do well I dont understand
TWE Essays 95292 95 American history or English history The names are confusing and the stories not interesting to me I dont want to learn about anything else Chinese history is my subject I may seem a bit stubborn but I have learned what makes me happy I dont like to take a risk with new things I like to focus my attention on one subject do it well and not try anything new Essay ID 138 Topic 50 When asked about the approaches to life many people have the idea that change and new experiences bring us a meaningful life However others take the view that staying the same and not changing the usual habits is the better way of the life In fact both approaches have its advantages and disadvantages which are listed as follows Some people believe change and new experiences provide us a meaningful life because when we adapt to the change and new environments we must face the difficulties and try our bests to overcome them This process not only builds our personality but also gives us a varied and meaningful life Whats more the change around us improves our adaptation and independence They have a benefit for us to compete for survival in the society Lets suppose we always stay the same and do not change the environment Then if someday we have to step into another environment how can we adapt to in On the other hand people who hold an opposite view consider that sticking to usual habits is the better way to life They point out that the longer you keep the same habits the more adaptive you are and you may live comfortably They firmly point out that usual changes make you acquaint with nothing and then it is impossible for you to have a happy life In order to see this point clearly they give us g good example If you change your environment every month you have to always change your habits and customs Then how can you have a meaningful life As far as I am concerned the advantages of change carry more weight than those of staying the same because I need to improve my adaptation Only in this way can I survive in the society after my graduation Essay ID 137 Topic 51 The question about what success comes from has been so much debated in our society Some may think that careful planning contributes to success Traditionally young people turn to the successful people for guidance because young people believe that they can make excellent achievements through careful planning Today this view might be reversed More and more people are taking a fresh look at it Based on hardworking they prefer taking risks rather than simply careful planning The most persuasive argument is that people taking risks or chances are more likely to succeed than the others Risks or chances are not questions that people who disagree the point can shrug off lightly With the advent of advanced international communication a great number of opportunities you will face to by which the traditional careful planning is threatened The difference between the two opinions is courage to challenge yourself Actually the only one step in the gap is not boundly conquered at all in most cases which prevent too many cowards from succeeding at last People being short of bravery---if they are prepared to admit it---counl learn one or two from the brave ones who actually not only have courage but also are wise and
TWE Essays 96292 96 confident One of the biggest lessons they should learn is that how to plunk up your courage The resource from which courage comes is nothing more than experience It is hardly possible to decide whether to take a risk in front of some important affairs without any experience To gain experience one of the most necessary approaches for you is to learn how to analyze and sum up what you have done no matter you won or lost As an old saying goes Failures teach success Confidence is the basis to your goal Never give up solid aims in life and encourage yourself from time to time as Abraham Lincoln once said I will prepare and some day my chance will come Finally taking risks or chances can be regarded as a break with the tradition The emphasis on the challenge has been exactly expected because that it is surely help people succeed avoiding wasting time No other reasonable solution in intensive completion provides many opportunities to accomplish your object in life From the above what I have discussed we can draw a conclusion that superficially the careful planning is a sound solution but when we weighting in mind attentively we find that taking risks or chances is more necessary to success Essay ID 139 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 51 Nothing ventured Nothing gained If our great explorers and scientists did not live by this creed where would we be I think that we must all take risks in our lives but these must be calculated risks Like the great thinkers of our time we must plan carefully seize all opportunities and reevaluate our plans There is no such thing as a chance occurrence Columbus in his search for the Indies drew maps plotted his route carefully and set out Madame Curie worked diligently in her laboratory recording every aspect of her experiments You need to have a careful plan so you can measure your success Even with a careful plan changes occur Columbus was looking for the Indies but ended up in the Caribbean Lewis and Clark were looking for a river passage west but discovered much more You have to be ready to take advantage of new things as they occur When things go against plan you must be ready to change direction Columbus didnt bring back spices from the East Indies he brought back gold from the West Indies It is important to see the positive side of things Make your mistakes work for you You will never succeed in life if you dont take chances But before you start you must plan carefully so you are ready to take advantage of every opportunity and turn mistakes to your advantage Essay ID 140 Topic 51 Every day new businesses are created Some of these businesses will succeed but many will fall by the wayside Some ventures may be on shaky ground at the start but with perseverance and careful planning they will prevail in the end Hopefully a careful plan will not lead to a surprise but rather an expected result and success
TWE Essays 97292 97 There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood leads on the fortune Omitted all the voyage of their life Is bound in shadows and in miseries ----By Shakespeare Admittedly chance can sometimes help a man to succeed But on the other hand not everyone will have such luck How can a businessman who succeeds by taking risks sustain his dealing with his business when he is suddenly out of luck Most likely their company will be out of business if they have not made an all-rounded plan Nevertheless chance favors a prepared mind The opportunity is equal to all the people The key to success is not waiting for a chance but seizing it Obviously careful planning will guide a man definitely from which he can not only find a destination and prevent him from aimlessness but also assist him to grip the chances on his way to success For instance an entrepreneur should understand the power of a cautious plan which may help him define his business concepts estimate costs predict sales control risks and even increase the chances of succeeding The plan may tell him what he should do and how to do it Going into business without a plan is just like having an expedition in the extensive ocean without a compass In the second place a comprehensive plan is also a reliable backup Although the original plan is followed suffering may come for some unpredictable occasions In that way a well-considered plan that mentions all the possibilities can be very helpful From what has been discussed above chances and taking risks may be unavoidable but success results primarily from careful planning A comprehensive schedule similar to a guide in explorations is a necessity for achievement Essay ID 529 Topic 52 Everything in the universe is in constant change And everything needs continual improvement if the ever changing and increasing demands of humankind are to be met If I am ever given the chance to change one important thing about my home town it would be internet service Needless to say that nothing generally revolutionized the way we live as Internet in the past decade Thus an improvement in this vital service would mean an even more unheard betterment to the people in my hometown It is said that information is power True saying indeed I can envision how everything in my hometown could improve dramatically if the Internet service in it were made free fast and staying out there like electricity telephone or water all the time One thing a fast free and reliable Internet service could improve in my hometown is the way people work If there is a this said service people in my home town must not necessarily commute to a far place to do their job This in turn would mean less traffic jams spacious work place more time for family and recreation and so on The way people learn would be another important thing that a fast free and reliable Internet service could better in my hometown People will have the chance to go through tremendous and different information resources in a very small amount of time They apparently will also take less time to share it This assures a more fulfilled life for my hometown people
TWE Essays 98292 98 Since its advent Internet touched every part of our life It in a dazzling way improved the way we do business learn and communicate A change in Internet service implies good way of living for every one in my hometown Essay ID 141 Topic 53 The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns When I get a job I want to earn a lot of money If I earn a lot of money people will know I am successful smart and a good candidate for marriage Money equals success If I earn a lot of money I can wear nice clothes get a big car buy my parents a nice apartment and spend a lot of money on my friends Everyone will know I am rich and very successful Earning a lot of money will show people bow smart I am Everyone knows you cant be stupid and earn a lot of money Who will trust someone stupid to do a job When I earn a lot of money my mother will be able to find me a good wife She will be able to tell everyone what an important job I have It will make it easy for her to find someone for me since all girls want to marry a rich man I dont care what kind of work I do as long as I earn a lot of money Thats the most important thing for me Having a well paying job will show everyone that I am successful smart and a good catch Essay ID 1 Topic 54 What do you feel when a handsome gentleman or a beautiful lady passes by Then how about a fat short person wearing a dirty shirt You feel differently Yes most people do Its very common for people to judge a person by external appearance because its easy and direct and its instinctive Appearance is a very important aspect of a person and reflects ones personalities Sometimes you can tell the persons characteristics from his appearance However in most cases you cant tell exactly what the person is like just from the external appearance and ethically we should not judge a person just by one glance at his external appearance quotBeauty and beastquot and quotSnow white and seven dwarvesquot are two stories that are almost known by everyone Although there are fables there are deep meanings inside them What you can learn from them is that people that are not so good-looking can be very good people internally And actually there are tons of examples in reality Napoleon is a very short guy but he was one of the most famous people in the history Theodore Roosevelt former US president during World War II is handicapped but he is one of the most successful presidents in American history So how can you tell about the people from their external appearance Moreover there are other undeniable facts which show that a beautiful person may be rotten inside There are many prostitutes on the busy streets Its obviously that they are very beautiful but are they really righteous people A beautiful appearance is a good thing but a righteous heart is more valuable Finally as we can see its out of question that we should not judge people just from their external appearance The most important standard is their internal personality
TWE Essays 99292 99 Essay ID 369 Topic 54 In most cases one should never judge a person by external appearances Sometimes when I walk down the street at night I avoid people who are acting tough and loud but in general I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person reinforce stereotypes and are superficial and limiting In high school I stayed away from students who were called the quotbad studentsquot because they dressed a certain way I wanted nothing to do with them I later had the chance to meet one of these quotbad studentsquot because his mother was a friend of my mother Since we had to be polite to each other because of our mothers we started talking and I realized that we had a lot in common My impression of him was very different once I got to know him If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes you risk never getting to know someone who is different You may be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend In addition you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance If you take the time to get to know the person you might become friends Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair After all you dont know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylish clothes your friends wear However that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you are People should not be nave about new people they meet but should take time to get to know them External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person Judging someone by their appearance is misleading reinforces stereotypes and is limiting Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend Essay ID 84 Topic 54 Some people judge a person only by his or her external appearances I disagree with their attitude I think that one should never judge a person by external appearances Judging a person by his or her external appearances may mislead your understanding him or her A person who has a pretty face and wears beautiful clothes may not have same kind of heart inside On the other hand the internal characters of a person can not be judged by his or her external appearances If you judge a person only by his or her external appearances you may lose chances to make good friends Everyone has his own habits to choose clothes hair style and the way to live Maybe both of you have interests and hobbies in common You can not know this point because your wrong judgment from his different ways to deal with something prevents you from knowing his interest and keeps you too far from him to make good friends Judging a person by external appearances is unfair and one-sided To evaluate a person fairly you have to know his family his situation and him entirely and clearly A person who is from poor
TWE Essays 100292 100 family may be intelligent and diligent The one who can afford expensive clothes may be indifferent with others So I think that judging a person by his or her external appearances always leads us to draw a wrong conclusion about a person It is limiting and unfair Everyone longs for the understanding from others So we should give others chances to show all of their characters and at the same time we should evaluate them fairly and objectively Essay ID 347 This is a 5 point essay Topic 55 A person should never make an important decision alone Important decisions should be well thought out People who know you well know what is best for you People close to you can give you good advice give you a different perspective or share their own experience When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in college I talked to my teachers and advisors They had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career Without their advice I might have chosen unsuitable courses In college I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play Therefore I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion The day of the auditions a friend of mine asked me why I wasnt auditioning When I told her I didnt feel I was good enough she was shocked She was able to provide me with another perspective on my talents and myself I rethought my decision and tried out and got a lead in the play Last year when I was trying to decide whether or not I should study overseas I talked to my friend This was the best thing I could have done This was a big decision for me because I had never been overseas on my own and I wasnt sure I could do it She had studied overseas the previous year She told me about the challenges and opportunities I might encounter and helped me make the right decision I went and it was amazing Whenever I am faced with an important decision I seek advice from others so that I am well informed and have the benefit of their perspective and experience Essay ID 133 Topic 55 A child can decide to buy his favourite candyhe can make a decision to get the books he is longing forand he can also determine to make friends with other kidsHowevercan he make an important decision aloneFor examplewhich school is better for him to attendWhich road of life will he go In my opiniona child should never make an important decision aloneThere are several reasons for my point First of all he has fewer experiences than his parentsThe environment he lives in is purein factthe society is not as simple as he might thinkWhile his parents know our society betterthey have done muchand they have seen much so they may think muchIn another wordwhen they face an important decisionthey will consider all kinds of factorssuch as the effects and the resultswhile a child can never do that
TWE Essays 101292 101 Secondthe thought of a child might not correctThe bad programmes in the televisionsome articles in the magazine have negative effects on the childthey can also lead the child to a wrong waySoas parentsthey should inform the child how to tell the bad from the goodIn this way they can make sure their child will not make a wrong decisionSo making a correct decision depends on the parents Howeverwhen the child is growing upyeswhen he is not a child any longershould we let he make an important decision aloneI think it is right time for him to make an important decision alone In the first placea person can never depend on his parentsfriends foreverEveryone has his own way to gono one can help you all the timeAs the English saying goesquotGod only help those who can help themselvesquotSohe must learn how to make a deecisionMaybe at firsthe will not feel comfortablemaybe it will not correctbut I think it is benefit for his growing Secondas the important decision is made by himself alonehe can never blame on someone elsehe must have responsibility for himselfAnd it is obvious that the decision he makes comes from his own interestso he will do better In conclusionwhen a child makes an important decisionhe should listen to his parents moreBut when he grows uphe should learn to make a decision alone Essay ID 446 This is a 5 point essay Topic 56 Deciding between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is a difficult choice to make but I think I would choose protecting the environment Arts help to maintain our culture and serve as a source of entertainment However we need a healthy environment in order to survive so we must protect it We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems to maintain the ecosystem and to preserve the Earth for our children Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment Moreover pollution causes health problems particularly for children and the elderly who have weaker immune systems We need to ensure that there are controls on the amount of pollution when possible so as to prevent health problems caused by breathing dirty air We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem Trees plant life and people all depend on each other An unhealthy environment can have harmful effects on the ecosystem For example if a plant dies because of changes to the environment and that plant is food for a animal that animal wont have any food If humans use that animal as a food source there could be big problems If we do not respect our environment now it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences They would not have the same quality of air to breathe or natural beauty to admire That would be sad Without clean air to breathe a healthy ecosystem and a future for our children the human race would not survive Thats why protecting our environment is important If we have a healthy environment we have healthy children who will be able to participate and appreciate the arts Essay ID 85
TWE Essays 102292 102 Topic 57 Movies have become more and more popular in our daily life Many people like to choose to go to a theater or watch movies on TV in their spare time However it seems that different people have different tastes For example some people like to see some serious movies on the contrary others may enjoy the ones just entertaining themselves As far as I am concerned I prefer the former ones the kind of movies designed to make us think Firstly serious movies can give us something to think about Unlike amusing ones probably there is nothing still left in our mind after a certain period of time Comparatively serious movies are supposed to stipulate the audience to think acquire something valuable from the thinking and then keep it in mind for a relatively longer period of time Such is a kind of course of learning and what we obtain in this way maybe turn out to be a necessary supplement to what we learn from the textbooks Furthermore the serious movies can help us gain some life experiences we might have not had in our real life before Through imaging ourselves being in the plot we may get to know how to make the proper reactions in different situations Also the movies give us the opportunity to think or value whether the roles act right or not through which we are sure to become smarter than before which is definitely benefit to our future life For us young generation we need to learn something new every day by different ways In this case thinking is incredible for us Fortunately serious movies play a right role in leading us to a more thinking life Essay ID 398 This is a 5 point essay Topic 57 Movies have the power to make you laugh cry or think about an issue that you might not otherwise think about Although I sometime watch movies that are serious in nature I prefer movies that amuse and entertain When I see an amusing movie it makes me relax laugh and keeps me in good spirits After a long day at school and work I need a break and something to take my mind off of the troubles of the day I learn do that with an entertaining movie When I watch an amusing movie I dont have to think I just want to sit back and relax After a movie I then feel ready to get back to work on my studies Amusing movies make people laugh Laughing is important for the soul Laughing not only makes people feel good but also connects people When people laugh together they become friends After watching an entertaining movie which relaxes me and makes me laugh I feel good When I feel good I can focus more on other important things like my studies and work Being in good spirits makes me feel better about myself and gives me a positive outlook on life While I can appreciate serious movies that make you think I prefer to be amused and entertained after a long day of work Such movies allow me to take a break from the rigors of life by making me laugh and putting me in a good mood Essay ID 86
TWE Essays 103292 103 Topic 58 After I get my degree I plan to start a business My goal is to make money a lot of money However I cant forget that there are more important things in life than earning a profit I must consider the people I work with the customers I serve and the community I live in My colleagues are a very important part of my business Without them I would not have a business I depend on them to help me carry on the day-to-day operations I depend on them for their advice on what to sell and how to sell it I must compensate them for their work I cant take large profits without sharing with the people who made it responsible Similarly I would not have a business without my customers I can never forget that they could take their business elsewhere I must give them good value for their money I cant overcharge them I must also remember that money is as important to them as it is to me I want my customers to trust me and keep coming back My employees and I all live in the same community as our customers We are a part of the social life of our community We cant ignore it We must play an active part in it I feel it is important that some of the profits my business earns from the community be returned to the community We need to support community programs like summer jobs for high school students campaigns to clean up the parks and efforts to make the shopping area more attractive A business must make profits but we all-workers customers community-must profit from a successful business Essay ID 87 Topic 59 Life is short Haste makes waste Whats your hurry These three sayings characterize the way I manage my day to day chores I dont want to rush through things I prefer to take my time Life is short You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today Of course some people will say thats why it is important to cram a lot into a day But then how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences By doing a few things slowly and doing them well you can savor the experience Haste makes waste We are not machines We cant rush through things mechanically If we do we might forget something we might take shortcuts By taking our time we can do a chore carefully completely and correctly Whats your hurry Wheres the fire I don t see any need to rush to the next experience Theres still a lot to see and learn from the chores around you Taking care of your baby brother for instance can be very rewarding You could simply keep him near you while you watch TV and write a letter and talk on the phone Or you could devote your whole attention to him and observe his reactions to his environment You can observe carefully if you are trying to do four things at the same time To twist a common saying quotDont just do something sit therequot Take life easy and savor each minute Life is shorter than you think Essay ID 88
TWE Essays 104292 104 Topic 60 The young of most mammals including humans like to play Scientists claim that with lions for example play fighting prepares the cubs for their future life as a hunter and killer The question is whether games and play teach humans about life Many people believe that games accustom the player to life-skills such as perseverance and competitiveness However I disagree with the title statement because I consider games to be mainly for children In childhood we do not have responsibility for the world The child is always eager to grow up -to become a year older t or to reach the legal age of an adult Children find happiness in games by pretending to be an adult in the real world The problem is that games are optional they contain too much happiness and too little hardship to ever be real An adult by contrast finds meaning in his life by accepting that there are greater things in the world than his own happiness One of the dangers of games is that some people attempt to translate the rules of a game onto reality The modern example of this problem is television and computer games People in the West are now growing concerned that children and teenagers occasionally imitate violence which they see on the screen Death is fun on a computer game and unstable teenagers who zap people in computer games can forget the value of life American films are often accused of making violence glamorous This is not to say that games did not deceive people before the invention of television and the microchip Success as a sports-star can lead a player to self-importance If a football player is made captain of his team and receives praise from the local press he might be tempted to assume that he is the boss in other areas of his life such as within friendships Also he might be surprised to find that sport is simply not important Finally gambling should also be mentioned as a dangerous game Although gambling and the acceptance of luck are acceptable features of many cultures a selfish gambler can neglect his financial duties towards his family Eventually gambling can become a drug which destroys life To an extent life for most people is precarious enough to include some degree of winning and losing and of adventure Also an unexpected opportunity or lucky find is one of the joys of life But sooner or later we have to settle down and face the grind of adult life Essay ID 488 Topic 60 Many people have indulged in games and have had fun in a good game at some point in their lives Games primarily exist to provide pleasure as a leisure activity for people of all ages Today it is believed that the hectic work schedule of an adults life has prevented him from indulging in games whether indoor or outdoor Some of the better known indoor games are board games like chess while the more popular outdoor games include many sports like soccer badminton and tennis I feel that games play an essential role in the development of a healthy human being An example of an indoor game which I think is excellent is chess Chess is a game enjoyed by many adults today because of the challenge it presents ones mind in his quotintelligence to defeat his opponent To many people they feel that quotexercisingquot the mind with the indulgence of the game promotes intelligence in an individual because the game triggers the mind to think and constantly questions
TWE Essays 105292 105 his every risky move Outdoor games are at least as important in the development of a healthy body as physical activities trigger the bodys metabolism to burn excess fat and calories Studies have shown that people are not susceptible to diseases and subsequently live longer in a regular routine of daily exercise which is very often in the form of games Popular games like tennis soccer have become many adults favorites after a long hard day at work In conclusion there are many advantages in playing games for working adults While many adults today are finding it difficult to include games in their leisure it is important to realize the benefits that are accompanied by activities such as playing games Playing games not only helps relieves stress accumulated from an individuals demanding work life but are also fun to indulge in It fosters good social relations amongst friends and family members and thus a reason why games are indispensable and should be included in ones lifestyle Essay ID 322 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 60 Playing games has always been thought to be important to the development of well-balanced and creative children however what part if any they should play in the lives of adults has never been researched that deeply I believe that playing games is every bit as important for adults as for children Not only is taking time out to play games with our children and other adults valuable to building interpersonal relationships but is also a wonderful way to release built up tension Theres nothing my husband enjoys more after a hard day of work than to come home and play a game of Chess with someone This enables him to unwind from the days activities and to discuss the highs and lows of the day in a non-threatening kick back environment A close friend received one of my most memorable wedding gifts a Backgammon set I asked him why in the world he had given us such a gift He replied that he felt that an important aspect of marriage was for a couple to never quit playing games together Over the years as I have come to purchase and play with other couples amp coworkers many games like Monopoly Chutes amp Ladders Mastermind Dweebs Geeks amp Weirdos etc I can reflect on the integral part they have played in our weekends and our quotshut-off the T V and do something more stimulatingquot weeks They have enriched my life and made it more interesting Sadly many adults forget that games even exist and have put them away in the cupboards forgotten until the grandchildren come over All too often adults get so caught up in working to pay the bills and keeping up with the quotJonesesquot that they neglect to harness the fun in life the fun that can be the reward of enjoying a relaxing game with another person It has been said that quotman is that he might have joyquot but all too often we skate through life without much of it Playing games allows us to relax learn something new and stimulating interact with people on a different more comfortable level and to enjoy non-threatening competition For these reasons adults should place a higher priority on playing games in their lives Essay ID 142 Topic 60 Nowadays there are more and more games for us to play and people are playing game more than before We can play alone or with others The question is wether playing game is important for adults Some think that it is a waste of time while others regard it as important part of our life
TWE Essays 106292 106 I think that playing game is one important part of our life because it relexes me from long time work and adds more knowledge even play group game can enchence the personal relationship After long time work people will get tired and need some relex game is one of the pleasant way to do so For example playing table tennis after work will not only relex you but also good for health secondly people can learn some knowledge while play games word game can build up vocabulary play chess can train people to think more clever Another reason that game is important is that it can build up a good relationship between people Persons with the same interest in certain game will get tother more oftenThe friendship will be strenghtened and the they can learn from each other more things Even though I think the game is important I do mot mean that it can be play without limits Excessive indulge in the game will waste time and do no good to the health But this can not be regarded as the reason to prevent game playing Essay ID 313 This is a 5 point essay Topic 60 I agree with the statement quotPlaying games is important for adultsquot In this challenging world adults work very hard to earn a better living and thus dont get time to keep their body and mind fit By playing games adults can not only remain fit but can enjoy life too Games can be of two types physical and mental The former keeps the body fit whereas the latter keeps the mind fit The following are the reasons to support my answer Physical games include indoor games like table tennis and outdoor games like football and basketball These games not only increases blood circulation but also burns the excess fat present in our body that keeps us fresh and thus improves our working habits These games also teach discipline co-operation respect for others builds self-confidence and teaches us to face defeat bravely which in turn helps us face failures in life too Mental games include chess puzzle quiz and IQ These games increase our mental ability and thinking power These games teaches to make decisions increases our knowledge improves our way of thinking and the ability to remember things and thus keeps us mentally alert and allows to take the right decision in life By looking at the above reasons I conclude that games whether they are physical or mental indoor or outdoor not only improves our lifestyle but also helps us achieve our goals in life Therefore playing games is important for adults Essay ID 89 Topic 60 I agree with the statement quotPlaying games is important for adultsquot In this challenging world adults work very hard to earn a better living and thus dont get time to keep their body and mind fit By playing games adults can not only remain fit but can enjoy life too Games can be of two
TWE Essays 107292 107 types physical and mental The former keeps the body fit whereas the latter keeps the mind fit The following are the reasons to support my answer Physical games include indoor games like table tennis and outdoor games like football and basketball These games not only increases blood circulation but also burns the excess fat present in our body that keeps us fresh and thus improves our working habits These games also teaches discipline co-operation respect for others builds self-confidence and teaches us to face defeat bravely which in turn helps us face failures in life too Mental games include chess puzzle quiz and IQ These games increases our mental ability and thinking power These games teaches to make decisions increases our knowledge improves our way of thinking and the ability to remember things and thus keeps us mentally alert and allows to take the right decision in life By looking at the above reasons I conclude that games whether they are physical or mental indoor or outdoor not only improves our lifestyle but also helps us achieve our goals in life Therefore playing games is important for adults Essay ID 302 Topic 60 I do strongly support the idea that playing games is important for adultsIt is useful and funtooIt is one of the most important ways to cope with the problems of business and daily lifeThere are several benefits of playing games for adultsFirstplaying games creates leisure time that every adult must have to lessen the stress of business lifeIts another benefit is that It can improve reflexintelligence or health depending on the kind of the game and it also gives pleasure to the adults as well as children As we know today business life is a place full of stressPeople generally come to their homes being tired and irritatedThereforeevery individual adult must create leisure times to forget the daily lifes problems and to feel relievedSoplaying some kinds of games can help them to have freewithout stresstimes and to relaxParents alsoby this waycan make a better communication with their children by playing some games such as backgammonchess puzzles or computer gamesChildren gain self confidence due to this relationship with their parentstooIt certainly is a notable point of playing games referring to a family lifeConsequentlyplaying games alone or with their families gives support adults to preserve their healthsto lessen their stresses and to deal with business problems With the development of technologypeopleboth adults and childrenbegan to give more and more importance to computer based gamesThe computer based technology actually made games more interesting and more complicated than were they beforeBecause of their visual and sophisticated subjectsthe computer based games can easily contribute to maintain an adults reflex and intelligence thanks to their interactive skillsMoreoverbrain gymnastics with these games are beneficial for adults to solve their personal problemsFor examplesome business men or consultants achieve much success or make better decisions after playing some computer games when tried of workingThis means that computers seem to remove the idea that games are merely for kids Enjoyment is another factor that should be considerated while thinking of the relation between adults and gamesIt is certain to believe that many adults get very much pleasure from gamesThey gain the amusement of their previous childhood again and again while playing games
TWE Essays 108292 108 with the child living in their spiritsSoif a director of a company or a president of a country is seen while he or she is playing a computer game or playing football with some kidsit should not be peculiar Obviouslythey will spend more happier time than any child will and forget every types of problems that they have during the game Last but not least i wish to say that playing games is important for adults as well as all human beingsIt is usefulnecesaryenjoyable and educationalSince lifeitselfis a game in which the players are weit is unavoidable to spend time without playing games at any age Essay ID 338 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 60 Some people assert that playing games is important for adults In my opinion the importance of playing games depends on the types of games considered While some games may benefit to health mental abilities working capacity or help to relax others may harm the person playing in different ways I think the games that are important for adults to play include those requiring action intensive thinking and team work It has been medically proven that physical training is extremely important for adults It helps not only to maintain fitness but also enhances the capacity of thinking and working Therefore participating in sports games such as basketball football tennis and other action games is essential Games that require intensive thinking develop logic attention and unconventional approach Among this type of games are puzzles crosswords and strategy games And last but not least games that involve team work are important to develop further communicability ability to make correct decisions with consideration of opinions of different people and other skills because these skills are often used in everyday situations Still there are other types of games that may be harmful These are majorly computer games which cause severe eye-strain and exposure to radiation Moreover computer games not only harm health but also have a negative impact on the working capacity Many companies have stringent rules against their employees playing games during work-hours There is also one category of games which I believe can be both harmful and beneficial These are games played for money On one hand winning such a game the player feels positive emotions which have an overall positive influence on the players health and financial situation On the other hand loosing the game can drive the person playing into disappointment and even into depression thus harming his health not to mention the loss of money Thus in my opinion the importance of adults playing games can be evaluated depending on the level of positive or negative influences that those game may have on the person involved Essay ID 301 Topic 61 No one knows me as well as my parents No one wants the best for me like my parents It is natural that I should allow my parents to make important decisions for me I think all older teenagers 15 to 18 year-olds should take their parents advice on decisions that concern their education their social life and their future careers My parents have always chosen the best schools for me to attend They have encouraged me to attend special prep classes to make sure that I was well prepared for the exams They have given me tutors to make sure that I understood my subjects well When it comes to choosing a college I will trust my parents to make that decision They know what they can afford and what will give me a good education
TWE Essays 109292 109 When I was young my parents would invite children over to play with me Over the years I have become very close to these children They are like my family We celebrate holidays and birthdays together We even go to the mountains together in the summer My parents do not want me to fall into the wrong crowd They do not want me to meet and fall in love with someone they do not know I understand that and I want to make them happy My father runs a very successful business and my mother is a well-known politician They are very well connected and they have many friends who would like me to work for them when I finish school This is a very good arrangement for me If all children follow their parents wishes they would probably be happier Parents only want the best for their children Essay ID 143 Topic 62 Friends are very important in everyones life But there are different types of friends some of them are very intelligent some have a good sense of humor and some are reliable What I want most is the friend who has a good sense of humor Humor is a very important character of a person because a person who is humorous can always bring you happiness I have a friend who is not very intelligent and reliable but he is one of my best friends just because he has a good sense of humor Whenever you call him talk with him he always tells you some funny jokes that make you laughing Even though you are in a very bad mood he can make you laugh and forget the sad things A friend with a good sense of humor is very optimistic they can make your world full of light If a person doesnt have a sense of humor at all thats really bad No matter how intelligent he is no matter how reliable he is he will never bring you happiness although he can help you solve a few problems his world is without laughter In my class there is a very smart guy but because of his lack of humor we dont like to play with him although it seems that he knows everything Friend plays a very significant role in everyones life But humor is the most important character in a friend because humorous friends make you happy and see the world optimistically They make your world full of hope and full of laughter Essay ID 377 This is a 5 point essay Topic 62 I think what I want most in a friend is some one who is reliable There is two reasons first I think a reliable person can be trusted then I think whenever I have trouble I can rely on him he will be sure to help me a lot First of all as a friend of mine he must be reliable so that I can trust him I think friends are the ones who share secrets with me I must make sure that he is reliable then I can tell my even the deepest secret in my heart may be the skeleton in the cupboard Well Im just kidding but I do think that being reliable is the most important factor of a friend Imagine that once you told your secrets to your friend and you found in the following day that everybody in the school was talking about your secret----not a secret any more---how would you feel Its such a horrible thing isnt it Besides your huge anger the only thing you could do is to regret that you didnt
TWE Essays 110292 110 choose a reliable friend Now you can see how important choosing a reliable friend is Secondly a reliable friend is always ready to help you whenever you are in trouble There is an old saying that quota friend in need is a friend indeedquot which is very meaningful That is what a reliable friend does You can always rely on him We can say that a reliable friend is a true friend One is lucky if he has even one reliable friend in his life Not too many words are needed for a reliable friend to help you just one sentence quotthank you my friendquot is enough and you neednt think hard in the pay back because that is not necessary Thats the reason why I see reliability as the most important factor when I choose my friends A reliable person can be trusted and relied on---thats the two reasons why I think reliability is what I want most in a friend Essay ID 400 This is a 5 point essay Topic 62 The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style In my point view the most important quality for a friend is reliable Among countless factors which influence the choice these are three conspicuous aspects as follows To me reliability is the most important quality of a friend A friend is person whom we know like and trust We may know and like a person who is intelligent or who has a sense of humor but we cannot can him a friend unless he is also faithful and trustworthy Perhaps we all know the famous novel by Victor Hugo Notre-Dame de Paris and wish that we had a friend like Quasimodo Although he is ugly the man has a kind heart and a very loyal nature He seems dedicated to anyone who will show him in turn kindness Even if someone we know who does not have a sense of humor or does not intelligent enough he can still be our friend because he is the one we can trust Another reason can be seen by every person is that a friend must a person whom we can depend on He is willing to listen to us give us supports and sympathizes with us when we are in need A friend in need is a friend indeed A friend is a person whom we can trust our feelings and inner thoughts with and do not fear that he will betray us It is hard to imagine that anyone will share his thoughts with a person who afterwards will spread the content of their conversation to everyone else in the world Of course intelligent and humorous are also important qualities of a friend A friend who is mentally acute can give us sound judgment and rationality when we have problems a friend who is funny can give us an enjoyable time and add spice to our life But for me I still think that the most important quality of a friend is being reliable Essay ID 146 Topic 62 Friendship is a very important part in everyones life There are different kinds of friends some of them are intelligent some have a good sense of humor and some are reliable What I want most is the friend who has a good sense of humor Humor is a very important character for a person because a person who is humorous can always bring us happiness I have a friend who is not very intelligent but he is one of my best friends simply because he has a good sense of humor Whenever I call him talk with him he always tells
TWE Essays 111292 111 me some funny jokes that make me laughing Even though I am in a very bad mood he can make me laugh and forget about the sad things In addition a person with a good sense of humor is very optimistic they can make our world full of light But if a person doesnt have a sense of humor at all thats really bad No matter how intelligent he is no matter how reliable he is he will never bring us happiness although he can help us to solve a few problems but his world is without laughter In my class there is a very smart guy but because of his lack of humor we dont like to play with him although it seems that he knows everything Friends are very important in everyones life and humor is the most important characteristic in a friend because humorous friends make us happy They make our life full of joy and full of laughter Essay ID 144 Topic 62 Almost every person in the world needs friends Different people hold different opinions in choosing friends Some consider intelligence as the most important characteristics in their friends others regard a sense of humor as the most significant personality As far as I am concerned reliability which means faith confidence and trust is of vital importance The reasons go as follows Firstly based on reliability friendship can be lasting On the one hand when your friends are faithful you would love to get in close touch with them For instance you could reveal your secrets to them without worry about being betrayed and tell them your pleasure so as to double the joys On the other hand when you are loyal to your friends they would also like to keep friends respect you and know your suggestion does good not only to yourself but also to them as well Thus willing of both your friends and you to continue the formed friendship will lead to your perpetual friendship Whats more reliability makes real friendship more solid and deeper Take borrowing money as example it is almost completely sure that probably besides your family people you ask for money are your most reliable friends You turn to them because you trust their sincerity to give you help and at the same time they exert themselves to meet your need because they are confident of your attitude to your friendship to be more specific your promise to return money Friendship between those friends and you thereby gets further development and finally becomes really invaluable friendship just in coincide with the old saying- a friend in need is a friend indeed In conclusion reliability can be a norm to exam the real friendship and motivate people to deepen their friendship When I choose my friends reliability is the foremost factor to be considered Not only should my friends be reliable to our friendship but also I should too Essay ID 145 Topic 63 Some people assume that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time will become valuable lessons for the future I agree with it In my opinion most difficult experiences we go through now will help develop our personalities such as persistence independence and
TWE Essays 112292 112 confidence which are most valuable for our future Persistence is the first lesson most difficult experiences will teach us When I was a little girl teachers and parents always taught me that if you want to succeed in our future then you must learn how to keep ourselves persisting on our goals From that time I know no matter what kind of dreams I hold I must persist in realizing them For me entering a university is a very good example During my high school I felt math was the most difficult subject for me I almost gave up my dreams because of my poor math scores However my mom asked me not to give up my plan and encourage me to keep going on Finally I succeeded in entering a prestigious university After entering the university I learned my second lesson - independence It was a really difficult time for me because I was never far away from my parents for such a long time whats more I need to take care of myself not only about living conditions but also about my study At the first period I really didnt know how to adapt myself into the new environment it was no surprise that I got lost during that time Luckily I have my parents and friends encouragement to help me go through that quite difficult time Now I am working in Singapore and I think what makes me get used to this fast society is due to my colleges experiences I believe that I will become more independent than before Building enough confidence is another lesson the difficult experiences teaches me Not everyone is born to be confident What helps me build my confidence is also through most failures I went through There is an old saying quot failure is the mother of successquot Yes it is true Through failures we can learn what we are short of and gain a lot of lessons from others Building confidence is a gradual process It takes time and you may see our improvement a few years later I think the chance of getting this job greatly relies on myself to show much confidence that I can do this job well There is no denying that three important personalities I learned from most difficult experiences before make my life totally different now In a short we need to go through many experiences no matter they are sweet or bitter Although most experiences are currently difficult or a bit tough for us it is believed that this kind of influence is powerful and definitely will be valuable for our future Essay ID 379 Topic 63 Some people argue that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time can later become valuable experiences I cannot agree with them more There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on this opinion and I would explore only a few primary ones here Difficulties are beneficial to our personal growth In the course of our life we are going to face numerous difficulties and obstacles and each difficulty will help us grow up and become a valuable lesson for the future A toddler fells off the ground for many times before he knows how to walk and a child learns how to swim after he drinks water in the swimming pool In addition only after we experienced failures we know the value of success We will never appreciate anything that comes so easy Difficulties can make us feel stronger and be more confident for the future obstacles Furthermore difficulties in our work can help us gain more experience and knowledge Most of the times we can gain knowledge and experiences faster through experiencing difficulties in our life and trying to find a solutions to the perplexities that we face There is a famous saying no pain no gain For example when we take on a new job that we do not have much experience in
TWE Essays 113292 113 the first few weeks can be extremely painful and we may feel enormous pressure and difficulties And we will try our best to adjust to learn and to think how to do this job better The more difficulties we feel the harder we try to acquire the skills and knowledge to overcome it Learning and this stage is extremely efficient and our problem-solving skills well increase After we overcome more and more problems we can become an experienced worker in this field and will be able to take on more challenges We will never fear that we will face the same kind of problem again This means that we have accumulated valuable experiences for the future In a word a difficult experience is a gift that life gives us We should appreciate it and take it as a precious opportunity to gain knowledge and experience about our study work and life Essay ID 147 Topic 64 There are many advantages for people to work for themselves and have their own business For example you dont need to worry about getting up too late for work you dont need to worry about the relationship between you and your boss you may go to work at any time you want because you are the boss of your own business You may lead a more spontaneous and free-style life In spite of this personally I would like to work for someone else No matter what kind of business you own a domestic or international company or a small one like a snack shop you have to take care of many things such as a license rent your personnel your competitors product-market even the weather if you own an umbrella shop That is what I dont like I dont like a complicated life I mean I am just a normal female who hasnt much ambition either in my life or in my career I am used to having a simple life a regular life with discipline without much risk What is most important for me besides work is that I can still have free time the things I enjoy doing and dont need to think about the business all the time For me being a business owner might have too much risk and stress Of course being an employee you are subject to discipline and pay attention to your boss but thats a part of life just like for others paying attention to their own business earning a lot of money and having risk are parts of their lives In a phrase I would rather to work for someone else I just want to have my own simple and regular life Essay ID 148 Topic 64 Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business Others prefer to work for an employer Personally I prefer to work for myself I choose to be self-employed because of the reasons as follows I can decide what I do according my own willing and interest This point is the most important because one person can find work motivity from his interest I also can decide how to do the thing I can choose my own directions and ways whereas those who are employed by others must do work according to the directions of their employers The other important point is that I have freedom to decide when I do the thing The time I work is determined by myself I am not constricted by other people Hence if I am tired I can rest in the
TWE Essays 114292 114 daytime if I have more energy I can work late at night I have more freedom on the choice of work time than those who work for an employer I work for myself so I only can depend on myself This can train me to learn more knowledge and to work hard and teach me to face the success and the failure correctly I can learn how to take advantage of different conditions and deal with different situations from the practice I can learn to encourage myself when I succeed and not to be afraid of difficulties and failures Based on the above statements I think that self-employing has more advantages So I prefer to be self-employed Essay ID 345 This is a 5 point essay Topic 64 Many teachers prefer to assign homework to their students everyday Some people may think that daily homework is unnecessary and that it may be even an extra burden to children I believe however it will definitely help students study their subjects well Assigning homework to students is totally necessary for their study It is an important way of studying to assign homework to students everyday There are a lot of ways of studying for students such as attending classes discussion field trips and so forth But doing homework is much more a direct and intensive way of studying By doing homework students can absorb those viewpoints that teachers have lectured in class more thoroughly and keep them deeply in mind by reviewing them over and over Children can be easily distracted by something fun at home and down street and finally spending all their time playing That teachers assign them homework and ask for handing in when they return to school will push students to go to study as frequently as possible Thus ensures students do well in study Also assigning homework to students everyday will help them learn self-discipline and responsibility Students must always remind themselves that they are students and studying is their main job rather than playing They must realize that if they did not accomplish their homework they would be punished by their teachers They must know their responsibility and enforce themselves to study These the sense of responsibility and self-discipline are useful qualities helping a child form to be a person Overall it is a good idea that teachers assign homework to students everyday It can ensure them to spend more time on studying and eventually lead to a success at study It can also help students learn responsibility and self-discipline that will benefit them in social life in the future For these reasons I think that all teachers should assign homework to their students everyday Essay ID 522 This is a 5 point essay Topic 65 Whether the city should try to preserve its old historic building or destroy them I believe that different people will have different opinions According to my experiences I think that we should preserve these old historic building I like to use following reasons to explain why I think so The first and important reason is that every old building represents an important piece of history Undoubtedly they can reflect contemporary culture custom and life style etc For example the
TWE Essays 115292 115 Former Imperial Palace in China where ancient emperors have ever stayed has had a longstanding history as long as over 2000 years Through it we can not only remember many famous historical events but can also know that ancient people have grasped very advanced architecture techniques and methods I believe if we demolish these valuable buildings we will destroy an significant piece of history also More seriously we wont be able to rebuild them What people need isnt the duplication or copy In many old cities there are some old houses at where there were many important meetings hold When we visited old meeting sites we seemed to back to that turbulent or excited time As if we can hear again what those important historic characters were talked about each other vigorously Moving on to wider themes I admit that some old buildings have got a bit dilapidated and unsightly and havent generated any revenue for us any more But if we can refurbish them I believe that they could start to attract visitors to cities again From what has been discussed above I can safely draw the conclusion that we should preserver these old and historic buildings Essay ID 149 Topic 65 It is a controversial problem that whether a city should preserve its oldhistoric buildings or destroy them and replace them with modrn buildingsSome people think that a city should preserve its oldhistoric buildings because they are the witness of the pastothers think that a city should destroy them and replace them with modern buildings because they take up a lot of placesAs far as I am concerned I prefer the previous idea that the oldhistoric buildings should be preserved Although the oldhistoric buildings would take up a lot of places and the modern society will need these places to building the new buildings such as skyscrapersthe oldhistoric buildings are the witness of the historyIt is known that a modern city comes from the past history which had a valuable experienceThe oldhistoric buildings could tell people what happened in the past and what was the past likeFrom thatpeople could gain kownledge and experience to contribute to the modern society better The oldhistoric buildings could also be offered to educationThey can become the teaching bases for childrenIt is necessary for children to know the pastso that they can kown better about the present societyIn additionchildren will be interested in the strange structure of the buildings and the funny things in the buildingswhich will promote the childern to study Finallythe preserved building would offer the important clues for archeologists to study the pastIt is more valuable to maintain them well than destroy them to build new ones In conclusionthe oldhistoric buildings should be preserved for the reasons aboveFirst is that they are the witness of the pastthen they could teach children something and last they are the important clues for archeologists Essay ID 431 This is a 5 point essay Topic 65
TWE Essays 116292 116 The issue here is whether old historic buildings in a city should be preserved or replaced by modern buildings In my opinion buildings of historical value should definitely be protected rather than destroyed I base my point of view on following reasons Firstly each historical building is precious property of human being Like an antic the value of an old building can not be measured by money We will lose those valuable historical buildings permanently if we dont preserve them Once a historical building is destroyed we can never restore it even if it is restored to its original look the new building is only a fake replica the historical value will never come back to us Secondly a historic building always represents history and has educational functions Each one of them can tell us a story For example some buildings are evidences of foreign invasion others are signs of various religions existed in past decades People nowadays can always obtain historic or cultural information through visiting these old buildings and sites Although we can learn the past from books pictures and by visiting museums nothing can compare with the actual historical buildings themselves which can bring vivid educational material to us Thirdly historical buildings are a symbol of a city and a valuable tourist resource therefore a city cannot go without historical buildings Beijing is represented by the Forbidden City the Summer Palace which are all historical relics It is hard to imagine that someday the City of Beijing decides that all these buildings should be destroyed and modern buildings be built on their sites Because those historical relics and buildings are too important to the city and can generate profound tourist income A city will benefit more by protecting its historic buildings than by replacing them with modern buildings For all reasons given above I will strongly suggest a city municipal should preserve the old historic buildings Essay ID 150 Topic 66 I strongly agree that classmates are more influential to a childs success in school than parents This I support with the following reasons A child spends so much time with his classmates in school They study together play together and write exams together Psychologists agree that during their first years in school children are more influenced by their companies during their emotional and mental growth As a result classmates are whom a kid contact most in school and will therefore have much impact on his achievements in school In addition a child has nothing to hide with his classmates in terms of academic performance For instance a child who does a bad job in math exam will be revealed on his grades a child who wins the first prize in oral debate contest will be rewarded before the whole group of students So his classmates know both his good and bad sides of his performance in school However a child will conceal something to his parents while describing his conduct in school--often limit in those good points From this we can easily conclude that only those who understand more about a child can exert more influence on him Finally classmates are of similar age with a child They share so much interest in common So a child is more sentimentally attracted by his classmates activities If he is in a group of children who are interested in innovations he will more likely to think of inventing something all day So classmates are very helpful in his success in school
TWE Essays 117292 117 From the above discussed I agree that classmates will influence a child more in his school success because they have more time together they understand him better than his parents and they have so much common interest together Essay ID 151 Topic 66 Although students stay with their classmates all time in school parents are a more important influence on a childs success I disagree with the statement that classmates are a more important influence on a childs success in school because of the reasons as follows First of all parents are the people who understand their own children best They know the childrens good sides and bad habits They can correct the childrens bad idea and make them give rid of the bad habits So children can found a good base to get success in school But classmates can not do these work The other reason is that parents have experiences on a lot of matters If children have problems parents can give them their experiences to help them solve problems If parents have no similar experiences they still can give their children some advice and make them avoid the wrong directions Classmates can also give children some help but they do not have more experiences than parents So their influence is less than that of parents Parents also have other important influence on their childrens success in school Parents may analyze something in different ways and have different opinions from children Classmates also can have different opinions on one thing but they are at the same conditions with each other their opinions may be similar or narrow Children can learn more comprehensive knowledge about on thing from their parents So based on the above discussion I think it is clear that parents are a more important influence than classmates on a childs success in school Essay ID 268 This is a 5 point essay Topic 66 According to my experience I fully agree the view that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school I like to use following reasons to explain why I think do The first and most important reason is children can easily share their thoughts with peers Undoubtedly children can readily exchange their ideas at the front of classmates I clearly remember that I like to confide my troubles to my little friends when I found that my parents could not utterly understand my thoughts Sometimes when I could not get a better score with which only my parents were not satisfied my friends could give my understanding and comfort Their words of comfort let me refresh to continue to study hard Another equally important reason is that the communication with classmates frequently is good for the cultivation of our characteristic When we often contact with our classmates or friends we can find our own advantages and drawbacks that I may be not conscious of at the front of our parents Classmates can frankly point out our shortages and these helps will play an important role in our future life
TWE Essays 118292 118 Moving on to the wider theme young active and vigorous virtues will drive us more likely to stay with our classmates After all we have more topics with our friends We can freely talk about our dreams our idols even our secrets which only belong to our own Of course I admit that parents can also give us many help For example they can teach us how to analyze positive and negative sides of every thing When we encounter heavy difficulties parents can give us immediate help But if all factors are contemplated the advantages of classmates carry more weight than those of parents From what has been discussed above we can safely draw the conclusion that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school Essay ID 134 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 67 According to my experience I prefer to hire an experienced worker at a higher salary I like to use following reasons to explain why I think so The first and important reason is that experienced workers themselves mean higher efficiency I remember the words say Time is money An experienced worker just can meet this demand Such as many factories now adopt the system that workers salary will depend on the number of their qualified products In such case although some experienced workers can get very high salaries considered the potential profit made by those products I prefer to employ those experienced workers Another equally important reason is that experienced workers mean less accident at the workshop Now peoples insurance consciousness becomes stronger and stronger If the accidents happened the employer will pay enormous compensation fee for injured workers As for the apprentice the accidents are very easily caused and almost inevitable only because heshe has no enough work experiences In effect the factory or company can fully avoid these accidents and unnecessary financial loss through hiring experienced employees Moving on to the wider theme experienced workers are also the pledge of factories and companies ability Now people have gradually realized that experienced worker that is so-called talents will be the most important factor for the enterprises future prosperity Such as many famous companies prefer to provide more attractive welfare than other companies in order to get their ideal talents and then keep themselves long stable development Of course as far as saving enterprises expense is concerned a lower salary may be a better appeal for some companies or factories But if all the factors are contemplated the advantages of experienced workers carry more weight than those of inexperienced workers There are many other reasons that should be considered but all in all I rather hire an experienced employee at a higher salary than employ an inexperienced worker at a lower salary Essay ID 152 Topic 67 When it comes to whether an employer should hire workers with less experiences and lower pay or to hire experienced workers with a higher salary since there are always advantages and
TWE Essays 119292 119 disadvantages of the two and there are always different situations my personal option is that different strategy should be applied for different situations For situations where basic and simple jobs which requires less training and cutting down the cost is important for the survival of the business I would prefer to hire someone who has less experience and willing to work under a lower pay For example a factory should hire more inexperienced laborers to work on the part of the plant where less skill but more physical strength is needed and a restaurant owner should hire a cheaper kitchen hand rather than more chefs to cut down the cost of operation On the other hand for situations when more knowledge and skills is crucial for a job I would tend to hire someone who is more experienced and would rather pay more salary Training an inexperienced person for an advanced position can cost a great deal of money and a mistake an inexperienced makes sometimes can bring disaster to a company Therefore an experienced personnel is a valuable asset for a business Sometimes the value cannot be measured by money A company may lost millions of dollars of revenue when some important positions are vacant and it has to look for someone who is qualified or take a lot of time to train a new person In conclusion when we decide whether to hire a inexperienced cheaper worker or an experienced but more expensive worker it is always depend on the nature of the business and the position the amount of training required and of course the employers personal preferences Essay ID 135 Topic 67 If I were an employer I would be glad to hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary My reasons are as follows First those who can accept the lower salary are those not care too much about money what they care the most is personal development The success and failure of a company are correlated to employees attitude a success company needs some men with the heart that eager to success Second inexperienced men are always modest and friendly they like to learn and listen to others opinion or suggestion so they can improve their working skills by accept some right opinions These are two important characteristics of a good employee not only they can bring success business to the company but also can set up a good company impression to the public Third those inexperienced employees are mostly just graduated from school They are active and enthusiastic to some extent they prefer working together as a team to working alone teamwork can speed up the working efficiency and also make the company fill with energy Since there are so many advantages why not hire inexperienced guys Essay ID 383 This is a 5 point essay Topic 67 Some employers prefer to hire people who have work experiences and pay them higher salaries They may think that if they want to make a success in business they have to do so If I were an employer however I would rather hire the inexperienced employees and paid them a relatively lower salaries I do not care about whether experiences an employee has or not I really care about the cost Besides it needs not only experiences to do a job well and experienced workers
TWE Essays 120292 120 may not definitely be suitable to certain job position Hiring an experienced employee to do a job that he has experienced means that he can easily make the job done or do it efficiently But here is the problem I am a poor boss As a young man I have not earned much money myself The experienced worker always asks too high salary to afford at my present financial condition If I managed to pay employees higher salaries it would probably push me to close my business eventually So I need to hire the inexperienced workers with lower salaries to cut down the cost of my business To run business well I have to consider a lot of other factors of an employee not only the employees experience Is the employee loyal to me Could he probably cheat me in business operation I really concern with these questions If he chose to be not loyal to me or chose to cheat me at work the experiences he has would be useless for my business Considering of this I would rather hire a worker who is inexperienced but loyal to me and trustworthy An employee who has a lot of experiences does not always mean that he is just suitable to an assigned job Someone who has experiences does not mean that he has experienced just this present job His experiences are simply related with his former jobs Everything can be changed over time and the needs for the same job can be changed too So if I hired an experienced worker perhaps I would still have to train him for just the present job again Thus if I have to train an experienced employee and pay him higher salary why not train an inexperienced employee and pay him lower salary now that I have to train any employee anyway The cost of training is just the same but the salaries I have to pay later are different the former is higher the latter lower Anyone who has normal sense will definitely choose the latter the inexperienced but cheaper employee In short taking the cost the suitability and the loyalty and honesty of employees into consideration if I were an employer I would definitely hire the inexperienced employees and pay them lower salaries Essay ID 525 Topic 68 Theres much controversy about the necessity of daily homework for students Some say homework is necessary since only practice makes perfect while others disagree because they believe a student should have the freedom to study whatever in whatever forms just as heshe likes to In my opinion daily homework is necessary for students First a teacher could assign homework as a guide for the students to study To learn something A student needs help of a teacher because heshe does not have an overall understanding of the knowledge he is going to study as the teacher This means at the begining a student could not well plan hisher study just as a kid who is for the first time in a swimming pool could do nothing but play with water And a teacher could make a good study plan for himher so that heshe could learn efficiently Secondly Sometimes even when a student especially a young one has already understand what heshe should do in order to master some skill or knowledge heshe is still unwilling to do this for the lack of motivation Hey dont tell me that you have never been lazy at all when you were young Some homework could function as a task for the student to perform which is helpful to motivate himher Thirdly homework is an important form of feedback for a teacher to understand the effectivity of hisher work As I have mentioned before a teacher makes a study plan for the students but does it really work or does it work for all the students Its not difficult to know this only if the teacher pay some attention to the homework of the students Then heshe may be able to find if theres some problems in hisher teaching and make corresponding adjustment of hisher
TWE Essays 121292 121 teaching either for all the students or for a single one Without some feedback it is impossible for the teacher to do this A test is also a good form of feedback but obviously one or two tests are not enough and sometimes this kind of feedback just comes to late However This conclusion might be misleading that one may believe all forms of homework are necessary Actually only proper amount of homework in proper forms is acceptable some homework may not only fail to help the students but on contrary bore them so much so that they may lose their innate interest to study quotProperquot homework in my opionion should vary in its forms it might be some extensive reading a paper or even just a game as well as other ordinary excercises And it should leave enough freedom to the students so that they could do things they really like to do with self-motivation rather than unwillingness We should always remember that homework is something for us to guide the students rather than drive them Only if a teacher keep this in hisher mind the homework could be of most help to the students Essay ID 461 Topic 68 quotYou must finish your assignment when coming back from schoolquotmy mother always told me when I was a child Therefore I am used to doing my homework as my first thing at home According to my habits and fondness I am unanimous with this statement that teacher assign homework everyday Maybe others hate doing homework everyday because they take it as a burden which will reduce their time for playing games HereLet me tell you why I advocate it The main reason is that teachers assigning homework everyday really helps me go over my lessons I have had on class Through my homework I can understand the knowledge by myself and get what the teacher said the most important things in order in my brain I really liked playing and postponed homework to the next day Woo That realize an old saying quotBite more than you can chewquot Another reason is that completing homework everday will help to raise habit that everyone need think in hisher own way independentlyWhat teacher teaches us is just their understanding track and what we gain on class is just others experience What I discussed above is just two points of many persuasive ones To some extentwe may obey the rule--quotAlways work and study makes Jack a dull boyquot But if all these factors are contemplated the advantage of asigning homework everyday carry more weight than those of the opposite oneWhat I agree with is just personal ideaMaybe you can remember this wordquotGoing over what youve learned will give you more new knowledgequot Essay ID 424 This is a 5 point essay Topic 68 Many teachers assign homework to students everyday and they seldom doubt it However as far as I am concerned it is not necessary To begin with not every teacher has classes everyday For instance a chemistry teacher may have no class on Monday It makes students learn nothing new about chemistry that day As a result it becomes unnecessary for the chemistry teacher to assign homework Because if the teacher still assigns homework perhaps the students will not have enough time to review what
TWE Essays 122292 122 they have learned that day such as physics and biology In addition everyone must have his or her own leisure time Students are not machines They cannot work without any rest Even if a machine works everyday its efficiency will become lower and lower and refuse to work finally So the teachers must let students have some spare time when they can play games have a picnic and do other things they like It is good to childrens health Last but not least assigning homework everyday is not a scientific way of studying Suppose you must do physics homework everyday After several weeks you will probably think physics is so boring that it no longer interests you How could one learn physics well under such circumstance I think the only way to solve this problem is not to assign physics homework everyday So from what has been discussed one can reach only this conclusion that daily homework is not necessary at all Essay ID 427 This is a 5 point essay Topic 68 Most students in this world struggle daily with their homework Many teachers believe that daily homework is the key to education and school success I agree with this opinion Here are my reasons First daily homework can reinforce the knowledge students learned at school A student cannot concentrate every minute and remember everything that a teacher taught in class Daily homework is the best way for students to review what he learned during the day and study on the problems that he do not understand and prepare for the next days work Second daily homework is the bases of succeed in exams This is especially true for those students who are not so bright and the only way to succeed in school is doing homework each day Whenever the homework flags the class behavior dips the social behavior is muddled and the grades take a nosedive No matter what the ability of a student daily homework is the key to students school success Third daily homework can help students develop good learning habits Learning is not always an enjoyable experience and students always need to spend hard time on it Daily homework can form a kind of habit of learning for students Once a habit is formed learning is not such a painful thing and a student can find it more and more interesting Obviously this will greatly benefit to a student In conclusion daily homework is crucial to students success Life requires us to keep learning in order to catch on with this fast pacing society A good learning habit and method that we developed when we are students can benefit us for the rest of our life Essay ID 153 Topic 68 I do strongly this idea that teachers should assign homework to students every day There are numerous reasons why I advocate the attitude of assigning homework everyday and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones
TWE Essays 123292 123 At first homework is helpful for students to recall the knowledge that they study at the same day In general students would like to play After going homeif there is no homework they will only play all kinds of games Maybe they will forget all knowledge But homework will force them to sit their chairs to review what they learn So homework will help students study better Secondly homework will help teachers understand how their students study Through examining their students homework they can know whether their students understand what they teach in the class I feel that it will help teachers improve their educational quality Of course there are some people who contradict homework because they think that assigning homework everyday will enhance the students load But I feel that study is the most important task of a student After going home they should spend some time reviewing their knowledge Only like this they can acquire progress After understanding the reasoning abrove I think that nobody would doubt this idea that teachers should assign homework everyday Essay ID 454 This is a 5 point essay Topic 69 In a modern society most people are easy to change jobs However they may feel that they dont have much confidence when facing a new job not because of a new enviornment but also a lack of knowledge about the new job Due to different requirements from different backgrounds I think vocational educatin is in need The reasons are as follow Firstly vocatinal education can help us adapt to a new environment fast Although one is doing the same job in a field there are also differences exsiting in different fields For example an English translator needs different background knowledge if he is working in chemistry and IT field When he translates some articles or does some interpretations about IT field he needs to know the knowledge about IT like the technical terms Suppose that he doesnt know any technical terms how can he understand some special meanings of these words or even do a translation successfully This is the reason that he needs some vocational training about IT such as basic skills or common terms Once he knows more he will adapt the new environment fast and have a confidence in doing his job In addition vocational education can increase a persons value As a humanbeing we are learning everyday No matter what kind of knowledge we learn as long as they are good we can benefit from them This society is full of new technologies and new inventions Of course we cannot finish learning all when we are in school But we also cannot give up learning when starting a job We still need to upgrate ourselves to get used to this fast-changing society In order to achieve this goal we need vocational education to help us They are more practical than the knowledge we learned from schools because this knowledge you need to use everyday Only mastering it firmly can we do the job well Last but not least vocational education can help us to be promoted to a high level As we know a person to be promoted to a manager or director needs to have a thorough understanding about the job and the field he is doing By understanding the knowledge or skills he needs he has a strong competition against other people In other words he has a priority to be promoted if he knows his job well through vocational education In short without vocational education people use what they have already learned but they wont
TWE Essays 124292 124 focus on what kind of knowledge they should learn in order to adapt their new environments add their values and increase their competitions Above explanations are reasons i think vocational education is very important to us Thus if i could study a subject that i have never had the opportunity to study i will choose vocational education Essay ID 232 Topic 69 If I could study a subject that I have never had opportunity to study I would choose to study how to use the Internet There are a lot of advantages that the Internet can bring to us For example it can get us informed timely expose us to a lot of chances of knowing other peoples and their cultures and help us obtain the materials for our studies conveniently If I know how to use it I can take the advantages of it The Internet can get me informed timely There is always a lot of news on the Internet that is broadcasting 24 hours everyday and updating timely I can read the headlines the financial news the sports points and the weather reports every time when I connect my phone modem with my computer From reading the news on the Internet I can know everything happening around me It is very important for me to deal with my daily life with this information It gives me a lot of chance to know different peoples I can know what they are thinking about and how they are living their lives The World Wide Web Sites include all of the countries and religions information I can tour internationally on Net without going out of my house From visiting their pages I can know more details about them That is helpful to us since all of the peoples in the world should understand each other to make sure that we could live together peacefully The Internet gives me the convenience of getting almost any useful materials for my study I can just type a few letters and click the search engine to get them I can do them in the early morning in my pajama while having my breakfast at the same time Nothing could be more convenient than the Internet in doing research work like this In short if I could choose one subject to study I would definitely choose to study the Internet for its timely updating news and its convenience I would also like to travel to new worlds and meet other different peoples That will be really helpful for me to live a life successfully Essay ID 523 Topic 69 If I could study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study I would choose computer programming because computer programming is so vital to todays society Firstly computer programming is important to our daily life With the advance of technology we are practically facing an information age every piece of information today is stored in the information highway which consists of computers and networks as hardware operating systems and software Without software installed in these systems the computers are like bodies without soul and will not be able to function at all Only with programming languages information can be retrieved and stored into the information highway Whether we hook up a phone line or television cable book a ticket travel to a foreign country apply for a passport an operator will immediately check our information from the computer network If the computer systems are down we cannot go anywhere or do anything We can safely say that computer programming languages are ubiquitous in our daily life
TWE Essays 125292 125 Secondly computer programming is important to technological success With the skill of computer programming scientists can write programs to monitor their scientific research and experiments to analyze the trend of technological development and to forecast the future Computer programs can simulate a scientific experiment in a much cost-effective and timely manner thus can save scientists a lot of time and money therefore it can greatly faster the pace of the development of technology For example a civil engineer can use a modeling program to simulate the water flow of an urban area when there is a storm he can quickly know which parts of the city have the danger of being under the water and dispatch his crew to that area to prevent the disaster Last but not least computer programming techniques can help us earn higher salaries in our future jobs Since computer programming is important to our society and daily life programmers can usually have a higher salary than other professionals Many people have shifted to computer programming from other careers during the economic boom and even when the economy is going low at the moment programmers and computer engineers can still live a better life than others From all above I can safely draw a conclusion that if I have a chance to study I would not hesitate to choose computer programming Essay ID 154 Topic 70 I support the statement that automobile has caused serious problems While automobile has brought us many conveniences it surely has brought us many undesirable consequences of which three can be singled out traffic congestion air pollution and highway accidents Automobiles have congested City streets The problem is more obvious when the masses of motor vehicles enter or leave cities at peak traffic hours The constantly growing number of automobiles throughout the world has made the congestion program worse and worse because planners and engineer simply cannot find a solution to keep up with the increasing volume of the traffic growth The widespread use of automobiles for business travel has also led in many cities to a decline in public-transit systems which result in more and more use of private cars and exacerbate the congestion problems Air pollution is another program caused by the automobile Automobile exhausts commonly contribute half the atmospheric pollutants in large cities and even more in cities where atmospheric and topographic conditions cause the smog formation Although many cities require the installation of catalytic converters and other controls on motor vehicles to restrict the emission of pollutants the concentration of many thousands of motor vehicles in large cities has given the problem a new dimension Highway accidents create a distressing toll of fatalities and injuries wherever there is widespread use of automobiles Each year there are hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle fatalities worldwide and about 50000 in the United States alone The social and economic costs of such accidents are enormous Efforts to improve highway safety have been successful in most countries but a reduction in the ratio of fatalities and injuries per distance traveled is often offset by increases in numbers of accidents because of the ever-growing use of motor vehicles In short automobile has brought us more bane than boon We should take public transportation whenever possible and reduce the number of cars running in urban streets Essay ID 156
TWE Essays 126292 126 Topic 70 Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its speed convenience and capacity of carrying things we have had to pay the price for it Now as more and more automobiles have been putting into use the problems that the automobile has caused are seemed to be more and more serious accordingly These problems in my mind like the accidents the air pollution the damage of the ozone layers should be given more attention than anytime before There are a lot of problems that has been causing by the automobile It kills hundreds of thousands of people and disables many more every year It drinks up our precious fossil fuels that cannot be replaced New roads for the automobile also eat up our precious farmlands while many children are starving all around the world These problems are really serious and upsetting many of us The most serious problem caused by the automobile is the air pollution It is said that it emits millions of tons of harmful gas into the air everyday The dirt air harms our human beings health badly It can cause a variety of diseases such as plumbism insomnia mental disability and even certain kinds of cancer That is really terrible Air pollution caused by the automobile can give rise to even more serious consequences One thing it will destroy the ozone layers that protect the lives on the earth from the hurt of the strong and direct ultraviolet rays Much more ultraviolet can also destroy the fragile ecosystem on the earth It is just the life circle in which we survive Another thing is that the air pollution caused by the automobile can lead to the global warming If the weather is getting warmer and warmer the icebergs scattered in both of the two poles of the earth will be melted which will cause the sea level rising and flooding all the cities and villages along the seashores The lost of the lives and property will be countless That is really a tremendous disaster I do not mean to deny the fact that the automobile has improved our modern life in many ways It acts a vital role in our social life It also supports our industries It is indispensable in our modern life We cannot imagine how we can live a modern life without the automobile However the problems it has caused today such as the lives and properties lost the dirty air and the consequences of the pollution seems to be more dangerous and obvious than anytime Therefore it will never over do to emphasize the seriousness of these problems and urge the governments and other responsible organizations to solve them Essay ID 526 Topic 70 Since the first automobile was introduced to our life we can notice that there are a lot of changes happened around us As a modern transportation it not only brings convenience to our daily life but also enhances the efficiency One of advantages of using the automobile is that it can give the users much more convenience compared with other transportations such as bike or bus For me I like to go to supermarket once per week and normal buy majority foods at one time Can you imagine that I need to carry a lot of foodstuff and maybe take a crowded bus to reach home How is it inconvenient Suppose that I have a car and then I will feel very relaxed because what I need to do is to put all my stuff at the back of the car I can go back with nice music and happy mood of just shopping On the other hand the automobile can save our time and energy Driving the automobile we can go wherever we want or even further place We can decide the destination and reach there faster
TWE Essays 127292 127 than other transportations Assuming that a train takes about two hours to reach Suzhou from Shanghai but a car only needs about one hour So we can use the balance one hour to do any other things or enjoy the views first After all time means a lot to modern people now It can mean money to businessmen knowledge to school students and profit to companies By means of cutting time with the help of the automobile we can increase the efficiency in a society Of course I must admit that in the meantime the automobile also brings out a lot of problems such as traffic jam and air pollution But these outcomes cannot be avoided during the development of a society I believe we will have a better solution to solve all these problems Generally speaking I would like to say the automobile has improved modern life through providing more convenience to people and enhancing the efficiency We should encourage society to support automobile industry and develop different kinds of automobiles to meet various customer needs Essay ID 155 Topic 71 There is much discussion on the relationship between income and leisure hours Some people like high-paying jobs that demand so much work time that little time can be shared with family and friends However others choose lower-paying jobs that give them more leisure time Admittedly by earning more money one is able to purchase more expensive things like a large house with luxury decorations The moment he get those he may feel great fulfillment However an ironic question comes up to him immediately does he have enough time to enjoy what he has earned Just imagine that this person spend as much as 60 percent of his life on work while the rest 30 percent is taken up by his sleep Whether the house is large enough makes no difference to him and let along the decoration he has no time to appreciate it at all What he really need at home is only a comfortable bed Similarly it is true that he has sufficient money to taste delicious foods in different restaurants but only 10 percent of his life is left for eating so that the only choice for him is the cheap fast food sold near his work place So people should ask themselves such a serious question What is the purpose of our hard work One of the most important answers is for a better life Maybe sometimes people make less money with shorter work hours but they have more free time to spend with their beloveds to experience the best moments that life offers them An ancient Greek philosopher said Happiness is doubled when shared with others With enough leisure time they can watch sunrise at seashore with their lovers or count stars at a mountaintop they may eat a wonderful dinner at their little cozy homes with their family chatting about amusing things All these do not need much money but a great deal of time Furthermore family and friends give people vital emotional support There are countless annoying things happening in everyday life When people drag their heavy feet back home the warmth of family help to dispel most of their tiredness and worries Also when they encounter frustrations they can confide their troubles to their friends The consolation and encouragement from friends will turn into strings of miraculous notes to disperse their uncomfortable feelings With little time shared with them one will bear more and more pressures and bitterness and run out of powers eventually From what has been discussed above in order to lead a meaningful and pleasuring life I prefer a lower income job that gives more free time to me to spend with my family and friends Essay ID 157 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 128292 128 Topic 71 Some people may prefer to have a lower-paying job as long as the job asks for shorter working hours so they can have more free time spending with their friends and family However I would rather be given a higher-paying job with longer hours even if I would have little time with my friends and family I do not much care about the free time spending with my friends and family nowadays I really care about the money Besides all my friends and my family members are usually busy in working Furthermore if I do not earn a lot of money I cannot spend my free time with my friends and family happily I really care about the money because my budget is too tight nowadays I am so poor a student The tuition is too high but I have to pay it I also have to pay my rentals of room and pay the board I have to pay the transportation fares the books the clothes and a lot of daily supplies All these seem to be a heavy financial burden to me So I have to look for a job that could offer me higher salary My friends and my family members are all very busy all day long Some of them are busy in working others are busy in studying They are usually having little free time to spend with their friends and families including me If I were given a shorter hours job and more free time I could not meet them frequently either But the money I would have lost Besides even if my friends or my family and I have managed to find out some leisure time to spend together if I have not gotten enough money where the fun will be Any meeting or party costs a fortune even the simplest picnic If we have no money to be spent for our gathering we have to just sit over there and chat We will feel boring sooner Knowing this I am eager for a higher-paying job so that I can get the money ready for the meetings in the future For all these reasons I would like to have a higher-paying job to support myself and earn enough money to meet my busy friends and family someday later Although this job cannot offer me more time to spend with my friends and family now I believe that I will compensate it after I have become some kind of millionaire in the future Essay ID 524 Topic 71 Between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours I will definetely choose a high-paying job with long hours although I might have little time to spend with my family and friends Firstly money can help my dreams come true I need a lot of money to do many things For example I want to buy a huge house with a garden and a swimming pool I also want to have an expensive car Maybe my relatives need my financial assistance Especially I hope my family can have a kind of comfortable life My children can go to a famous private university to get excellent education If I have no money all of my dreams cannot come true In addition to me making a lot of money is a sign of success I think that no one respects a poor man in todays society From newspaper to television almost all media focus on wealthy people instead of the poor I cannot let the others consider me an incompetent man Of course making this choice means that I have to pay a price Perhaps I cannot spent too much time with my family and friends But I never regret my decision because I believe that both my
TWE Essays 129292 129 family and my friends can understand me For my family I think they should know whom I do this for For my friends they will think how success I am and they will proud of me In conclusion money is so important to me that I must choose a high-paying jod regardless of the consequences it will cause Essay ID 356 Topic 72 Many people in the world share a belief that grades make students work hard I agree with the above statement because I believe that high grades are more helpful in getting a bright future One of benefits of the high grade is that it promotes a learners interest Interest is the best motivation to encourage students to learn If a learner has a good score in English he will find that English is a beautiful language For example I love to learn math because it brings me happiness when I get a high score in a math exam When I went to university I select mach as my major The second reason is that schools give us a chance to learn knowledge why not try our best to get it In our lives these knowledge has important effect on our mind which need be wise by an by In addition self-credit may be instruct by good marks It is also important to our life A further solid argument for the high grade is that it means a good future career Many companies would rather hire students who are with high grades As far as I am concerned I come to the notion that there are main reasons why I support that grades encourage students to learn Firstly high scores spring learner interests Secondly students get self-credit through it Furthermore A good job may wait these students who have high marks Essay ID 394 This is a 5 point essay Topic 72 In many schools teachers evaluate students by their grades Many people think that it is unfair and one-sided to evaluate students by grades and will discourage students to learn I believe however grades encourage students to learn The reasons can be analyzed as follows To begin with using grades as standard to evaluate students can give students stress of learning No stress no motivity In order to get high grades students must study hard They must read more books do their homework carefully Stress makes them learn more knowledge Stress of grades simultaneously force and encourage students to learn Grades can encourage students to compete with each other The modern society is full of competition Students can learn the concept of competition through grades At the same time they can learn the spirit of competition To compete with others and obtain good evaluation students must learn many techniques and get high grades Competing grades in schools can make students more adaptable to the society Grades can also give students the feeling of success When they get high grades through hard work students may think that they make a great achievement The feeling of success will encourage students to study harder and harder At the same time the successes in schools encourage students to find chances to succeed in society
TWE Essays 130292 130 From the above analyses it is not difficult to get the conclusion that grades encourage students to learn Grades give students the stress and make them compete with each other so that they must study and work hard to succeed Essay ID 265 Topic 72 Almost in every modern society grades play an import role in assessing students academic abilityThere are all kinds of tests to winnow out weak students Knowledge itself is so complicate and vast each one of the test usually cant cover every aspect of it So I wonder whether grades can really encourge students to learn The basic reason why I disapprove of the title statement lies in the belief that grades usually dont have positive impact on student who is strong or weak alike Take the example of student who has high grades If Tom got good grades in the class normaly he cant feel conceited This situation certainly wont lead him into finding some blind spots or weak points in his study And he wont realize that may be just his good memorizatation helps him a lot or this kind of test suits him well Lets us look another example Suppose Johnny isnt good at memorization but he is at home with analyzation and deduction Unfortunately he got poor grades in tests facilitate memorization One can foresee what harm will bring to him due to the poor grades In all these cases the grades play a negative role in encourging students to learn Most important of all the grades usually a convenient way of assessing a students academic ability But it is by no means a scientific one Teachers cant determine from the grades whether the student is hardworkingdiligent or out of cram The tests given to all students regardless of their individuals character traits just like force everyone to wear shoes of same size Famous educationist Confucius said two thousands years ago quotTeach students in accordance of their aptitudequot Our world is a colorful world so should be our educational world Grades especially poor grades will frustrate greatly potential successful students to learn It will give them a flase impression that their intelligence may be inferior to other studentsThe worst thing about poor grades is that it may have repercussions in a underachievers heart when all his fellow students and teacher have long forgotten In fact the potential talent of a student will be strangled by those poor grades A real pity to the student himself and the society Last but not the least there is some advantage in taking grades as a tool to evaluate students academic performance As in my humble opinion they should be combine with other scientific methods to encourge students to gain knowledge but not solely focus their energy on how to win high grades After all it is the knowledge that it is power not the grades Essay ID 535 Topic 72 A lot of people claim that marks in tests encourage students to learn I agree with this statement because examinations are a good way for a student to review what students have learned test scores are a standard measurement for students learning ability and knowledge level and the test system can benefit their future First of all tests are important for students learning Attending classes is not enough for students to learn the subjects no matter how carefully they listen to what teachers say They need examinations to review the lessons In most cases grades or marks are the only means by which
TWE Essays 131292 131 teachers measure students learning ability and learning progress Therefore grades encourage students to study for examinations and it is good system for them to learn the subjects Secondly test scores are a standard measurement for students learning ability and knowledge level Most people would agree with this therefore universities all over the world take test results as a standard measurement to give admission to new students to offer fellowships and to decide whether to grant a student graduation High school teachers use test results as a means to evaluate the effects of teaching and students learning progress By test scores teachers also know each individual students ability to learn Thirdly test results can stimulate a student to work hard on his courses The testing mechanism encourages students to work hard in order to achieve a better result they will devote more time on study and develop a quotnever give upquot spirit This will not only benefit their study but also teach them a truth that everyone needs constant learning and hard working in order to be useful to this society Students who have developed such learning habit and never give up nature will not only have good performance in schools but can also superior to others in other aspects for example such natures are important factors even after finishing schools I believe most students understand the importance of these qualities and impacts on their life therefore they know how important it is to work hard and try to achieve a better score In conclusion marks can stimulate student to learn and good marks can give them advantages in going to a good university and finding a good job Therefore I strongly support the statement that marks can encourage students to learn Essay ID 158 Topic 73 The use of computer is increasingly popular in modern society Some people think that the computer makes life more convenient and easier because they can compile documents buy goods through the Internet and do other works on the computer Nevertheless in my opinion the computer makes life more complex and stressful There are many instances supporting my opinion Before the computer was invented people only need to learn the knowledge of mathematics physics chemistry and so on However today people have to learn how to operate the computer to use a variety of software and if the computer does not work people have to learn how to repair it People have to learn not only the knowledge of software but also that of hardware No ending learning makes people exhausted and their life more complex The computer also makes life more stressful The society in which we live is called quotinformation societyamp quot Thanks for the development of the computer the rhythm of life are increasingly rapid The business men has so many meetings to attend so many e-mails to deal with that they have no time to have his lunch Some students have to work late on the computer to do the homework at night There are more and more people struggling from the nervous sickness and complaining the quotbusy lifequot The rapid development of the computer makes people feel stressful too The new generation of the software and the hardware the update of them all of these make people have to pay more and more time and money on their computers Although the computer has become an indispensable part of our life it can be concluded from the above statements that the computer makes life more complex and stressful
TWE Essays 132292 132 Essay ID 269 Topic 73 Some people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful but I totally disagree In my opinion computers have really made our lives easier and more convenient in communicating getting informed and doing research work if you have known how to work with a computer The e-mail service and Internet based on computer make us communicating with others much easily and conveniently In the past we have to write letters or meet in person in order to communicate with others The mails seem to take forever to arrive and meeting in person means to put out a lot of efforts Now the e-mail lasts only a few seconds to send and to receive and we can always meet new people even foreigners in chat room whenever we set up our computers It really makes our socializing easier The news on the Internet is being broadcasted 24 hours everyday and tailored to your specific interests You can always connect your telephone and modem with a computer to read them Listening to radio or watching television can be informed with what are happening around you conveniently too but just on the computer can you easily read the specific news in which you are interested without having to buy newspapers So up to now it is the most convenient way to read news at home Besides it is very convenient and much easy to do research work with a computer turning on You can save your work on computers too easily more than just typing a few letters no matter what your work is even audio or video data You can also type a few keys to print them out neatly Also you can search whatever materials you want without the trouble of looking for books or magazines in libraries Some people think that computers have made life complex and stressful They may not be very familiar with computers or do not know how to work with a computer efficiently It does not matter Only after a few weeks of training they can probably easily enjoy the convenience of computers in socializing reading news and doing research job Essay ID 533 Topic 73 Some people believe that computers provide easier and more convenient lives for them In their opinion computers help them surf internet and share information They may communicate directly by Email But others hold that computers have made life more complex and stressful and they point out that computers bring many bad effects to human beings such as information security problem because of hacking attack and environmental pollution because of irradiation As far as I concerned I prefer the first opinion rather than the second view My opinion comes from following three aspects First of all computer made life more efficient than before For example people might access websites gain a lot of valuable information and contact each other around the world Secondly computer made life more relax and easier Computers provide varity kinds of games and people could enjoy and relax from them everyday Finally compute help people solve many complicated problem by software such as investment and finance Therefore peoples life become more simple and convenient
TWE Essays 133292 133 However just as what other people say that computers give us some negative effects in the meantime For example Irradiation does harm for our bodies and eyes so we can not made people seat too long in front of computers Hacking is a really trouble and we are supposed to enhance computer control and technology In general computers give people an easier and convenient life Although there exists some bad effects of computers as mentioned above We are supposed to do our best to solve the problems and pay more attention on their good effects I believe that our society will benefit more from them in the future Essay ID 453 This is a 5 point essay Topic 73 Nowadays some may hold the opinion that computers have made life easier and more convenient but others have a negative attitude they say that computers have made life more complex and stressful As far as I am concerned I agree that computers have brought more advantages than disadvantages to our life My arguments for this point are listed as follows One of the primary causes is that computers have improved the quality of life in our society They have brought to us more conveniences than ever before whether we book a plane ticket arrange a travel to foreign countries or hook up a telephone line with the help of computers and modern technologies they can be done in a few minutes by simply a phone call or a few key strokes we will not have to run from one place to another and wait for thousands of years before we can get the services we want There is a further more subtle point we must consider Because computers can make use of more personal details about people companies can provide customers with more individualized service than before Take booking for a plane ticket for example as soon as the operator input our name and telephone number into the computer the system can retrieve our information from the database and it will analyze our previous traveling patterns and habits and decide the best fair airline traveling time and seating for us The computer can also arrange accommodations after we arrive at the destination All these can be done in just a few seconds What is more computers give people more convenient access to useful information and services Nowadays computers and internet is ubiquitous in every corner of our world We use computers in libraries and public agencies to check up for useful information and the books we need Furthermore we access internet or CD-Rom to get whatever information we want Before traveling to a new place we can check on the computer what the place looks like what spots are must-sees and how we can get there We can get information from the internet on how to get a drivers license how to write an article on a topic and even take simulation tests on a specific subject The computer is such a great learning and information tool Recognizing the fact that computer is so indispensable to our daily life we can safely conclude that computers have made life easier and more convenient for us Essay ID 159 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 74 There are a lot of views whether the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide Different people has different viewpoint In my opinion a group led by a tour guide is the best way to
TWE Essays 134292 134 travel The argument for this view goes as follows In the first place there are many advantages when people travel in a group First people will not feel boring in a long trip People can talk laugh and make joking like a big family Second the group will help you a lot when you have any emergency The people in the group could help you figure out the awkward situation that will be unimaginable when you travel alone Third with the group discount such as the discount for airplane ticket the hotel and the admission ticket travelers can save a lot of money when they use the group discount In the second place there are many advantages too when people travel led by a tour guide The tour guide will arrange all the details about the trip in advance The traveler need not worry about where to find the hotel where to rent the car and how to find the direction It will make the trip a little bit easy Another advantage is that led by a tour guide will save much time than traveling alone With the professional knowledge tour guide will make the smartest schedule I would never forget that one of my friend a city tour guide in the Shanghai China said that she can lead traveler to visit the whole city by one day which people should spend two or three days to finish it In conclusion there are many advantages when people travels in a group led by a tour guide such as save money save time do not feel boring and is easy to take care of Therefore I strongly agree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide Essay ID 247 Topic 74 No doubtI do strongly advocate this idea that the best way to travel in a group led by a tour guide There are numerous reasons why I agree with this opinion and I would in here explain a few of the most imporant ones At first I can get many conveniences if I travel in a group led by a tour guide I dont worry about some things such as residence transportation and eating During the whole journey I can completely enjoy the pleasure of traveling without being disturbed by some trivial things Another reason why I agree with this idea is that traveling with a group people is more enjoyable than traveling alone We can share with the beautiful view each other and can express our feeling each other In addition if I encounter certain difficulities there will be many people to help me So this traveling pattern will also more safe The last reason is that a tour guild will let us learn more knowledge about where we will go because we arent familiar with that place Maybe due to our ignorance we will miss many interesting places without a tour guild Understanding the reasoning above it is quite safe now to say the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guild Essay ID 248 This is a 5 point essay Topic 74 Some people may think that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide but it is just where I differ from those people I think the best way to travel is to travel alone If I travel alone I can enjoy the pleasure of meeting new people trying new things and totally relaxing However
TWE Essays 135292 135 if I am to travel with a group led by a tour guide this pleasure seems impossible Travel alone means that I can meet new people more freely I can meet not only the other travelers but also the local residents whenever I travel to a new place If the person I want to meet is not available at the present time I can even reschedule my time But if I travel in a group led by a tour guide I have to stick to the schedule I have to take other peoples time into consideration That means I will lose a lot of chances to meet new people Travel alone also means I can try new things personally I can go anywhere I want and do something different from my lifestyle However if I travel in a group the place where I go and the things that I will deal with are all arranged and fixed in advance I have no choice but to follow That will be miserable for me as a traveler When I finally mange to take a travel I want to relax myself totally Work is too hard to do and I am really eager to have an enjoyable break However I am in a group and I have to stick to the travel schedule to consider the other group members feelings to go wherever the tour guide leads to That seems just like I am on my duty at work again I cannot really get relaxation I always prefer to travel alone I would like to meet a lot of different people experiencing new things on my way in traveling I think that only scheduling my travel time more casually can make me relax completely Would not that be the only purpose of traveling I would like to encourage you to travel alone too In any case do not travel in a group led by a tour guide Essay ID 534 Topic 74 There are basically two ways of traveling traveling in a group led by a tour guide or traveling independently There are advantages and disadvantages of the both By traveling in a group you will enjoy the companionship comfort and safety of group travel and learn more information about the place from a tour guide while traveling independently you can maintain the freedom flexibility and individualism Some people say that for most people the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide I agree with this opinion Firstly you will enjoy the companionship when traveling in a group Usually a tour group consists of around 20 people These people travel together eat together and stay in the same hotel During the trip you can always find someone you like to talk with and you will never feel lonely as when you are travelling alone Secondly you will enjoy the comfort and safety of group travel When traveling in a group everything is pre-arranged by the travel agent and you do not have to worry about booking a ticket finding a hotel decide what places to visit and so on In the meantime as you are not preoccupied with arranging the trip by yourself you may find yourself concentrate more on the trip itself and enjoy it more In addition it is much safer to travel in a group Your personal safety is always taken cared of by others Thirdly you can learn more information about the place from a tour guide and not worrying about missing an important spot The tour guide will take you to each spot that should be visited and give you detailed information about the place you visit You never have to find information about the places you are going to through the Internet or buy a book from the bookstore Traveling in a group can save you time and money on information searching In conclusion there are many advantages of traveling in a group Although for young people
TWE Essays 136292 136 traveling alone is more advantages and stimulating for most people traveling in a group is the best choice Essay ID 160 Topic 75 Some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects others only require students to specialize in one subject I deem the first one as the premier choice Among countless factors there are three conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for my propensity that students should take classes in many subjects is that they can make full use of the abundant resources that a university has to offer A university has plenty of educational and research resources It is a very good idea to make full use of these valuable assets while studying in the university The best way to achieve this is to take a variety of subjects as much as possible Through learning these courses a student can get access to knowledge and resources in different areas On the contrary if a student only specializes in one subject he will not have a chance to get access to other resources offered by the university Another reason can be seen by every person is that by choosing many subjects students can broaden their knowledge and make a solid foundation for their future concentrated study Whatever the student will concentrate on in his senior years in college it is necessary that he choose a wide range of subjects to build the knowledge foundation Take the field of Business Management for example the student has to acquire knowledge in writing accounting economics and human resource management before he can successfully start his major concentration study The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because students can be more adaptable in their future career if they choose a variety of subjects during their university study and gained a breath and width of knowledge he will be more adaptable to the requirement of the society and be able to easily adjust to many kinds of jobs This will benefit his future career In a word taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that students should take classes in many subjects in a university Essay ID 161 Topic 75 The whole point of my answer is that it is better for universities to require students to specialize in one subject It is just what the majors are called for even though there are a couple of the advantages of students taking classes in many subjects It is a more sensible decision that universities require students to specialize in one subject They must have known that the depth of a certain subject is infinite while both the students energy and time are limited It probably tells the truth Only when a student just specializes in one subject can he focus on it Thus it ensures the students more likely to be a kind of expert in some subject when they are given the degrees That is just the purpose of so-called education It does not mean that students have not too many classes to attend even if they just specialize one subject There are a lot of sub-subjects or divisions of a main subject The science of journalism
TWE Essays 137292 137 for example can include the theories of journalism the histories of journalism both domestic and international the news writing skills the interview courses and the editorials writing and so on The students have to study all of these above course as journalism major It does mean a lot of work to do even if students just specialize one subject I do not deny there are a couple of advantages for universities to require students to take in many subjects One thing the work places require so-called generalist today Students who take many subjects may probably mean the opportunity of meeting that request Another is that students who take in many subjects can also help their main subject Thus probably can help them study what they are majoring better Whatever the benefit it will be however students taking any other subjects should not interfere their main target In the whole I thought that universities could allow students to take subjects as many as possible if their times and energies were available However I think that possibility is faint So I have to say that it is better for universities just to urge students to specialize in one subject After all the main subject is already a lot of work to cope with considering the depth and width of one subject Essay ID 536 Topic 76 I think that children should begin to learn a foreign language as soon as they start school Even many parents taught their children the foreign language before elementary school It is obvious that really necessary People can learn a language easily when they are young Many older people often say that they are too old to learn a foreign language They cant remember the words or phrases even after hundreds of times reciting Its hard for them in faith but while its quite different from the young A healthy child has a better and quicker memory so the new things he learned may not be forgotten easily with the process of time When you go to the primary school you begin to learn the knowledge from your teachers Most of them use their native language while teaching you If you dont touch the foreign language you want to learn the longer you receive the education the more difficult for you to learn itMore and more opportunities to speak Chinese will affect on the consequence of foreign language study directly unless we start learning it as soon as the school begins Another reason for early language study is that the young may dare to talk with foreigners and its a very good chance to practice oral skills As you know many grown-ups are bashful to talk with the foreigners but Grade One or Two students can do so very easily for they dont care their grammar or expressions right or notIn fact neither do the foreigners If they start to learn a foreign language as soon as they go to school they may also talk with each other in it What a good chance It will help a lot I think In a word learning a foreign language as soon as starting school is helpful and important Its not a burden but one of the best ways of learning Essay ID 532 This is a 5 point essay Topic 76 Nowadays some may hold the opinion that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school but others have a negative attitude that learning a foreign language early
TWE Essays 138292 138 will pose too much pressure on kids and will affect their mother-tongue learning As far as I am concerned I agree that bilingual education should start as early as possible My arguments for this point are listed as follows I agree with the statement without reservation since children learn second languages quickly than adults As we have observed children can learn languages faster than adults and immigrant children translate for their parents who have not learned the language and that child learners speak without a foreign accent whereas this is impossible for adult learners Therefore the earlier kids learn a second language the less difficulties they would meet when they grow up and have to face a foreign language speaking environment Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that bilingual education can be fun and stimulate childrens learning interest Many parents and teachers know how to teach kids a second language in an interesting way One of my students told me that when he was in kindergarten every day his mum taught him a few Chinese characters as well as their meaning in English As time passed the kid became keen to learn English Sometimes he gave mum and dad a quiz by speaking some English words and asking them what their meaning is Bilingual education will not affect the mother-tongue study of children As we are living in an environment of pure Chinese conversation and traditional culture it is impossible for us to give up our culture and language Teachers also are trying to arrange the curriculum in a proper way For Bilingual education has become a trend No matter we like it or not future educational undertakings will become more international and exchanges between schools throughout the world will increase Given this speaking a common language is important and to this purpose bilingual teaching is an inevitable way Essay ID 164 Topic 77 Should boys and girls attend separate schools This question is very arguable Before rendering my opinion lets consider the advantages for boys and girls to attend separate schools Since boys and girls are different in many ways they have different hobbies and the ways to learn new things If they attend separate schools the education can be more efficient because the school can teach them differently according to their personalities But the disadvantages of it is greater While boys and girls attend separate schools therere few chances for them to communicate with opposite sexes which will become a handicap for them to communicate with each other in their future As far as I concerned boys and girls should not attend separate schools Among countless reason one can think of the first and foremost reason is that people should have experience with opposite sex when they are in school because in a society therere both males and females people have to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex which is a essential factor for people to succeed Moreover people have to learn from opposite sex For example while females should learn braveness from males males should learn carefulness from females In addition in a family to learn from opposite sex becomes more important to keep the family harmonious In addition the knowledge of opposite sex is also important without such knowledge dealing with the relationships with opposite sex becomes extremely difficult especially after ones married
TWE Essays 139292 139 Finally as we can see its definitely important for boys and girls to attend schools together so that they can learn from each other communicate with each other and they can know each other well which is very valuable for their future Essay ID 537 Topic 77 Nowadays some may hold the opinion that boys and girls should attend separate schools others have a negative attitude As far as I am concerned I agree that boys and girls should go to separate schools My arguments for this point are listed as follows I agree with the statement since single-sex education provide a environment for boys and girls to concentrate on their study Research shows that a single-sex school environment can eliminate the distraction from members of the opposite sex and therefore is academically beneficial to students Girls in an all-female school can establish self-esteem and avoid the situation faced by young women in co-ed schools such as struggle to survive emotionally They will be able to focus more on their academic curriculum sometimes specifically designed and prepare for their future education and career The single-sex setting eliminates social distractions and allows for better concentration on academics Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that traditional gender stereotypes are often reinforced in single-sex academies Boys tended to be taught in more regimented traditional and individualistic fashion and girls in more nurturing cooperative and open environments This will develop their virtue and prepare them for their future roles in the society Taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that boys and girls should attend separate schools Of course there are also disadvantages of single-gender education and simply separating boys and girls does not always improve the quality of education A lot of efforts should be made to ensure that a single-gender education system be successful implemented Essay ID 165 Topic 78 In a modern society employers always face the dilemma of whether to choose a person to work with a group of people or to work independently This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives While both of the ways may have their advantages and disadvantages they can be applied under different circumstances Afterwards I will explain my opinion about it To work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove the ability of a employee One can use his own knowledge and way to solve the difficulties met during the work But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method Some people warn that a person choosing to work independently may lack the ability of communicating with other people Furthermore a persons knowledge and ability are limited We need others help or assistance to solve the problems By means of it we can improve the efficiency so that a company can make good use of human resources On the other hand choosing to work with a group of people also has advantages to some extent From most advertisements we can notice that nowadays more and more companies concentrate on communication skills and team-cooperated abilities The reason is that they believe two heads
TWE Essays 140292 140 are always better than ones With the combination of all peoples knowledge we can solve the problem or bring out a better solution as soon as possible In addition to work with team also can save the time and make more money for companies As we know it is a strong competitive society Time can means a lot to a company To work with a team can reduce the time to the lowest extend so that the company can increase their competition Although to work with a team does have its profound advantages at the mean time there lies some drawbacks in it such as an individual may rely on the others in a team But if all these factors are contemplated the advantages of working with a group of people carry more weight than those of working independently because the first one fits most companies better in two ways In the first place we cannot live in a society independently and we need to communicate with each other so the communication skill is very important to us Through teamwork we can enhance this ability Secondly through teamwork we can try each ones best to give a better idea to save time and make more profit for companies Therefore from what we have discussed we may safely come to the conclusion that choosing to work with a group of people is a rather wise decision Essay ID 167 Topic 78 In a modern society employers always face the dilemma of whether to choose a person to work with a group of people or to work independently This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives While both of the ways may have their advantages and disadvantages they can be applied under different circumstances Afterwards I will explain my opinion about it To work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove the ability of a employee One can use his own knowledge and way to solve the difficulties met during the work But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method Some people warn that a person choosing to work independently may lack the ability of communicating with other people Furthermore a persons knowledge and ability are limited We need others help or assistance to solve the problems By means of it we can improve the efficiency so that a company can make good use of human resources On the other hand choosing to work with a group of people also has advantages to some extent From most advertisements we can notice that nowadays more and more companies concentrate on communication skills and team-cooperated abilities The reason is that they believe two heads are always better than ones With the combination of all peoples knowledges we can solve the problem or bring out a better solution as soon as possible In additon to work with team also can save the time and make more money for companies As we know it is a strong competitive society Time can means a lot to a company To work with a team can reduce the time to the lowest extend so that the company can increase their competition Although to work with a team does have its profound advantages at the mean time there lies some drawbacks in it such as an individual may rely on the others in a team But if all these factors are contemplated the advantages of working with a group of people carry more weight than those of working independently because the first one fits most companies better in two ways In the first place we cannot live in a society independently and we need to communicate with each other so the communication skill is very important to us Through team work we can enhance this ability Secondly through team work we can try each ones best to give a better idea to save time and make more profit for companies Therefore from what we have discussed we may safely come to the conclusion that choosing to work with a group of people is a rather wise decision
TWE Essays 141292 141 Essay ID 233 Topic 78 Some people like to work independently while others would prefer to work in a team Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently Depending on different personal traits and working environments people will have different answer to this question I think being able to work in a team is more important for me First modern society and industry is a complicated system which requires team work communication and cooperation between companies and individuals Take a computer system for example it comprises of hardware operating system and software which are manufactured separately by different companies Not one single company can accomplish a computer system without using products and technologies from other companies Similarly in a company communication and teamwork is more and more important because I can not do my work properly without interacting with my supervisor and my colleagues Second there are many advantages of working in a group than working alone Teamwork provides me with a cooperative friendly and enjoyable work environment The team can also be helpful with my questions and problems therefore increase the efficiency of my work Teamwork can challenge my abilities and I can learn valuable experiences from it From teamwork I can also made valuable contacts with other professionals which is quite helpful to my future career Third the ability of working independently does not contradict with the ability to work in a team For example in a team environment I enjoyed being a major contributor to my team The fact that others depended on my work made me feel like I was doing worthwhile things For example I was in charge of the front end for the GUI for the new test manager This was very valuable because I know how important working on a team is Inclusion I think the most important quality for me in my work environment is the ability to work with others in a team Essay ID 166 Topic 79 The answer to this question depends on your own experience and life style In my point view if we should build a statue or monument to honor someone important to our city this person is no one else but people in our city Among countless factors which influence the choice these are three conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for my propensity for building a monument for people is that people are the greatest resources of our city Another reason can be seen by every person is that people are productive forces Furthermore many works in the city can never fully be automated by computers and machines Although we can use the latest technologies we never forget that there is no substitute for human skill and creativity In short the most important and honorable person in this city is not a single person it is the people People are heroes For our city to survive and thrive it is essential that the city update its
TWE Essays 142292 142 approach to managing its most important asset - the people Essay ID 168 Topic 80 The answer to this question depends on your own experience and the country you were brought up In my point view the most important custom from my country that I would like people from other countries to adopt is filial piety According to Chinese tradition filial piety is the primary duty of all Chinese Being a filial son means show respect to ones parents during their lifetime and--as they grew older--taking the best possible care of them A story can best illustrate the concept of filial pity During the Chin Dynasty 4th-5th Century CE a boy named Wu Meng was already serving his parents in exemplary filial piety although he was just eight years old The family was so poor that they could not even afford a gauze net against the mosquitoes Therefore every night in the summer swarms of mosquitoes would come and bite them Wu Meng let them all feast on his naked stomach Even though there were so many he did not drive them away He feared that the mosquitoes having left him would instead bite his parents His heart was truly filled with love for his parents Filial piety is a good virtual of Chinese people and people from other countries should also learn from it Parents gave us birth and nurtured us therefore we have the obligation to respect them and to take care of them when they can no longer take care of themselves Western countries have complete social welfare systems to support people financially after they retire but older people often face loneliness they long for somebody to talk to them especially their children and grand-children We should try our best to spend more time with them talk to them and take them to family gatherings and trips to the nature Filial piety can benefit our society It can make our family tie stronger and children can learn a lot from our attitude to our parents and from their grand parents They can realize how important a family is to a person and develop a strong sense of responsibility to their families and friends For example when it is necessary to stand out to defend our families and even the nation for danger we will not hesitate to do so because we know how important our families and our country is to us In short the most important custom from my country that I would like people from other countries to adopt is to be good to their parents It is not only ensure that our parents can be taken good care of when they are getting old but also help our children to develop good virtues and spirits Essay ID 169 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 81 These are several viewpoints on the implications of technological change and advancement and such schools of thought which considerably vary have their respective validity Technological change has its advantages and disadvantages For one it is true that it partly solves problems and makes life better At the same time technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging quality of life In the developing economies for instance technological advantages has both its merits and demerits The introduction and seeming acceptability and usefulness of computers have somehow helped increase the efficiency of several
TWE Essays 143292 143 firms It is not only in the industrial sector that technological change proven to be very effective In the agricultural sector for example the introduction of new technologies in increasing production has been very effective in expanding agricultural produce These are just a few examples to illustrate the advantages of technological advancement On the other hand countries should be more careful on their choice of technology since it must be noted that while certain types of technology are adaptable to developed economies the same type of technology may not fit the environment of developing countries due to differing economic social cultural and political factors For example infrastructure improvements such as a construction of irrigation dam in the mountains of the Philippines where several natives reside may likely be resisted by the population due to cultural factors They may prefer not to have such improvements in view of traditional values Another example is the pollution impact of some technological improvements particularly in the industrial sectors The choice and adaptability of new technology should therefore be carefully studied The short medium and long term impact of such technology is very important particularly for developing economies The benefits should always be greater than the costs I am inclined to support both positions because both views have their own validity However I am more convinced that technological advancement is beneficial to countries so long as they are aware of the disadvantages of such technology Essay ID 170 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 81 Nowadayswe are in an age of technological revolutions Many conveniences have been brought to us by technology and science I agree with the statement that technology has made the world a better place to live The reasons and examples are chiefly as follows The developments of compudters and internet have improved our life styles dramatically Computers have changed our traditional ways of reading and writing which bring us great convenience The combanation of computers and internet has made our living quite different from before Elecotronic mail is a useful example computer users can communicate with one another across the globe Electronic mail is particularly beneficial for language students Learners can enjoy language exchange with native speakers through electronic mail Another good example is the invention of automobiles Actually automobiles have been an integral part of every industrial economy Many people use an automobile to get to work many others - trademan salesman taxi drivers police men - use automobiles as part of their work On a larger scale car production is possibly the most important element of national industrial performance All in all it is incrediable to imagine a mordern world will be like without anutomobiles Likewise international jet transport has had some revolutioanry effects on our lifestyles Beacause the high speed and relatively low costs of this type of travel it has changed the way people look at the world Today the world is much smaller than it was in the past Adimittedly technological advances also caused so unpleasant effects such as pollution of automobile exhaust fumes and noise of transport vechiels But as people have realized those problems and are trying to find ways to solve them on the whole I believe thatn thechnology has made the world a better place to live Essay ID 346
TWE Essays 144292 144 Topic 81 Standing at the turn of the new century we observe the twentieth century as a great advance in technology With those advances human lives have changed dramatically In some ways life is worse but mostly it is better So personaly speaking I am and probably will always be one of those who agree with the idea that technology has made the world a better place to live First of all technology has brought with it a more comfortable life Not only do we use aircondition and heating system during the summer and winter but also do we take many changes in food preparation methods to make so delicious food Due to the development of architecture and so on living conditions are greatly improved nowadays Besides the world is now more convenient to live We can travel around by aeroplane and railway network We can talk to each other faraway by telephone Several score years ago it was even daydreaming that we could today obtain information as well as commodities via Internet The last but not the least through the process of technology improvement people begin to realize the fact that only reconciling with the nature can we keep a continuous development That is why we today pay so much attention to environmental protection Many factories have achieved economic growth without pollution under certain new technology These cities are beginning to be very beautiful places to live in Instances of the same sort can be multiplied indefinitely When taking into account all these merits we may safely arrive at the conclusion that advantages of technology outweigh any disadvantage it may bring to our lives Though I must admit that people sometimes invent some things that threaten the lives of themselves no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by technology and just with such experience the human being forge ahead swiftly to the future Essay ID 518 Topic 81 With the development of technology there have been a lot of changes to our life Admittedly some of these changes are bad causing many environmental and social problems However most of these changes contribute to making our life more convenient more comfortable and more wonderful First of all due to the improvement of technology people can enjoy more convenience than ever For example it only takes travelers or businessmen several hours to go to other countries by jet plane which makes the world seem to be much smaller With the help of Internet people at different corners of the world can communicate with significantly high speed and low cost It is technology that has cleared away the barriers that once prevented people from leading a convenient life Whatever vegetable or fruit we want to eat we can always find it in a supermarket without worrying about the season We can also go to work in a place far away from our homes by using automobiles or public transportation tools In addition technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time Listening to music by
TWE Essays 145292 145 using an MD MP3 or walkman surfing the internet or watching digital movies all of these entertainments make our life wonderful In conclusion although technology has brought about some problems such as air pollution caused by increasing automobiles ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings the benefits of technology far outweigh its bad influences So it is safe to say that technology has made the world a better place to live Essay ID 470 Topic 81 Whether technology has made the world a better place to live is a prevalent topic undergoing serioius debate After pondering it from several aspects I totally agree it is true that technology has made the world a better place to live This I support with the following reasons As we know firstly technology can help people to live a longer life A small example can give some light to this point At the stone age our ancestors average age is about 25 Due to the development of medical technology now peoples average age is two or three times of that time Another reason why I prefer to this choice lies in the fact that technology ameliorate the environment in which people living in for example thousand of yeas ago people lived in caves which are cold in winter and hot in summer With using Architectural technology people build up houses skyscrapers Living in them people enjoy the comfortable lives without worrying about the whether it is hotcold or rainy outside Finally I want to mention that technology has bring our lives more and more convenience For instance many people like music classic music or pop music At the beginning people must go to the theater whenever he wanted to hear a songToday by using great technologies walkman and discman are supplied for the music fans Then they can enjoy their favorite songs anywhere and anytime From what has been discussed above we can safely draw the conclusion that technology has made the world a better place to live Essay ID 508 This is a 5 point essay Topic 82 Nowadays some may hold the opinion that advertising can tell you a lot about a country As far as I am concerned I agree with this statement My arguments for this point are listed as follows One of the primary causes is that advertising is always a reflection of a countrys culture and customs Advertising varies from country to country depending on the countrys particular conventions For example a Japanese advertisement may feature a Japanese lady with traditional kimono while an American advertisement may feature a western cowboy with a hat and ride a horse Through advertisement we can have a general understanding of what people from other countries look like what they wear during their daily life what they eat what kind of transportation they use and what they do during their spare times We can always learn different cultures of different countries through these culture specific advertisements A further more subtle point we must consider is that we can understand a country by its products When we see a Toyota or a SONY advertisement on TV we realize that Japanese people see quality as a vital aspect of their products and we know that how these people are always trying their best in high technology development and ensure the best quality in their products When we
TWE Essays 146292 146 have gained a deeper understanding of a product we can also gain a deeper understanding of that country and people What is more when we become curious about the culture and customs of a country through advertisement we are willing to spend more time on reading about the country explore more deeply about it and even someday travel to a country we like to visit All these might have started with a small advertisement on TV Is that amazing In short advertising can really tell you a lot about a countrys culture and customs Essay ID 171 Topic 83 I strongly agree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture Modern technology like computer and internet is bringing people together and making the world getting smaller First of all with the development of modern technologies such as computers English is becoming the most important language in the world and the importance of other languages is getting weaker and weaker Admit or not the most common language used today on the internet is English this makes English becomes the one and only most important language in the world On the other hand computers can cross the barrier of human language No matter where people are and no matter which language people speak they always use computers the same way and basicly they are using the same kind of software packages like Windows Operating Systems and word proccessing software packages Computer language is also a universal language Programmers from different part of the world can work in the Silicon Vally Although they might have difficulties in communication in English they have no problem at all writing programs with Java or C Besides the development of the internet is uniformizing peoples life style Internet is being used in almost every corner the world People are doing almost everything with the internet like getting all sorts of information shopping online paying for their bills and checking their balances in the online bank Over 90 per cent of people in the world use the same kind of internet browser - MS Internet Explorer and almost every internet page looks like the same although they use different language and design People from all over the world are doing the same thing each day on the internet and their living habit is becoming closer and closer with each passing day In addition modern technolgy has facilitated the communications among people from all over the world and therefore result a single world culture For instance people can chat with a friend or a stranger who lives abroad on the phone internet and they can also see and listen to himher through a camera and a microphone just like face to face This helps one culture learns from other culture and bring the world together Before people can see each other through TV they used to wear their local costumes nowadays T-shirt and blue jeans have become a universal custom for people This is a concreate example that modern development is creating a single world culture Based on the points discussed above we can see why I agree with that modern technology is creating a single world culture Essay ID 360 Topic 83
TWE Essays 147292 147 In modern society technology has brought us amazing surprises everyday Someone claims that modern technology is creating a single world culture I completely disagree with this statement I will list some of my reasons here Firstly I believe that modern technology has improved multi-culturalism and the communication between cultures With modern communication technology such as TVs and phones we can see what people at the other end of the world is doing and with a modern airplane we can travel to every corner of the world This will greatly help us understand the cultural diversity of this world and we will learn to appreciate the cultural difference of people from different part of the earth Secondly modern technology increases the communication between cultures Eastern people can learn good virtual from western culture such as politeness and self-cultivation and western people can also learn a great deal of good virtual from eastern culture such as modesty and filial pity of ones parents By communication one culture can learn from other culture and evolve Thirdly modern technology helps us to preserve our cultural relics and world treasures and discover our culture in the past We can also explore and discover more about our past and have a better understanding of now and the future For instance Xian is famous for its figures of warriors and horses buried in the emperors tombs In the modern world we explore some of these tombs so that we would understand the remote and longstanding culture of Qin Dynasty in Chinas history Indeed modern technology has shorten the distance between cultures and made this world smaller But we cannot say that it is creating a single world culture On the contrary with the help of modern technology we find this world more and more diversify and colorful Essay ID 172 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 84 What things can be widely used in education business government family and almost all the other fields all over the world One answer is the Internet which is a great communication tool in the 21st century Some people claim that the 21st century could not exist without the Internet Therefore children and young adults should use the Internet freely everywhere Personally I have the impression that there are some flaws in this seemingly indisputable proposition Children and young adults should not use the Internet freely for three reasons and some safe programs and filters are indeed needed in the Internet For one thing the children and young adults that use the Internet freely might get the wrong information by chance Children and young adults can be influenced easily by many new things The Internet is so wide that it includes some wrong information such as violence and pornography That information can cause many bad effects on the children and young adults which are bad for them are growing For example there is some violence information in the Internet After the children and young adults watch that by chance they might follow the violence way from the Internet to solve the problems Consequently we have to use some kinds of software to block this kind of information This highly technical software has already been developed well Parents can just trust this kind of software in order to prevent children from accessing the blocked websites which includes the wrong information For another thing the children and young adults using the Internet freely might cause some computer problems As the Internet is used on the computers it is related to the computers closely The computer is a highly technical machine that sometimes is hard to control As a result some bad things may have loopholes to get into the computer such as the computer viruses If the
TWE Essays 148292 148 children and young adults use the Internet freely without some safe programs their computers will probably be infected with computer viruses For example many years ago I used my computer on the Internet without any safe programs One day I found my computer was abnormal and called a computer expert to look over it He said my computer must be infected with computer viruses from the Internet and suggested I use the safe program to prevent the viruses Since then I have used the Internet with the safe program every time and never get the computer viruses any more In addition there are also some computer hackers on the Internet who always attack others computers or steal the data from others computers which is a serious problem for the computer users Therefore a safe program is really needed for the computer users to prevent the viruses and hackers while they are using the Internet Furthermore by using some filters we can save a lot of time to distinguish the useful and unnecessary information Most people use the Internet to find and get information There are so great quantities of information on the Internet that we usually have to spend quite a long time to find the useful information Whereas if we use some filters we can distinguish the useful and unnecessary information easily For example my E-mail box always receives some pornographic junk mail which are very disagreeable After I use the filters to block those mails senders that mail cannot get into my E-mail box any more However the Internet is such an interesting thing that people who enjoy it may keep on surfing on the net People who have little ability of self control will lose themselves in the information highway spending a long time in front of the screen which is absolutely bad for their health Thus the filters are quite useful when we use the Internet Some people hold that children and young adults use the Internet freely can widen their eyes of the world However I think using the Internet with the filters can also get the information much enough to widen their eyes Most parents do not use the filters because they do not know how useful the filters are The filters are so good now that we can choose the different ways to get the different kinds of information Using the filters can make the limit to help the children and young adults kown more about the things that are useful for them If the children and young adults use the Internet freely they may lose their directions As a result they might not only widen their eyes but also waste a lot of time The filters can help us to prevent getting into the websites that we will never use them anyway so that we could widen our eyes of the world by using the filters As the Internet becomes more and more popular the way of using Internet will also become more and more advanced Consequently children and young adults should use the Internet with some new advanced programs to get the information easily They should try to learn the better way to use the Internet such as by the safe programs and filters As a result the Internet will be really good for them Essay ID 452 Topic 84 The Internet Provides people with a lot of information but is this information valuable or so much information create problems for us In my point of view every thing has its two sides and the value of the Internet far outweighs the disadvantages it brings to us The Internet has been beneficial to people around the globe My view is a commonsense one based on the fact that the Web is a vast storehouse of information and opinion which can be scientific literary political sporting or sexual Anyone with access to a computer and a dialup connection can unlock the door and trawl through its offerings The Internet can be used as a broad base of knowledge that contributes to the educational system Students and teachers benefit from the use of the Internet as well as administrators and others
TWE Essays 149292 149 outside of formal education Students benefit because the Internet provides a resource to supplemental information for any subject Educators benefit because the Internet provides a vast knowledge base to prepare for topics People are not only learning from the Internet they are contributing and sharing knowledge through networked communities The Internet is the advancement of education for all its users Internet can deliver better customer services to people The Internet is changing the way we do business Using Internet broadcasting we are able to target the right audience prepare and present a technical presentation on a popular topic interact with new customers and collect hundreds of highly qualified leads As Internet companies continue to find innovative ways to leverage the capabilities of the Internet for businesses the more we will learn how to provide optimal solutions for customers Which in turn will greatly benefit people The Internet today is a way to transfer and share information On the whole it is a benefit to individuals of all kinds We do have problems surrounding the Internet that need to be solved but as with all new technologies there are debates and opinions Since the Internet technology is spreading it will soon become as popular as all other forms of communication If you have not tried it do so Essay ID 173 Topic 85 If you attend a conference in China and would like to take a one-day-visit on site seeing and shopping there are three factors you might consider this place must have special tourist features which can represent China and this place must be close to the place where the meeting is held therefore you do not have to spend too much time on traveling If you are in northern part of China the best place that you should visit is the city of Beijing although spending one day in Beijing is too short of a period to fully explore the splendors of the city Nevertheless for those of you without the luxury of time make sure you dont miss a few key points of interest--the Summer Palace the Forbidden Palace the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China The Summer Palace is a royal retreat located on the bank of a large lake Visitors can walk along a waterfront promenade that leads to a concrete ship docked at the far end of the walk At the concrete ship you can take a ferry back to the entrance of the palace Something you may want to do while at the Summer Palace is go into the gift shop get dressed in traditional Chinese clothing and pose for a souvenir photograph The Forbidden Palace is absolutely breathtaking There are a series of gates that lead to the main palace grounds Pay particular attention to the stairwells in the palace courtyards There are slabs carved with intricate dragon designs which the emperor was suspended over in a caravan whenever he left the palace grounds It would be a good idea to get a local guide to lead you around the palace and explain the significance of various buildings Finally dont miss the Great Wall Its located outside of the city and it takes up most of the day but its well worth it When you ascend the Great Wall there are two paths--one veering to the left and the one veering to the right The path on the right is less steep and an easier climb However if you take the path to the left you can see the remains of the original wall and there is a cable car you can take down to the parking area Shopping in Beijing is becoming more convenient by the day The Silk Market at Xiushui Jie is
TWE Essays 150292 150 favorites among tourists experts and locals alike There you can bargain with the shop owners and So there you have it I encourage anyone to spend at least a few days in Beijing because there are so much to see Essay ID 174 Topic 85 If a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in my country - China I will recommend him to live in an average Chinese family for that special day There is no denying that the one-day experience with a average Chinese family will be invaluable for his life and future career if given a chance to work or live in China in the foreseeable future As is known to all to live with an average Chinese family for only one day the foreign visitor could not get an overall picture of the average Chineses life style and their culture but in another way even at the very beginning of being enthusiastically welcomed at the threshold of the house he must be overwhelmed by the enthusiasm delivered by Chinese people who are famous for their hospitality so that he is given a vivid lesson about the characteristics of the Chinese people Of course hospitality is merely one of the virtues Chinese people possess but it is of vital importance to get familiar with the natives to read the thoughts of the natives through their manners or even their gestures and finally be emerged into the life of the native Chinese more harmoniously than those who do not have such an experience Besides to live with an average Chinese family a foreigner will get first-hand information about the situation of the common Chinese peoples the life quality their main expenses and their hobbies in their spare time and so on This first-hand information is of preliminary importance if he wants to get an insiders view of this country The third reason is that it is the best way for a foreigner to confirm whether he has read or heard in his own country is true or not is to look into the average Chinese peoples life in person If a foreigner is also a well-informed person he must be buried with bulks of information all shouting about the so-called quotinsiders viewquot about the circumstances of the life of the Chinese people in todays China and if he is a critical reader he should not swallow all that without even asking quotis that truequot Accordingly I would say to the foreigner that to live with an average Chinese family will deserve all your endeavour and it is the perfect way to spend your one-day tour in China Essay ID 405 Topic 86 Back to January 19th2002 Till now there is only one thing that makes me feel repentant of My girlfriend died in Japan and at that time I was doing my TOEFL test If I could go back to some time and place in the past I choose to go back to January 19th 2002 I will use a story to show the reasons for choosing this time in the past My girlfriends was Christina Her father is Japanese and her mother is Chinese That is why she looks as beautiful as an angel Last winter vacation I was preparing for the TOEFL test Of course I did not pay enough time for her as usual I only saw her for twice a month The night before the TOEFL test
TWE Essays 151292 151 she came to my house I enjoyed her cooking and everything looked fine as usual The next morning she cooked the breakfast for me Before I left she kissed me and said quot Jackey good luck I love youquot I replied quotThanks honey I love you tooquot The test goes fine After the test my cell phone rang as I turned it on It is one of my best friends Moon He said quot Jackey Christina went back to Japan She tried to kill herself Now she is in the hospital and she is in danger period You must arrive to the airport in three minutes The visa passport and the air ticket are in the car You have to come to Japan right now We will see you in Japanquot When I saw her she said quot I think your business is more important than me I do not think you need me any more Goodbye foreverquot She sleeps forever If I go back to the time I will stay with her and spend much more time on her I even can drop my business In fact it is impossible for backing that time Christina is died There is not another Christina for me but will have four times per year for the TOEFL test The lost would never be back Essay ID 376 Topic 86 If I were afforded the opportunity to go back to a specific time and place in the past I would venture back to ancient Greece During the 5th century BC the Greeks were in the process of developing and reforming a wide range of cultural social and scientific pursuits which still have a significant impact on the world today In the arts Greece excelled in many fields particularly dramatic literature The works of Sophocles Euripides and Aristophanes have had a tremendous influence not only on western literature but also western thought in general The works of these playwrights are still performed on stages around the world today However it would be a rare and exciting opportunity to see these plays performed for the first time The ancient Greeks also excelled in the social sciences Perhaps their greatest contribution in this area came in the form of democracy The Greek words quotDemoquot and quotCracyquot mean quotPeoplequot and quotRulequot respectively Today many of the worlds great nations have adopted and to a certain extent modified the ancient Greek system Yet its birth and early maturation period all took place in ancient Greece Academic subjects such as Philosophy Astronomy Physics and Biology also received a great deal of attention in the ancient Greek world The philosophical writings of Heraclitus Plato and Aristotle have had a profound influence on western scholarship for well over two thousand years The Mathematical theories of Pythagoras and Euclid combined with theories from other great ancient civilizations provided a foundation upon which later mathematicians such as Newton and Einstein based their work The world of the Ancient Greeks would most certainly be an exciting and stimulating place to go back to Politics Drama Physics and a number of other subjects were still in their infancy and all were being fiercely debated and examined It would undoubtedly be and enriching experience to observe and take part in such a fascinating civilization Essay ID 175 Topic 87
TWE Essays 152292 152 I think the most important discovery that has been the most beneficial for people in my country is the invention of Internet So far as I can tell the Internet has been beneficial to people around the globe My view is a commonsense one based on the fact that the Web is a vast storehouse of information and opinion which can be scientific literary political sporting or sexual Anyone with access to a computer and a dialup connection can unlock the door and trawl through its offerings The Internet can be used as a broad base of knowledge that contributes to the educational system Students and teachers benefit from the use of the Internet as well as administrators and others outside of formal education Students benefit because the Internet provides a resource to supplemental information for any subject Educators benefit because the Internet provides a vast knowledge base to prepare for topics People are not only learning from the Internet they are contributing and sharing knowledge through networked communities The Internet is the advancement of education for all its users Internet can deliver better customer services to people The Internet is changing the way we do business Using Internet broadcasting we are able to target the right audience prepare and present a technical presentation on a popular topic interact with new customers and collect hundreds of highly qualified leads As Internet companies continue to find innovative ways to leverage the capabilities of the Internet for businesses the more we will learn how to provide optimal solutions for customers Which in turn will greatly benefit people The Internet today is a way to transfer and share information On the whole it is a benefit to individuals of all kinds We do have problems surrounding the Internet that need to be solved but as with all new technologies there are debates and opinions Since the Internet technology is spreading it will soon become as popular as all other forms of communication If you have not tried it do so Essay ID 490 Topic 88 At first glance this statement may sound plausible because except from personal contact every other forms of communication including telephones and emails are indirect ways of communication But shall we get a conclusion that telephones and email have made communication between people less personal To answer this question we should look at the following points First telephone and email are more efficient ways of communication Telephones and email are becoming more and more important for us today We use telephones for conversations to our friends and family we use email to transfer important information and documents even photo and multi-media files With a phone we can order services and make enquires regarding a service without physically present in the place this will save us so much time and energy In time of emergencies when it is impossible for us to physically go to a police station or a hospital we can simply call 911 a emergency vehicle will come to us in ten minutes Imagine how hard it will be for us if we do not have access to a telephone under emergency situations actually do not have much time to visit each other Furthermore people have their own private life Sometimes they do not want to be disturbed by visitors A phone call or an email message is always the most proper and courteous way to make contact with people and are not restrained by time or occasions For example during the Chinese New Years more and more people make
TWE Essays 153292 153 phone calls to our friends and folks or send electronic cards through email wishing them a happy new year instead of actually travel to their friends house to make a visit In conclusion telephones and email are convenient ways to communicate and can actually increase the communication between people They maybe less personal but they are surely more effective means of communication Essay ID 177 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 89 If I could travel back in time to meet a famous person I would most like to meet and speak with Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha If by quotenlightenmentquot one means a complete understanding of the universe then Buddha having achieved quotenlightenmentquot would be fully capable of answering all questions relating to the origins condition and destiny of the universe Perhaps the first thing I would like to discuss upon meeting Buddha would be the events surrounding the birth of the universe How and why did the universe come into being Are contemporary physicists correct in assuming that all matter emerged spontaneously from a single point beyond time and space The Big Bang And does this theory compliment or contradict the theories of other great religious thinkers who claimed that all life emerged from a primordial source The quotvoidquot Following our discussion of the origins of the universe I would like to ask Buddha a number of questions concerning the quothuman conditionquot Why are Mankind the planet Earth and the universe structured the way they are What is the purpose of life Why does existence contain such drastic opposites love and hate good and evil joy and suffering Having gained an understanding of both the universe and the human condition I would then like to move on to a discussion of Mankinds destiny What is then ultimate fate of the universe and in turn life Is it true as some great thinkers have suggested that the universe and everything in it return to the void from which it emerged And what about God Is God a personal entity as some religions claim Or is God the impersonal source of all that exists The impersonal source of the void Throughout history intelligent men and women have thought deeply about God fate destiny and the origins of the universe The opportunity to have these questions answered by one who lived in the not too distant past would truly be a remarkable experience Essay ID 178 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 90 Everyone dreams to be handsome rich and happy Famous actors and actresses pop stars or athletes are so popular because they realized the dreams many ordinary people have If I could meet a famous entertainer or athlete this person will be Julia Roberts Julia Roberts is a very talented actress She can play many characters and each one is new and different She seems to become the person she is portraying and gives a 100 to the performance Pretty Women is my favorite because it was the first Julia movie that I saw and it was her big break I still watch the movie to this day and enjoy it Steel Magnolias is 2nd Julia was in the company of a very talented cast and held her own Its a classic something you always enjoy watching
TWE Essays 154292 154 I loved Nottinghill because the movie was full of many emotions It made you feel happy after seeing it I enjoy all of her movies I see them even if the critics dish the movie If she is in a movie I know her performance will be worth seeing Her Oscar was very worthy of her as she was of it Her Oscar was a long time coming Im sure we can all look forward to many more great films to come and her always Oscar winning performance Julia Roberts is not only beautiful but she executes the characters she plays so well that she can almost bring us to tears almost If I had a chance to meet Julia I would also thank her for always thinking of the poor and the needed After the disaster in New York and Pennsylvania her face looked the sincerest of all of the stars Also I heard on the news that Julia gave 2 million as a tribute Recently you pleaded at US congress for money on a childrens disease Thank Julia for helping with such a kind heart especially during a time when so many have lost so much I know that they appreciate your support and thoughtfulness Julia Such is Julia Roberts a pretty woman and Americas sweet heart and she is the star that I definitely want to meet the most Essay ID 179 Topic 91 If I could ask a famous person one question I would like to ask the world famous scientist Li Siguang if our city could build a statue or monument to honor him Because I think that he definitely deserves to be honored in some methods for his great achievements and building a statue or monument to honor him is appropriate Besides to honor him will stimulate our children to model this famous scientist and push themselves to study hard But I have to ask his permission The famous geologist Zhao Siguang had made great achievements in geology One of his famous discoveries is that he renewed the continental drift theory in China By applying his new theory into practical use protectors have been exploring a lot of crude oil wells and precious mineral sites in china These discoveries have been promoting our industries greatly and therefore made him famous both in our country and in the world we need to honor him for these achievements There are a lot of ways to honor a famous scientist like Li Siguang such as to establish an extra holiday to name a street after his name besides building a statue or monument However establishing a new holiday will involve a series of legislative process and there is already a street that is called after his name in our city The left choice is to build a statue or monument to honor him Besides he was born in our city My city is his hometown So I think nothing can be more appropriate to honor him than to build a statue or monument After the statue or monument having been built our later generations of the city can model him more easily Our children are usually to know this famous geologist from books and magazines or hearing his name from their teachers It is a little more difficult for our children to adore him because all the stories about the famous people are seemed to be similar to one another From building a statue or monument to honor him children can look up to him anytime and know that he was born in the city and just standing over there This will stimulate them to study hard and hope themselves to be as famous as him in the future Overall if I had the opportunity to ask a famous person one question I would really want to know if our city could build a statue or monument to honor Li Siguang We really should honor him for his achievements and his potential positive effect upon our children However he is too modest a person So I have to ask him about this question and hope that he will say yes to me
TWE Essays 155292 155 Essay ID 527 This is a 5 point essay Topic 91 If I had the opportunity to sit down and meet one of my idols or heroes I could come up with hundreds of questions to find out what they did to get where they are but in particular I like to have asked Helen Keller what would she have made of the technology available today to blind and deafblind individuals When Helen Keller was nineteen months old a serious illness almost took her life She survived the disease had left her both blind and deaf Her education contributed to her first teacher Anne Sullivan Anne taught Helen to finger spell and manage to let her understand the meaning of words Imagine how hard it is for a person both blind and deaf to relate words with real world objects although she never had a chance to see those objects Another teacher Mary Swift Lamson who over the coming year was to try and teach Helen to speak This was something that Helen desperately wanted and although she learned to understand what somebody else was saying by touching their lips and throat her efforts to speak herself proved to be unsuccessful However Helen moved on to the Cambridge School for Young Ladies and later entered Radcliff College becoming the first deaf blind person to have ever enrolled at an institution of higher learning After World War Two Helen spent years traveling the world fundraising for the American Foundation for the Overseas Blind They visited Japan Australia South America Europe and Africa Her hard work and achievements was widely recognized throughout the world and she was acknowledged as quotthe Miracle Workerquot If Helen Keller were born today her life would undoubtedly have been completely different Her life long dream was to be able to talk something that she was never really able to master Today the teaching methods exist that would have helped Helen to realize this dream What would Helen have made of the technology available today to blind and deaf blind individuals Technology of today has enabled blind and deaf blind people like Helen to communicate directly and independently with anybody in the world Essay ID 180 Topic 92 There is no denying the fact that whether to choose a place that have the same weather all year long or a place where the weather changes several times a year is a popular topic which is much talked about Although it seems that normally we cannot tell which one outweigh the other between these two kinds of places they deserve some close examination If three criteria were taken into account I would prefer living in areas where the weather changes several times a year to living in places that have the same weather or climate all year long There are no less than three advantages in this as rendered below First varied weather or climate broadens the range of our pastimes For example we can go swimming in summer and go skiing in winter If the place we live in has only hot weather all year long like Singapore most of us can never go skiing in our lives Secondly the change of climate gives us opportunities to wear many kinds of clothes Some say it
TWE Essays 156292 156 is a waste of money to buy clothes depending on seasons However wearing various clothes looking at others fashion and feeling the change of seasons is very interesting for me Thirdly changing of seasons is good for our health When winter comes our bodys metabolism slows down and when summer comes it speeds up so that our body can maintain a good rhythm Also snows in the winter can kill a lot of bacteria and bad insects so that in the spring our chance of being infected to a disease is decreased and we can enjoy nice atmosphere and sceneries For these reasons I prefer to live in areas that have several changes of weather Only these three reasons can make a person draw the conclusion that living in areas that have season changes is better not to mention there are more Essay ID 181 Topic 93 At first glance it seems very difficult for us to define what are the important qualities of a good roommate However after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances a good roommate should at least have the following three qualities First of all a good roommate should be open and willing to communicate There are always issues regarding rent bills food and household duties guests privacy noises sharing and borrowing to name a few and interests and hobbies of roommates are not always the identical There will always be conflicts among roommates When problems or conflicts arise roommates must openly discuss the issue and quickly reach a solution to the problem In addition a successful roommate situation requires good communication Take time to talk frequently to each other chatting with each other helps keep up the basic relationship which can provide the underpinning for a harmonious relationship Therefore open and willing to communicate is the first important quality of a good roommate Secondly an important quality of a good roommate is considerate and understanding A good roommate understands what you need He is a good friend and a good listener and offer you help when you need it Of course you should not depend on your roommate to satisfy all your social needs Make other friends and get involved in activities is also important and could leave more private time for your roommate The third important quality of a good roommate is that he should be a hard worker and have the desire to do better As we know roommates will always influence each other in some ways As an old Chinese proverb one who mixes with vermilion will turn red one who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith So like choosing a friend it is very important to choose a roommate who has good qualities Of course some roommates eat and socialize separately and barely get to know each other They never become friends Still if your roommate possesses the above-mentioned qualities your residential life will be peaceful and enjoyable Essay ID 182 Topic 93 The important qualities of a good roomate We become more independent and learn more life experience while live without families but your
TWE Essays 157292 157 roommates However to live with other people is neither easy nor difficult You should learn how to be a good roommate basically Believe or not dormitory life is a extremly happy thing You make new friends experience independece difficulties and enjoy the freedom But all of these are base on your behaves as a good roommate Firstly you should know how to respect people Not only your roommate also people around you It is the most important factor in our communications Whatever what is your background you are the same as your roommates you guys are all equal To respect your roommate respect their religions and cultures Do not laugh at enthetic people or racism That is rude and stupid We should respect what God created for us Besides you must respect your roommates privately everyone have right to have their secrets Take your duty and responsibility You can not ingore and think about those are negligible Do not tend to ask your mates to do things what you have to do Remember no one will like a lazy and irresponsible roommate In general you should help to cleaning put litter bags to dustheap put things back after you used To be quite when others are studying take care of your men is another factor among In addition You are one of members of your dormitory Do not hide yourself behind you are buddy of your roommates Try to share your ideas experience of study and life your happiness etc And you listen to your mates experience as well Take care of your mates You dormitory will be lively then All in all as long as you enjoy your dormitory life get well with your friends then you should be a good roommate Whatever what you experiences those of them will be a beautiful memorial of your rest of life TRY IT Essay ID 498 This is a 5 point essay Topic 94 Dancing is an important art form and also plays an important role in a culture Some dance spontaneously happens at celebrations as an expression of emotion or some happen in a more structured manner at ceremonies Dancing plays an important role in ceremonial events in many cultures For example during the Pukumani ceremony the dances performed reflect the relationship to the deceased In Lebanon the classical belly dancing still plays an important part at weddings representing the transition from virgin bride to sensual woman and is also popular in nightclubs On the other hand residents of the Greenland believe that the dancing and drum can be used as a tool to dissolve conflicts between people As we may see from the above examples dancing is an integral part of many cultures Of course dancing does not have the same functions in our modern life but many people in our society still find dancing an enjoyable form of entertainment and art Young people go to disco with their friends to release their energies and they find dancing a good way to relax and make friends Older people dance together as a social event and a good means of exercise In addition many people go to theatres to enjoy performances of ballet and modern dances Enjoying those beautiful dancing music and costumes in a dance performance can give us a beautiful experience and help us develop appreciation of art and enrich our after work life
TWE Essays 158292 158 In conclusion no one can deny that dancing plays an important role in a culture Essay ID 183 Topic 95 When we see photographs of starving children its hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration But thats just what we should do Children dont need to be starving but we do need to explore space Right now we have enough money to feed every person on Earth Children are starving because of mismanagement of resources and simple human greed Those are problems we can solve right here on earth That shouldnt stop our need to find out whats beyond our own solar system We may never make contact with whatever other species there may be out there in space Even so there are still two very practical and positive consequences of space exploration One is a certainty and the other is a possibility The certainty is medical research Yes we can conduct research here on earth But much of the research done in space for example on the effects of gravity on bone marrow is making a difference in medicine here on Earth When we do research in space we also learn more about space exploration Also many of the inventions that were developed for space travel have been adapted to good use on Earth The possible consequence of space exploration is finding another planet human beings can colonize Overpopulation is a huge problem on our planet People are living longer more healthful lives and thats a good thing But it means there are fewer people dying and more people being born Eventually well have less space fewer resources and major distribution problems If we can find another planet to live on we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on our planet Its a tragedy that there are human beings suffering on Earth However if we wait until everyone has a perfect life we will never explore space-and that too would be a kind of tragedy Essay ID 184 Topic 96 In todays society everyday we may face some kind of stress and difficulties from work school or family In order to escape them people have different methods Some read some exercise while others work in their gardens From my point of view I would like to use different ways according to different stress First the stress from work and school maybe the most common stress In this circumstance I like to listen to music especially some inspiring music When I appreciate it I can transiently forget those unpleasant things and let my head sober After listening to those inspiring music I feel that I am full of encourage overcoming difficulities Then I will calmly analyse my circumstance and find the way to solve problems If my stress comes from my family or my friends foe example some misunderstanding and squabbles I think that the best way to erase this stress is a sinere conversation I will positively converse with my relatives and friends I hope that I can know what is their opinion and also let them understand me I feel that when we understand each other all conflict will disappear In a word everyone can find the best way that is suitable for himselfherself But conservation and appreciating music are the most suitable for me to erase stress
TWE Essays 159292 159 Essay ID 390 This is a 5 point essay Topic 96 Stress is one of our biggest enemies It affects our health our personality and our relationships with others In order to get rid of stress I first have to identify the cause I have different antidotes to stress depending on the cause The most common types of stress I face are with work with friends and with myself Work-related stress is the easiest to combat I simply stop working for a while If I find myself picking up the same piece of paper four times a day and never doing anything with it I blame stress If I find- myself staring at the computer without finishing a report I blame stress The best thing to do is to do something else Sometimes I get up from my desk and go down the hall to talk to my colleagues but I dont talk about work related subjects Other times I will take a short walk around the block and get some fresh air Work-related stress can be cured by getting away from the work Stress caused by friends is more difficult to cure Often the cause is more complicated My friends could have a personal problem that causes them and me both anxiety Or my friends could be angry at me or vice versa Here the cure for stress is talking about the problem and being with my friends Unlike work you cant walk away from your friends Stress I cause myself is also not so easy to get rid of If I feel bothered by an exam or anxious about the future there is very little for me to do I just have to tell myself that I can only do my best and leave the rest up to fate It is important to try to lead a stress-free life If you can avoid stress by walking away from it like at work talking through it like with your friends or facing it head on like with yourself your health personality and relationships will benefit Essay ID 185 Topic 97 Some communities have decided to base evaluations of teachers on students test scores Its these evaluations that determine how much teachers will be paid I dont think this is a very good idea for several reasons First of all if teachers salaries are going to be based on how much students learn then some teachers will start to teach their students only what they need to get high test scores This means that students will miss out on a lot of education that cant be measured on a test For instance one of the best methods to help students understand a subject is encouraging them to discuss it A common practice is to divide the class into groups have each group discuss the subject and then have them report back to the whole class This kind of shared learning can lead to a fuller understanding It also teaches students how to discuss and debate ideas However it doesnt supply facts to show off on a test Another problem with basing teachers salaries on how much their students learn is that teachers may ignore students who have learning difficulties Some students learn more slowly than others and need more personal attention If a teacher is worried about tests he may feel he has to push the majority of the students to cram facts That effort will take all his time He wont be able to
TWE Essays 160292 160 help the less able students Its true there are teachers who quotburn outquot after many years teaching and just dont care how much their students learn Basing their salaries on their students test scores may improve their efforts However its not fair for the majority of teachers They deserve and need to be judged by other criteria Essay ID 186 Topic 98 If I were asked to send one thing representing my country to an international exhibition Id send something unexpected one weeks worth of television programming These programs would best represent my country They show how the citizens of my country live and what they think and feel The dramas on television are very realistic They show how people in different parts of the country go about their daily lives They show how they earn their livings how they deal with crime and how they interact with each other The dramas also show how people in various economic groups dress what kinds of houses they live in and what kinds of education their children receive The comedies indicate what people in my country think is funny Even though the situations are exaggerated they reflect how my culture deals with very basic human situations People everywhere understand falling in love raising a family and earning a living Essay ID 187 Topic 99 Id rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me As far as Im concerned this is part of the university experience Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences I like leaving this up to chance Actually even though the university will choose its not totally a matter of chance We all filled out information sheets The school knows what were majoring in what our interests are and our study habits and our goals I think theyre probably very good at matching roommates using this information Theyve had a lot of practice Besides if a mistake is made I can change my room assignment next semester If I did want to choose my own roommate Id first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university Then Id write to them and theyd write back Through our letters wed find out if we shared common interests such as sports or movies More importantly wed find out if we liked doing the same things in our free time Because of my investigation Id probably get someone compatible with me Its a lot of work to go through though Besides the process of finding similar interests isnt all that different from what the university does Trying to predict whom Im going to get along with is not a science I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just dont get along as roommates Besides I think it would be boring to room with somebody whos just the same as me Id rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things Maybe Id even get a roommate from another culture After all one of the reasons Im going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences So Id rather have the university choose my roommate for
TWE Essays 161292 161 me Essay ID 188 Topic 100 I realize that its important to stay up to date with our technology So much like our space and defense programs depends on it Ive also read that we shouldnt let other governments get ahead of ours in the race for better technology This could eventually put us at a disadvantage and our whole economy could suffer Despite all this I think our government should spend our tax dollars on more basic items before it gets into the business of developing computer technology We have so many problems in our society and it seems every solution needs money For instance we talk about getting people off welfare To do that we need money to give them jobs until they can support themselves That means support training day care for their children and probably a monthly rent subsidy All of those things can cost hundreds of millions of dollars However if we could solve a major problem like that wouldnt it improve our society even more than new technology Another problem is that our transportation system is falling apart Bridges have cracks in them Highways buckle Accidents happen because of these problems We shouldnt put money into improving a computer chip when we have basic needs like these Besides why should the government be in the business of developing technology Arent there several very successful corporations doing just that Yes its probably less expensive in the long run for the government to develop-the technology Nevertheless in the short run there are basic needs in our society that arent being met I think thats where the money should go Essay ID 189 Topic 100 Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology while others do not As far as I am concerned this money should be spent on some more basic needs such as protecting the environment and improving the public service In the first place nowadays the pollution of environment has become the main concern in the advanced society The research said that human being would not find the clean water to drink if they did not do some work to keep their water clean There would be no fresh air if every people in the city drive car to go and from work And there would be no more wild animals if people let the forest be destroyed like what is to be done now For example the forest which is the main habitat of the various animals has been destroyed More and more wild animals face the danger of extinction because of the shortage of habitats Therefore there are more basic things that a successful government should do such as keeping the water clean keeping the air fresh and keeping the animal healthy In the second place some public service such as the public transportation in the city also is a big problem The bus in the rush hours is overcrowded some people cannot go to work on time because they do not catch the regular bus some commuters spent too much time on the bus or train because of the traffic on the road Consequently government should spend more money to improve their public transportation which will benefit their people a lot and benefit them instantaneously
TWE Essays 162292 162 From what I have discussed above everyone can see that there are more things a government should do than buying computer such as protecting the environment and improving the public service Therefore I think a successful government should spend more money on the basic demands of their people instead of spending as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology Essay ID 296 Topic 101 Heres the problem Im sloppy Thats why I like to use machines to do my work rather than do things by hand Machines can be creative precise and efficient Most people think that you can only be creative if you do things by hand However it takes creativity to set the machine up Once its set up it can repeat the same task over and over and over perfectly If you want to write ten letters you can set up your word processor to do it press a button and ten letters will be printed It would take me forever by hand and I would make a lot of mistakes By hand each letter would be different By machine each one is perfect Machines are very precise They dont get tired and cut the wrong way They dont get distracted and drop some mustard on the paper As I said Im sloppy but I like neatness Thats why I prefer to use machines Machines are also more efficient Im too tired to pick up the phone and see who is calling me My answering machine isnt tired Its always on duty It doesnt get tired upset or moody I can depend on my machines but I cant always depend on my hand to be creative precise or efficient Essay ID 191 Topic 101 In general there are two ways of making products one is by hand and the other is by machine It is undeniable that products can be manufactured easily and efficiently by machine due to simply repeated operations But for me I prefer hand-made items for their features of individualism acceptability and flexibility First of all hand-made products are more personal Take birthday cards as example instead same pictures on selling cards in the market the well-chosen images on a self-made cards such as peoples own photos surely distinguish the card from those selling ones Owing to the uniqueness the self-designed card will be of greater value for the person who receives it Whats more things made by hand are fitter and more suitable This can be seen from the story of ordering formal clothes such as mens suit and ladys evening dress the ready-made kinds of which actually are easy to find in fashion shops Needless to say how often famous figures like Princess Diana visit worldwide known fashion designers Nowadays more and more ordinary people go for tailor-made clothing rather than buy those machine-made clothes from market simply because tailors can make clothing precisely according to customers measurement and their own styles Obviously fitness and suitability are what those people care about most Finally producing items by hand is more flexible It releases people from being confined by some
TWE Essays 163292 163 models that are necessary for machine-made manufacturing For example in hand-made pottery making people can work out their new design at any time In machine-made manufacturing however models have to be developed in advance and afterward all finished products based on one model have completely same looks If a different look needed people must devise another model first Moreover there are still some things cannot be produced by machine because of no matched models Essay ID 190 Topic 102 I agree that school should ask students evalute their teachers There are three reasons The first the educatinon is a activity that communicate each other The information that students evaluate is given to their teacher The teacher can improve their education skill by this information If there are no evaluated information by student the education activity become unilateral activity The teacher spread their information to students but the students informations reflects back to teacher are very few The evaluation can help teacher improve the their skill from time to time The second the evaluation is favor to school management The management of school evaluate the education of teacher by sudents evaluation The managemet may prize the good teacher and criticize the bad and lay the dis disquligicational teacher Finally the evaluation is in favor to protect rights of students and parents Students and parents are consumers they hope that their children will receive good education certainlythey should protect their rights for themselves When they find the educational skill of the teacher is bad they may have school changed the teacher immmedietly In a word I agree this point that students evaluate their teacher Essay ID 492 This is a 5 point essay Topic 102 I think its a good idea for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers This informs teachers of how students react both to their teaching methods and to them as individuals Teachers can weigh the criticisms and change what they think needs to be changed Praise from students is also valuable It can reinforce teachers opinions about how theyre teaching and give them confidence Its also helpful for school administrators to hear what students think about their teachers It keeps administrators in touch with whats going on in the school It also gives them some idea of which teachers effectively reach the students However good administrators know that student evaluations need to be reviewed with a keen eye for prejudice and adolescent attitudes After all an evaluation is a good way for students to get back at teachers who expect more of them than they want to give Evaluating teachers is also a good exercise for the students They have to organize their thoughts about what they think of their teachers In that way they pinpoint for themselves what they expect of those teachers They begin to understand what they value in a teacher and what is phony or useless Evaluating their teachers is also a way for students to think about how they would evaluate themselves Are they working as hard as they should in class Is that why their teachers are sometimes critical of their work Isnt that what a teacher should do-push us to try
TWE Essays 164292 164 harder Thinking about these things can help students do better in class At the very least they will understand better what is expected of them Student evaluations of teachers also make students feel as if they have a voice in what happens in their schools It makes them feel as if theyre pan of the education process when their opinion is valued by the administration Finally it teaches them responsibility Essay ID 162 Topic 103 Although honesty intelligence and a sense of humor are all worthwhile characteristics I feel the most important one in life to have is sensitivity A sensitive person is aware of himherself and the way their actions affect others A sensitive person knows the place of honesty intelligence and a sense of humor Honesty is not always the best policy There is such a thing as a white lie You dont want to insult someone by saying that their new dress doesnt fit properly or that you wouldnt live in their new house if they paid you You must be sensitive to when it is necessary to tell the truth and when it is better to tell a white lie Intelligence is a wonderful thing to have but not all intelligent people use their intelligence sensitively You dont want to show off and make others feel stupid You must be sensitive to the reactions of the people around you It might be appropriate for you to admit that you have the right answer but in some cases you might have to say quotI think this is the answer but we might want to check itquot A sensitive person would not make someone else look dumb A sense of humor is always valued Different people however laugh at different things You dont want to make someone feel uncomfortable by laughing at hisher mistakes A sensitive person would understand whether a person could be teased or whether a person would appreciate a certain joke A sensitive person would make everyone feel comfortable A sensitive person understands that people are different and that the values of honesty intelligence and humor can be applied differently Essay ID 192 Topic 104 Basic to any social development in the 20 years after 1980s in China is the deeply recognition of the people which is the gradual process of thinking a lot of the existed value of the scientists and the artists Scientist or artist who is the domination makes people difficult to choose The purpose of my issue is to provide sufficient evidence details and examples from various perspectives to substantiate effectively and efficiently that significance of scientist is grossly greater To live the most basically living requirement is food clothes and place to live which their entire source is the intelligent inventions of the scientist but not those of artist Undoubtedly fantastic paintings of Georgia OKeeffe wonderful music of Bach moving dramas of William Shakespeare and the like which are the top articles in the world make us live a life that full of beauty wonder and fantasy However when we feel hungry or cold no thing including music painting drama and so on is greater impact our mind than the fresh bread or the down jacket not mention to the person who create the articles----the artist At this time the person who invent and improve the
TWE Essays 165292 165 farming machine to make crops strongly grow the oven to bake the delicious bread the machine to produce cloth the scientist will be appreciated praised and thanked to Because we can not live without food and clothes but can the articles The articles and the artists are only the talking topics while we sitting in front of the furnace having coffees after dinner and the like not in the time we facing problems in working or in living Once we meet a difficulty in doing something the idea that solve the problem in a science method or look for help of scientists spark at first in our mind For example a complex and confused math subject makes me extremely exhausted the first and only thing I want is a calculator which can work it out by pressing a few buttons in seconds Meanwhile my favorite Bach Mozart Shakespeare and their articles are all out of my mind and have no help with it Therefore the significance of the scientists among the contributions for human beings is more considerable than that of artists because the science has the superiority that the art can not surpass in the basic life of people Essay ID 438 Topic 104 Artists and scientists both make valuable contributions to our society It may seem sometimes that artists are more valued Thats because those artists who are famous make a lot of money However they are relatively few The fact is that scientists are more valued They get more respect from society for the work they do Artists reflect their times and their culture A painter or a writer shows us in pictures and words what were like as a people They record our culture for future generations Actors and other performers like singers and dancers entertain us They take our minds off our troubles and remind us how beautiful and exciting our imaginations can be Artists also help keep their societies mentally and emotionally healthy For example children that participate in the arts such as painting or music in school do better in their other studies Art of all types is necessary to the human spirit The contributions scientists make to society are more obvious They include the cars we drive the computers we use at home and at work and the appliances that help us cook our meals and clean our houses All of these come from the ideas and hard work of scientists Because of scientific discoveries were living longer and more healthful lives Scientists also contribute to the arts Movies are the result of science So are television radio and the recording of music on CDs Generally scientists dont make as much money as famous artists like film stars opera singers or successful painters However our society gives them more respect and they generally make a good living Scientists are considered to be serious professionals while artists are sometimes viewed as flaky irresponsible people So overall Id have to conclude that we value scientists more Essay ID 193 Topic 105 I think its better for college students to live on-campus their first two years and then move into an apartment off-campus their last two years Freshmen and sophomores need the stability of campus life while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life Students needs change over four years so their housing should too
TWE Essays 166292 166 Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done You get the whole university experience Plus you interact more with other students This includes not only your roommates but everyone in your dormitory The older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students Keeping up with studies your first year is hard enough You shouldnt have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy Living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more apart of the university community There are more opportunities for becoming involved in university activities and networking with student leaders and university administration Living off-campus however is a definite advantage for older students Finding an apartment dealing with leases and the landlords regulations cooking meals and figuring out budgets are all good practice for life after graduation This kind of independence helps older students grow into adulthood Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on whats going on around them Campuses can be like little worlds of their own There are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education Getting to know neighbors who arent students is good for students coming from different places Its a chance to find out what other people think and feel I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students Essay ID 194 Topic 106 Now I face a choice that I am in decision which transportation I should take to go to another city which is 40 miles from my location While by bicycle train bus and on foot are the basic four choices for me THe first one is a good way to excise my body but too tiring and time consuming The sencond way is economical to save time while not always convenient for sometimes there is no train at the exact time that available for methat is to say maybe I need to wait more than half an hour for the trainAs for the last method it is not in my consideration at all for I do not think one can do a good job by driving as long as forty miles expect that he has ever do some professional training in long run Obviously I would like to choose bus as my tool for this journey Firstly bus facilitate me in schedule for as a matter of fact almost there is a bus available each ten minutes for my travel or even more oftenSecondlyit is also efficent by bus to fulfill this journeyThirdly I will really enjoy myself during the travel for the comfortable in bus with TV or music supplied through out the traveling time To summary having a journey like forty miles busas a transportation is definitely the firt choicewhile if it is a much longer one train will promote to be a replacement among these four Lastly bicycle or runing can fit for a short one Essay ID 300 This is a 5 point essay Topic 106 Now I face a choice that I need to go to another city which is 40 miles from my location and
TWE Essays 167292 167 decide which transportation I take While by bicycle train bus and on foot are the basic four choise for me THe first one is a good way to excise me but too tiring and time consuming The sencond way is economical to save time while not always convenient for sometimes there is no train at the exact time that available for meAs for the last method it is not in my consideration for I do not think one can do so good job like that expect he has ever do some professional training in long run Obviously I choose bus as my tool for this journey Firstly bus facilitate me in schedule for as a matter of fact almost there is a bus available each ten minutes for my travel or even more oftenSecondlyit is also efficent by bus to fulfill this journeyThirdly I will really enjoy myself during the travel for the comfortable in bus with TV or music through out the time To summary having a journey like forty miles busas a transportation is definately the firt choisewhile if it is a much longer one train will be better one Then bicycle or runing can fit for a short one Essay ID 297 This is a 5 point essay Topic 106 There are many different types of transportation which I could use to travel 40 miles from my home The type of transportation I would choose depends mainly on how fast I need to get there and how much money I have Some possibilities are walking horseback riding driving or using a taxi bus or train The most economical choice is walking It costs nothing is healthful but it is time consuming The average person can walk about 4-5 miles per hour so this trip would take at least 10 hours to complete That means I would probably have to spend the night somewhere along the way If I have to spend money for a hotel then this choice really isnt free Plus I might arrive at the end tired and with sore feet After walking comes animal transportation In my area horses are not common so it wouldnt be a likely choice I believe that a 40-mile trip would take 2 or 3 hours on a horse If I had free access to a horse the cost would be minimal Of course Id have to know how to ride With a car the travel time is minimal under one hour with only the cost of gasoline to consider However I dont own a car and car rentals are expensive Shared taxis are one form of affordable transportation with 4 or 5 people sharing the cost of a car trip to a common destination The only downside is finding people to share the fare with me Fortunately I live in an urban area where there are buses and trains to ride One of these would be my first choice In short the kind of transportation depends on how fast I need to get to my destination and how much money I have If I need to get there fast and money isnt important I can hire a private taxi Since I dont own my own car I dont have that option and I have never walked 40 miles in one trip I usually depend on the bus and trains and would do so in this circumstance They are cheap dependable and reliable Essay ID 195 Topic 107 Both good and bad students should have the opportunity to attend college Everyone should have a period to learn about themselves before they begin to work and earn money An education is an
TWE Essays 168292 168 investment in yourself and in your future Good or bad a student must decide to invest real money and real time Higher education is very expensive It might seem like a waste of money to send someone to college who might not be able to handle the course work Still education is a valuable investment in future career earnings People with college degrees make more money and have more opportunities later If people have a desire to improve their lives do we have the right to say no Higher education is also a big investment of time Some people think a weak student should get a job and earn some money They think poor students shouldnt waste their time at college But college is a time to meet different people separate from your parents and begin to define yourself as a person I think thats an experience every student should have I think every student should be given a chance to see how far she can go Students who got poor grades in high school might do very well in a different environment College may be expensive and take time but its an investment in ones self and ones future Essay ID 198 Topic 107 Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students Other people take the view that higher education should be available only to good students While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages they can be applied under different circumstances Afterwards I will explain my opinion about it For every student having the opportunity to being educated in a college is truly a good news If a country can afford higher education to each of its students we can call it a great country because education is the power which enhances a countrys economy America Germany and other countries which have highly developed education give us good examples But this also demonstrates that offering higher education to every one does not mean that a country can receive the corresponding profit from its investment Is it a truth that each student who receives higher education can eventually become a qualified graduate who can find a suitable place in the society Moreover offering higher education to every student will result in the decrease of the educational efficiency Suppose that if everyone can go to college without any restrictions the campus will be crowded the library will have less space for students and lose its calmness Teachers have to face hundreds of heads in the classroom We couldnt expect any good educational quality from such condition Making higher education available to good students on the other hand is no doubt an efficient way Limiting the quality of the students is like selecting good mineral source Only locating the miner in a potential place can we get what we need For example in Germany students of different levels go to different schools Those students who is promising have the chance to enter university for higher education Under this circumstance various schools produce various competent persons serving in various places of the country In my opinion offering higher education to good students is better than to every student in two ways First it can keep the quality of the high education from decreasing Second it will help the development of the economy by producing excellent graduates who is available in different parts of the country machine
TWE Essays 169292 169 Essay ID 197 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 107 Depending on personal experience personality type and emotional concern some people hold the opinion that a college education should be available to all students meanwhile others consider the idea that higher education should be available only to good students in somehow more preferable As far as I am concerned I have to declare myself as one of these who agree that higher education should be offered to all the students Among countless factors which influence my choice there are three conspicuous aspects listed as follows The first and foremost cause for my propensity is that all students should have the same opportunity to attain a further chance of studying Born equally as all of us it is impartial that we all can approach a better education From the view of equity it will be unfair that some students get the best possible education while others are denied from a college education Another reason why I cast my preference for the point that higher education should open to all students is that our high-education should serve the function of educating the whole country not merely for a minority of its people Beyond these obvious aspects there is a further subtle point which we must take into our account It would not be too kindly disposed to the bare idea that allowing barely fantastic students to enter universities because it is economical for part of people to be better educated with limited resources of all kinds Nonetheless pound for pound I reckon that the consideration that higher education should be accessible to all students is awfully advantageous To sum up a higher education is never absolutely just a dream of the students without a terrific mark It is a dilemma for the public to choose from the two object opinions because they are from time to time confused by the seemingly good qualities of the thinking that higher education is available merely to good students but neglect the genuinely good qualities of the true one From the factors presented above I strongly commit to the notion that a further education should be rendered more widely and openly Essay ID 196 Topic 108 Both learning through personal experience and learning through the advice of others can help you in life If you dont have a lot of knowledge about something the advice of people you trust can be very valuable They can tell you about their own experiences and about the advantages and disadvantages of a situation Then you can consider your own wants and needs and decide what you should do Pretty soon youll have more experience of your own When you re thinking about what you want to do with your life friends and relatives are a great resource They can give you information about things like jobs school volunteering and traveling to other parts of the world Theyve done a lot of learning in their lives and you can use it to decide what you want to do with yours In some cases theres no real substitute for personal experience For example I really dont like to make presentations in class I know Ill make mistakes even if Im thoroughly prepared and know all about my topic Nothing but experience can help me deal with the nervousness I feel I know that the feedback I get from the teacher and from the other students will help me learn from those
TWE Essays 170292 170 mistakes At least Im confident that the next class presentation I make will be much better than the last one In the end I think that the best way to learn about life is by experiencing it firsthand No one else can teach you how to get along with other people how to realistically judge your own abilities or how to understand who you are You can only learn these things by dealing with situations every day Experience is the best teacher Essay ID 199 Topic 109 Nowadays it is quite common for people to immigrate to ther countries When they move some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country while others prefer to keep their own If I were forced to agree with one of the two positions my choice would be the former To illustrate my point let us first take a look on why some people dislike the idea of following the customs of the new country For one thing these people are so accustomed to their own culture religion and customs and it is very hard for them to accept the new cultures For instance people from a Islamic country may find a lot of customs in western countries offensive Although I agree that some customs are hard to change I insist that the advantages of adapting to a new culture are apparently seen In the first place by following the customs of the new country you can learn about the country and understand the people more easily and become a real member of the country People who stick to their way of life may sometimes feel lonely and isolated To share the same custom means that having more things in common and it can pull people together Furthermore you have to adapt to some customs of the new country if they are written into the law As a result it is much more sensible to do as the Roman do In conclusionI believe that the advantages of following the customs of the new country is obvious because you can easily learn about the country and be a real member of it What is more you can live more easily in a foreign country Essay ID 366 Topic 109 Some people adapt quickly to the customs of a new country while others keep their own customs How do they decide Its a difficult choice and the decision is not always conscious Many practical and social factors influence people Very often it depends on age Older people have spent a lifetime doing things a certain way Their social customs are part of who they are as people Its very hard for them to start doing things differently The younger generation finds it easier to leave behind the culture of their native country and adapt to the customs of their new country Theyre not as set in their ways as adults are Children also feel the pressure to fit in from the other kids in school A major part of adapting to the customs of a new country is learning that countrys language Children learn the language in school and use it all day while going to class and playing with other children But many times adults coming to a new country dont have time for formal language classes Their first priority is getting a job Sometimes they work with people from their own country and they dont-have to use the new language Or they may find a job that doesnt require much speaking at all This means even if theyre trying to learn the language they dont have a lot
TWE Essays 171292 171 of opportunities to practice it Another way of adapting to the customs of a new country has to do with how family members interact Different countries have different ideas about how family members should relate to each other Sometimes the adults will oppose changing what was normal in their native country This can be a difficult adjustment to make especially if their children are visiting new friends at home and seeing how different things are in the new country I believe that people who want to make their home in a new country need to find a balance They should keep the best of their native culture and adopt the good things they find in their new country Essay ID 200 Topic 110 If I had to choose between spending time alone or spending time with my friends Id rather be alone I need this time alone to quotrecharge my batteriesquot to re-energize my mind and spirit Being with friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life but its the time alone I think that forms you as a person When Im alone I have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them Of course lean think about these things when Im with others but its harder to concentrate in a crowd Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to do with it Being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely When Im alone I can practice meditation and lower my stress level Thats a very good way to sharpen my powers of concentration Too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot of chitchat Thats enjoyable for a moment but can dull my concentration Being with other people can also distort my view of things Its easy sometimes to become too worried about what other people think of me or what other people have that I dont When Im alone I have time to step back I can see the real value of things without being influenced by the opinions of my friends Its natural to want to be with other people but I find the time I spend alone is more valuable to me in the long run Essay ID 201 Topic 111 I think I prefer to have many different friends because we can learn more from having many different types of friends If we have just a few close friends then we cannot learn as much as we can if we have many friends Therefore I think it is better to have many different friends First having many different friends can teach us about life and the world I think you can learn many things about many different countries if you know people from all over the world For example if you have a friend from China and one from Iran you can learn more about those two countries If you just have friends from your country then you do not learn very much about the world
TWE Essays 172292 172 We can also have many different kinds of experiences if we have many different kinds of friends For example some people like sports others like music still others like to study If we have many different friends with many different interests then we can never feel bored and we can have a happy life Finally if we have many different friends then maybe we can have more help from people when we need it For example if we need some kind of help with something but we dont know too many people then it might be difficult for us to get help However if we know many people then it will be easy for us to find help when we need it Therefore I believe that it is better to have many different friends in our lives Having many friends can teach us about the world we can have more fun with different friends and we can get help more easily if we have many different friends Essay ID 298 This is a 5 point essay Topic 111 We all need to have friends and I think the more friends we have the better Friendship helps us learn how to trust others what to expect from others and how to profit from experiences I want to have a lot of friends around me sol can learn more about myself from different people I want to have people around me that I trust and that I can depend on We all need friends both in times of trouble and in times of happiness If I only have a few friends it impossible that they might not be available if I need them If I have a lot of friends it is more likely that they will be able to share my troubles or my good fortune I want to have people around me that surprise me If I have just one or two friends I know what to expect from them I know how they will react If I have a lot of friends around me I will always be surprised Each will have a different way of reacting to a situation Observing this reaction and responding to it will teach me how to deal with strangers whom I might meet I want to have people around me that can teach me something about life If I only have a couple of friends I will know everything about them very quickly If I have hundreds of friends think what I will learn Each day theyll teach me something new and show me a new way of thinking about something I have a lot to learn in life so I want as many people as possible to help me I want a lot of friends to show me how to have a good time Ill do the same for them Essay ID 202 Topic 112 There is much discussion above when should children begin to study Some people think that children should start learning as early as possible Other people however argue that young children could begin to study late As far as I am concerned young children should spend most of their time playing and not begin studying too early Why do some people think that children should begin to study early For one thing children are very good at learning because they have good memory and accept new things quickly If they waste their time when they are young they probably need to spend much more time in learning
TWE Essays 173292 173 the same thing when they are older As we all know learning a foreign language is a pain to adults but is very easy to a child under ten Although I agree there may be one or two advantages for children to begin to study early I insist that the advantages of learning late far overweigh them In the first place people who spend most of their time playing could be more creative Learning more means that children can know more but also more restrictions will be pushed on them If children play more they may find many things interesting in their playing and raise many questions such as quotwhy can this happenquot quotCan I invent such a thing to help mequot As a result they always have more wonderful thoughts than those who begin studying very early which helps them to study and work creatively when they grow up In the second place children could be more anxious to learn when they grow up if they spend most of their time playing It is known that children like to play Even if parents force them sitting in front of the table they cannot concentrate on the studying stuff Instead they are thinking how to finish the study early and go to play They will be bored in studying when they grow up since they think they study for their parents But Children who spend most of their time playing do not have the bad memory of studying When they grow up they will be willing to study even if parents do not monitor them because they feel they are studying for themselves In conclusion I believe that young children should play more not only because that they will be more creative but also because they will be more anxious to learn when they grow up Therefore I strongly hold that all parents should not push their young children into studying too early Essay ID 538 This is a 5 point essay Topic 112 Should children play more or study more The question is what will be better for the child There are benefits to both activities but the answer depends on the details of the situation There are many things that could affect the outcome of the argument What kind of a school is it It could be a school where children sit at their desks all day long memorizing dates and facts Or it could be a school where the teacher helps the children learn what they want to learn I think the second kind is a lot better for a child than the first kind Similarly what kind of play are we talking about The child could be alone all day long watching television which could make him or her bored and lonely Or the child could be involved in group activities with neighborhood children of the same age which could help him or her learn how to get along with others I think both study and play are valuable so I mould prefer to send my child to a school where there is a combination I think a variety of activities makes learning easier for anyone at any age Essay ID 203 Topic 113 The first advantage of having a new university built in my community would be the jobs it would bring to the community Initially the jobs would be those connected with the actual building of the university structures such as brick layers and carpenters Once the buildings were completed the jobs would be those on the campus itself Those would include teachers office workers custodians and librarians
TWE Essays 174292 174 Not all of the people the university hired would already be members of the community so that would mean a lot of new people coming to town Of course a lot of students would come too Two advantages of new people in town would be more taxpayers and a more diverse population With more people paying taxes there would be more money for schools libraries and other community needs With a more diverse population there would be new stores new restaurants to serve different tastes and new cultural influences Of course there would also be disadvantages More people living in the community could mean more houses being built There would be more traffic on the streets with the combination of new residents and students who bring their cars Plus more people would mean more public services would be needed These services could include everything from trash collection to more schools to hold all the children of the new residents New services might mean local taxes would have to go up even though there would be more taxpayers Another disadvantage is that the personality of our community would change It would go from being a place where everybody knows everybody else to a place where a lot of people are strangers It would become a place with a lot of short-term residents like the university students who might not care as much about the town Communities always change over time though and overall I like the atmosphere of a quotcollege town quotA new university would bring a lot of challenges but I think it would be worth it Essay ID 204 Topic 114 Although friends make an impression on your life they do not have the same influence that your family has Nothing is as important to me as my family From them I learned everything that is important I learned about trust ambition and love Your family is with you forever They are not going to leave you because they find another daughter they like better They are not going to leave you because they think you are too much trouble A family is permanent while friends come and go Your parents are your role models They will encourage you to do your best to push yourself and to improve yourself Friends want you to stay the same they dont want you to be different A family is ambitious for you Friends are not Your family teaches you about love A familys love is not judgmental They love you for everything you are Friends may love you because you have a new car or because you go out with them on Saturdays A family loves you Friends only like you Without my family I wouldnt know what to do I wouldnt feel as secure I might not have the ambition to go to school I probably would be afraid to love My family is my greatest influence Essay ID 205 Topic 114 It is true that both of the family and friends play important roles in influencing young adults and it is really hard for us to tell which is the most important influence
TWE Essays 175292 175 In my opinion the family plays the most important role When a young child is born he is brought up by the family not by his friends and a child has the keener sense in learning than a older one I think the family can mold the child in the following ways Firstly the family is the first school a child should enterThere he learns and is taught how to learnIt is safe to say that the character of a person is determined in his childhood and when it is the family which to make the determination Secondly a good family will afford good education for the child Now more and more Chinese family realize the importance of educationsome even make thire children study in foreign countriesAll this is unchoosable for the childthat is the family has the undeniable influence on the young adult Thirdly when the child is in his young adult the family still plays a important influence on him For instance I always feel the expectation of my parents and struggle to favor them Which is a hard work but I still think it is naturally that I as a son should meet the expectation of them Thus the family is really a strong influence on the young I make the family the important influence doesnt deny that the role of friends on the young adults Only that friends role is not as important as the family Essay ID 262 This is a 5 point essay Topic 115 Both leisure time and working time form the whole parts of ones life Here leisure time has a broad definition Because of its importance people face the dilemma whether to plan or not plan for the leisure time Which one I prefer depends on my own experiences life style and emotional concerns To be frank I prefer to plan in my point of view Before rendering my opinion in detail it is necessary to take a glance at the position of not planning at all People who claim the opinion advocate that leisure time is the time for relaxing Enjoying the time is the most important why they have to plan for it by taking time and energy If they want to watch TV they will sit down to watch it without any hesitation If they want to swim they will change to the swimming suits Enjoy everything at any time It is true that there are some advantages about not planning for the leisure time but I would explain a few important reasons why I prefer to plan for it The main reason is that planning for it carefully can avoid a lot of troubles To illustrate this there is an example that is very persuasive Take swimming for example if we plan it first we would prepare the swimming suit sun glasses towels cream and so on for it We can enjoy the swimming time fully and pleasantly without forgetting anything Avoiding troubles is only part of the most important aspects and another equally significant role of planning lies in that we can promote our studying and working effectively This demonstrates the undeniable fact that suitable leisure time can help one to relax fully For instance when we work or study for a whole week we have a plan to spend the weekend in the seaside It is wonderful Careful plan can make us fresh and exciting If all the factors are considered we will find out that the advantages of planning for leisure time outweigh those of not planning It is true that both views have strong foundations but no one can ignore the added convenience and satisfaction offered by planning for it Such experience will
TWE Essays 176292 176 definitely be helpful in ones later life Essay ID 206 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 115 I think that free time is a precious thing for most of us When were working hard its nice to imagine what well do when the weekend comes We juggle one idea with another trying to decide what best suits our budget and the amount of time we have After all anticipating free time is part of the pleasure Its good to plan what were going to do with our free time That way we wont waste any of it trying to decide Its so easy to just sit around and think about this or that activity Before we know it half the day is gone If we decide ahead of time we can get started in plenty of time and we can get the most benefit out of the time we have For instance if were going on a picnic we can get all our supplies ready to go Or if were going to a movie we can find out the time and how long itll take us to get there Also if we plan what were going to do with our free time we can invite others to join us If we wait until the last minute our friends may have other plans On the other hand its also fun sometimes to do things without apian We can just leave the house and walk around and see what catches our attention Often this is how we discover places we never knew existed We might end up doing something we never thought wed try We might just happen to find ourselves outside a new bookstore or a bowling alley and go in on a whim because we have some free time Its nice if we can have the best of both worlds We can plan our free time activities for one day of the weekend and let the other day plan itself This way our free time also gives us the enjoyment of having it both ways Essay ID 207 Topic 116 The effectiveness of a learning method varies from person to person and also from activity to activity Learning by doing learning by reading and learning by listening all have the transfer of information as their goal but the information is transferred in very different ways in each case Each has its benefits In my own opinion learning by doing is the method that works best for me Learning by doing works because it gives a learner first-hand experience Other methods are more passive youre either listening to a conversation or trying to pay attention to words on a page However learning by doing means actually participating in the activity Can you imagine learning how to play a musical instrument from a book As the saying goes practice makes perfect Frankly I cant think of a way that better ensures one has truly learned than by seeing and doing In contrast reading makes learning less easy to visualize Not only that learning by reading often requires extra research such as looking up unfamiliar words Also you might not be a good reader or you might be learning in a second language If so you might find it hard to concentrate or become frustrated by the slow pace So while reading is fun and useful for many people for others it may not be the best way Learning by listening can be enjoyable Lively debate is interesting and interesting things are usually easier to learn about Plus unlike reading you can ask questions if you dont understand However as with reading it is all too easy to become a passive listener and not truly learn
TWE Essays 177292 177 anything If you get bored you might even fall asleep while youre listening When youre actively participating in something youre more likely to stay alert Overall when it comes to learning I believe that nothing substitutes for the firsthand experience that physically doing an activity provides Essay ID 208 Topic 117 There are a lot of advantages to having friends who are different from you For one thing theyll give you a different way of looking at the world Friends who are different can introduce you to foods music politics and books youve never tried before If youre a spontaneous kind of person someone who is more scheduled can help you get better organized You on the other hand can help them loosen up a little bit and do things more on the spur of the moment Someone who is different from you wont have the same reaction to situations This can be a big help If youre the kind of person who gets very impatient waiting for your meal in a restaurant it helps to have someone calm with you Your friend can help you keep your temper If youre a little timid about standing up for yourself a more assertive friend can help you develop a little more self-respect However there can also be advantages to having friends who are similar to you You usually enjoy doing the same things so you dont have to argue about what you want to do Sometimes its fun experiencing new things Other times its more fun doing what you know youll enjoy All things considered I think Id like to have a lot of acquaintances who are different and a few close friends who are similar to me That seems the best of both worlds Essay ID 209 Topic 118 It is often difficult for people to choose whether staying the same or changing for a new experience Each of the two has its own advantage and disadvantage As a youngster with unlimited energy and enthusiasm I will choose change without any hesitation The first reason I choose change is that change is the propeller that push the world to develop from an ancient tribe in which people hunted for their life to todays earth on which people can study and work in their comfortable homes without worrying about life What makes the thousands of years development possible is that people like to change the world As we all know by changing stones into stone axes people could gather more meat for their families by changing breasts fur into clothes people keep themselves warm by changing solar energy into heat and electricity people can find a new way to prevent the energy shortage Thus it is change that develops the world we live in Second lets come to our daily life Change gives people a feeling of curiosity and drive him to discovery various new things around him Every one is curious about the new objects he saw and the news he heard and has the pulse to detect everything We are excited about moving into a new house and we are excited about our new jobs Even a little change of the furniture placing in our rooms can make us excited for a few hours The last and in my opinion a very practical reason is that change can improve peoples
TWE Essays 178292 178 adaptability When you move to a new school or come to a new job your environment has changed Therefore in order to get used to your new surrounding quickly you have to change yourself first Perhaps you have kept your regular habit for such a long time and it is a painful process for you to change yourself But by doing this you will observe in the future that you are able to be adapted to more changes around yourself and that there is an expanded world in front of you All of these result from that you have the courage to change yourself For the reasons presented above I strongly commit to the notion that change makes our lives colorful and trains us to adapt to our world People should enjoy change and look forward to new experiences Essay ID 210 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 118 There is a famous Chinese proverb says The world is so big that it includes all kinds of men Different people have different life styles Some people enjoy change and new experiences Others like their lives to stay the same Frankly I prefer to change in my point of view Before rendering my opinion in detail it is necessary to take a glance at the position of the opposite view A lot of people especially the old advocate that staying the same is safe and pleasant They think that the life has no up and down is the best one Someone will also say if you stick to one point it would be better For example the famous Chinese Opera actor Mei Lanfang kept his usual habit to observing birds and fish At last he succeeded in his eye acting It is true that staying the same has a lot of advantages but I will explain some important reasons why I prefer to change In modern society the world is changing in every minute If we do not change how can we keep pace with the world A small example could give some light to this point Some young people like traveling from one place to another New experiences could let them understand the world fully Another equally significant advantage of changing is that we can explore our talents better and deeper Some people like to change jobs They believe that new jobs can give them chances to understand themselves and choose one is the most suitable for them Take Chancer for example he had been a courtier a soldier an ambassador and a legislator Finally he became the noted writer Considering all the factors we will find out that the advantages of changes outweigh those of staying the same Both views have strong foundations but no one could ignore the convenience and satisfaction offered by change and new experiences Such experiences will definitely be helpful in ones later life Essay ID 211 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 118 There are those who prefer things to stay the same while there are others who prefer change My personal preference is to establish a routine and stick to it though this has not always been true of me When I was younger I wasnt a creature of habit I enjoyed change When summers came and I was free from the responsibilities of school I would travel take off with friends at a moments notice and make decisions from day to day In this way I had lots of new experiences met new
TWE Essays 179292 179 and interesting people and learned a lot about life These days I enjoy sticking to a routine This is partially due to the fact that I am a mother of two small children I find that their lives are happier if I dont upset their schedules too much For example we give the children a bath every night at 800 put them in their pajamas read them stories and put them to sleep by 900 There are times when this is inconvenient but everyone in the household is happier if we stick to our routine In addition our friends know when to find us at home and when we are free This makes visiting easier In conclusion the type of person I am has changed with the circumstances of my life The obligations of my family force me to have a routine When I was young I enjoyed the suspense and adventure of living a crazy life Now the stability of a household routine suits me better I think that while most people need a minimum amount of security those who depend on you often make a difference in your lifestyle Essay ID 212 Topic 118 living in this world people keep different rules and preference to their lifeSome people prefer to experience what they do not know some choose to regular their life and enjoy the quietObviously no one is wrong while as for me my personal opinion is similar with the former By positively changing their life people can enrich their knowledgeAs for from the change of their job People will meet the new environment where they must work hard to learn new techniques and skills to catch up with the new coming requirements Staying in a stated position people tend to be involved in their daily activities with all their time and energy without further progress Consciously changing their life will also benifit people to live happily The feeling of life is boring is for sure coming to human being step by step if they always keep a stagnating living As we all know lots of couples complain their life is full of dull and he or she also grumble that can not feel their affection existing anymore Why it is to some extend for that they do not realize they should change they every day life from being stagnationNo changed life tend to make people tired and loose interest A report said the contemporary social problem of youth suicide is very seriously and investigation shows the reason is mainly for the kids feel their life is no novelIf only they were taught how to absorb the fresh air into their life I would like to claim again keeping old habits and enjoying a stated life are not bad also what they need is to use another way to make their life positive Essay ID 289 This is a 5 point essay Topic 119 I agree to the statement that people behave differently when they wear different clothes Clothes play an incredible role in our daily life It rules our behavior and defines to new culture in modern society I am also keeping observing the way peoples behavior with dressing different clothes The results of these observing are surprisingly similar Person dresses in clean suit and wear polished shoes his gesture would comport to be elegant On the contrary the same one dresses in leisure sporting T-shirt sneakers correspondingly he will act arbitrarily with involuntary movements
TWE Essays 180292 180 The reason is simple The clothes are crucial dimensions to insinuate peoples routine behavior every day Psychologist calls it quotPsycho-hintquot So a clean suit and polished shoes would keep us in happy at some extent Or some people have proclivities to dress in bright color to relieve the pressure they faced I think that a nice dress will give us more confident to handle the problem We also build professional sophisticated impressions for other people Otherwise People will probably be unresponsive to deal with things in casual dress This is related to our future career directly Such as we should dress tidily for job inter-view just to give an examiner a good impression Nice clothes are perfect advertisement for individual image as same as the package in the shop market We choose the attractive package same we feel close with a stranger dress in proper clothes To this extent clothes reflect our special national custom and culture These reminds root at our customs personal discrimination and occupations Calvin Kelen is famous for his simple style that defines the apparel of the whole American young generation in the early 20th century We also find that people in different occupations wear differently Bank employees businessmen usually dress in dark suit since they should offer clients reliable impressions Teachers wear nice clothes that let their student feel kindly Track to the long human history our predecessor have developed the complete clothes system From the primitive leather to elaborated modern metal clothes offer us the chances to express our unique views and show us the colorful life So do you consider that buy a nice apparel for yourself when go out next time Essay ID 213 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 119 People do behave differently depending on what they are wearing The reason is not because they have changed but because peoples reactions to them has changed Certain clothes are appropriate for certain situations A man can wear a suit to work and a woman can wear something professional looking like a skirt and jacket When everyone dresses the same there is no problem It is like a uniform Imagine going to a law office to hire a lawyer One of the lawyers is wearing a suit the other is wearing jeans Which lawyer do you want to hire Similarly a mechanic works on cars all day and wears clothes that can get dirty It would be strange to find a mechanic wearing a coat and tie to repair an engine People will treat you differently depending on what you are wearing It will depend on how well they know you and where you are If your clothes are unusual for the situation they may treat you with disrespect I remember once I had an old army coat I wore it into a fancy candy shop to buy some chocolates The woman was very suspicious and a little afraid I couldnt understand her reaction since it was still me underneath my big old ugly green coat I was dressed like a bum and this caused the salesperson to react negatively to me Consequently I was even more polite than usual This experience shows me that sometimes I do behave differently because of what Im wearing In this case I had to balance my appearance Still that doesnt mean that Im rude if I dress up Essay ID 214
TWE Essays 181292 181 Topic 120 I disagree with the statement that the decisions people make quickly are always wrong However I think those decisions probably turn out to be wrong more often than carefully made decisions do Usually fast decisions are based on what we call our quotgut reactionsquot or feelings we have about a situation Sometimes these gut reactions are based on good sense backed by experience but sometimes theyre based on nonsense or poor reasoning Lets say youre at work and the boss calls you to his office and tells you theres a big project that needs to be done He thinks youre the best person for the job but he needs an answer from you on the spot He hasnt told you what the project is but you make the quick decision to accept This is the right quick decision because youre basing it on a lot of factors that will occur to you later One is that it wouldnt make sense for the boss to ask you to do something he didnt think you could handle That would only hurt his business Plus doing a good job on this project might help your career You realize its good to reach higher if you want to get ahead But lets say youre on a deserted highway late at night and your car breaks down Along comes a car driven by someone who doesnt seem quite right to you He offers you a ride to the nearest gas station You make the quick decision to accept the ride because its late you re cold and tired and you dont want to sit there waiting for the highway patrol to arrive This is a case where a quick decision is a wrong decision You shouldnt trade your personal safety for physical comfort and if you thought about it you wouldnt How do you know when its okay to make a quick decision You have to be able to guess at the possible benefits versus the possible dangers If its a small decision like where to go to lunch who cares However if my whole future were at stake Id want as much time as I could get to think about it Essay ID 163 Topic 120 Some people argue as if it is a general truth that to make a wrong decision is better than to make no decision at all But to be frank I can not agree with them In my point of view it is sagacious to spend more time on preparing to dicide rather than hurry to make a wrong decision There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant of the basic fact that a bad decision will influnce the subsequence steps and produce an unseccessful result even a failure There is a famous saying a good beginning is an half of succeed This proverb explain the important of decision of the beginning while something say the a deleterious effect of a wrong decision For example when a graduate is confronted with the choice the job after leave the campus the first decision is every important for the future work and live An inapposite choice could bring him or she successive problem even mistaken the direction Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that not hurry to decide let people have more time to prepare and maybe they find an appropriate approach Since careful plan and deliberate arrangement will become the precondition of suceed then spend more time on preparing is necessary In the instance above the graduate should think over all sorts of the factors such as the qualification of himself or herself the condition of the job and the advisement from consulter of the college and parents
TWE Essays 182292 182 The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because careful arrangement will discovery the errors and mistakes in the decision And that will have the chance to correct them in order to make a right decision The errors or mistakes could exist in everyones thought I think the best way to eliminate them is think them over So it is sagacious to spend more time on preparing to dicide rather than hurry to make a wrong decision General speaking the deliberate consider can help to avoid the appearance of trouble effectively and to resolve problems successfully Taking into account of all these factorswe may reach the conclusion that it is wiser to make no decision at all than to make a wrong decision Essay ID 279 This is a 5 point essay Topic 121 In our daily life we will always be told a wealth of such cases as a guy who has fallen into love with a girl at the first sight one of your friends who impresses your mother deeply on his or her first visit to your house and then is treated exceptionally well by your hard-to-be-pleased mother and even the applicant who attracts to the HRM human resources manager immediately at the character her conduct and her eloquence etc all of which he or she displays at each others first meet But is all that he or she displays or all that you understand through what he or she displays or hints correct or just a blur image which needs to be proved in the later days Before we get the question to be treated lets think of the most probable not absolutely results of the cases mentioned in the first paragraph of yours who has just won your hard-to-be-pleased mothers trust is criticized by your mother because of his or her great incoherency in the manners and even the newly-employed employee is dismissed because of he is not telling the truth in his resume Till now do you still think the first impressions of a persons character are dependable Psychologically in our head we had a very perfect image of a person of course which varies from one another owing to his of her specific experiences education and family background his or her own opinion about a special view etc and when such a person as confirms with the image in our head pretty congruently presents we will to great extent overestimate or even exaggerate the his or her merits while omit the shortcomings as we can help it Maybe this is the psychological reason thus we can ourselves lead to the answer to the question referred above that the first impressions of a person are generally incorrect and also irresponsible for yourself In a word to judge a person needs time and the first-sight impression is always undependable Essay ID 421 Topic 121 Any opinion is in fact a judgment I feel that as Americans we would do well to judge others less often Still we must be able to decide whom to spend our time with and whom wed rather forget In my opinion this type of judgment is best after we get to know other people First impressions are not always accurate impressions
TWE Essays 183292 183 Judging a person based on a first impression does save time There are more people than anyone could possibly get to know in one lifetime It is frustrating to waste time getting to know someone only to find out that your first impression was correct and that you really dont like him-or her So is it a waste of time getting to know people you probably wont like That seems to be a valid point of view but I believe that it is not the best attitude to take Its more humane to spend time getting to know people before judging them I know that I dont always make a good first impression even when I truly like the person with whom lam interacting We all have bad days I wouldnt want to lose a job or a potential friendship simply because I picked out the wrong clothing or said something wrong I think everyone deserves the chance to make a second impression If we all based our final opinion of others on first impressions it would be hard to get to know anyone There is always more to people than meets the eye If we dont give someone a chance we may be missing out on meeting a life-long friend That would truly be a shame Essay ID 215 Topic 122 I think its probably true that people are never satisfied with what they have They always want something more or something different from what is theirs This just seems to be part of our human nature Look at a toddler Give her a toy to play with and shes happy-until she sees something eke Then she wants that other toy to play with If she and her brother are each given a cookie shell look to see whose cookie is bigger Shell protest loudly if she thinks her brother is getting more quotThe grass is always greenerquot is an old expression but its a good expression of how many of us feel Were always striving for a better job a nicer place to live a fancier car or more expensive clothes Part of this reaching for more and better is because we care about what other people think and want to impress them Part of it is trying to make ourselves feel successful But theres also something in our nature that tells us we can do better and reach higher This isnt always a negative quality Theres another saying quotA mans reach should exceed his grasp or whats a heaven forquot Its a good thing to be constantly pushing ourselves and looking for something different If we dont try for more and different things we begin to stagnate like a pool that doesnt get any fresh water The problem comes when we wont let ourselves be satisfied with anything we have If we have a comfortable life and still feel as if somethings missing then we need to look inward The something thats missing may be in our spirit Essay ID 216 Topic 122 Many of the worlds religions share a belief that when a person is able to look at and confess his or her problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery A problem cannot be solved until it is clearly recognized I agree with the above statement because I believe that dissatisfaction and suffering forces people to change History presents many examples of dissatisfaction and change The history of China in this
TWE Essays 184292 184 century might be seen as one of dissatisfaction and progress Sun Yet San was discontented with the decaying imperial order and so he created revolution Mao was dissatisfied with the course of events and so he intensified the revolution finally Deng pushed the Chinese economy towards free-market economics Hence China progressed towards its new-found superpower status In a not dissimilar way during the eighteenth century many Americans became annoyed with direct British rule and so the United States fought for and gained political independence On a personal level dissatisfaction can lead to change within friendship and marriage Perhaps it might even be said that true love cannot remain static Matrimony and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values If husband and wife are prepared to confront and discuss their problems a blue period can give way to many years of happiness Sometimes for instance a spouse may not recognize that the source of marital unhappiness is that the other partner has developed a need to have children Whatever else may be said most people would agree that children change the lives of their parents The best method of utilizing dissatisfaction is to change things before they get out of hand An intelligent man will constantly monitor his emotions an intelligent politician will understand the mood of his people Some people might suggest that the transition to independence for Canada and Australia was much smoother than that of the United States because Britain allowed those two dominions to evolve with time To take the idea further a good parent or an astute politician will even anticipate potential dissatisfactions and therefore take precautions I agree with the above statement because I believe that we mature through dissatisfaction Without the ability to recognize our discontent we could collapse into illness Suffering sharpens our senses Essay ID 487 Topic 123 How could anyone suggest that people should only read about real events real people and established facts For one thing that means people wouldnt be reading half of all the great books that have ever been written not to mention the plays short stones and poetry For another it would mean that peoples imaginations would not develop as children and would remain dulled throughout their lives Reading stories as a child helps develop our creativity by teaching us a lot about how to use words to create mental images It opens our world up exposing us to other times and different ways of living Reading histories of those times would serve kind of the same purpose but it probably wouldnt stick in our minds as sharply Reading an essay about poverty in Victorian England is not the same thing as reading Charles Dickens Oliver Twist The images of a small boy being sold are more horrifying than simply reading the statement quotChildren were sold into laborquot because a novel makes that small boy seem real to us Reading fiction makes a more lasting impression on our minds and emotions Besides storytelling is an emotional need for human beings From earliest times humans have taught their children about life not by telling them facts and figures but by telling them stories Some of these stones show what people are like human nature and help us experience a wide range of feelings Some make us think about how we should act Telling a child that its wrong to lie will make little impression but telling him the story of a little boy whose nose grows longer every time he tells a lie will make a big impression
TWE Essays 185292 185 Fiction is too important to our culture our minds and our emotions How could we ever give it up Essay ID 217 Topic 124 I have always considered that general knowledge is the best choice for me and universal learning the perfect means to support the phrase quotknowledge for the sake of knowledge itselfquot But if I have to choose between the above-mentioned subjects I would definately concentrate on art and literature which I consider fit better my personality Art and literature have a lot in common in that they require a differentquite often universal approach to the world around usThey concenterate not so much on the black and white aspects of living but on the colourful side of life on tints rather than brightnessMaths and science study the form the physical shape and its laws but it is art and literature that fulfill this form with that ultimate meaning that only the human soul can sense And it is the human soul that has so many faces so many aspects and interpretations to all thingsThat is why I appreciate the subjectivity of art and literature-the numerous realities they impose are closer to our inner world than the strict powers that rule that of science One is free to tolerate to critisize to accept the form of art but not obey them It is believed that Order came from ChaosAnd if we can associate science and maths with Order it sounds logical to claim that Chaos has a lot to do with art and literatureThe well of our unconscious brings forward the strangest powers and they show more of the universe than maths and science doFor Chaos is the beginning of life Having in mind the above I definately support art and literature as a better means for achieving universal knowledgeWhat is more while maths and science closely deal with laws they cannot in any way teach us about that quotthin red linequot separating bad and evil while art and literature I strongly believe can Essay ID 314 This is a 5 point essay Topic 124 Many people hold that studying scientific subjects is more beneficial than studying literary ones However I do believe that each field has its own importance on our lives Scientific subjects are definitely crucial to our development We wouldnt have come that a long way in scientific and cultural advancement if we didnt have subjects like math physics chymistery and so on We wouldt have conquored the space if we didnt have astronomy Also we wouldnt have found cures for dangerous deseases if we didnt have medicine Our life relies great deal on those subjects so they are greatly vital to us Yet I believe that some people are born with the skill to handle scientific research while others tend more towards literary subjects Therefore people born with literary talents are also very useful to us Many aspects of our lives need to be treated by art and literature As human beings we also have feelings and emotions and those things need to be cared for as well So writers painters and actors are functional elements in our everyday life When youre tired and you want to relax you might watch a comic movie or
TWE Essays 186292 186 take a nice romantic book to read Moreover arts like sculture and painting play a huge role in our lives in the sense that they add a beautiful and artistic touch to everything around us including our houses offices and even the streets Consequently art is indispensible in our lives In fine I believe that art and science are interrelated and binary cooexisting in our lifestyles In my opinion one cannot replace the other Each is necessarily needed in to improve our lives We need the mathematician as much as we need the paintor Each has his own role to perform in the society Essay ID 318 This is a 5 point essay Topic 124 The importance of playing games for adults has always been underestimated over the past years However as newer studies are being undertaken in the field of human behavior the value and significance of play in an adult human beings life is gaining vast importance From time immemorial play has been a significant means of communication among children as a role model to the complex inter-personal communications among adults The effectiveness of play to bring about bonding among other childrenadults has been highlighted by scientists and sociologists all over the world In addition to the benefits of play on the physical systems of humans such as toning of the various organ systems to their optimum levels of functioning the effects on the mental health of the individual are seen to have a greater bearing Furthermore since man is more of a social animal play tactics are often found to further enhance the individuals sense of self-esteem among the society he lives in His functioning as a productive member of the community is further enhanced and this also is seen to have an inhibitory effect on the negative aspects of ones personality This holds good even in the face of the highly stressful lifestyles of todays people Truly one cannot but agree whole heartedly with the old grandmothers saying quot All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyquot Indeed play for children and adults alike ensures a healthier happier society Essay ID 319 This is a 5 point essay Topic 124 At an early stage of human civilization science was not developed in random way But today with the development of technologyscience becomes more useful and cultural aspect for mankind At every stage of life we use many scientific instruments Again science helps to provide entertainment for human beings Nowadays science is progressed in more advanced way By using technology men are able to inevnt many new things Mathematics is an important subject among other science subjects At every moment people can able to calculate any problem by applying mathematics To study other science subjects like physics statistics chemistry etc the knowledge of mathematics is very essential as it is very useful to solve any problem related to above subjects With development of science we can able to use internet system
TWE Essays 187292 187 By using this system we can able to collect any information about any topic Or in other words human beings are completely related and depended on science To study art and literature is very useful for human beings People can know about many past events by reading different history books They can easily familiar with different culture by reading many literature By studying geography we can know about nature and environment We can know about life style of many different cultural people by reading art and literature From the above discussions it is clear that to study science is more important than to study art and literature To study science helps us to live in more advanced way Science stream is too vast and is developed in more advanced way that students in science stream have more facility to work in that field compared to art students Essay ID 323 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 124 In general the knowledge can be divided into two types natural knowledge and social knowledge Science and math are the important component of former while art and literature are essential parts of the latter In my opinion both of these are very important to any individual The reason goes as follows First only complete knowledge can make a really knowledgable manwoman We know that the world consists of not only the object studied by the subject like science and math such as stars and flowers but also consists of the beautiful and attractive things such as poems paitings which is studied by the subjects like art and literature Lack of knowledge will lead to an imcomplete view about the world Secondly the study subjects like art and literature are helpful for the development of subjects like science and math There are some rules that goven both types of subject the master of one subject may be beneficial to the development of another subject It is because of this reason that many great people are great artists as well as a scientists It is known that Einstein played well in violin while he is acknowledged as a great physicist It is believed by some people that grasp both types of knowledge is essential for anyone wish to be successful in the new millenium Ofcourse the study of science and math is very important It is the study of them produce our modern society However an additional master of art and literature will make our life more colorful and even more successful Essay ID 334 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 124 In general the knowledge can be divided into two types natural knowledge and social knowledge Science and math are the important component of former while art and literature are essential parts of the latter In my opinion both of these are very important to any individual The reason goes as follows First only complete knowledge can make a really knowledgeable manwoman We know that the world consists of not only the object studied by the subject like science and math such as stars and flowers but also consists of the beautiful and attractive things such as poems paintings which is studied by the subjects like art and literature Lack of knowledge will lead to an
TWE Essays 188292 188 incomplete view about the world Secondly the study subjects like art and literature are helpful for the development of subjects like science and math There are some rules that govern both types of subject the master of one subject may be beneficial to the development of another subject It is because of this reason that many great people are great artists as well as a scientists It is known that Einstein played well in violin while he is acknowledged as a great physicist It is believed by some people that grasp both types of knowledge is essential for anyone wish to be successful in the new millennium Of course the study of science and math is very important It is the study of them produce our modern society However an additional master of art and literature will make our life more colorful and even more successful Essay ID 220 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 124 I think its more important for students to study history and literature These subjects help us understand the human race and feed our spirits and our imaginations Thats more important than understanding how to split the atom or do algebra People talk about a crisis of spirit in our country They mean weve forgotten how to believe in and understand our own better natures I think part of this is because weve become too excited about facts and not enough about things we cant see and measure Reading books from our own culture helps us understand our roots Reading books from other cultures helps us understand the way other people think and react to situations It also teaches us that were not so very different from others and that leads to better relations between cultures Reading literature also feeds our spirits Even when the material were reading is about terrible sadness and hardship it still brings us in touch with our inner selves It makes us think about issues other than the new car we want to drive or how much money were making Studying history gives us more information than just who died when or who won which war It tells us about how human beings have related to each other at different periods in our development It gives us the big picture So often when international crises occur we only see the problem of the moment We have no idea how something that happened twenty years ago was the beginning of this current problem Without that information we can have only a shallow understanding of whats going on in the world Both history and literature are necessary subjects for students to prepare for more than just careers These subjects prepare students for the way they want to live their lives Essay ID 218 Topic 124 It has long been a controversy amongst students and critics in prospective majors of the sciences and arts to conclude which subjects would be more beneficial to study While science students claim that its field of study involves intellectual ability arts students feel that the understanding and study of art is far richer in its importance chiefly in the influence through evolution of human history While I conclude that a balance in the knowledge of both the subjects are essential let me lay down my reasons
TWE Essays 189292 189 Science and Math subjects are intellectually rewarding as they teach the understanding of theories that improve humans living standards such as researches conducted in universities and science laboratories to enhance the lives of human beings with vaccines constantly being researched produced and tested for incurable diseases Without such a study the world be in serious trouble of poor health and living standards Every theory that is founded would have been tried and tested to prove its success concluding how the study of science and math subjects requires intellectual capabilities in its challenging field While it is essential that the study of the sciences and math continue to ensure a healthy living environment it is also important that a science student receives adequate education in the arts subjects to develop an artistic side of his life A distinct culture of the arts student is his detailed and subjective approach toward a subject which he has particular interests and talent It is the beauty of life amidst all the things that could be explained by a science student and a mystery to study While history had taken place the study of human evolution is equally beneficial in developing a knowledgeable individual It helps enhance an individuals life in the ability to appreciate the beauty that life comes bundled in In conclusion to my opinion it is essential to have a balance in the study of arts and science subjects as they complement an individuals life with knowledge and facts and the ability to appreciate the beauty of life with gods gifts of music literature and art Essay ID 219 Topic 125 I agree that all students should be required to study art and music in high school Ive read that young children who study art and music in grade school do better in their other studies That argument aside we should study art and music for its sake alone We should study art and music to learn more about ourselves our culture and our world Both art and music feed students imaginations and help them express themselves Theres a reason our ancestors in caves drew on the walls and made music with drums Wanting to express ourselves is natural It gives us an avenue for our emotions and fears It may not always be music other people want to hear or art others will appreciate but the activity itself is enjoyable It shouldnt matter if the end result isnt perfect In the process we learn what we like and dislike Studying art and music means more than drawing or playing an instrument Students usually go to art galleries and concerts too By studying the pictures on the museums walls or by reading the program notes at a recital students will learn what society has decided is worthy of praise They learn what is important in their own culture Students may also learn about other cultures by looking at art and listening to music from other countries When they do that theyll see similarities and differences with their own Theyll learn about what is important in other societies Students will also learn how the art and music of other cultures affect our own By studying art and music in high school students begin to understand themselves as well as their own culture and other cultures What could have more value than that Essay ID 221 Topic 126
TWE Essays 190292 190 There is much disagreement over whether there is something that young people can teach older people or not Some people claim that the older know everything better than the younger Other people however argue that the younger can master something that the older do not know As far as I am concerned the older can still learn something from the younger even if the former know more than the latter Why do some people think that the older is more knowledgeable than the younger on anything The main reason is people accumulate knowledge from experience day after day most of which cannot be gained through books For instance an old accountant can handle many difficult accounting affairs while a young one cannot because the former has more experience Although I agree that the older can teach a lot of things to the younger I insist that it pays for the older to learn something from the younger In the first place there is something that the older never know before The computer is the best example As we know the computer was invented in the begining of 1900s and was becoming popular after the Microsoft Windows operation system was released in 1990s The older had rare chances to learn and use the computers On the contrary the younger begin to get to know the computer very early No doubt that the younger know computer better than the older When a person older than 30 years attends a computer course heshe will not be surprised if the teacher is younger than heshe In the second place the younger are more creative and imaginative When the older do something they normally follow some rules they got before It is true the older seldom make mistakes but they also hardly make something new While the younger do not have much experience and do not have many restrictions as well They make mistakes very often but also can make something magnificent In conclusion I believe that the older can learn many things from the younger not only because that the younger know more later technologies but also that the younger have more creative thoughts Essay ID 387 Topic 126 Who says only old people can teach young people We admit that elder people have much more experiences than our young people and it is true that they can give us many guidance when we meet problems or unsolved difficulties However with the rapid development of a modern society young people can also teach the elder people a lot They can update new technologies for the elders share attitudes towards life with them and bring freshness into their lives Since living in a very fast developing society we need to make contact with many new technologies everyday In other words we need to learn everyday to keep up with the latest development For example computers are now very popular but we seldom see the elders to use computers If they can learn how to use them from young people they will definitely be beneficial from this new machine because computers have brought a lot of changes to our lives and made us experience a different life Young people are known for their quick understanding and acceptance new things so I think they can teach the elder about new technologies used in our daily life The attitudes of young people are totally different from old people Mostly they are more positive and energetic than old people They have a different angle to judge something Sometimes the elders are passive towards life because they went through a lot of frustrations on the contrary young people are full of energy towards the life they are always optimistic even though they met some frustrations They proudly say because they are young they can try millions of times In
TWE Essays 191292 191 some degree young peoples attitudes may influence old people Young people also can share with old people what they like which may lead a change of old people As we know most young people like popular music or even rock-and-role However most old people hate that kind of music But I have an example to show that young people can change an elder I have a friend who likes Japanese music very well everyday she plays this music at home Her grandmother often asks her to stop the music and asks her why she likes them very much My friend tells her grandmother about the history of Japanese music and shows a lot of clippings Gradually her grandmother likes Japanese music as well which made us so surprised Now if we go to their house we can see my friend and her grandmother listening Japanese music together and share the feelings as well You must be surprised like me when you know the story but it did happen So no matter what age group you belong to we must believe that everyone has something to share with others and to teach others Old people can give the youngsters lessons and guidance on the other hand young people also can teach the elders new things and different ways towards life Essay ID 380 Topic 126 As is well know older people have experienced this wonderful world a lot and they are surely to have acquired much more knowledge about this world than the young people do Gradually there exists a saying there is nothing young people can teach older people But actually I do not appreciate this statement Young people need to learn a lot from the older people but it is also reasonable for the older people to keep the pace of this world by the means of communicating with the youngsters due to the rapid evolution of this world It means the older people also need to get something new from the youngsters Admittedly from the standpoint view of philosophy young people start to learn about everything from both the theoretical books and experiences then they will grow up in respective way They will put themselves into this practical world trying to find and solve new problems Also many new discoveries and principle will be found by the practice of young people Only through their practice do this world evolve very rapidly Thus everybody in this world can share the results of the social development Otherwise if no new things were found by the young people no creative developments would be made and the society would stop developing It is not our expectation It is just these new things that the older people are sure to be lack so the young people have the responsibility to show the older people what these new things are and how they work For example the advanced usage of computer is just the recent result due to the rapid growth of information technology Many older people do not know how to use the computer those older people get accustomed to the traditional methods and refuse to adjust themselves to the new concepts of this computer times Then young people have the obligation to show those older people how to use the computers because everybody in this society has right to enjoy the advanced computer technology In conclusion on the one hand young people need to learn a lot from the older people in order to meet the practical needs on the other hand the older people also need to communicate with the youngsters Only in this way can the human being benefit from each other and the society evolve rapidly eventually Essay ID 293 This is a 5 point essay Topic 126
TWE Essays 192292 192 Many of us believe that young people have nothing valuable to teach older people However that is not always the case Young people can teach older people about technology youth culture and youth-related social issues Young people are usually better at using new forms of technology than older people Children these days become familiar with computers at an early age Older people can learn to use computers from young people This is true of other technology too For example I taught my grandparents how to use a video cassette recorder when I was thirteen years old They didnt know what it could do until I showed them Now they use it regularly Older people are usually not familiar with youth culture and younger people can help here too This is important because it can help older people live a more enjoyable life For example popular music is generally youth-oriented and older people dont always listen to it However when young people teach them about it they may come to enjoy it My grandmother for example never listened to popular music before Introduced her to it Now she and I listen and dance all the time I plan to teach her about another piece of youth culture-rollerblading-very soon Of course there are more serious issues about which younger people can teach older people As with computers todays children have grown up knowing about AIDS and school violence That is not true for older generations Here again children can teach older people about things that are important to everyone I know there are people who would say quotyou cant teach an old dog new tricksquot However its plain to me that the young have plenty to teach the old if they take the time to try When they do I think both gain a new appreciation for each other Essay ID 222 Topic 127 Reading fiction such as novels and short stories is more enjoyable than watching a movie Of course the images in a movie are much more vivid because youre seeing them on a large screen in a dark room The images you quotseequot in a novel are only as strong as your own imagination But the more you read the stronger your imagination becomes Reading exercises your imaginative powers Watching a movie dulls them Imagination like a muscle needs to be used Otherwise it can disappear When you read youre an active participant in your own enjoyment Thats one reason reading develops the imagination Youre reading the words on the page and translating them into images in your mind When youre watching a movie youre a passive viewer The movie is giving you everything Nothing comes from you except your reaction to what youre seeing and even that can be given you by the movie Some movie plots are so simple you can predict whats going to happen before it does Reading fiction also develops your storytelling skills The more reading you do the better you become at creating plots and characters The plots and characters in movies are often very simple because the emphasis is on action rather than on language or character development Still going to the movies is a great community experience Sitting in a large theater with a lot of other people is fun You experience the same reactions to what youre seeing together Reading is a one-person experience Its a chance to go into an imaginary world by yourself Both experiences can be fun and rewarding but I think reading fiction is more enjoyable
TWE Essays 193292 193 Essay ID 223 Topic 128 Though physical recreations and intellectual activities are two basic ways in which people spend their leisure time In my opinion the former is more important for my generation who is in twenties and is studying hard for their academic achievements This is based on a consideration of age our main occupation and the characteristics of two forms of recreation People of my age are full of energy and physically active but we have to sit for hours a day racking our brains We need a complement that can give us more physical exercises and divert our attention from studying A intellectual activity like reading a book playing a chess game can help us escape from the worries and forget our study for a moment But there is no physical activity whats more they are more or less still a form of mental recreation For instance we may feel mentally tired after games of chess and our study will be affected In contrast a physical recreation can provide us with a lot of physical activities and real mental relaxation A ballgame for example can build up muscles flex joints speed up blood circulation and enhance bodily organs We may feel physically exhausted but we can be absorbed in study more easily In the view of above however it doesnt mean that one form is quotmeatquot and the other is quotpoisonquot Occasionally when we are physically exhausted and we are in good mood a chess game or a good TV program can be very helpful Essay ID 343 This is a 5 point essay Topic 128 While physical exercise is important I do not believe that it is the schools responsibility to provide physical training for its students That is something that everyone can take care of on his or her own Many students get plenty of physical exercise as part of their daily life or recreation A student who bicycles ten miles to and from school does not need more exercise A good physical education program must take a students outside activity into consideration Otherwise some students will spend valuable class hours repeating physical exercise If a school offers such activities it also suggests that students will be graded on them The range of possible physical activities is great football swimming weight lifting ballet ballroom dance yoga skiing horseback riding and golf are just a few However the number that a school could offer is small Some students could get bad grades in physical education simply because the school could not provide an activity they enjoy or do well This seems unfair Research suggests that participation not excellence in these activities determines the physical benefits the body will get Another issue is economic Many schools do not have the money to provide gym facilities playing fields and athletic equipment for their students Other schools are located in cities where that kind of space just isnt available A few schools would rather keep money for academic purposes Schools can certainly encourage physical activity They can provide space for notices about activities events and classes for physical activities They can encourage students to plan time away from academic studies to get some exercise However I think that providing exercise should not be the schools responsibility
TWE Essays 194292 194 Essay ID 224 Topic 129 The importance of agricultural and business research centers cannot be underestimated Success in farming and success in business each can improve a countrys standing I think that agricultural research tends to improve the quality of individual citizens lives whereas successful business practices improve a countrys economy in relation to other nations Choosing between an agricultural and a business research center is a difficult decision However I believe that the agricultural research center would be most beneficial because its benefits are more widespread Business practices in the United States already serve as a model for many other countries While we certainly have much to learn the US already has a fairly solid economic basis Further businesses are already well-connected internationally They have the advantage of the Internet and other means of electronic information transmission I think that a business research center would really only help a few directly Businessmen would get richer For the rest of the countrys people there might be little obvious benefit On the other hand an agricultural research center would help all people No country can survive without adequate means of food production While the US is able to produce or import enough food now that may not remain the case if current trends continue Natural resources are eroding and more and more American farms are closing Farmers need to build stronger networks across the country and internationally much as businessmen already have done Ultimately better systems for farming will help all people For example food prices can be reduced as farmers discover more effective means of food production Morally I believe that it is best to do what will benefit the most people I believe that the universitys decision to build an agricultural research center could do just that Essay ID 225 Topic 129 Since the announcement of the Universitys plan to develop a new research center in our country many people have showed their concern for the project and expressed their views of type of center it should be It is now clear that the diversified views have converged to two a business research center or an agriculture research center Now that we have to make a decision I think we should choosse the latter wothout hesitation As everybody knows our country is an agricultural country whose farming produce is not enough to feed its own people We have no way out but to develop our agriculture because agriculture is the foundation of our national economy and because it would be a disaster to the whole world if we rely on foreign food to feed the biggest population in the world To develop our agriculture we cannot just call on the peasants to work harder because they have being working the hardest from generation to generation What we should do is to raise their educational level and provide them with beter seeds more fertilizers advanced machinery and equipment and up-to-date technical advises In short we have to rely on science and technology to develop our agriculture Some people would say that this cannot be a convincing reason because science and technology are neded not only in agriculture but also in all other fields My view is that our situation in
TWE Essays 195292 195 agriculture is the most serious and the challenges are the greatest Ours is a big country with widely different climates and soil conditions If we are to assist the peasants we have to study all types of crops and all the farming conditions in this land With a research center these problems can be studied and solved systematically But so far no agriculture research center worthy of the name has been set up while there is already a business center in the southern part of the country Because of the above reasons I strongly recommend that we develop a research center for agriculture purpose and I also strongly recommend this center be well funded If wee take this step and succeed in this endeavour our agricultural produce will be greatly increased and our whole national economy will ahve a solid foundation Essay ID 444 Topic 130 Currently some young children spend a great amount of their time in practicing sports Most parents feel quite happy because sports are good for their kids development and team work spirit however they are quite worried about some negative effects such as practicing sports occupies too much time distracts their attentions on schoolwork and loses certain interests on other activities In my opinion everything has its good side and bad side The important thing is to handle it properly Admittedly practicing sports can help childrens physical development which makes them grow faster and stronger than before As we know during childrens development periods especially from 10 to 16 years old sports are really helpful for children to develop Sports can create a strong body that reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases easily Definitely we believe that children benefit from sports Another good thing is that sports teach us to learn how to corporate with other members in a team Most sports are team work If we want to play them well we must master some skills to care about what our team members are thinking and how to adapt each other to achieve a common goal Sports are not an individual activity it needs corporation and mutual understanding This is not easy to master Of course for parents they are delightful to see their children to get this skill from sports On the other hand practicing sports seem to occupy too much of childrens spare time to concentrate their schoolwork As a student ones major task is to study hard and try to learn as much as possible which needs students to devote much time on study or their spare time If children devote themselves in practicing sports it is not denying that they cannot concentrate them on schoolwork at the same time The consequence of practicing sports too much leads children to distract themselves which influences their future Actually besides sports there are still many kinds of activities such as drawing collecting good for their developments If a child is too concentrated on sports it is inevitable that he will lack of chances to explore other activities and lose some happiness when engaged in different experiences Overall on one hand we should encourage our children to participate in sports activities on the other hand we must also remind them not to be too engaged because they should put study at the first place during their school time There is a limit of doing everything Essay ID 381
TWE Essays 196292 196 Topic 130 Most kids love to play sports Its important to them but for the majority its just one type of activity out of many that they do For a small number of kids though a sport becomes their whole life They spend almost all their time and energy practicing This has both advantages and disadvantages Sports are good for young children in many ways Kids who enjoy sports are likely to have better health They develop good habits of daily exercise that will keep them healthy as adults too Today many children and adults are overweight but those who love sports stay in shape Plus by developing their physical abilities they will learn how to work hard towards a goal Their achievements in sports will make them feel good about themselves Theyll also make friends and learn teamwork Sports whether a little or a lot can have positive effects We admire the talent and dedication of young athletes but we also wonder if theyre losing something Their focus is very narrow If they devote most of their time to sports are they neglecting schoolwork What about other interests Children should try out many different activities In addition many young athletes are pressured by parents or coaches to succeed Kids whose drive comes from inside usually do okay but others can be unhappy and have health and emotional problems So sports like anything else in excess can have negative effects too When I was young I liked books and hated sports I saw other people who loved sports and hated school Now that Im older Ive found a better balance People have to figure out whats right for them Is there such a thing as too much sports There is no right answer because there is no quotright amountquot Everyone is different Essay ID 226 Topic 131 Is it true that only people who earn a lot of money are successful Recently the controversy has been brought into focus We cannot deny the fact that money is one of the yardsticks against which how much one has achieved is measured However in stark contrast many people would rather stick to an opposite view The rhetoric that only when people have earned a colossal sum of money can they be regarded successful is not only unreasonable unconvincing or misleading but also absurd and ridiculous in that it has obviously neglected the celebrated scientists sociologist psychologists philosophers and anthropologists who may have never had enough money to live a comfortable and convenient life yet they are virtually successful For instance Albert Einstein The greatest physicist of the 20th century who created the theory of relativity and was awarded the Nobel Prize was immune to becoming wealthy Besides not all wealthy people are successful A good case in point is that in West China some farmers cut down millions of trees each year and sell the timber at a high price As a result environment has been devastated Innocent people have to suffer floods and air pollutions Although the farmers are rich they are never successful but guilty Last but not the least besides money there exists a diverse array of other calibrations to measure ones achievement The society awards its members in different ways As long as one makes contributions to the society he or she would earn respects
TWE Essays 197292 197 Taking account of all these factors we may easily reach the conclusion Undeniably people who disagree with the statement have a much stronger argument Besides the wealthy other people could also be regarded successful Essay ID 4 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 131 Nowadays many people who are living in the material world tend to believe that money is synonymous with success and thus only people who earn a lot of money are successful But is it the case I beg to differ On one hand the riches are not necessarily successful To some extent we can not consider an officer who was charged for his abusing his authority for personal gains successful nor can we call a rich man who was left dying without care while his sons were quarrelling for bigger share of his legacy a successful person A persons success is measured by as far as I am concerned a good reputation in the community a desirable role in the family and satisfaction which comes from within On the other hand not only those who earn a lot of money are successful Numerous people who are universally deemed to be successful not because they make big bucks An eastern Orthodoxy sister of great altruism Mother Theresa threw this eager vitality of hers into a vehement striving after the social welfare of the needy and won the Nobel Prize Michelangelo achieved immortal with his painting and sculpture Beethoven with his music Outside the spotlight even common civilians live their respective life of success seldom of which have something to do with large purse Doctors are respectable with their patients teachers with their students It is manifest from the above argument that the proposition only people who earn a lot of money are successful is still subjected to serious reconsideration Essay ID 3 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 131 Many people believe that a large income equals success I believe however that success is more than how much money you make Some of those measures of success include fame respect and knowledge Most people assume that famous people are rich people but that isnt always true For example some day I would like to be a famous researcher Few scientists are rich by todays standards Still I will feel myself to be successful if lam well-known Additionally there are many famous humanitarians who are not rich Mother Theresa was one Certainly no one would say she was not successful I also believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success Without that respect money means little For example I once did some work for a top attorney in a law firm He made a very good salary but he wasnt a nice man No one ever did work for him willingly He ordered everyone around and we didnt respect him In contrast however I had a wonderful band director in high school He had to take extra jobs just to make enough money to support his family However his students had great respect for him and always listened to what he said As a result we were a very good band In my opinion my band director was more successful than the
TWE Essays 198292 198 attorney was Finally I think one of the most important indicators of success is knowledge Wealthy people dont know all the answers For example in the movie Good Will Hunting the only person who could solve some complex problems was the janitor He knew a lot and decided what he wanted to do with that knowledge rather than just think about money In my opinion he was extremely successful When we think of history there are few people that we remember simply because they were rich Overall we remember people who did something with their lives-they were influential in politics or contributed to science or art or religion If history is the ultimate judge of success then money surely isnt everything Essay ID 5 Topic 131 Since peoples criteria for success differ there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful As far as I am concerned in todays society which stresses on individual achievement money provides the best evaluation of ones accomplishment To begin with as a standardized measurement used for comparing values money is objective rather than subjective so it is considered an authentic reflection of ones achievement As different people hold different understandings of success assessing the amount of ones earnings has become universally accepted as a rule to measure ones success Each year Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly income because there is no other methods to rely on In addition the amount of money one makes is the consequence of ones hard work and talent To deny the accomplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs In the past I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion that the best thing in life involves no money at all It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time thought and energy Gradually I came to realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for self-accomplishment and thus deserves appreciation and respect Finally money is the most powerful possession in ones lifetime As everyone knows success is the ability to do whatever one wants to and to be satisfied with oneself There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money Indeed with money one can meet his or her material demand in life such as taking effective medicines living in magnificent houses eating various delicious food and so on Also with money one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others such as donations to poor people All these will not only satisfy ones need for personal fulfillment but also add grandness to ones success In conclusion money serves as a measurement of ones achievement But we should keep in mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful Essay ID 2 Topic 132
TWE Essays 199292 199 If I could invent something new Id invent a device or pill that could put people to sleep immediately and would have no side effects The proper amount of sleep is important for our concentration mental health and physical health Getting enough sleep is a vital human need For one thing without sleep our concentration is strongly affected Were easily distracted we cant remember things and we dont notice whats happening around us For example a lot of car accidents are caused by tired drivers When we get enough sleep our powers of concentration are sharper Were more focused on what were doing We perform better Mental health is also affected by lack of sleep Its easy to tell if people dont get enough sleep Theyre on edge cranky and out of sorts They lose their tempers easily and over-react to situations In fact experiments have shown that lack of sleep over a long period of time can cause a complete mental breakdown When we get our proper rest were more alert and responsive Our outlook is positive and were much easier to get along with Our physical health shows the strain of sleeplessness too We have less energy and everything seems like a major effort Over a long period of time we become slow and unresponsive The wear and tear on the body from lack of sleep can be a very serious health problem Every doctor will tell you that getting enough sleep is a basic factor in maintaining good health Wouldnt it be great to go to bed every night knowing you d have no problem getting to sleep no matter whats going on in your life Getting enough sleep is always going to be an important pan of how you respond to your situation I think this device would be very helpful to all of us Essay ID 6 Topic 132 People will normally invent something that they want very much in the real life if they have the ability As a father of a two-year-old boy I would make a baby sitter robot The reasons are as follows In the first place a baby-sitter robot can take care of my baby when I go to work There will be a dilemma in front of parents when they have a child who should stay at home and who should continue to work mother or father With a baby-sitter robot they do not need to make a choice Parents will no longer give up their jobs because of their child In the second place a baby-sitter robot can make my baby stay away from danger A person cannot concentrate on one thing 24 hours a day It will be dangerous when heshe is taking care of a baby A baby is so unpredictable that you never know what heshe will do in the next minute For instance the baby may swallow a coin or fall to the ground from the bed when you just do not look at himher for a second However a robot does not have such a problem because she is never tired She can keep an eye on the baby all the time Any potential dangerous action will be prevented Even when the baby is sleeping the robot can still watch the baby if you want In addition a baby-sitter robot can entertain the baby Songs and stories can be inputted in the robots memory and replayed whenever the baby needs them It is so easy to change them that the baby will never be bored on one song or story In conclusion I would like to invent a baby-sitter robot not only because it can take care of my baby for me but also because it can make my baby safe and happy Essay ID 451
TWE Essays 200292 200 Topic 133 I cant remember how many times when I was informed that a persons childhood years played a rather important role in the whole life I cant remember how many times especially when a VIP was interviewed by a journalist he or she more often than not would mention his or her childhood years regardless of its toughness or happpiness Just as the famous peot Words peom goes quotChild is the father of the man quot So I think the several childhood years are the most important years of a persons life both psychologically and physically The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud had once put great emphesis on the importance of a persons childhood to put aside the the academic debate I think whether a person spends the crucial couple of childhood years in a happy-go-lucky way has a lot to do with his or her later life psychologically For example a child who was maltreated when in his or her childhood may be under the shade in the adult life which has been proved either experimentally or emperically As a matter of factthese examples are defying enumeration On the other hand the period of childhood is a very vital stage for the child to grow up physicallybecause at this special stage the main orgens of the body and their functions beign to develop and become mature gradually and this stage matters a lot regarding laying a sound foundation for the teenage stage and the later adult stage Thus we if as parents should develop a happy atmosphere for our children to make sure they spend this very special period in a safe and happy way we if as childrenshould live a happy way ourselves Do remember this several childhood years are the most crucial years of a persons life psychologically and physically Essay ID 413 Topic 133 I agree that a persons childhood years from birth until twelve years of age are the most important All the information Ive read about that time of life states that these are the years that form us These years determine what kind of a person the child will become During these years we learn about relationships begin our formal education and develop our moral sense of right and wrong The early years are the time when we learn about relationships First we learn about our parents and siblings then about rest of the world We learn how to respond to others based the treatment were given If were loved then we know how to love others If were treated harshly we may grow up to treat others harshly We also form our ideas about our own self-worth from the way others treat us during these years They can convince us were worthless or they can teach us we deserve love and respect These are the years when we begin our formal education We acquire the basic skills-reading writing working with numbers-that well use throughout our lives We need a good foundation in these subjects Otherwise anything we try to do later will be undermined by our lack of skills Perhaps the most important thing we can learn during these years is how to analyze information and use it These are skills that will always be useful Most important from my point of view these are the years when we develop our moral sense of whats right and wrong Others teach us about good and bad but later in our early years we begin to decide for ourselves Its also during this time that we begin to develop the self-discipline to live
TWE Essays 201292 201 according to our morals I believe a person grows and changes for the better throughout the many stages of life However the foundation is laid in those first few years of life Essay ID 7 Topic 134 In the past in America children were valuable workers For example they helped on the farm or in the family business in order to bring in money Just a couple of generations later attitudes have changed Now children are hardly expected to work at all Modern children often dont even do household chores This is sad because I think that they are missing something if they dont help out at home Sharing in household tasks benefits children of all ages First of all household tasks build skills Very young children learn motor skills and classification skills when they pick up their toys and put them away Talking about how to do things helps them learn to analyze situations Older children learn skills theyll need as an adult Cleaning and cooking may seem dull but knowing how to do them well makes life a lot easier How many young adults leave for college unable to do their own laundry or cook anything besides a frozen microwave dinner Its amazingly common When everyone in a family helps out the family is happier Nowadays its common for both parents to work When they come home they have more work to do Life is stressful and theres no time for fun By sharing household tasks everyone gains Children can help their parents with simple tasks such as picking up their own rooms putting away their own laundry starting dinner occasionally or taking care of younger siblings Then the family can relax together and parents wont feel like servants to their quotcouch potatoquot offspring The most important thing children learn from helping with household tasks is responsibility Handling everyday tasks teaches organization and time management skills Children learn that chores have to be completed before they can play or before They get their allowances Children who understand that effort pays off will be more successful later in life Kids should not work all the time A happy life needs balance But if they can successfully handle tasks at home they will handle life better too They will know the satisfaction of doing a good job be involved in family life and become more confident and responsible adults Essay ID 8 Topic 135 Many high schools both public and private require students to wear uniforms I think that such a policy is an excellent idea because uniforms can make things more equal for all Students First uniforms make students equal on an economic level With uniforms students from poor families dress the same as students from rich families This can prevent envy and jealousy about stylish clothes It can also encourage students to form friendships based on personality not clothes Second uniforms can reduce unequal treatment by teachers Research suggests that teachers often have higher expectations for more attractive students which include those students with nicer clothes This special attention can include providing more challenges and opportunities for
TWE Essays 202292 202 these students Uniforms help teachers make judgments based on ability not appearance Finally uniforms encourage the individual students of a school to feel like part of a bigger group Their feelings of being together working together and having something in common are all helped by uniforms It is my opinion that all schools should have a policy requiring uniforms Uniforms give every student an equal chance Essay ID 9 Topic 136 Everyone has the experience of palying games with others Why we play games One obvious reason is that we want to relax to enjoy our life to have fun Anyway some games including tennis or badminton will produce the winner and the loser In my opinion I disagree that only the winner has got fun The first and farmost reason is that the purpose of playing games is to escape from your boring data or office to smell flowers Wining or losing has nothing to do with your fun because it is not your job it is just a game For example we students have to spend ten to fifteen hours in lab or in reading textbook when we have a chance to play football with our friends who will really emphasis on the results Everyone has got fun Another reason why I contradict the title statement is that we can learn something useful by playing games We may take long running as an example As we know the last part of long running is hard to stand Even though you lost the game you also learn that persistence can lead to victory which will do good to your career Finally some games such as football help shap your body in spite of loss So why not depress Taking into account all of these factors we may safely arrive at the conclusion that both wining and losing in paly games give us fun Essay ID 511 This is a 5 point essay Topic 136 I agree with the old saying quotIts not whether you win or lose its how you play the game quotI dont need to win I have fun playing all games because it gives me time to be with friends learn new things and work as a team Tennis is one game that I enjoy Its a great opportunity to socialize Of course you cant carry on a conversation while youre playing but my tennis partner and I talk a lot before the game Since we have to reserve a court we have to talk to one another to find a convenient time to meet Then we have to make sure that the court is available at that time This often takes many phone calls and of course we talk about many other things during the same conversation Once we get to the court we often have to wait That gives us another opportunity to chat After the game we usually go out for a soda or a meal and talk some more We dont even talk about h6w well or how poorly we played Tennis is just an excuse for us to get together The board game Scrabble on the other hand is a real skill builder Its a challenge to form words from the letters in front of you and on the board I always learn a new word from my opponent
TWE Essays 203292 203 although sometimes Im suspicious whether the word really exists Often we dont even keep score We just do it because its fun and we learn new English words Soccer is the most competitive sport Im involved in I do my best but it doesnt matter to me if my team loses I enjoy just being with my friends and traveling to different schools in different cities to play I learn a lot about teamwork when we practice Our coach tells us the most important thing is to play well as a team It seems she just wants us to have fun and not worry about winning All in all I just enjoy having a good time Presumably thats our purpose in life Isnt that better than worrying about who wins and who loses all the time Essay ID 10 Topic 136 The statement in the direction is a long term consideration of many people including me Many people will argue that playing a game is only fun when you win I however after thinking about it on many occasions decide to stand up against this view for the following reasons The first and the most important reason for my opposing the idea is that playing a game no matter you win or lose helps release a person from the heavy pressure in most cases resulted from intellectual activities There is no better example than myself when i was trying so hard to enter the university At that time when i was too exhausted to memorize any single incident in the history book a play of badminton would refill me with fresh energy to goback to my studiesthough i hardly won anyy of these badminton games as my partner is an excellent player Therefore the biggest advantage of playing games lies in the fact that it helps people relaxed Another reason for my disagreement is that one will find out his or her capacity of making progress while playing a game When learning a new game if your opponent is a more mature player than you are it is for sure that you will not win him or her at the beginning but in the process of the game if you are a conscientious player you will definitely learn to grasp the basic skills of a certain game which enable you to play better and better Consequently the awareness of your ability in learning new things is the best award you can find in game playing Therefore i will conclude by saying that playing a game iteslf is worthwhile and to win or not to win is not a matter to concern since you could get rid of the feeling of exhaustion and confirm your confidence as a learning-capable being Essay ID 481 Topic 136 Recently many people argue as if it is a general truth that playing a game is fun only when you win In various games and matchs the main aim of players from both sides seems to be winning And winning is not only for the players themselves but also for the honor of their team and even for that of their nation But to be frankly I can not agree with them There are numerous reasons and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main problem with this argument is that the real meaning of a game is to enjoy the process of the game the result whether it is win or lose does not seem matter Think of the original games of our ancestors the goal is to show their love of sports their physical strength and celebrating the hunting And the true intention of their game is for relaxation and amusement Another good
TWE Essays 204292 204 example is that children enjoy playing games more than adults When we watch children play we can understand that they are more concentrate on the game itself and do not care for the result There are to young to realize the importance of winning the game therefore they enjoy it more If the players play a game for winning they will concentrate on scores to much and forget to enjoy the game In this society everyone want to be winner for they will not only win the honor but also win fame money and so on In the same way the loser will lose everything It seemed that playing a game become a way to get material comfort but not fulfillment of spirit Furthermore when palyers play a game for winning they face the stress from the team even for the nation and they struggle to win Sometimes players do everything by fair means or foul in order to win They may use illegal drugs or bribe the judges There are various scandals about athelte almost in every international game and this thing become more and more serious These are all because the results of games have been linked to money and the honor of a country General speaking when you only want to win you will lose the fun of playing a game Taking into account of all these factorswe may reach the conclusion that it is wiser to learn to enjoy playing without regard of the result of game Essay ID 352 Topic 136 Recently many people argue as if it is a general truth that playing a game is fun only when you win In various games and matchs the main aim of gamers of both side seems to win And win is not only for the gamer themselves but also for the honor of their team and even for that of their nation But to be frank I can not agree with them In my point of view the real meaning of game is to gain fun from the procedure of the playing but not get the result of win or loss There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant of the basic fact that playing a game for win will not only make gamer lose the fun but also result in many things breaking the rule In this society everyone want to be winner for they will not only win the honorbut also win money house and so on In the same way the loser will lose everything It is seemed that playing a game become a way to get creature comfort but not enjoymet of spirit Furthermore when game does not only the honor and shame of individual the gamers facing the stress from the team even for the nation must struggle for win For gain their end many people take any kind of means without regard to whether break the rule of normal or law There are various scandals about athelte almost in all the international game and this thing become more and more serious Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that the real meaning of game is to gain fun from the procedure of the playing When we observe the playing of children we will find that they are more like the game per se not care for the result There are so little adult can realize the joy of the procedure of the playing as a child On the other hand the original game of our ancestor is camparing the physical strength and celebrating with the hunting And the true intention of their game is for relaxation and amusement General speaking when you only want to win you will lose the fun of playing a game Taking into account of all these factorswe may reach the conclusion that it is wiser to learn to enjoy playing without regard of the result of game
TWE Essays 205292 205 Essay ID 278 This is a 5 point essay Topic 137 I think high school students should be allowed to choose some of the subjects they study However the basic subjects like mathematics literature and science should be mandatory for all students When I was in high school we were allowed to choose three electives each semester Electives were subjects that werent part of the bask curriculum They included things like music journalism art and various kinds of team sports Choosing some of these subjects to study gave me a chance to experiment I was able to get a head start on what I was going to study in college However college preparation shouldnt be the main factor I think all students should be allowed to take a certain number of courses just because theyre interested in them For many students high school is the last chance to learn about things theyre interested in Maybe once they have a job there wont be time for studying Of course its also important that students study certain basic subjects If Id had a choice I know I wouldnt have studied mathematics or science I wasnt very interested in them However once I was in class I found myself getting interested I wouldnt have known this if Id been given the choice because I would have chosen not to take the courses High school students arent always the best judges of what theyll find useful in the years ahead They need the guidance of experts in the field of education However they also need some freedom to follow their curiosity and individual interests They should be given the freedom to choose some courses while being required to take others Essay ID 11 Topic 138 Maybe in someones opinion to be a member of a group would not have to shoulder some responsiblities deal with a variety of persons and spend a wealth of time in its daily affairs while the leader have to butwhen taking the benefical factors into consideration compared with the so-called negative aspects mentioned above we can safely say that it is better to a leader of a group than to be a member of a group Of course a leader of a group is intrinsically a member of the group so in this sense the leader should answer for the duties a common member should do and also can enjoy the relating rights a common a member can do Beside as a leader of the group he or she should be responsible for many other duties like the management and the development of the group and maybe someone takes these obligations as a burden but for me I think it is an opportunity to fullplay a leaders talents and potentiality and thus to win the respect as well as trust of the members of the group and from this standpoint no more benefical and challenging is than to be a leader of a group Then as a leader of a group he or she will be endowed with more chance to deal with shades of peoples and thus can learn how to get along with them well and also can win a pool of friends who maybe of specail importance for his or her future As a matter of fact there are a good numbers of reasons to support my view but I think the ones
TWE Essays 206292 206 said above are to the pointSo my choice is definitely to be a leader Essay ID 491 This is a 5 point essay Topic 138 Which kind of role do you like to play in a group Some people would like to be a ordinary member while some others prefer being the leader of a group For me I want to challenge myself as the leader of a group There are at least two reasons for my choice Firstly being a leader of group could have more opportunities to improve all sorts of abilities and skills by dealing with various kinds of issues Just take my experience as an example I am responsible for the marketing and business development in my company and there are four subsidiary staff in my department Since I started to work as a leader of this group I have developed my ability in leadership decision making communication skills teamwork and negotiation skills etc which have greatly benefited me Secondly being a leader especially being a qualified leader in a group you can get more chances of personal advancement and gain more satisfaction from your job In the leaders position you have to meet and deal with various challenging tasks by doing it with your staff you can demonstrate your leadership and secceed in your company In additon you will enjoy the happiness and fulfillment that the job has given to you All in all for me being a leader in a group can make my life more splendid and wonderful I will get different experiences from it Essay ID 357 This is a 5 point essay Topic 138 According to my opinion its always better to be a leader than a follower True leaders show initiative They take action and they assume responsibility A leader makes a decision Some followers may approve of the decision others may complain about it However these followers all chose to follow not to lead They chose not to make a decision Thats how Im different Im not a follower I want to make the decisions Good leaders will not react to events but will anticipate them A leader will start a plan of action and then will persuade others to follow For example a class president at a local college may feel that the relationship between the community and the campus is not a good one The citizens may feel that the college kids make too much noise on the street litter public areas and shop in other communities A good class president will recognize that the community and the campus depend on one another The president will ask the student body to keep noise down help clean up the neighborhoods and work with businesses to attract students A good leader takes the initiative Good leaders must be action-oriented Having taken the initiative they must see the job through They have to take charge and lead the followers They have to motivate and encourage the followers The followers in this example the student body must understand why good relations with the community are necessary The followers must be persuaded to do something about it Good leaders must be ready to accept responsibility They accept responsibility for their actions as well as those of the followers In the end any credit will be shared with the group any blame will be the leaders fault The leader who fails is always alone
TWE Essays 207292 207 I enjoy taking the initiative determining the direction and being responsible for my actions I dont want to suffer through other peoples stupid decisions If there are going to be stupid ways to do something let them be mine Wouldnt you agree Essay ID 12 Topic 139 Basically a house is composed of a living room a dining room washrooms and bedroomsEven though each room has its valuable featuresI fully believe that a bedroom is the most siginificant one In this place I can rest study and chat To begin with a bedroom allows me to recharge my physical and mental batteries To illustrate when I am exhausted I choose to sleep there With a cozy bad I can gain sufficient energy to work effectiently and effectively Besides I can just sit on a couch and read a newspaper and magazine It makes me relaxed and release my stress Furthermore I can meditate or look out at the scenery These activities can enable me to forget my troubles temporarilySo I cannot deny that my bedroom is the most appropriate environment to recess Moreover to avoid being disturbed studying in my bedroom is the best choice for me I can prepare exams do projects complete assignments and review homework in this tiny and quiet room On top of that if necessary I can surf the Internet for relevant infommation For example if I am assigned to make a presentation about quotCivil Warquot I can simply use a search engine like Yahoo or Google to find out quotCivil Warquot and its orgin and its histortical importance In this way I will come up with ideas to organize how to present perfectly Therefore without a bedroom I might get distracted while studying Last but not least in a bedroom I can talk to someone through a phoneFor instance I chat with my boyfriend for hours It would not be easy to chat with him in a public room such as a kitcken or living room Under these circumstances I can share my feelings with him Also when I am either enlightened or depressed I can make a phone call to my peers Thus communicating with someone in a bedroom appers less embarassing Overall it seems dull to stay in a bedrom The more time we stick in this spot the less time we gather with out friends and families Nevertheless I whoeheartedly think a bedroom plays a significatn role in a house becuase other rooms cannot substitute its characteristics a better rest room a quieter study place and a more private room for chatting Essay ID 295 Topic 139 What is the most important room in a house the kitchen the living room or the bedroom Different people have different opinions From my point of view I think that the living room is the important room in a house There are numerous reasons why the living room is more important than the other rooms and I would explain a few ones First in my recollection the living room remind me of a lot of rosy memory In the past our living room was always a center of congregating All family members sit together here Sometimes we watched TV Other times we played chess Our living room was always full of happiness and pleasure Now I have my own family I hope that my living room also becomes the source of our family pleasure
TWE Essays 208292 208 In addition the living room also a place for parties and guests When our family friends came to visit we always entertained them in our living room Sometimes we even buy some ornaments such as flowers to decorate our living room The purpose of all of these is to show our sincere welcome to our guests We always made our living room spotless If we take our friends to a messy living room perhaps our friends will not visit us again Therefore a living room always plays a very important role in our social actives In a word a living room always plays an important role in both our family life and our social activities Therefore I think a living room is the most important room in our house Essay ID 397 This is a 5 point essay Topic 139 The kitchen is my favorite room in a house because it is where families gather To me that is the most important thing So many of the memories people have of growing up revolve around the kitchen My childhood memories concern the kitchens in my grandparents homes My mothers family lived in a row house in the city The rooms were all small and that included the kitchen In the summertime when wed visit the back door of the house would be left open People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen talking and laughing while my grandmother made dinner There was no air-conditioning but I dont ever remember feeling too hot There was always a breeze coming through along with the sounds of traffic and kids playing ball in the street My fathers family lived on a farm in the country and their house had a huge kitchen with windows on three sides It seems like the windows were always open and the curtains blowing with the breeze The main door to the house was almost never used Everyone came in through the kitchen and sat at the big table in the middle of the room When dinner was being prepared all the women would bustle around while the men sat at the table talking about farm prices Sometimes my grandmother wouldnt even sit down during dinner but would be refilling bowls of food and peoples glasses From outside we could hear the cows in the field near the house These two kitchens are the background for some of my happiest memories From the beginning of time human beings have gathered together near the fire where the food was being prepared I hope that never changes Essay ID 13 Topic 140 Basically the production of items can be divided into two groups one is made by hand and the other is made by machine Some people always ask which one is better by hand or by machine For me both of them have advantages and disadvantages Items made by hand are delicate and beautiful in an appearance For example most of people like Chinese silk made by hand The reason is that not only the silk is too delicate to use machine to sew but also a good piece of hand-made silk will make customers feel it likes a master piece in a degree In addition when hand-makers do their jobs they usually devote more energy and time in them which allows the possibility of pursuing the accuracy to come true As we know there still have many ladies to prefer the tailor-made clothes Why The reason is very simple because they think only tailors can meet their needs We can imagine after the tailor sews the piece stitch by
TWE Essays 209292 209 stitch how it is marvelous to be On the other hand items made by machine have been widely accepted around the world because of the introduction of the machine It is highly appraised of fastness and durability Actually these two characteristics are basic criterion for products Suppose that the washing machine is out of work only after one-month use I believe a user definitely feels angry and irritating about the bad quality of this washing machine In some degrees we can make sure of the quality made by machine Furthermore by machine people can save time I dont believer any manufacturers will make furniture by hand at most time Although this does happen in some cases they are very special Furniture made by machine can be sold to customers as soon as possible which increases companys profit through fast moving However I agree some advantages about items made by hand and made by machine there are still have some disadvantages we cannot ignore as well For items made by hand it usually takes a quite long time to finish and the cost is accompanied to be very high for items made by machine it sometimes is quite rough and not ideal as what users expect In view of advantages and disadvantages I mentioned above I suggest we should see what items we are going to buy first then decide to choose them made by hand or by machine If I were a customer I would prefer choosing clothes made by hand and some furniture by machine In a short it is unwise to say which one is better in an arbitrary way Essay ID 14 Topic 140 From my point of view there are many factors affecting whether to choose an item made by hand or by machine The main factor to make a judgment is whether we use the item for our daily life or for collection and decoration purposes For items used in our daily life the choices we make depend on the following factors function form and price Function is the most important thing for us If a product is beautiful but it is not able to perform the function it can only be called a decoration or a piece of garbage For example when we buy a TV what we really care about first it is the quality of the picture and sound how many stations it can receive and whether it can be connected easily to the VCR and DVD player at home The second factor which affects our choice of a product for daily use is its form Is the TV too big too small or too ugly Will it fit into the living room Will it be compatible with the colors of other appliances and the furniture The third factor we may consider is the price Even if we are very happy with the item there is no meaning if we cannot afford it So in our daily life there is really no difference whether our clothes or furniture are made by hand or made by machine It just doesnt matter as long as they can perform their function For items for collection and decoration it is a completely different story Ancient tools and historical artifacts have more market and educational value than modern day massively produced products and traditional handicrafts make good tourist souvenirs and beautiful decoration for the house Therefore when it comes to items for collection and decoration I would definitely choose items made by hand because they are just so special In conclusion depending on different items and different uses I will make different choices Essay ID 15
TWE Essays 210292 210 Topic 141 Most of the schools that I attended had excellent programs and instructors Unfortunately at one school this was not the case The foreign language program there needed both better planning and better instructors If I could I would make changes in three major areas The first step would be to offer third and fourth year language classes This particular school had no language programs above the second year level Students who started language classes in the first year ran out of classes to take by the time they were halfway through the school This was frustrating for those of us who loved learning languages It also had bad effects when we tried to resume language studies in college after a two-year break Next the foreign language program should be staffed with well-trained instructors The current teachers in the program dont speak the languages well enough In our classes teachers frequently made errors which the students repeated If the teachers were well-trained they would be good models for the students Finally the materials in the language courses should be updated They need to use modern technology Even though the school has a computer laboratory our language class never used it We were limited to using the assigned textbook If software was available the students could search the Internet for current real-life materials such as newspapers from other countries Understanding people from other countries depends on being able to communicate with them Poor language instruction makes this impossible Improving the foreign language program would really make a difference to the students of the school Essay ID 16 Topic 142 To enhance childrens development some parents select a fairy tale book as a gift others choose a stuffed doll still others pick a backetball upAlthough every item has its value personally I find a stereo advantageous for a childs growth to lean languages music and communication First children can gain knowledge through language cassettes For example while listening to tapes of beginner English children follow the directions to speak out simple words such as quotAquot means quot Applequot quotBquot refers to quot Birdquot and quot Cquot defines quot Catquot With a quotRewindquot button children can repeat thise basic vocabulary as many times as they want Under these circumstancesrepeated stimuation enables them to memeourize quickly So a stereto can benefit children to study languages effectively Antoher contribution of a stereo for childrens development is that children can learn the rhythm melody and lyrics Like quot Elephantsquot the famous song tells kids why an elenphant has a long trunk Also according to various rthym children can express feelings in different ways To illustrate romatic music like Celine Dions quot My heart with go onquot has smooth and slow pace It makes the listener tranquil However pop music like Michel Jackstons quot Thrillerquot thrills children So music inspires childrens minds Most importantly a stereo allows cihldren to communicate with hosts of broadcasts For example they can turn into talk show on 991 FM There is a program calledquotTake a guessquot at 900am on weekdays Unsually the host asks questions like quot what is the largest animal in the worldquot Every child can respond through a phone If someone gets the wrong answers the host would provide
TWE Essays 211292 211 more hints and clues to children until they get the right answers In this way children can improve their imgination and creativelyin addition they learn how to communicate with others All in all little kids can feel frustrated plyaing tapes and CDs Also impatient children cannot stick with hour long or more caseettes Nevertheless I strongly think a stereo is wothwhile for childrens development becuase it helps them become gifted in language musicn and speech Essay ID 294 Topic 142 When I was about 10 years old my older sister gave me a present It was my first real grown-up bicycle a three-speed yellow and black shiny and new I still remember how excited I was That bicycle was very important to me over the next few years If I wanted to give a gift that would contribute to a childs development I would choose a bicycle Bikes are great exercise They encourage outdoor play Television and video games which are the most popular childrens activities nowadays involve mostly sitting and staring Riding a bike makes exercise fun Bikes are convenient transportation too Without a bike you have to depend on an adult to drive you almost everywhere With a bike you can go farther You can ride to your friends houses If your school is close enough you can take yourself to school You have control over where you go and you re not always waiting or begging for a ride Now you can say quotCan I go quot instead of quotPlease take mequot To me as a child a bicycle meant independence Not only could I go farther but no one was watching where I went The road went past the park the pond the woods the 7-11 store and more I saw the network of little neighborhood roads from a different viewpoint Everything was much more interesting up close than it was through a car window I could stop anywhere and look at whatever I wanted Everything was my choice Bike riding was active not passive My bicycle gave me fun exercise easy transportation and freedom For all these reasons I think that a bicycle is a special present for a child Essay ID 17 Topic 143 I like the idea of students having several short vacations throughout the year Im a working parent with two school-age children Every summer I have to come up with a plan for keeping my children safe and entertained for three months while my husband and I are at work Summer camps are expensive and finding the one your children will enjoy can be a challenge Getting rid of that one long vacation would make life a lot easier Having several shorter vacations would also make it easier to schedule vacations My husband and I both work in small offices with other working parents All of us need vacation time during the same three months This is hard on our businesses and our careers We also find that wherever we go in the summer its crowded It would be nice to go places throughout the year and find smaller crowds Im sure the attractions themselves would like that better too It would be better for the economy to spread things out too
TWE Essays 212292 212 I think my children would be more focused on their studies if their vacation time was divided up throughout the year The final month of the school year theyre just not paying attention Theyve been in School for nine long months and they dont have a lot of energy Plus theyre anticipating vacation time If vacations were throughout the year they would concentrate better on studies Of course many older school buildings arent air-conditioned because usually people arent there during the hottest months That might be a problem I think though that new air-conditioning would be worth the cost During the last few weeks of summer my children are bored with their long vacation I doubt that would happen if there were several vacations throughout the year Essay ID 18 Topic 143 HellofriendsAs studentswhat period is your happiest days--HolidaysI think everyone will agree with this answerso do IBut what kind of holiday do you like better--the longer one or several short vacations in a yearI think each of them has its advantages and disadvantagesAs for me I like the latter one Now lets look at the good and bad points of the two kinds of holidays Of course Id like to begin the topic with my favorite one--short period of vacations Fist short vacations are a great relaxation after busy final examsWhen we finish the exams we know that well have a month to think freely to do other things besides classes to visit friends to be with our family to go to concerts to watch sports contestsand so onSecondwe can plan to travel during the hort vacations In spring we can go to mountains to see the various flowers that cant be seen in cities to see the stream flowing to climb the mountains and to appreciate the beautiful scenery on the summitWhat a wonderful picture especially for we students always swimming in the quotseaquot of books And in summer we can go to the seashore to enjoy the sunshine and ong beachIn winter we may go to see the snow sceneryIt gives us a lot of pleasureAt last the most important one is that we will not forget classes after the short vacations The shortcoming is that for those students who want to make some money to cover their school expenses the vacations are too short for them to make enough money As for the longer vacations we can have a longer relaxation we can have a longer relaxation we can go to remote areas or go abroad to travel But if we only have one long vacation for a year isnt it dull for usAnd we also may forget some of our lessons after we return to school From the above I thind the short period of vacations have a lot of advantages comparing with the longer onesSo why not join us in short holidays and enjoy everything wed like to do Essay ID 504 This is a 5 point essay Topic 144 I know there are advantages to living in a modern apartment but Id prefer to live in a traditional house My main reason is that I love traditional design Its graceful and warm and inviting I think modern design is very empty and sterile and not very inviting So because of the way it looks Id choose a traditional house I recognize the fact that a modern apartment is going to be in much better shape Being new probably means all the plumbing works the roof isnt going to leak the windows are properly sealed and the kitchen appliances are in working order A traditional house cant guarantee any of that In fact its likely that things will break down or need replacement simply because of age
TWE Essays 213292 213 Still if the appliances are old so is the wood and thats a big advantage as far as Im concerned Very few new buildings have the kind of beautiful woods that were used years ago Its something that cant be copied Space is always important to me too I need a lot of room for my home office my clothes and to display all the knickknacks Ive picked up in my travels I also like to have interesting space I dont want all the rooms and windows the same size or a boxy design A modern apartment usually comes in one size and shape A traditional house is going to have a variety of spaces where I can put a little table or a window seat And it will have lots of room from basement to attic These are all good reasons for me to prefer living in a traditional house Some people love modern design but its not for me The space and beauty of a traditional home are more important to me than having everything new and perfect Essay ID 441 Topic 144 I know there are advantages to living in a modern apartment but Id prefer to live in a traditional house My main reason is that I love traditional design Its graceful and warm and inviting I think modern design is very empty and sterile and not very inviting So because of the way it looks Id choose a traditional house I recognize the fact that a modern apartment is going to be in much better shape Being new probably means all the plumbing works the roof isnt going to leak the windows are properly sealed and the kitchen appliances are in working order A traditional house cant guarantee any of that In fact its likely that things will break down or need replacement simply because of age Still if the appliances are old so is the wood and thats a big advantage as far as Im concerned Very few new buildings have the kind of beautiful woods that were used years ago Its something that cant be copied Space is always important to me too I need a lot of room for my home office my clothes and to display all the knickknacks Ive picked up in my travels I also like to have interesting space I dont want all the rooms and windows the same size or a boxy design A modern apartment usually comes in one size and shape A traditional house is going to have a variety of spaces where I can put a little table or a window seat And it will have lots of room from basement to attic These are all good reasons for me to prefer living in a traditional house Some people love modern design but its not for me The space and beauty of a traditional home are more important to me than having everything new and perfect Essay ID 19 Topic 145 The whole point of advertising is to encourage us to buy things we dont need Advertisers are in the business of making money for themselves and their clients If they manage to sell us something thats good for us too thats fine But their primary goal is profit It begins when were children Saturday morning childrens television is full of commercials Over and over again children see images of toys and games They see other children who are having
TWE Essays 214292 214 the time of their lives They watch these children and get the message that if they want to have that much fun they need to buy those things Thus at a very early age were introduced to two ideas that we want to be like everyone else and we want to have what everyone else has This continues throughout our lives We spend a lot of our money trying to keep up with our neighbors We buy the latest model cars have all the latest gadgets in our homes and live a lifestyle beyond our budgets Advertising encourages us to define ourselves by what we own rather than by who we are It encourages a competition of false values and shallow measurements of what matters in our-lives Advertising can be damaging However it is also one of the ways in which our economy keeps growing People need to buy products in order for other people to have jobs manufacturing transporting and selling those products Advertising also keeps us informed about new products that may actually help us in some way For these reasons you could say advertising is a necessary evil Essay ID 20 Topic 146 If I had to choose where to spend my leisure time Id rather spend it outdoors I spend all my working hours inside at a desk When I have some free time I want to completely change my environment Getting outdoors gives me a new perspective and helps clear my mind Being outdoors gives me the opportunity to try new things see new sights and meet new people Staying indoors means reading a book or watching television Sometimes it involves visiting with friends Those are all relatively inactive Being outdoors means a chance to stretch my mental and physical muscles I can go hiking in an area Ive never been before I can go swimming or rafting on the river I can go on a nature walk with a ranger and learn about flowers and trees I can visit all the outdoor monuments in my city that Ive never seen before In each case Im doing something that helps me relax while also enjoying the excitement of something new Of course weather is a factor I have a hard time functioning in extremely hot or cold weather and like to stay indoors when its below freezing or the heat is scorching At times like that its fun to sit inside with a good book or a good friend looking out at the weather and enjoying the comforts of home But if the weather cooperates its fun to read that book outside on a park bench or go swimming with that friend Enjoying leisure time outdoors can also mean making new friends Getting outside my own environment gives me the opportunity to meet new people All in all leisure time is better when its spent with Mother Nature rather than a television set Essay ID 21 Topic 146 People would show different preferrence to indoor activities and outdoor activities Some may be interested in spending their leisure time indoors while others may be fond of the latter As far as I am concerned I would always prefer to be outside for my leisure activities In the first place outdoor activities can privide me a pure natural enviroment in which I will feel mure relaxed and refreshing For example I can always feel regenerated only after one-hour jogging along a quiet street with the fresh cool air and halmy wind around Moreover it is a real
TWE Essays 215292 215 fun to travel and enjoy so many wonderful sightseeings in different places During their vacation most people would choose to travel to enjoy a period of leisure time so that they can refocuse on their studies and businesses In the secong place participating in varied outdoor activities can help us increase knowledge through our own experience and widen our horizon As a famouse Chinese saying goes to become wiser you need to not only read 10 thousand books but also travel 10 thousand miles It is true when we go out we have the chance to meet different people and different things which cannot happen if you stay indoors We chat with people and exchange ideas we visit many places and learn different cultures all of which can let us know more about a true world In conclusion I personally prefer ourdoor activities to indoor ones not only because I can enjoy the relaxation and refreshment in the nature but also through participating in varied out activities I gain valuable opportunities to convert theoretical knowledge from books into a kind of real experience Essay ID 463 Topic 147 A gift of money is generous and welcomed at our school There are many things that my school could use To decide one must consider the amount of the gift and understand that it is a one-time thing Keeping this in mind I think that my school could most benefit from new classroom fixtures If you looked at our school you mould agree that nearly all of the classrooms could use new desks chairs chalkboards bookshelves and cabinets Our school is old and the people who live here arent very wealthy New equipment would provide students with the tools that they need to learn It is hard to write papers if there arent enough desks and chairs It is hard to learn when the blackboards are so old that they cant be erased properly It is also difficult to organize school supplies without proper bookshelves and cabinets Another plus that new equipment would provide is that it would make the school more attractive to the community It is hard for a community to be proud of a school that is falling apart If the community felt that our school was important perhaps others would give more money in the future That would allow us to further improve our school In addition maybe community members would feel encouraged to come and help out in the school That would make it even better Students would be happier with new equipment It would make them want to come to school and learn There would be fewer dropouts By continuing in their education these students will be able to better contribute to our community in the future-perhaps even becoming future schoolteachers While there are many things that can be purchased with a gift of money at our school I believe that new equipment is the best choice New equipment would improve the learning environment the communitys attitude and the students feelings about their school Essay ID 22 Topic 148 Almost everyone from little children to adults loves games The types of games may change and
TWE Essays 216292 216 get more complex as we grow up but our enjoyment never changes Playing games is both fun and useful because games teach us the skills we need in life First of all playing games teaches us that everything we do causes something else to happen If we hit a ball it will land somewhere or someone will try to catch it If we make certain combinations with cards well earn points So when we play a game we learn there is always a causeeffect relationship We learn to pay attention to whats happening around us and see how people react to what we do Playing games also teaches us how to deal with other people We learn about teamwork if the game has teams We learn how to assign tasks according to each persons skills We learn how to get people to do what we want and we learn that sometimes we have to do what other people want Game playing teaches us how to follow rules to achieve something In a game the rules have been worked out in advance and make the game go more smoothly We find out that if we want to reach a goal we need to know the rules We learn how to go step by step towards a desired end We also learn how to make adjustments when things change We learn how to devise a plan for reaching our goal We learn strategy Most people understand that quotall work and no playquot is bad for you Learning all these things would be much slower if we didnt play games Life would be much duller too Essay ID 23 Topic 148 Nowadays some people hold the opinion that games teach peoples about life but others have a negative attitude And they think that only children play game so game is only for amusement and is nothing with the true life As far as I am concerned I agree the first statement There are numerous reasons why I hold on and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main reason for my propensity is I believe that the procedure of playing teach people the rulers of games similar to that of society We can discover when children play games they often imitate to do the things that occur in the socirty of adult For examplesboys and girls like to act as father and mother of family doctors and patients teachers and students These kind of games will make children begin to study to how to deal with things and how to get alone with other persons And there are the other kind of games such as chess which can devolope their intelligence Like the lesson in the school these games teach them the other kind of rulers the method of study knowledge Another reason can seen by every persons is that like life itself game is full of intense and attracted competition Everyone can experience the joy of win and the pain of lost from game In the form of playing gamepeople would realize what is the competition how to take on the stress and how resolve problems And those are very helpful for them in the future work and live In addition game tell us that only making great efforts one can get the desired result There is an old saying no pains no gains No matter the game is simiple or complex if you want to win firstly you should treat it seriously and then cast about various meanings to resolve the problem In this way you can learn how to deal with things and how to cope with difficulties in the society General speaking game tell us the principle and truth of life and people can learn from game how to deal with problem how to take on the duty and experience the life in the society Taking into account of all these we may reach the conclusion that games teach peoples about life and people
TWE Essays 217292 217 can learn many knowledge from that Essay ID 277 Topic 148 Playing games has always been thought to be important to the development of well-balanced and creative children however what part if any they should play in the lives of adults has never been researched that deeply I believe that playing games is every bit as important for adults as for children Not only is taking time out to play games with our children and other adults valuable to building interpersonal relationships but is also a wonderful way to release built up tension Theres nothing my husband enjoys more after a hard day of work than to come home and play a game of Chess with someone This enables him to unwind from the days activities and to discuss the highs and lows of the day in a non-threatening kick back environment One of my most memorable wedding gifts a Backgammon set was received by a close friend I asked him why in the world he had given us such a gift He replied that he felt that an important aspect of marriage was for a couple to never quit playing games together Over the years as I have come to purchase and play with other couples amp coworkers many games like Monopoly Chutes amp Ladders Mastermind Dweebs Geeks amp Weirdos etc I can reflect on the integral part they have played in our weekends and our quotshut-off the TV and do something more stimulatingquot weeks They have enriched my life and made it more interesting Sadly many adults forget that games even exist and have put them away in the cupboards forgotten until the grandchildren come over All too often adults get so caught up in working to pay the bills and keeping up with the quotJonesesquot that they neglect to harness the fun in life the fun that can be the reward of enjoying a relaxing game with another person It has been said that quotman is that he might have joyquot but all too often we skate through life without much of it Playing games allows us to relax learn something new and stimulating interact with people on a different more comfortable level and to enjoy non-threatening competition For these reasons adults should place a higher priority on playing games in their lives Essay ID 333 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 149 Having some free land has always been a deep wish of mine When I was a child my family and I often went to the country on weekends because one of Dads brothers owned a piece of land non too far from the city where we lived I enjoyed myself riding horses playing with cats and dogs picking up eggs from hens looking at rabbits watching birds quotdrivingquot tractors and so on Since then I have been dreaming to have some free land of my own property in order to do what I most like without annoying any neighbours First of all I would fill it with trees flowers and grass because I love to stay outside and have walks under the trees shadow Secondly I would buy some German Sheepdogs Actually Im very fond of this race of dogs and I wish to grow up some exemplars and win premiums at dog competitions Dogs are the real passion of my life I love to stay with dogs and speak to them and teach them some basic things Finally in order to stay there always I would build a small country house made of stone and
TWE Essays 218292 218 wood but with all comforts and a swimming pool to bathe in when its very hot Probably its a dream but dont say its impossible to accomplish In fact I would only need to work in some place neither too near not too far from the country There I could find some free land and do what Ive just said So I would realize the childs atmosphere that I can only remember now and that is so distensive when just thinking of it Essay ID 315 This is a 5 point essay Topic 149 What should I do if some day I had some land of myself I take it as a serious question although if it is just a hypothesis While definitely I will facilitate it to built up a public school The reason is that education is so important to both this society and individuals It is my dream to develop a school for the children who have been bereft the opportunity of acceptance education Firstly widely well-educated population can benefit the society they are in from enjoying an orderly circumstance It is a common sense that intellectuals are more conformable than the others Bandits or brigands are usually composed of those uncivilized people With their knowledge people are much more positively to comply with their national laws Caution are also be taken by those knowledgeable people to stay away from criminal Secondly our society needs to be constructed by their civilian with their technique or skills much more than just their nature strength It is the advantaged technology that makes a nation standing in the firs t line among the world Thirdly individual in this earth should be equal with all rights including being educated What tragedy it is that so many kids abandoned or are abandoning their study for their poverty So many films about these poor children always made me in tears I swear if only I have the power I will do my best to help them other than just donate those little faint money If I have some land I will open a school definitely Essay ID 311 This is a 5 point essay Topic 149 If I have received some land to use as I wish I would use this land to build a library I like to use the following reasons to explain my choice The first and most important reason is that library can bring plenty of knowledge to people I remember the famous words that knowledge is power Apparently a library is the ideal place for people to attain knowledge In a library we can get all kinds of valuable information that we need such as knowledge of geography history music and politic and so on We can imagine that it is so comfortable and enjoyable when we sit in a quiet library and immerse in the world of knowledge that we cherish Another equally important reason is that people can spend their spare time in a more meaningful way in a library Now the life pace is faster and faster so people especially young people like to go to see a movie or a disco party In comparison with those places I think that library can provide a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for people who want to reduce the pressure of life Moving on to wider themes a library is a good and safe place for children Parents would rather
TWE Essays 219292 219 let their children go to the library frequently than see their child spend lots of time in playing the game or watching television After all a good book can provide children with enormous help in their future life From what has been discussed above I may safely draw the conclusion that using this land to build the library for people will be my first choice Essay ID 24 Topic 149 The world is becoming increasingly smaller and smaller The worlds population is now at six billion The world cities are getting larger and larger At least two cities Mexico City and Sao Paulo have almost 30 million inhabitants In this context one could say that a gift of land is the greatest gift of all Land is perhaps the most permanent thing in the world Unlike diamonds which really have little value in and of themselves land actually has great value Unlike televisions and cars land cannot be destroyedif you remove land there is still more land under it In this context I will discuss what I would do were I given some land as a gift It will be necessary however to discuss four things first First it is necessary to establish the size of the land Second we need to know where the land is Third the topography of the land is important Finally the weather in the location is fundamental For the purposes of this essay I will assume that I have received a rather large parcel of land it is a gift right in a temperate climate with four seasons I will assume that the land is fairly flat Most importantly I will assume that this land is mine and that I have control over the land ie that no other government controls the land Having grown up in a rather poor family I think I would be quite excited about receiving some land I have never owned anything of any great value and to own some land would be a wonderful thing for me For a long time it has been a dream of mine to be able to build a beautiful house for my mother My mother is still living in poverty and it saddens me to think of her living in that situation She often does not have enough money to use the heat in the wintertime and cannot afford to buy new clothes I would love to be able to give her the gift of a house and a happy place to live for the rest of her life Since we lived in a country with very cold winters my family often felt very cold I would love to bring my mother to a warm place to spend the rest of her days However I would not devote all of the land to houses for my family I would use most of the land to develop a business In my case doing this would be very important since I grew up poor I would need to ensure that I would have a source of income and a way to sustain the activities on the land An efficient way to do this would be to develop the land in some way suitable to the land In this case I would use the land to develop a language and confidence training camp It has long been my dream to build a perfect language learning center - a place where people could go to learn a language to immerse themselves in the language to meet other people and to have fun while doing so In conclusion I would like to make one more point I must admit that I feel somewhat guilty about the idea of accepting such a gift of land There is a part of me that is somewhat idealistic and would like to think that the world is a beautiful place and that all humans should live together peacefully From this viewpoint I would say that no one can own land As an American Indian once said quotOwn the land You might as well own the air or the skyquot However this idea is inconsistent with the world today Being more realistic I would do what I detailed above Essay ID 299 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 220292 220 Topic 149 Land is a valuable resource and it is important to use it effectively I think it would be most effective to create something that all people can enjoy I therefore propose to use the land to build a campground At the present time there is little low-cost recreation in the area where I live Building a campground would change that Ultimately a campground would make a more enjoyable environment for everyone Local entertainment is simply too expensive A nice evening out can cost as much as one hundred dollars Even movies and other less expensive types of entertainment are no longer cheap Further there are no real recreational facilities nearby There are no parks within 30 miles There are very few basketball courts and most of those are in poor condition Building a campground could change all that Staying overnight at a campground is very inexpensive It can cost as little as thirty dollars Further there would be a sports area and picnic tables for use by campers and also those who do not wish to stay overnight A campground would provide a lot of activities for very little money That would definitely improve this area The result of building a campground will be that many more people will be able to afford an enjoyable evening out A campground also promotes healthy living People can get out and breathe fresh air They can walk and hike and play basketball or other sports That is certainly better than spending an evening sitting down eating buttery popcorn in a movie theatre A campground will make the area beautiful as well as functional We have many wonderful natural resources but we need to cultivate them In addition to all the other good things it can bring building a campground will help us do just that Essay ID 25 Topic 150 Television has increased the speed at which news travels and it can bring situations and images into our homes that previous generations would not have had the opportunity or regret to witness Television is commonly criticized as being bad for children that an important fact sometimes gets overlooked In my personal opinion some types of television viewing may actually enhance childrens intellectual development Television contains an enormous variety of forms and content The effects of television viewing depend on program content and genre According to a research young children who spent a few hours a week watching educational programs such as Sesame Street Mister Rogers Neighborhood Reading Rainbow Captain Kangaroo Mr Wizards World and 3-2-1 Contact had higher academic test scores 3 years later than those who didnt watch educational programs On the other hand children who watched many hours of entertainment programs and cartoons had lower test scores than those who watched fewer hours of such programsGood educational programs can provide lasting benefits to children Children are most likely to become actively engaged with television content that is neither too easy nor too difficult to comprehend that is content that provides some challenges but also allows a child to gain a sense of mastery Just like our muscles the brain gets stronger when it is used and atrophies when it isnt used It seems that lack of use also leaves it vulnerable to degeneration later in life
TWE Essays 221292 221 Of course there are some bad sides for children to watch TV Our TV-watching children increasingly view life as an entertainment extravaganza in which they yearn to play a starring role and here the nasty content of so much modern broadcasting comes into play Besides it is hard to watch an evening of TV without encountering unspeakable violence whose perpetrators are celebrated Again the effects of television viewing depend on program content and genre and parents should teach their children on choosing the right TV program to watch Essay ID 26 Topic 151 In the United States there are many important animals They help us in a wide range of ways from food production to scientific research An animal that is not only helpful to us but close to us emotionally is the dog That is why I feel that dogs are the most important animal in my country Dogs provide a very important chance to learn or maintain social skills Children who have dogs learn responsibility white caring for them Dogs also help older people The elderly often feel lonely as they get older and have fewer living friends and relatives They are able to maintain a positive outlook and to feel needed because they are caring for a dog that needs them In addition to social benefits dogs also provide some very important assistance Seeing-eye dogs help the blind live fulfilling fully mobile lives Dogs that act as shepherds on small farms are also very helpful Lost animals mean lost money for farmers and that can mean going out of business Police dogs help find illegal drugs catch criminals and protect their handlers Dogs intelligence and desire to please people made them ideal for all kinds of work Finally dogs can save lives Dogs have been known to find lost children In extremely cold conditions they have provided them with life-saving warmth Dogs have alerted people to fires and other dangers And we cannot forget guard dogs which save many owners lives and property each year by scaring off potential burglars Again there are many useful animals in the United States In terms of the numerous ways in which they can be helpful however I believe the dog is the most significant Essay ID 27 Topic 151 Before I answer this question I feel that I should introduce myself I come from China so I think that the pig should be the most important animal in our country because this animal plays a very significant action in our daily life Needless to say the pig is one of the most important meat foods Everyday we eat it from its head to its feet All parts of a pig are edible We can use its different parts to cook all kinds of delicious food In China there are eight kinds of dish party Every kind is closely associated with the pork The second the pig is also a kind of important industrial material We can use the pig skin to make all sorts of shoes wallets and other leather goods In addition its feather can be used to make brushs The last reason is that raising pig is one of the important income sources of farmers If you have a chance to China you can find that almost every farmer family raises several pigs Many farmers
TWE Essays 222292 222 get their cash by selling pigs At the same time some provident and skilled farmers have become very wealthy through raising pig After understandind the reasoning above I think that nobody should doubt my answer about this question The pig is really the most important animal in our country Essay ID 258 This is a 5 point essay Topic 152 Many natural resources are disappearing or being wasted on our planet every day One of the most important resources we are abusing is our trees Each year hundreds of thousands of acres of trees disappear in countries all around the world In some countries these trees are used for fuel In other countries trees are destroyed to build housing developments and shopping centers Saving trees has become a major cultural and economic issue in many areas of the world Trees are essential to our survival They are a major part of the process of photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and oxygen is something all of us need The fewer trees there are the more this affects our ability to breathe Trees are also important in the development of many medicines The mainstream medical establishment did not recognize this for many years However those who use natural medicines have always known how important trees are Now scientists are agreeing with them Many drugs come from the leaves of certain trees along with other herbs and plants In rural areas farmers have always known how important trees are to soil conservation This is why youll usually see trees lining a field Tree roots help keep the soil in place and are also a factor in water distribution deep beneath the ground Finally we should save trees from disappearing because they provide so much pleasure quotI think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a treequot wrote a poet That is the truth A tall stately tree is beautiful to look at and pleasing to the soul It is also a great place to find shade on a hot summers day For practical and emotional reasons we need to preserve our planets trees Essay ID 28 Topic 153 Zoos are often controversial because many people believe they are unnecessary or even harmful If properly managed I feel that zoos have a lot of value In fact I believe zoos are useful in two main ways educating the general public and advancing scientific research Zoos can be wonderfully educational places They provide a safe controlled environment to learn about a specific species Children can feel safe exploring the world of the chimpanzee there and adults can learn about and see types of birds theyve never seen before Unlike in the wild theres no worry of being physically harmed by an animal Zoos are also important for the research opportunities they provide Research is safer and easier to conduct than in the wild Scientists can feel secure in the confined area of the zoo For example while conducting a medical experiment in an open field scientists have to worry about both the animal they are working with and also other animals nearby In zoos however they need only worry about the research subject
TWE Essays 223292 223 In the wilderness animals are also much harder to track and monitor Zoos make research less time-consuming and expensive Long term follow-ups are easier too since even with monitors wild animals often are killed or disappear In zoos researchers can observe an animals entire life span Overall I feel that properly managed zoos provide excellent opportunities for education and research and are therefore very useful Essay ID 29 Topic 153 Children like to go to the zoo on holidays They find it interesting to watch monkeys or bears doing funny things But how many adults go to the zoo not for childrens sake I think few Because we finally find that a zoo has no really useful purpose and its not a truly fun place for us When a person breaks the law he will be thrown into prison But the animals in the zoo have done nothing to deserve being locked in a small cage No plants no water just brick walls and floors Every animal is in the same environment and can do no other things except for wandering around in the little space Do you think thats what an animal should look like And after visiting such a living place of animals as a zoo no one would ever be left a nice impression of beauty and harmony of the nature that the zoo tries to demonstrate In addition going to the zoo is not a good chance for educating children Childrn see animals being tamed and locked just for people to watch and have fun with That will give the wrong impression to them that animals are ought to be like that In such an artificial circumstance they dont realize that animals and people are friends and they are just as important in the ecological system as we are The last but not the least animals in the zoo are often treated badly by the visitors People like to feed them with whatever they bring with them hamburgers popcorns or even paper Animals are not able to distinguish which food is bad for them and thus they eat too much unfitable food It is very harmful to their health So I dont see any useful purpose to build up a zoo in a city just for peoples entertainment but to sacrifice the animals health and freedom And it does no good to teach our children to have animals as our best friends Essay ID 482 This is a 5 point essay Topic 153 Every city has one or more zoos There is no denying the fact that whether a zoo is useful or not is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time Some people think that establishing a zoo of course has its advantages while others think it makes no sense And for a while people think that a zoo is no useful purpose As far as I am concerned I disagree with this opinion There are no less than three reasons to disagree with the opinion as rendered below One chief reason which can be seen by every person is that children can obtain direct knowledge about a variety of animals They can see what tigers like hear various sounds of birds and differ one animal from another If there is no such a place how can they make direct impression of animals They may never have a chance to see various animals even though they learn many from
TWE Essays 224292 224 book A further reason why I disagree the statement is that most of us live in cities and have many things to do We must work for living and learn for obtaining a better job Everyday we live with a rapid pace and we want to relax A zoo of course is a good place for us to have a relaxation There are so many lovely animals and so beautiful environment in which we can learn more things about animals as well as relax ourselves Finally to be frank there is also a more personal reason why I think a zoo is useful When I was a little girl I liked animals very much especially birds But I could not feed them for myself so the zoo which was located near my home was the place I went to most frequent And I really love these places Based on what has been discussed above I may safely arrive at the conclusion that a zoo has its useful purpose Essay ID 497 Topic 154 Not allowing smoking in public places and office buildings is a very good rule I believe this for several reasons Not only will banning smoking improve peoples health it will also increase worker productivity and reduce conflicts We all know smoking is not healthy Unfortunately when smokers are able to smoke in public buildings they can make other people sick They may work with people who are allergic to smoking for example In that case the non-smokers have no choice unless they want to quit their jobs They can only get sicker which is unfair Of course banning smoking in public buildings and offices will please non-smokers It will also improve the smokers health They will have fewer opportunities to smoke so they will smoke fewer cigarettes Banning smoking in office buildings can also increase worker productivity Smokers wont interrupt their work all the time to smoke There will also be fewer worker absences When smokers cut down the number of cigarettes they will get fewer smoking-related illnesses Finally it is a good idea to ban smoking in public places and office buildings because a ban can reduce conflicts Non-smokers tend to get annoyed and jealous because smokers have an excuse to take frequent breaks The most significant conflict however is over whether smokers have a right to smoke in public As we have already seen non-smokers feel they are not always given a choice If smoking in public is allowed they will be forced to breathe harmful air This may violate their rights and nonsmokers are angry with smokers because of it It seems clear that banning smoking in public places and office buildings is a good idea It will reduce conflict and increase productivity It will also benefit the health of smokers and nonsmokers alike I believe that just about anything that improves our health is a good idea Essay ID 30 Topic 155 Plants can be considered the support of the life on Earth due to their main feature they are continuously providing oxygen because of photosynthesis process Moreover most plants are useful to people in many other different ways
TWE Essays 225292 225 In my country Romania located in South-Eastern Europe we consider wheat the most important plant During centuries our ancestors had to fight numerous invaders in order to protect our most precious wealth wheat Until World War II Romania had been considered the most important wheat producer of the entire continent Unfortunately after the war my country was invaded by Soviet troops having a sole purpose stealing They stole everything they found money jewelry cars industrial equipment and last but not least food During that period wheat flour was considered the most precious asset a person could own After the 60s the situation returned to normal Regrettably however wheat paddocks were considered a source for obtaining merchandise to be sold abroad in return for foreign currency meant to fulfill Ceausescus insane plans for quotthe new communist eraquot Dozens of trains full of wheat berries crossed our borders while Romanian people were starving fighting for a loaf of wheat bread After the collapse of communism everybody believed that things would return to normal However another problem occurred Irresponsible people stole most irrigation equipments pumps pipes so wheat production has been continuously decreasing At present wheat is still considered a precious gift of nature given to our people Thousands of people working in agriculture are treating this plant as the most important thing in their lives I hope that sometime all my nationals will give wheat the importance it deserves Essay ID 329 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 155 Chiquita the name brand that most people see here in North America when they go get some bananas at the supermarket is the mark for all the bananas produced at the Chiriqui Land Co What not so many people know is that those bananas are from my country Panama where the plantation of this fruit means a very important income into our economy The production of bananas in Panama is one of the most important in the country Since the beginning of the last century native Indians from Panama have worked in the plantation of bananas Thus it means this has been a way to bring some income to all these homes and to the national economy too The plantation of bananas means millions and millions of dollars to our economy every year The bananas are not only for the local consumers but also to be exported The exportation of bananas not only to The United States but to many other countries is a source of money to our internal economy Therefore it means more school hospitals and other benefits for the local population The quality of the banana plants and their product are excellent Quality control is very demanding and meets the excellence of ISO 900 The banana plant is protected with a special plastic that covers the whole plant from all kind of insects and other animals The bananas are washed and packed in boxes where they keep the fresh and delicious smell and taste to be exported later on For the quality excellence and delicious sweet flavor that only the bananas have is what makes it the most important plant in my country and which means millions of dollars every year into our
TWE Essays 226292 226 economy Essay ID 321 This is a 5 point essay Topic 155 Hundreds of thousands of plans grow in my country because of its good climate and geographic position And it is not surprising that my county is well known all over the Europe with its delicious and natural raised fruits and vegetables such as peaches apples and potatoes Moreover people of my country enjoy having many herbs and spices which help them in cooking However in my opinion the most important plan in my country is the wheat In is not only because the grain production is the most famous and developed agriculture branch but also because the wheat is the connected with our eating habits our culture and our distinction as a nation First of all the wheat is the staple for most of the people of my country There are a lot of places on territory of my country with good climate and soil where wheat and other grain products can grow abundantly so people choose wheat as their staple food People eat bread and other bakery products on every meal they have Indeed almost each person gets for breakfast sandwich pancakes or the famous baked rolls called quotbanizaquot Moreover nobody can imagine to have his lunch without slice of bread or small polled breads And for dinner he got bread or other bakery products again on side to his home made meal Second the wheat bread is the traditional meal of my county In fact wheat bread or wheat beens are always on celebrations and big events There is no wedding without a big round bread for the bride and groom christening without bread with fortune pieces inside or funeral without cooked wheaten beens Moreover even in history books is written that when the R army liberated our country at the nineteen centuries people meet soldiers with wheat bread and salt Even now on some big meetings when many relatives get together there is bread in front of the door of the host and everybody has to chop a piece of the read and eat it to show respect to the gathering and people of the family tree In conclusion wheat is symbol of our nation It is important for people of my country not only because it is their staple food but also because it is in their culture Wheat is always and will always be a part of our nationality Essay ID 326 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 155 The coconut tree is a very important plant in my country Coconut tree plantations are important sources of revenue food and shelter Our country earns a lot of money from the export of coconut tree products like copra coconuts coconut oil and coconut milk This has been the main source of our foreign exchange for over a century In fact many of the coconut plantations were planted by various colonial powers and now since independence are run by our own citizens We not only export the food products of the coconut tree we eat them ourselves too The coco is the basis of much of our national cuisine- We are famous for our curries made rich by coconut milk We also use the oil to fry our foods as well as to add shine to our skin and hair The fronds of the coconut tree are also used to cover the walls and roofs of temporary shelters
TWE Essays 227292 227 The breezes pass through the fronds and cool the interior but the heavy rains which fall daily do not enter The coconut tree is a very versatile and useful plant It is a tree that has served our country well Essay ID 32 Topic 155 Plants are vital to the survival of all life on Earth--plants transform the light of the sun into energy that is usable to other life on Earth Without plants animals would not be able to use the energy of the Sun that reaches the Earth The removal of one plant from the ecosystem can cause many unforeseen changes sometimes irreversibly damaging an ecosystem However some plants are more important than others either for biological or cultural reasons In my country Korea I would say that the grass that produces rice has come to be the most important plant not just because rice is a staple food but also for other cultural reasons Virtually every Korean eats rice at least twice a day I for example had rice at breakfast lunch and dinner yesterday For most Koreans rice is an integral part of a meal as expected in a meal as ink is to a pen or wheels are to a car--a meal without rice is not a meal In fact if I have dinner with my American friends and do not eat rice I actually feel hungry even if I have filled myself with potatoes or other food while eating with them Many of my friends have made similar comments to me So I believe that rice is as much a part of our daily lives as work or talking on the telephone is However rice is much more than just a staple food to most Koreans--it represents the very sustenance of much of our culture Our history teachers tell us that the development of rice as an agricultural product was largely responsible for the advancement of Korean culture--since rice was portable and had a long storage time people had more freedom to move and were less susceptible to changes in the weather In many ways rice has come to be considered the perfect food so ingrained is it in the minds of many Koreans and many Asians for that matter as food that we often say quothave you had your ricequot instead of saying quot have you had your meal quot In fact I have made this translation error many times while I have been in the United States I have wanted to ask my American friends whether they have eaten and I ask quotHave you eaten your ricequot Naturally they often respond quotno quot leading to much miscommunication For me then rice is more than just food--it is the very sustenance of most Koreans In short rice is by far the most important plant in Korea Were it removed from Korean society Korea would change drastically perhaps even have a famine much like the Irish Potato Famine of the 1800s Rice is the very lifeblood of Korea Essay ID 31 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 156 Many people cannot afford to visit a foreign country because either they have no time or they have no money Fortunately I have the opportunity pay a visit a foreign country as I would like The first choice comes into my mind is Italy As we know there are so many classical architectures in Italy I am an amateur architecter But I could only study those great works in the book or on the internet Now that I have the opportunity to go there I could observe them in a direct way I think that will be totally a different expience
TWE Essays 228292 228 Also a football fan as I am I am eager to watch the best football match on the spot I am looking forward to applause for the stars together with other fans If possible I will be lucky enough to get the signature of my favorite stars Tired after sightseeing and shouting at the stadium I would like to lie on the beach of mediterranean sea It is the most beautiful sea shore in the world Playing sand with children drinking juice on the beach and surfing on the waves are all my dream There are so many countries in the world but Italy is my favorite I could visit the great architectures watch football matches and enjoy the scene of mediterranean sea Maybe two weeks time is too short for me Essay ID 305 This is a 5 point essay Topic 156 If I could visit any foreign country Id like to visit Ireland The scenery there is so beautiful Ireland has a lot of rain and that makes everything very green and lush It hasnt become a completely industrialized country yet so there are still areas where the countryside is unspoiled by pollution Often you can drive for miles without seeing another car or coming to a big city Id like to take my set of paints and several canvases and try to capture some of the scenes there It seems every way you turn youre looking at beautiful scenery The area near the ocean is especially dramatic with giant dark cliffs rising out of the water I also think Id enjoy the slower pace of Ireland Its so different from the busy pace of my country Of course Irelands big cities are just as hectic as any big city anywhere But many of the Irish live in smaller towns or on farms in rural areas Visiting these places is very restful People dont feel the need to stick to a schedule Things get done but in a much more relaxed fashion In my country theres the feeling that youre always late for something In Ireland it feels like you re never late because no one stays on schedule Most of all it would be interesting for me to meet the cousins in my mothers family They live in Donegal I could see the house where my grandmother grew up and where my cousins still live This house is connected to a lighthouse Visiting there would give me a clearer idea of what my grandmothers childhood was like Ireland would be a refreshing break from the life I lead in my own country I wish I could go there Essay ID 33 Topic 156 The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style In my point of view visiting China is as necessary as if not more necessary than visiting any other foreign country So it is sagacious to visit China There are numerous reason why I chose to visit China and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here Certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial than the one as bellow China is the mother of more than a billion people a fifth of the worlds population You can meet people of as many as 56 different nations In some parts of China you can even live with a family for one day or more from which you can get acquaintance with and learn more about Chinese who are eager
TWE Essays 229292 229 to make friends with people from all over the world Also it is arbitrary to judge the best choice is visiting China according to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph It is generally acknowledged that China is a nation with a pure culture from the east and she has a history of more than 5000 years old Over those years people here have developed brilliant skills and have build numerous great sites the most famous ones of which are the Forbidden City and Summer Palace both of which you can visit when you are in Beijing the capital of China What is more China has become more and more open to friend of other nations in the recent years People here would like to get more information about other countries and they are also eager to share their experiences with foreign friends As a result when you visit China you can acquire some important information which may be crucial for you Taking into account all these factors we may reach the conclusion that when you have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks to visit China is the best choice Essay ID 512 This is a 5 point essay Topic 157 If I had a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in a traditional school setting Id choose the traditional setting Maybe its just what Im used to but I dont think that technology can replace teachers and classrooms After all technology can fail Computers go down and computer programs crash Televisions break and the electricity can suddenly go off In those situations whos going to teach me If Im at school and the television or the computers stop functioning theres a teacher to step in and change the lesson plan Teachers can draw on their teaching experience and be creative Computers and televisions cant Id also miss the chance to interact with other students if I werent going to school I think learning to play and work with other people is one of the most important lessons we learn in school It prepares us for life and for working with other people Being with other people also helps us discover who we are Another concern I have about studying at home is getting distracted Its strange but I think being home alone is more distracting than being at school with a lot of people At school were all focused on the same subjects At home it would be so easy to turn off the computer or the television and go do something else I might tell myself that its okay to play a computer game now and make up the study hours later Chances are Id never make up the study hours Im all in favor of using technology in the classroom I think computers and television are great ways for students to have access to a lot of information I just dont think they should be the only tools I have as a student I also need teachers and other students to help me get a complete education Essay ID 34 Topic 158 Everyone is entitled to have an opinion When it comes to opinions though theres a difference between the majority of people and celebrities like actors athletes and rocks stars If youre an
TWE Essays 230292 230 average person only your family and friends care about your opinion If your famous the whole world listens or so it seems sometimes Is this the way it should be I dont think so We shouldnt pay attention to famous peoples opinions just because of who they are Being a famous basketball player doesnt make someone an expert on environmental issues However that basketball player has a better opportunity to be heard than most people do If that player feels very strongly about an issue he can use his fame to draw attention to it and get other people involved Often people with causes that arent well-known ask celebrities to get involved That way they can draw attention and needed dollars to that issue People who are rich put their money behind a cause In the same way famous people are using their most valuable asset In their case its not money Its their name recognition Should people pay attention to what they think just because of who they are I dont think so I also dont think we should discount what they think just because of who they are They have a right to their opinion If their name draws people to that cause all the better for the cause I think too often we categorize people and try to keep them in their place Celebrities have brains and should be allowed to use them When theyre advocating a cause their opinion should be just one of many factors we use to evaluate that cause Essay ID 35 Topic 158 Everyone is entitled to have an opinion When it comes to opinions though theres a difference between the majority of people and celebrities like actors athletes and rock stars If youre an average person only your family and friends care about your opinion If youre famous the whole world listens or so it seems sometimes Is this the way if should be I dont think so We shouldnt pay attention to famous peoples opinions just because of who they are Being a famous basketball player doesnt make someone an expert on environmental issues However that basketball player has a better opportunity to be heard than most people do If that player feels very strongly about an issue he can use his fame to draw attention to it and get other people involved That way they can saw attention and needed dollars to that issue People who are rich put their money behind a cause In the same way famous people are using their most valuable asset In their case its not money Its their name recognition Should people pay attention to what they think just because of who they are I dont think so I also dont think we should discount what they think just because of who they are They have a right to their opinion If their name draws people to that cause all the better for the cause I think too often we categories people and try to keep them in their place Celebrities have brains and should be allowed to use them When theyre advocating a cause their opinion should be just one of many factors we use to evaluate that cause Essay ID 442 Topic 158 As far as I have known I think we neednt pay attention to the words of the famous people Those famous people may have their own opinionsbut let us get down to the foundament and agree that they are not people different from us They made themselves notable people not
TWE Essays 231292 231 because they have enough wits to win a game or do well in act They just have their good health or good feature and this is why they succeed I once met a famous actress She has lots of fans in China but when she talked about Lu Gou Bridgeshe didnt know why it is well-known among Chinese peopleeven questioned why such a bridge should always be talked by Chinese people Let alone her opinion about life Furthermore if they do have their own feelings about life the famous peoples opinions are not useful to us We have our own experience in our life and we can learn them from our own experience You may ask why cannot we learn from them then we can avoid the problems in our life That maybe true but we can learn these from books and always books are good teachers of us why should we bother to pay attention to those peoples words More over the famous people always give their opinions when asked by fans or reporters In such a hurry they cannot even think enough about the question and they split their words without knowing what they are speaking In such a case should we pay attention to their words Almost the most devoted fan will not agree to say yessirwe shouldwhatever they may speak So spare your time to do other thing more important than listen to those nonsenses SO I think we should not pay attention to these opinions Essay ID 306 This is a 5 point essay Topic 159 Which invention was the greatest invention of the 20th century has been discussed many times Different people have different views Some think the greatest invention was television some think it should be cars But as far as I am concerned the greatest invention of the 20th century would be computers The reasons for my opinion are as follows First of all computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating Before computers were invented people had to calculate manually Sometimes it took scientists weeks even months to have a result Of course they might made mistakes during their calculation That affected the accuracy of data But with the help of computers people are freed from heavy calculation If only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past Second computers can simulate different environments that cant be created in real life In the science research sometimes scientist need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research Without computers its difficult to have accurate and reliable results But computers can make everything easy Just input programs and data everything will be done The reason I think is becoming more and more important nowadays That is computer is the way of access to the Internet The Internet was developed based on the local area networkLAN of computers Today the Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world You can find almost everything you need on the Internet communicate with friends read news watch movies listen to music etc But you must do all the above things on a computer Cant log in the Internet means behind times today Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed peoples lives computers have the most valuable contribution to human and it will have much more contribution in the future Essay ID 474
TWE Essays 232292 232 Topic 159 Many inventions have greatly changed the life of peopleFor examplewhen the electricity was inventedpeople can use lightso that they would not be afriad of nightWhen the car was bornpeople can not have to go everywhere on footWhen the television entered into the history people can better know the worldBut what is one change that should be rememered about in the 20th centurythe popularity of computer is undoubtedly the answer We can look into every good aspect of the computerbut I want to explore the most important role the computer plays is that it greatly increases the efficiency of workingIf you want to type a paperyou do not need to worry about the errorsthe word process will examine for you automaticallyAlso you should not be worried about losing the paperyou an save it in the computerIn factthat is just a piece of a cake for a computerit can not represent the function of a computerWhen you enter into the international networkthe computer will lead you into another worldIn this wayyou just stay at homebut you can know everything happening in the world in every cornerIsnt it wonderfulNowadaysmany people choose to work at home to do workas they can connect the offices by a computerThey say it greatly saves much time Secondthe computer makes the communication much more conventientIn the pastwe got the news by posting lettersin this wayit at least needed three daysHoweverif you send an electronic mail by a computeryou get the news only three secondsNot only saving the timebut it can intense the emotion if you and your friends communicate more Thirdcomputers also bring us much enjoymentThere are many games in the computerfor different kinds of peopleSo people find another way of relaxing themself except watching TVseeing filmsIn factthe computer games are not just only gamesyou can learn more from them and they can also make you alert As the advantanges I explore aboveI think the computer should be remembered about in the 20th century Essay ID 455 This is a 5 point essay Topic 159 There have been many changes both technological and cultural in the twentieth century I believe that one stands out above the rest advances in medical science The changes in medical science go together with the changes in technological and cultural areas One can move ahead only with the help of the others We can see the results of medical advances in three areas development of vaccines and antibiotics expanded access to health care and improved surgical techniques When medical researchers learned how to prevent disease and stop it from spreading the quality of life for many people around the world improved Today smallpox is a forgotten disease and vaccinations are no longer required Polio is under control and the vaccine is widely available The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from serious illnesses Although health care is not universal even in developed countries it is much better than it used to be Local clinics visiting nurses and specialty hospitals have all improved the health care for our communities If you should be unfortunate and require surgery you are still lucky to have the surgery today
TWE Essays 233292 233 rather than even ten years ago Now with microscopic and laser surgery operations are more efficient You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster I cant think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people Our health is important to all of us We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science Essay ID 36 Topic 159 There have been many changes both technological and cultural in the twentieth century I believe that one stands out about the rest advances in medical science The changes in medical science go together with the changes in technological and cultural areas One can move ahead only with the help of the others We can see the results of medical advances in three areas development of vaccines and antibiotics expanded access to health care and improved surgical techniques When medical researchers learned bow to prevent disease and stop it from spreading the quality of life for many people around the world improved Today smallpox is forgotten disease and vaccinations are no longer required Polio is under control and the vaccine is widely available The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from serious illnesses Although health care is not universal even in developed countries it is much better than it used to be Local clinics visiting nurses and specialty hospitals have all improved the health care for our communities If you should be unfortunate and require surgery you are still lucky to have the surgery today rather than even ten years ago Now with microscopic and laser surgery operations are more efficient You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster I cant think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people Our health is important to all of us We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science Essay ID 443 This is a 5 point essay Topic 160 When I want to make a complaint about a defective product or poor service I would rather make my complaint in writing Writing a complaint allows me to organize my points of argument in a logical manner If Im really unhappy with the way Im being treated I want to present my reasons clearly I dont want there to be any confusion about why Im complaining I like to list my complaints and then list supporting examples Thats the best way of making sure everyone is clear about what Im saying Putting my complaint in writing also ensures it wont seem too emotional If you feel that youve been treated badly or taken advantage of its easy to lash out Losing your temper though is a sure way to lose your argument Yelling is very satisfying at the moment but it only makes the person youre yelling at mad at you It doesnt get them to agree with you or to offer help Theres also the issue of the person youre dealing with If you complain in person you have to talk to whomever is there Chances are that he or she isnt the person responsible for the defective product or the poor service Often the people who take complaints are not the people in charge unless youre dealing with a very small business Yelling at them isnt fair and doesnt do anything
TWE Essays 234292 234 to get a refund or satisfaction for you You need to reach the person in charge The best way to do that is in writing Writing about your complaint and sending the letter registered mail also gives you written proof Its clear that you tried to settle the matter in a reasonable manner within a certain time period This way if you need to take further action you have physical evidence of your actions Writing a complaint has the advantages of organization effectiveness and fairness Thats why I prefer to write rather than personally present my complaints Essay ID 37 Topic 161 I think we remember special gifts weve received because these gifts often are part of a special memory for us It may be a memory of someone special weve cared deeply about He or she may no longer be alive Or it may be a memory of a special event in our lives It may even be a memory of the person we once were at some particular moment in our lives Gifts from other people can make us feel joy every time we look at them A gift from our parents or our husband or wife makes us feel loved each time we see or use it If we have children the first gift our child made for us in kindergarten is cherished long after the child has grown up A family heirloom given to us by a grandparent makes us feel connected to our past A gift from a good friend is a reminder of all the good times weve shared A memento from a respected colleague is a reminder of a job we worked on successfully together Gifts may also pinpoint special events in our lives Gifts given to us as part of our religious heritage such as First Communion or Chanukkah gifts remind us of those celebrations The same is true for gifts given for birthdays and graduations and for the anniversaries of special days in our lives like our wedding day Gifts can also be a symbol of the person we were at a particular point in our lives A gift received in childhood may remind us of a passionate hobby thats now boxed in the attic A gift received when we left a job may bring to mind the first career we had now that were on our third or fourth The gifts that are important to us are the ones that remind us of family friends and happy times Theyre a way of surrounding ourselves with our past Essay ID 38 Topic 161 Do you still remember the new bike as a present for greeting your ten years old birthday from you parents Do you still remember the first rose with the love of your lover Everyone have been received a varity of presents and gifts and everyone have many nice memory about them People might conserve some special presents many years untill they become old for these presents not only represent the lovebut also take them back to the past time There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main reason of the argument I support is that there always are a good time or a touching day behind the cherished presentsEvery time we open the present conserved for a long time we seem to come back before at that time we are so young and have a pleasure time with friends For example the favorite joy will recall you the best friend in your childhood A beatiful skirt maybe represent the
TWE Essays 235292 235 time of midschool And there so many letters and cars which recall you the time of college All of these memory are happy time and all of these presents are indelible Another reason can be seen by every persons is that gifts and presents contain the love and friendship of friends and relationsIn different cultures and different coutries people express their emotions to others by presenting gifts And every special gift has a special meaning For example this skirt as a gift of ten years ago is you sister send to you in the party A peal necklace represents the love of your husband We reserve these gifts and Love and friendship will always go with us In additionreceiving a gift always bring you happiness and pleasure and give you and your friends a good timePeople like to send gifts each other for congratulations or in feast days For example perhaps everyone has some pieces of gifts for Christmas day Some wife will reserve the important presents for wedding General speaking gift with the love and congratulations will bring you pleasure and happiness Taking into account of all these factors gifts and presents recall people the past good time and people will never forget them Essay ID 386 This is a 5 point essay Topic 162 Nowadays there is a strange phenomena that some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year For me i totally oppose to give them so much money as salary per year which it will be unequal to other occupations Firstly there are so many occupations around the world such as artist teacher accountant worker viewed as one of occupations entertainer or athletes are not much different from the rest of occupations Both of them are just two kinds of ocupations why do we give them so much priorities or let them earn big amount so easily For instance an entainer will receive about hundreds thousand per show or a scoccer player will be paid much more money than entainers Although we admit that we can have a nice show to enjoy or a wonderful match to match there is no need to give them such big amount This is what they should do as a entainer or an athlete This is their jobs All occupations should have equal standard Secondly unequalization is also not good to the young generation If most young people know that they can earn more money as a athlete or an entainer definitely they will go after As a result they do not want to do anything other than to be a athlete or an entainer Whats more this phenomena has an important impact on yong people about their views towards money They will think as an entainer he is so easy to get money as much as possible which is not good for his development in future They will become money-goers Last but not least athletes and entertainers sometimes show bad examples to their fans It is known that fans follow whatever their idols do even some bad habbits Recently there is a piece of news reported that one famous singer found to be carrying prohibitted drugs in a KTV Can you imagin what kind of side effect we will face after this issue Previously idols are always perfect in most fans minds but now they did such things sometimes even more worse As a public person they need to be careful about what they do In conclusion i think some athletes and entertainers do not deserve high salaries because athletes and entertainers are the same as the other jobs and they do whatever they should do in additon they sometimes show bad examples in front of the public Essay ID 235 Topic 162
TWE Essays 236292 236 Some athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars annually In contrast an elementary school teacher on average probably makes less than 35000 a year I think the fact that this difference is commonplace is a sign of our societys misplaced values It shows that we put more importance on entertaining our children than on educating them It seems that the careers that are the least valued in our society often are those that are the most important Why is this so The market determines who gets paid what Teachers are paid by tax dollars Sports teams make hundreds of millions of dollars every year These teams earn fabulous profits from radio and television rights as well as everything sold at the concessions stands The same is true of movies They are produced by studios that make huge profits annually These enterprises can afford to pay their entertainers and sports figures huge salaries because those athletes and film stars draw people to the entertainment Why are we willing to pay so much to see a ball game or a movie but not for a good teacher Maybe its because we want distraction we want to be entertained Maybe its because we think of education as a right while entertainment seems like a luxury We expect to pay for our luxuries Its not that I begrudge the players and entertainers their huge salaries Most of them have very short careers Athletes may be too old in their early 30s Many of them gamble early in their lives on making it big in the sports or entertainment world and deny themselves a good education They have little chance of a stable career so they need to earn enough money to support them for a long time On the other hand most of us arent going to earn 10 million in a lifetime of work So its hard to sympathize with people who do We have to ask ourselves who really gives the most value to society Essay ID 39 Topic 163 While some countries have strong programs against illiteracy others still do not care that much But illiteracy has become a big obstacle during the last century and is still problematic question now with quick development of technology and automation From my everyday experience and observation I can state several factors which defend the statement that reading and writing now is more important than ever before First of all it is essential for a person to have at least basic knowledge of reading and writing to survive in our society While in the past some people could live in wilderness or even in cities without any knowledge of written language now it is almost impossible The way of living has change so much that it is impossible to be a part of nation especially in developed countries without ability to read and write your bills to understand your mortgage documents or job applications Moreover you can go nowhere by yourself but in your own small town without reading the maps and signs on the roads and in cities Second nowadays most of jobs require reading and writing as necessary skills and tendency that these skills will be more and more important for future jobs increases In fact because of sharp development of technology more of jobs on the labor market are for literate people and less of them are for people without any or slight reading or writing knowledge For example there are not needed so much people who can work on lands or select parts in auto-factories because the machines do that kinds of jobs now On the other hand factories and corporations need people who can read the instructions and control the machines It is bare true that without jobs that need only physical abilities illiterate people are forced to be constantly on unemployment lists
TWE Essays 237292 237 In conclusion the most scare part of living illiterate in our society is maybe living dependable of someone A illiterate person will have difficulties not only to do simple tasks such as writing bills withdrawing money from cash machines or reading menu in a restaurant but also to be a productive and useful individual of our society with job and normal life Essay ID 43 Topic 163 It is a very dangerous thing to say that basic literacy skills are more important now than they have ever been in the past While a strong argument can be made in favor of this idea making such an argument would imply that reading and writing were somehow less important in the past While there is a grain of truth to the argument that literacy was not fundamental to the daily existence of most people in the pre-Industrial Revolution period rationalizing such a lack of need for education in such a way is the first step to withholding education from certain groups a great social crime that has led to the disempowerment of disadvantage groups all over the world throughout history However if we can keep in mind that education is a basic human right then we can discuss the strengths of the proposition that literacy is more important now than it has ever been before It is true that in the past the majority of people all over the world made their livelihood from agricultural activities and that the vast majority of these activities required little or no literacy skills In some senses we could argue that literacy skills were less important in the agricultural age than they are now but to do so would be to forget that literacy also reflects an active mind and that people have always needed to engage in activities of the mind For example even though a farmer might have labored all day in her corn field she may enjoy reading the latest Jane Austen novel when arrived at home We can see in this example that while literacy was not directly related to this laborers livelihood literacy was important to her quality of life However we could make a good argument that literacy is more important now that it was in the past As we all know the world is experiencing a revolution that may turn out to be more important than the Industrial Revolution We are now entering the Information Age an age in which information and knowledge have more value than the ability to build machines create quotstuffquot grow crops or even mine precious metals and produce gemstones Nowadays accurate information may be worth more than the most expensive Rolls-Royce or the biggest diamond The perfect example of this increasing dominance is the explosive rise in the popularity of the Internet--the Internet offers the world countless bytes of information twenty-four hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year Companies all over the world but principally in the United States are rushing to stake their claim in cyberspace and stiff competition among companies has resulted In order to gain dominance these companies must have the best-skilled workers an advanced understanding of computer systems and good intuition about what will happen in the future All of these abilities to compete in the global marketplace stem directly from literacy skills and those without these skills will be stuck in the service agricultural and heavy industry fields In short we can see that people in the past who were lacking in literacy skills essentially had more company than those lacking these skills have today and could still earn their livelihood Further we could argue that because of the nature of the global marketplace and because of the emergence of the Information Age we could make the argument that literacy is fundamental to professional success nowadays However literacy should be considered a basic human right in a literate society--all people throughout history should have learned to read and write Essay ID 341 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 238292 238 Topic 163 For ages reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual emotional and spiritual growth of mankind But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past Firstly education was restricted to certain sections of the society and not everyone benefited from its advantages Only the learned few enjoyed intellectual satisfaction Knowledge was not shared freely due to lack of proper means of communication thus preventing many from realizing the benefits of education and learning Secondly technology was not so advanced in the past Hence the general pace of life was slower than it is now and people did not feel the need to keep themselves abreast of affairs around them In other words the need did not arise for mass awareness and participation in efforts for intellectual enlightenment through reading and writing Nevertheless writing was a more popular than reading since it was the most common means of communication - in the form of letters However at present the scenario has changed considerably Innovation and change are integral parts of life Now advancement in technology marks the day To cope up with the rapidly evolving new ideas and concepts reading has become more important now than ever before Invention of high-tech gadgets and state-of-the-art information systems in areas of communication transport and general business demands more awareness about contemporary events and changes With advancement in technology mans eagerness to succeed has increased Consequently the realization has dawned on him that such dreams can be materialized through intellectual advancement - a feat possible only through self reading and personal research With the invention of computer has commenced an age of electronic communication and online commerce Although writing letters has decreased considerably with the advent of electronic mail it will take some time to make our varied businesses paperless Thus though reduced people still do some writing wither in forms of documents memorandums business contracts or research papers Education has made people more aware of his potential and reading and writing has become instrumental to mans success in todays competitive world Essay ID 337 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 163 I think that reading and writing is more important now than in the past Many factors influenced to make the written expression more useful and necessary at present than in the past The world is changing Information became essential and the world is getting into a sort of communication age A great part of this communication is written The summary of the information about the human knowledge is written either in books or computer s files Since ancient times men and women devoted their lives to survive and fight against natures limitations and dangers They had to discover a solution for each new problem and this is the way the civilizations began They developed the languages to transmit knowledge and as a need Consequently they needed a way to communicate and file this pool of knowledge At first to read and write was only a possibility to some whose activity required it and it was restricted to privileged people who could afford it or get it because of the long distances and the availability of teachers
TWE Essays 239292 239 Now all has changed Women were seen only as wives whose only work was at home and as mothers whose life should be centered on the childrens care Today not only read and write is essential but also some computer skills at least basic among others are seen as basic education There are thousands of examples just to name some If you cant read you could not get informed and you can t even search for work You could walk at the front of the windows of potential employers who are usually asking for quothelpquot without notice newspaper s adds offering jobs wouldnt be any more than paper for you You could get irradiated inadvertently even the information about the caution signaling is written You wouldnt even be able to visit a city without getting lost otherwise you d have to ask people how to get everywhere A funny proverb goes as follows quotword contracts doesnt even worth the paper in which theyre writtenquot but you would never know what you are about to sign except for what they say it says And so on All these situations were not so common in the past villages were small people trusted in other peoples word nobody traveled so much and all knew their own town good enough Dangerous situations were easy to recognize unlike radioactivity for example To conclude for all the above reasons I am convinced that read and write is very very much important now than in the past Otherwise I would not be here it became so important that I have to learn how to read and write not only in my language but in a second language too Thats life today Essay ID 327 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 163 It is a very dangerous thing to say that basic literacy skills are more important now than they have ever been in the past While a strong argument can be made in favor of this idea making such an argument would imply that reading and writing were somehow less important in the past While there is a grain of truth to the argument that literacy was not fundamental to the daily existence of most people in the pre-Industrial Revolution period rationalizing such a lack of need for education in such a way is the first step to withholding education from certain groups a great social crime that has led to the disempowerment of disadvantage groups all over the world throughout history However if we can keep in mind that education is a basic human right then we can discuss the strengths of the proposition that literacy is more important now than it has ever been before It is true that in the past the majority of people all over the world made their livelihood from agricultural activities and that the vast majority of these activities required little or no literacy skills In some senses we could argue that literacy skills were less important in the agricultural age than they are now but to do so would be to forget that literacy also reflects an active mind and that people have always needed to engage in activities of the mind For example even though a farmer might have labored all day in her corn field she may enjoy reading the latest Jane Austen novel when arrived at home We can see in this example that while literacy was not directly related to this laborers livelihood literacy was important to her quality of life However we could make a good argument that literacy is more important now that it was in the past As we all know the world is experiencing a revolution that may turn out to be more important than the Industrial Revolution We are now entering the Information Age an age in
TWE Essays 240292 240 which information and knowledge have more value than the ability to build machines create quotstuff quot grow crops or even mine precious metals and produce gemstones Nowadays accurate information may be worth more than the most expensive Rolls-Royce or the biggest diamond The perfect example of this increasing dominance is the explosive rise in the popularity of the Internet--the Internet offers the world countless bytes of information twenty-four hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year Companies all over the world but principally in the United States are rushing to stake their claim in cyberspace and stiff competition among companies has resulted In order to gain dominance these companies must have the best-skilled workers an advanced understanding of computer systems and good intuition about what will happen in the future All of these abilities to compete in the global marketplace stem directly from literacy skills and those without these skills will be stuck in the service agricultural and heavy industry fields In short we can see that people in the past who were lacking in literacy skills essentially had more company than those lacking these skills have today and could still earn their livelihood Further we could argue that because of the nature of the global marketplace and because of the emergence of the Information Age we could make the argument that literacy is fundamental to professional success nowadays However literacy should be considered a basic human right in a literate society--all people throughout history should have learned to read and write Essay ID 40 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 163 For ages reading and writing has been vital aids to the intellectual emotional and spiritual growth of mankind But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past Firstly education was restricted to certain sections of the society and not everyone benefited from its advantages Only the learned few enjoyed intellectual satisfaction Knowledge was not shared freely due to lack of proper means of communication thus preventing many from realizing the benefits of education and learning Secondly technology was not so advanced in the past Hence the general pace of life was slower than it is now and people did not feel the need to keep themselves abreast of affairs around them In other words the need did not arise for mass awareness and participation in efforts for intellectual enlightenment through reading and writing Nevertheless writing was a more popular than reading since it was the most common means of communication - in the form of letters However at present the scenario has changed considerably Innovation and change are integral parts of life Now advancement in technology marks the day To cope up with the rapidly evolving new ideas and concepts reading has become more important now than ever before Invention of high-tech gadgets and state-of-the-art information systems in areas of communication transport and general business demands more awareness about contemporary events and changes With advancement in technology mans eagerness to succeed has increased Consequently the realization has dawned on him that such dreams can be materialized through intellectual advancement - a feat possible only through self reading and personal research With the invention of computer has commenced an age of electronic communication and online commerce Although writing letters has decreased considerably with the advent of electronic mail it will take some time to make our varied businesses paperless Thus though reduced people still do some writing wither in forms of documents memorandums business contracts or research papers Education has made people more aware of his potential and reading and writing has become instrumental to mans success in todays competitive world Essay ID 42 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom
TWE Essays 241292 241 Topic 163 Today more than at any time in the history of the world it is important to be able to read and write This change has been brought about by the Internet which we use to communicate with one another to get our news and to sell our products Millions of people communicate today through e-mail using the Internet In the past people would have face-to-face meetings or call one another on the phone today they use e-mail and chat rooms It is obviously necessary to be able to read and write in order to participate in this technological revolution Today one can subscribe to news and information services on the Net When you turn on your computer in the morning you are given the headlines financial news sports scores or social events that you requested The news is tailored to your specifications In the not distant past most people got their news from television or radio-as many still do Yet getting your news from the Internet is more efficient since the news is tailored to your specific interests E-commerce also demands that people be able to write and read Of course the people who design the retail web sites must be able to express themselves clearly in writing The potential customers must he-able to read the product descriptions In the past people would go into stores as many still do and point to objects that they would like to buy This physical approach to shopping does not require any special language skills The Internet will force us all to be literate not only in reading and writing but also with computers Today we must be skilled readers and writers to be successful in the high tech world Essay ID 41 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 164 Our health is the only thing we really have in the world You can take away our money our house or our clothes and we can survive Take away our health and we will die That is why I eat healthfully exercise regularly and keep up my social life Eating healthfully is important to maintain ones health I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies I also try to limit the amount of animal protein I consume I never eat more than a few ounces offish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of fiber and vitamins It is important to know how to cook these foods so the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process Your muscles must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older Exercise helps the bones build density and helps you maintain your posture A regular exercise program of cardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy Friends are an important part of ones health Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and have fewer complaints than those who dont Laughing is also an important part of health Hike to laugh with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone By eating properly and exercising regularly I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health By spending time with my friends I can keep my mind as well as my body happy Its all apart of my recipe for healthful living
TWE Essays 242292 242 Essay ID 44 Topic 165 Volunteering a few hours each week to some community activity is an important way of investing in the future of our society I chose to spend my time working with elementary school children helping them to learn to read Developing good reading skills will help these students keep up with their classmates open new worlds to them and help them succeed in life Students who are not good readers cannot keep up with their studies They will not understand the lessons they will come to school unprepared they will not be able to perform By learning to read students will be on equal footing with their classmates They will be active participants in class Books on different lifestyles occupations cultures or governments will open new doors to students Students who cant read will only know what they see around them Students who can read will be able to travel to new worlds and experience new ideas without ever leaving their classrooms Today a person who cant read is severely handicapped A non-reader will have to work at the most menial jobs Readers especially good readers have the whole universe open to them They will have the possibility to learn any job that interests them By volunteering to help an elementary school child learn to read I am helping him or her not only today but for the rest of his or her life I am helping them keep pace with their peers and explore the world and themselves through books Essay ID 45 Topic 166 Everytime my father encounter something difficultI feel anxious and ask myselfquotWhen will I become an adultquotA children is so little thin and cowardbut an adult is very strong and wiseI want to help my parents and make them happy Some books and movies tell me that many things can make me an adultThey are experiences or ceremonies such as going to collegegetting a jobwedding and so on We may look into every possible eventshoweverthe foremost should be the entrance to collegeFrom the first day on campuswe have to do a lot of things all by ourselveswashing clothescleaning doms and buying fruitsA child never worry about these thingsWe also learn how to protect ourselves and how to get well with the othersWe keep alert to judge whether our behaviours are right or wrong and distinguish which is good or bad for usWhen we meet difficultieswe can overcome them by our own efforts instead of asking for help from you parents we bacome adults since the moment When we graduatewe find a job and live on our own earningsWe work hard and do a good job to make our value by give our own contributions to the societyWe plan how to use our time and money to make ends meetWe help who are in the hardshipWhen we get rewardswe bacome adults since the moment Then we get married and have childrenWe teach them how to walk how to speak and how to
TWE Essays 243292 243 bacome adultsWe also make our parents and relatives happywe become adults since the moment So life is beautifulTo become an adult means to become more independent and more responsible Essay ID 467 This is a 5 point essay Topic 166 The difference between children and adults are very easy to tell from their physical outlooks children and small weak have a poor judgment and have to depend on adults On the contrary adults are big strong and more independent Every child will grow up to become an adult What events make a person an adult In my personal opinion there are a lot of events which mark the turning point for a person to become adult In many countries when a child becomes eighteen years old he or she legally becomes an adult There will be a big celebration and many best wishes from relatives and friends the young person may also have a great longing for a bright future in his adult life He may move out from his parents house and live alone he may start dating and doing activities which only adults can do such as going to a pub Graduation from college is another big turning point for a person to become adult In college the young person may reply fully or partially on his parents for financial support but after he graduates he must find a job for himself and live on his own Graduating from college and joining the work force can also make a person an adult Marriage is also a big event to a person Once become husband or wife the young person starts to take care of others and take responsibility for the family Once the young person becomes a parent he or she should also take care of the baby I believe that getting married and have children is the most important event that turns a person into an adult Only after one gets married does he or she take on the responsibility to the family and the society Essay ID 46 Topic 166 There are so many differences between children and adults such as adults always make decisions independently while children offten deal with things under the supervision of adults Although it is a course that a child grows up and become an adult I believe that many events play a significant role in it Based on the experience and life style of my own leaving parents and living alone is the event that turn a child into an adult The main reason of the argument I support is that living independently could develop the ability of thinking and doing independently In family parents always prepare everything and create a comfortable condition for children Children at home are almostly carefree and need not worry about cooking washing making cleanning and the only thing they have to care of is study However when living in the dormitory of school they have to begin to study how to deal with house work and how to get on alone with others And it is more important that they have to think independently and make decisions like adults Another reason can be seen by everyone is that to live independently a child will have to face
TWE Essays 244292 244 many problems which need courage and the capabilty to cope with Without the help from parents children will find there are so many unexcepted concrete troubles can not be resolved only by themselves For example when a freshmen move into dormitory he or she have learn to change the light bulb clean the house how to get on well with roommate and so on At this time making friends and helping each other are very important for them to resolve the troubles In addition the frustration and even the failure in life is very significant in the course of grouth An experience example or observation impart benenficial new knowledge and wisdom In the same way a failure bring children lessons and make their thought and behavir mature and sense General speaking living independently will develop the ability of dealing with things of children test the courage of cope with difficulties of them and bring them many lessons Taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that living by own make a child mature and wise and turn a child into an adult Essay ID 385 This is a 5 point essay Topic 167 Our school has been given a grant to make necessary improvements to its facilities We can spend it on new books for the library or on more computers Our school already has books in its library and it already has computers Since we have more books than computers I think that new computers will benefit the students more Computers can access up-to-date information on the Internet Right now the reference books in our library are very outdated Our encyclopedia set is eight years old But if every student had access to a computer we all could have the latest facts and figures on everything Unfortunately giving every student a computer means we need a lot of computers Right now the ratio of computers to students is one to twelve This means students only get to work on the computers three or four times a week But if every student had a computer we could use it whenever we wanted quotInformation on demandquot should be our slogan Students today need lots of information right away Life goes by too quickly to wait It takes forever to identify a book that you think might have the information you need Then you have to go to the library and look for the book Usually its not even there With a computer information searches are instantaneous If we all had computers we could access more information and access it faster by computer We could have all the information we needed for our schoolwork We could all improve our grades For these reasons I feel that purchasing more computers will benefit us more than buying more books Essay ID 47 Topic 168 Nowadays more and more students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries Then why studying abroad is so attractive even though it often means greater expense and more difficulties We may say that those students are bound to benefit considerably from their foreign study experience The modern world needs people to have comprehensive knowledge and experiences The world is
TWE Essays 245292 245 no longer a separated one in which each part can afford to be totally independent The communication and interchange in fields of culture business finance and other human activities are so unprecedentedly frequent and vigorous that the general or specific knowledge of other members of the global village turns to be most important to the prosperity of the country or the success of a people This kind of knowledge is usually bettered achieved if pursued abroad Furthermore foreign experiences improve ones willpower and ability of adjusting to a new environment and ones capability to overcome various hardships and setbacks Young people are considered aggressive and ambitious their success is not based on comfort or easiness but on their incessant painstaking effort and their never-ending willingness to surpass themselves In a foreign country they are confronted with greater challenges more unsteadiness and less help from their families and friends All these undoubtedly lead to an independent self-supporting resourceful person who will also be sympathetic and generous to other people around With these advantages we may conclude that the foreign study experience enlarges a students view of the world as well as improves ones personality and character which will guarantee a more splendid future in his life and career Essay ID 426 Topic 168 Now many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries I think that there are a lot of reasons to explain this phenomenon and I would in here illustrate a few of the most important ones Firstly I believe that these students would prefe to study in a foreign country in order to learn more advanced skills and technology In general these students intend to learn in a developed country such as the Unites States Needless to say the US is the most developed countcry It has many famous universities such as the HAVARDIt is these famous universities that foster a number of eminent talents It is these talents who let the US become the foremost country in the world All of these are an appeal to attract many foreign students After they graduate they can apply the knowledge they learn to the construction of their own country Maybe their homeland can become very developed someday secondly studing in a foreign country is helpful to learn a foreign language In a foreign you have to communicate with the others in the local languageIn order to exist you must force youself to accept the challenge of language I think that this is the best way to learn a foreign language Thirdly understanding the foreigh culture and appreciating the foreign landscape should be a reason Although we can understand some circunstances of a foreign country through TV or internet this way is absolutely not better than viewing in person After understanding the reasoning above I believe that studing outside our countries should a very good thing Essay ID 310 Topic 168 Nowadaysthere are more and more students choose to attand schools or universities outside their home countriesAs far as I am concernedthere are several reasons for the students to do soFirststudents study abroad due to the reason that they can learn more new knowledge and the
TWE Essays 246292 246 new way of thinkingSecondlythey can make more new frindsand thiedlythey can grow more independently Students study abroad can learn more new knowledge and the new way of thinkingHaving been dtudied for many years in the homelandit is necessary for students to go abroad and accept the knowledge thereIt is not because the new and plentiful knowledgebut the different ways of thinkingThese new things together with what were learned in the homeland would make a student develop in full scale and know more about the world In additionwhen students are studying abroadthey will contact with students come from all over the world and surely they will become friendsstudents will not only have more friends but also gain kownledge from them dring the communication and the associationThey will talk about the history of their own country and the customs of their people and they will also help each other in study and daily lifeall of which could benifit the students The last but not leaststudents in abroad may do things all by themselvesThereforethey could get rid of the protection from their parents and learn how to face the difficulties which help them grow independently and better Studying abroadstudents could harvest a lot which due to the stating reasons aboveIn conclusionthere are many students choose to attand schools or universities outside their contriesIf I have chanceI will definitely choose to study abroad Essay ID 456 Topic 168 Attending a university in ones home country or in another country is a question Some people hold the opinion that attending a university in home country is superior to attending a university in another country Others however contradict finishing their university education abroad Personally I would prefer attending a university in another country because I think it has more advantages There are numerous reasons why finishing university education abroad is preferable and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones The main reason is that communication is more and more important today It takes place in almost every field of our lives including the field of education certainly So attending a university in another country can get direct and quick communication with the world It can be given a concrete example I am a law school student and my countrys law education is influenced by that of Germany So most of what I learned was translated from the books in Germany Translation you know cant help twisting the writers true meanings sometimes and always needs much time So the result was that I got inaccurate information sometimes and always can not catch up with the latest views What if I finish my university education in Germany I thought later Another reason why I advocate the attitude of attending a university in another country is that it is contributed to complete my personality Take the case of a thing that studying abroad means I cant rely on my family while only depend on myself when I meet troubles This makes me independent Finally attending a university in another country can bring me a lot of pleasure The study and life overseas must be different from that in my home country So finishing university education abroad not only gives me an entirely new study but also gives me an entirely new life which must be interesting In addition attending a university in another country also gives me a chance to make
TWE Essays 247292 247 interesting foreign friends Of course choosing attending a university in the home country also have advantages to some extent for example if you dont have much money finishing university education in your hometown means a lighter burden for you But if all these factors are contemplated the advantages of attending a university in another country in the home country From what has been discussed above we may finally draw the conclusion that if you finish your university education abroad you get a complete study and a rich and colorful life Essay ID 48 Topic 168 Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities it is important to study abroad for some or part of ones college education Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language familiarity with a different culture and a chance to grow in different ways One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in todays fast-paced world We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments Knowing another culture is also important today Respect for other peoples and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture When we are out of our environment we feel more free to experiment with different ways of doing things We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own away from our comfortable nests We may try different things and reject them We might also adopt them People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings Study abroad can be enriching Not only can we learn a new language understand more about a different culture but we can learn more about ourselves too At the same time of course we are getting an education in the formal sense Essay ID 49 Topic 169 Music seems to be a natural need for people Ive read that from ancient times human beings have produced sounds from quotinstrumentsquot like rocks or skins stretched over a wooden frame Music is something most people want and need I think its important because it can be a major part of both community and individual experience Music is a way of sharing a common bond or feeling When were children we learn very simple songs called nursery rhymes These songs help make us part of our culture by telling us whats acceptable and whats not We play and sing music in our religious ceremonies because it enhances the worship experience We play music when were going to war or celebrating the fact that weve won a war We have national anthems to share our love and pride for our particular country We have music
TWE Essays 248292 248 we play for our school and music we play for our athletic team In fact music has become a big part of athletic games We use it to taunt the other team as well as celebrate when points are scored for our team Music is also a major part of individual experiences When we fall in love music is usually apart of that experience People talk about having quotour songquot That means the song that was playing when they met or a song they both liked when they fell in love When we get married we play music before and after and sometimes during the ceremony It expresses how we feel We play music to calm our nerves or to stimulate ourselves to get on with a task We also play music for the simple enjoyment of listening to the sounds Music is special to us because it expresses our connection with our culture and because it enhances our individual experiences Nothing else seems to capture our feelings quite so well Essay ID 50 Topic 169 Music plays a very important role in our life We can almost hear music anywhere Different music serves different functions in our life Why is music important to many people The reasons are presented below Music is a very important form of art Like other arts music is ubiquitous and has become a part of our life The whole lifetime of most people is accompanied by music A baby falls in sleep in the music of a lullaby a young student may learn to play a musical instrument and listen to music from the radio TV and a Walkman There is music for birthdays for weddings for Christmas for New Years day There is music for every single occasion in our life We are surrounded by various kinds of music since we were born and music has become an integral part of our life Interesting enough music often serves as an important part to other art forms such as music in dancing drama and movies As a matter of fact many famous music pieces come from dancing and movies such as the theme from quotLove Storyquot Music is part of the history The history of music is almost as long as the history of human civilizations Music from old times has become the great culture heritage to us One of the examples is classic music of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky People enjoy their music from generation to generation Listening to music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment There are so many kinds of music that can suit tastes of different people Young people like pop music and Rock-and-Roll and older people may enjoy classical music and opera Whether we are happy or sad there will always be music that we can listen to People can express their feelings and emotions through music Lovers often play soft love songs to show their love and devotion to each other For the reasons presented above we can see how important music is to our life It is hard to imagine a history without music and a life without music Essay ID 370 Topic 170
TWE Essays 249292 249 Groups or organizations are an important part of our life because we are social people We like to get together with people whose attitudes and beliefs are like ours The most important groups for us are our families our religious organizations and our political organizations Our families are obviously our most important group You will never find the physical and emotional support from any other group that you will find in your family Your family is part of you you are tied to them by blood They will always be there for you Similarly our religious organizations can provide comfort for us in times of stress When we are with people who have the same beliefs we feel better Our beliefs are based on tradition These beliefs have been tested over time These beliefs tell us bow to respond and how to act Our political organizations change as we change Some years we may feel conservative other years we may feel more liberal Whatever our political philosophy we can find apolitical organization that matches our thinking at the moment These political organizations help us be apart of the larger community Whether the group is tightly knit like a family spiritual like religion or secular like politics they all serve a function in our life They all help us feel as if we belong Essay ID 51 Topic 171 If I were to leave my home for a year there is one thing I definitely would take with me my cellphone With my cellphone I could call my friends or family if lever was lonely needed advice or just wanted to talk If I were away from home for a year I would be very lonely especially in the beginning before I made friends If I could call my mother and father I would hear their familiar voices and I would not feel so lonely Hearing my friends voices would also help me overcome my sadness Ive never been on my own so there are many things I am not familiar with Ive never opened a bank account got a drivers license or made my own food If I had to cook chicken or something I could call up my mother and she could tell me how to make dinner Sometimes I may just want to talk in my own language With my cellphone I could call my friends and tell them about my new life This would make them jealous of me I would call them a lot so they could hear all the wonderful things I am doing For me a cellphone is a necessity I would need it anytime I was lonely anytime I needed to do something I didnt know how to do and anytime I just wanted to talk Of course the phone bill will be sent to my parents Essay ID 52 Topic 171 If I were going to travel for a long time what should I take besides the clothing and personal care items The first thing came into my mind is a camera Not only because I am a photographing amateur It really worth a lot It will record my trip exactly and vivaciously I could share the photos with those who cannot travel for so long a time like me And it may help me in emergencies
TWE Essays 250292 250 By taking the photos I could record my trip easily I dont need to spend a lot of time on writting down what I see so that I could rest more The interesting costume of the people the exotic architectures the great scene and so on everything will be quotwritten downquot by the camera Obviously the photos are my whole lifes treasure because maybe I will never be there again Not everyone could have the oppotunity like me to travel such a long time They may be busy all the time or may not have healthy body to travel Fortunately my friends could enjoy the photos I take during my trip They could see what interest me without stepping out their house Furthermore the camera may help me if I were in short of money I would exchange my camera to get money in case of emergency The most valuable to me is the films I take not the camera itself So in addition to the personal necessities I strongly recommend you to take a camera You could record what you see at anytime The photos you take will certainly be a fortune to share with friends And you can exchange money in your emergencies Essay ID 283 Topic 171 When you see a beautiful view of rising sun when you see a spectacular waterfall when you enjoy the moment you travel with your friends at this time what do you especially want I believe the answer is a camera It is also what I would take in addition to clothing and personal care items when I plan to have a long trip Among countless factors there are two conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for taking a camera is a camera will record everything that happens in a trip If you encounter beautiful scenery you can take a picture of it If you meet a humorous and nice person in a trip you can have someone taken a picture for you and the new friend If you meet a girl you love in the trip why not ask your friend to take a picture when you send a rose to her Lets imagine how disappointed it is if you do not have a camera with you at that time Another reason can be seen by every person that each picture is a memory Maybe a person will take many trips in his life if you take many pictures in each trip you will find it is just like a novel about your own life When you are old you will always recall many things that happened long before At that time I swear that you will take out the albums and quotreadquot them with happy tears You also can find how you loved the life and what a pleasant life that god gave you Above the two reasons you can find it is very important to take a camera with your trip And that is my choice when I am preparing for a trip Essay ID 412 Topic 172 Students moving into a new community and attending a new school can face a lot of problems Their biggest worry is usually fitting in The school counselor the schools administration and the students teachers can all help the students come through this experience successfully They can engage other students to become involved with the new students too New students in a school need to feel like pan of the school community as quickly as possible A
TWE Essays 251292 251 school administrator should begin by giving students a complete orientation to their new school They should take them on a tour of the school and show them the classrooms gym computer lab band room and cafeteria They should tell them about the history of the school its academic achievements and its athletic and debating teams The administrator can talk to the students about whats expected of them in the classroom and what rules the school has The school counselor should talk to the students about what theyre most interested in studying If these are older students the counselor can ask them about career interests If these are younger students the counselor can ask them about their favorite subjects at their old school The counselor can tell the students about all the extracurricular activities there are at the school For example the school might offer things like sports art music and working on a school newspaper The teachers have the most important job when it comes to new students Its up to them to help the students meet other students in class They can also help them learn how classes are conducted in their new school They can encourage other students to make friends with new people and help them learn the system Since theyre with the students the most they can keep an eye on them and make sure theyre adapting well Both the adults and the other students need to help new students feel apart of their new school Its not easy but it pays off with happier more successful students in the end Essay ID 53 Topic 172 It is undoubtfullly important for a freshman to get accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible of course the ability of adaptation varies from one person to the other with the more tough situation for those who have never left his or her home and lived alone but what role should the school play considering how to help the newcomers to adapt themselves to the new surroundings and the new atmosphere I think the school should at first offer the orientation service to the newcomer to aid them in becoming familiar with the kinds of buildings such as the lab buildings the teaching building the dormitory apartment and so on which will be at convenience for the newcomers later study and life Then the school had better develop the relevant service network and hand out the brochure and other materials of the introduction of the school as welll as the service booklets in which all the service phone numbers should be included with the purpose of offering the service when and whereBesides the school should organize the volunteers to be at hand for the new students to consult and they also can give a brief introduction of the school What is more the school should develop the atmosphere for the prospective students to feel at home and like to study and live at the school even at the first sight As we all known if impressed by the scenery or some person or some where at the first sight we will naturally have a crave to experience the scenery again to keep in touch with the person or to live there for a long time even if you had at first planned only to stay for a couple of days thereso is the school If the new students are impressed by the the attractiveness of scenery the kindness of the volunteers the timely services and all the other things they have experienced at the first day it will inevitably attract them to live and study at the school Of course dozens of services the school can offer besides the above said but the aim of the service is the same that is to help the new students to get used to the new environment more quickly and make them love to study and live at the school and be free of nostalgia for some mummy boys
TWE Essays 252292 252 Essay ID 501 This is a 5 point essay Topic 173 I dont think its a very good idea to borrow money from a friend It can cause resentment and awkwardness in the relationship How do you approach your friend without making him feel he has to do this for you Its unlikely hell feel as if he can turn you down Can he turn you down without insulting you Probably not How do you know whether your friend can afford to lend you the money He may be embarrassed to admit hes a little short of funds himself Or he might not want to disappoint you So he lends you the money and then he needs money too Theres also the question of when youll pay back the loan Its awkward for your friend to ask for a deadline for repayment Besides if youre short of funds you may not be able to predict when youll pay him back What about interest on the loan If its a small amount of money this doesnt matter However if large funds are involved and you wont be paying it back for a while should you offer to pay interest Should your friend ask you to pay interest All these issues can result in hurt feelings and can harm the friendship Its possible of course that if you borrow money from a friend and pay it back in a timely fashion this will create a special bond between the two of you Youll know that you can count on your friend when you need help Hell know youre trustworthy However more often than not money issues between friends are an embarrassment If you need money its better to go to a bank for a loan Essay ID 54 Topic 174 The principal differences between my generation and my parents generation are in how they relate to others My generation is more tolerant of other peoples choices less concerned about what others think and more self-centered My parents generation has stricter standards about what kinds of behavior are acceptable They sometimes have a hard time accepting the fact that other people may have different ideas about whats right and whats wrong My generation thinks people should have a lot of choices For example they choose whom they want to live with whether or not to have children whether or not to practice a particular religion and what to do for a living My parents generation is much more concerned about what other people think of them Many grew up in tightly knit communities where people knew each others families Fitting in meant that you had to act a certain way Many of my generation grew up in loosely knit communities where we only knew about our closest neighbors We didnt care what the rest of the community thought of us Also we were a very rebellious generation and often did things just to shock people Wherever we grew up most of my generation didnt have to worry about having enough to eat or a roof over our heads My parents generation did They grew up during the Great Depression when many people were poor For this reason my parents didnt have time to analyze their feelings or think about their inner selves They were too busy trying to get by Children of my generation were well taken care of by their parents Because of that we had time to think about
TWE Essays 253292 253 ourselves and our place in the universe As adults many of us have continued to be self-absorbed We join health clubs to be perfect in body and go into therapy to be perfect in mind When I think about our actions it seems that my parents generation is more quotouterquot directed and my generation is more quotinner directedquot Essay ID 55 Topic 175 In my country the lecture system is the most common system It is the one I prefer for three reasons I am used to the lecture system it is an efficient system I am too shy to talk in class All my life I have listened to teachers They come into the room open their books and start to lecture We students sit quietly at our desks and take notes We never ask questions because we dont want to seem stupid At the end of the course we are given a test If we can repeat on the test what the teacher said in class we will get a good grade The lecture system is an efficient one The teacher is the one who knows the subject not the students It is a waste of time listening to a students ideas What good will that do me Time is short I want the teacher to give me as much information as he or she can during the class period Even if we could talk in class I would never open my mouth I am much too shy I would be afraid the other students would laugh at me and make fun of my ideas I prefer to listen to the teacher and memorize the teachers ideas I hope I can always study in a school where they use the lecture system I think it is better to continue with what one is used to I also think that there is a lot of information that I must learn in the most efficient manner possible I wouldnt want to interrupt a teacher with my foolish questions Essay ID 56 Topic 176 Most countries already have many holidays In my country China we have nineteen official holidays However I believe that my new holiday quotWalking Dayquot would be very beneficial and should be added to the nineteen holidays China already has In this essay I will outline the three main reasons why quotWalking Dayquot would be a very good holiday First walking is good exercise As we all know people all over the world are becoming busier and busier They are studying more and more so that they can have better jobs When they work they are working more and more As a result people have less time for other important things in their lives including exercise We can read reports in the newspapers everyday about people who have worse health and complain about poor health condition Many of these problems could be reduced by exercising more and walking is one of the best and simplest exercises for people Second by walking we can reduce pollution and thereby protect the environment As technology improves all over the world and people have more and more money they are starting to use this money to buy automobiles As a result people are using public transportation less and less Driving ones own car every day has had a very large impact on the environment as a result of the pollution created by gas burning automobiles Walking is the perfect way to reduce pollution since there are so many other benefits as well
TWE Essays 254292 254 Finally by walking people can slow down the pace of their lives Perhaps this is one of the greatest benefits of walking more Life at the beginning of the new millennium is stressful--people are competing with each other for better jobs countries and companies are competing with each other for business Many people start to forget about the importance of slowing down in their lives of simply enjoying the moment People need to contemplate life more Walking is a perfect opportunity to slow down think about life and simply enjoy the big beautiful world that we live in Finally we could celebrate this holiday by encouraging people to walk instead of driving or taking the bus for at least one trip during the day I believe that people could find at least one trip during the day that they could make on foot instead of some other form of transportation For example if people usually drive to a large supermarket to buy food perhaps they could walk to a closer smaller market to buy only a few things I believe that while people were walking they would be able to enjoy the exercise and the fresh air and would be able to think calmly and clearly In short if I had to create a new holiday I would create quotWalking Dayquot because of the many simple benefits it could provide us Essay ID 57 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 176 October 24 is Union Nations Day The day is noted in the calendars but not observed as a holiday around the world I want the entire world to celebrate the birth of the United Nations because of its attempts to promote peace education and health around the world Peace is the most important thing that we can have today The sooner that we can stop war the sooner we can all have better lives There are countries around the world that have been at war for generations In some of these countries UN Peacekeepers have temporarily stopped the violence so people can go about their lives If this peace could be made lasting the lives of these citizens would be much richer The UN actively works to promote education Universal literacy is one of its important goals Every child in the world deserves to know how to read and write The UN is also involved in job training for adults The age of information technology demands new job skills-The UN works with continuing education programs around the world so workers are not left out of the job market done in these areas Much of the work of the UN is unknown and underappreciated If we want to live in a peaceful world where every child can attend school and where every citizen has access to health care we need to support the work of the UN We need to recognize its importance and celebrate its birthday Essay ID 58 Topic 177 Between going on vacation and buying a car I would like my friend to buy a car Below is why
TWE Essays 255292 255 The first and most important reason is that a car can bring him convenience Undoubtedly nowadays people rely on cars for transportation more than ever before For example when he drives a car to go shopping he may feel more convenient and can pick up more groceries than before because he can put groceries in the car trunk instead of carrying them by hands Furthermore when he wants to pick somebody up or travel to a scenic spot a car will make him feel convenient Another great reason why I encourage my friend to buy a car is that my friend will not spend much time on commuting anymore Everyday we waste too much time on waiting for a bus or riding a bicycle to work We all experienced the frustration of taking a bus After having their own cars such the problems will disappear automatically Of course if my friend decides to use his money to go on a vacation I think that there are some advantages also For example a vacation may increase his personal experience and knowledge and may even reduce many troubles that are related to a car But if all the factors are contemplated I think that the advantages of buying the car will carry more weight than those of going on vacation From what has been discussed above I may safely draw the conclusion that buying a car will be correct choice for my friend Essay ID 59 Topic 177 Trying to decide how to use your money is always tough Should you use your money to buy a car or go on a vacation Both afford lasting pleasure but of a very different kind From a vacation you get the pleasure of doing wonderful things and of totally relaxing and enjoying yourself The memories you bring home with you can give you that same pleasure again every time you think of them A car also gives you pleasure every time you drive it Theres the pleasure of not having to depend on public transportation You can go places off the beaten track where public transportation doesnt go There is also the pleasure of being independent You are able to go anywhere your car can take you without depending on others A vacation gives you the opportunity to learn new things and meet new and interesting people However its only for a short period of time A car gives you the same opportunities on a smaller level but on a more regular basis With a car you can go someplace new every weekend You can also join a car pool That way you can share travel expenses with the new people you meet Some people might say that spending your money on a vacation instead of on a car is being impractical But nothing is as satisfying as a really good vacation Its mentally and physically healthy It gives you a chance to get away from all that is familiar to you and see the world from a new perspective It lets you do nothing but play the way you did when you were a child Being able to play even for a short period of time is absolutely necessary for everyones mental health I would choose the vacation because we all deserve to indulge ourselves sometimes Essay ID 60 Topic 178
TWE Essays 256292 256 Now that we are in a new millennium we can assume there will be changes in the world I predict that the changes will be in the areas of information dissemination global alliances and family structure In the past decades the computer was responsible for changing the way information was organized Now the computer plus the Internet is changing the way information is spread Information will now be universally available to anyone with a computer You will not have to go to libraries to do research you will not have to travel to visit scholars you will not have to go to a bookstore to buy a book You can do all of this from your home on the computer In the past decades the nations of the world aligned themselves with the United States the former Soviet Union or with one another in a loose alliance In the future these alliances will be more fluid Some countries will align politically with one country but economically with another Some countries will share technology and other information but will not trade together Some countries which have long been enemies will align militarily for regional security The family structure will not be based on a motherfatherchild pattern Single parent families will be more common and often the child will not be a biological child of the single parent but will be adopted Other family structures like domestic partnerships will become more accepted Whatever the changes may be whether in the way we receive information the way nations align with one another or the way family units are defined you can be sure that there will be more change Change is a constant Essay ID 61 Topic 179 Different parents have different methods to teach their own children When faced with the decision of what some of the qualities of a good parent are each person has his own opinion From my point of view I consider that consideration encouragement communication and care are the qualities of a good parent There are numerous reasons why I hold the above opinion and I would explore only a few of the important ones here The primary reason why I persist in the above opinion is that these qualities help parents and children to understand each other For example consideration is a key to good relationships between parents and their children When parents stand at childrens point of view it is easier for them to understand why children is behaving like that and what they are thinking This is will give parents a full understanding and they will be able to find a suitable method to teach his children what to do correctly and how to do on such a thing By such consideration and communication children of course can accept their parents advice Meanwhile they can eliminate the so-called quotgeneration gapquot and the relationship between parents and their children is getting along very well Another factor which should deserve some words is that these qualities can promote children to make progress For instance encouragement is an effective way for a parent to teach his children When a child fails to do something because of his limited knowledge and experience if his parent can encourage the child to do it again and help the child analyze the reason why what he has done is wrong Then the child can learn more knowledge and will try it again and he will succeed in doing such a thing finally What is more these qualities help children grow up healthily When parents take care of their children children can feel familys care and can stay at home very happy This is very useful for
TWE Essays 257292 257 children to grow up healthily With these children can form excellent character and be confident in doing things In a word to be a good parent is not an easy thing but with parents effort each parent can do it very well From what I have stated above you may agree with my statement that consideration encouragement communication and care are the qualities of a good parent Essay ID 471 This is a 5 point essay Topic 179 I am fortunate to have good parents so it is easy for me to identify the qualities that make them good These qualities are unconditional love trust and respect for me and my brothers and sisters All mothers and fathers love their children They nurture them and keep them from harm But not all love is unconditional Some parents would not love their children if they married someone of a different religion or from a different ethnic group Some parents would not love their children if they were of a different sexual orientation My parents would My parents-would love us regardless of whom we married or whom we chose to love Part of unconditional love is trust My parents trust us to do what is right They know we would never do anything to hurt them or to disgrace them They trust us so we trust them We are confident that they would never do anything to hurt us Because our parents love us they also respect us They treat us as individuals They accept our differences They do not expect us to be like them They want us to be our own persons They want us to make our own way in the world not follow in their footsteps Without their love I would not be as confident as I am Without their trust I would not be free to do what I want Without their respect I would not feel comfortable being on my own All children should have such wonderful parents Essay ID 62 Topic 180 Like most young guys I like movies very much If you ask me why movies are so popular I think there are 4 reasons Firstly movies in English are an effective tool for learning English I remember when I went to XingDongFang school to study English I always worried about my poor listening skill Then I accepted a teachers advice and started to watch some English movies What made me happy was that I can guess what the characters in the movies say and I can learn some useful words and expressions from them Gradually I found that English is not so difficult to understand and it became more and more interesting to me Now I can say movies not only improve my listening skill but also make me more interestest in learning English Secondly movies can satisfy different peoples need Some married people like romantic movies From those they can know what true love is Some young people like action movies Some older people may like classic movies that can remind the past things So it is obvious that movie can enrich peoples spiritual life Thirdly movies can open peoples eyes Now with the modern technique scientist can show
TWE Essays 258292 258 people what outside space look like in movies Geologists can show people what earth looks like millions of years ago It is through movies that people can know cultures from many other foreign countries without traveling In a word movie has been a part of peoples life Nevertheless I dont think that movies like horrible movies and porn movies are good for all people everyone knows that young people can mimic language and behaviors that the movie showed easily so that a movie rating system is necessary Essay ID 425 Topic 180 Have you ever seen a film that tears your tear Have you ever impressed on the movie about a love story Have you ever found a lot of things that you did not know from movies If you do I believe that you will know why movies are popular all over the world Among countless factors with the popularity of movies there are three conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for its popularity is we can learn many things from movies From a movie about love we can learn how to communicate with our lovers when there are some crisis between our emotion From a movie about history we can learn what has happened before and how the mankind evolved From a movie about war we can learn how cruel the war is and how important the peace is Another reason can be seen by every person is that movies have become the relaxation mode little by little In a silver moonlight it is so romantic to go to see a love story movie with your girlfriend or your boyfriend Even you can imitate the story that happened in the movie with your girlfriend or boyfriend I believe you can find it is very funny and it will be a deep impression on the love between you and he or she Furthermore I think movies are just like art A good art will attract lots of people so a creative movie will also be popular all over the world With the developing of the technology I am sure more and more good movies will be created by the director and other movie workers From all we have discussed there is no doubt that movie is one of the most popular entertainment all over the world Essay ID 384 Topic 180 Movies are popular because people are great watchers They like to watch other peoples lives They like to live vicariously By going to movies we can escape our own lives share other emotions and imagine ourselves as someone else Many of our lives are not as adventurous or glamorous as the lives in movies We do not battle evil all day long and then go back to our luxurious penthouse apartment We just go to school do our homework eat talk to our friends and sleep We need a little excitement in our lives and we find excitement at the movies Humans are very emotional people We all like to cry and laugh Fortunately there is not much to cry about in my life so I like to go to sad movies where my heart strings can be tugged I also like to go to comedies so I can laugh I tend to cry and laugh more in a dark movie theater than I do in
TWE Essays 259292 259 broad daylight Now lama student but I know someday I will be a scientist or a politician or a famous model When I go to the movies I can see my role models I see how they act what they wear how they talk I can prepare myself for the day when I will be like them Even though my life is quiet I can go to the movies and watch someone elses life I can share their emotions and their everyday life I wonder if they would like to share mine Essay ID 63 Topic 181 Its hard to deny that with the developing of ecnomics there is more and more land used for housing and industryBut to use land is a two-folded weapenyou may get benifits from itbut in many cases you may meet troubles For my countryChinawhich has her children far more than any other country the need to leave land in its natural condition outweighs the need to develope it for housing and industryHere are the reasons for it FirstChina is one of the most polluted countries in the worldThe need for land to be left undevoloped is more necessary now than ever beforeBecause in this way the land will bring us many plants and beastsespecilly plants which contribute much to lessen pollution and make the earth a good place for living Besidesleaving the land alone is important for a country to devolope permanentlyIf we used up all the land for housing and industrywhat shall we leave for our offspingsA polluted earth with her sopping faceThat is a problem more and more recognized by many scients and poliotitions alike The last but not the leastthe number of persons live in China is growing rapidlyTo leave the land alone now and devolope it when it is necessary and can be used feasibly is the best way to solve the problem refered before In allthough it is a hard choicemore and more people are aware that the need for land to be left in its natural condition is more than be developed for housing and industry Essay ID 255 This is a 5 point essay Topic 181 Even though our population is increasing and land is needed for housing and development I would hope that our country could save the land in its natural state for future generations to enjoy This land would be good for promoting tourism for preserving the environment and for remembering our history Although tourism has many negative side effects it is an industry that can create enormous revenues Tourists of course need something to see They would not come to our country to see rows of apartment buildings or new industrial parks What is interesting for tourists is the pristine countryside that our country is known for Preserving the land as it is would be good for the environment More factories and other
TWE Essays 260292 260 industries would further pollute our rivers and air We need trees and wide open spaces to make us feel like humans not machines Untouched land reminds us of our history When we walk through the countryside we can imagine our ancestors on the same path If we cover the earth with asphalt and concrete we will loose touch with our past We will forget our roots Preserving the land is good not only for the economy and the environment it is good for us as citizens of our soil We must preserve what little we have left Can we afford not to Essay ID 64 Topic 182 Human has a long history of feeding pets With the development of human society more and more people have pets in their families They love to accompanied by their pets and they look them as their family members They eat with their pets stroll with their pets and even sleep with their pets And I think having a close relationship with pets is very good for people the reasons why I say so as follows First having a pet is very good for children Children always need someone to play with them take care of them but their parents cant do it all the time When children have a pet for example a dog they will be attracted by it and spend most of their time playing with it The children wont feel lonely when their parents cant take care of them Besides that also make parents have their own time to do something they need Second pets are also good for adults especially those work under pressure Now many people work so hard everyday that they dont have time to relax and talk with friends If they have pets whenever they get to home they can talk to them look them as persons tell them what they are anxious about This would help people to reduce their pressure and make them have a better mood Third most of the owners of pets are senior citizens Thats not a coincidence Because youngsters leave home for their new lives They dont have much time to spend with their parents The old people feel so lonely when they facing the empty rooms Pets can reduce their loneliness Old people can take care of them feed them talk to them just like taking care of their own children And the medical research shows that patting pets such as cats and dogs can reduce the blood pressure this is also very important to old people Although sometimes pets make your room a mess break your favorite vase even some time they bite you the advantages of having a close relationship with pets overweight the disadvantages Have a pet if you like and enjoy it Essay ID 445 Topic 182 Nearly everybody has ever kept one or more petsThere are dogs catsbirds and even horses and gorillasMany people treat them just like their own friends boys or girlsbrothers or sistersBut other people dislike keeping petsPersonallyI approve of such relationship because I think pets are so lively and easy-going First of allsometimes people have to show their kindness to othersPets are so beautiful and lively
TWE Essays 261292 261 that everyone likes themWhen pets are hungrypeople cook delicious food for themwhen pets are ill people take care of themThe owners have to help their pets wash themselves and tell them stories and say goodnight to them People may find itt very hard and tiringBut they also find they are so omnipotenct and important to their pets In the other handPets are so reliable and loyalWhen the old feel lonely or sad their pets stay at their sidespeople can tell the pets their feelingsdreams and secretsNot only will the pet listen to he or she but it will also feel the same feelings as the narratorThey can help people get released and forget the sadness quicklyPets do be our best friends Althoughas a matter of factsome people have pointed out that sometimes pets can cause a lot of troublesThey may carry terrible diseases and they hurt youOther people think the more time playing with petsthe more likely away from the societyThat may not be very serious and even truepets are our good friendsthey give us joy and also teach us how to communicate with us and build up friendshipSo what we have to know is a little knowledge about protection and prevention From abovewe need no hesitation to say that it is good for people to have a close relationship with their pets Essay ID 506 This is a 5 point essay Topic 182 I think being very close to a pet can be both a positive and a negative thing Health professionals have concluded that having a pet is very healthy for everyone People who have heart disease or similar health problems are often urged to get a pet because it can lower your blood pressure However some people get anxious about their pets If you always worry about the pet getting lost or not getting the right food to eat then that isnt healthy for you Many pets are very loving and its easy to love them back Some people though go overboard They treat their pets like one of the family Sometimes they even set a place for them at the table or give them their own rooms in the house They treat them as if they were children Some pets are in fact substitutes for children People need to keep their perspective about their pets Dressing a pet up in clothes like a child is not emotionally healthy Pets are animals and get confused if you expect them to act like human beings There are now stores devoted entirely to pets They sell pet food pet toys pet clothes pet homes Pets should be given appropriate food and they should have a few toys since they need some enjoyment just like humans do However some pet owners spend hundreds of dollars on supplies for their pets There are children in the world who dont have clothes or food or toys It would be better to give some of that money to charity Feeling close to your pet can be very satisfying and healthy as long as you dont overdo it Essay ID 65 Topic 183 Most people like watching movies made from different countries not only because they can know about these countries history what is like in their daily life but also their various attitude and ideas towards life
TWE Essays 262292 262 Firstly movies can reflect a contrys history Based on different historical backgrounds movies can give us a lot of information about a countrys past For those who have the background historical knowledge they can have a better understanding about the movie while for those who have little knowledge about the history can start to know it from the movie they are watching For example many historical movies focus on a certain period of the history Obviously each country has a totally different history Thus by wathching these movies we will know more about other countries history which will help us increase our knowledge and understanding about other countries Furthermore movies can show different social and cultural enviroment and various customs which attract many moviegoers Although people have more and more chances to travel abroad to see the world this is not always the case for everyone Movies give us a convenient way to know more about the outside world From movies we get to know that quottoastquot cab mean different thing to different countries such as quotgood luckquot to Americans quotbad luckquot to Hungarians From movies we get to know how Americans live and what food they eat which bring us closer to the world even when we stay at home Finally by wathching movies we may know other peoples attitudes and ideas towards life Sometimes we may feel depressed or frustrated just because of some small problems in our lives We alway feel pessimistic toward life but from movies we know Americans are optimistic towards their lives even in bad situations Their attitudes will definitely change our ideas and make us cherish the life Whats more we may know Americans like to take risks while Frenches like a relaxed life and Italians like romance In short movies are like encyclopedias which can give us much knowledge about other nations we may have no chances to go Thus we should encourage people to watch more good movies to know the world better Essay ID 240 This is a 5 point essay Topic 183 As the advance of technology the understanding and communication among countries are becoming deeper and wider One of the most important ways for people to understand each others culture is by watching films From watching movies from other countries we can learn a lot about that country One important aspect of film of a country is that you can learn about its history Historical film is one of the most popular themes used by filmmakers Though US has only a history of two hundred years their films can give a complete picture and even extended definition of different period of history From American movies we can learn a lot about what happened during the independent war the civil war and the recent gulf war Only movies can give us entertainment as well as a chance to understand history of another country Another equally important thing about movies is that they can teach us the custom of a country We can see this clearly from the films about love From those the large difference of ideology and character among western and eastern countries are shown For example a typical romantic story happened in a western film will contain plot as follows the coincident meeting the short period of contacting and the quickness of falling in love with each other But what happens in an eastern movie is quite different The plot will contain the long period of pursuing from one side the complex feeling by the appearance of a third person the last happy time of an experienced love Love is among many different custom of a country and by the explanation of films you can surely
TWE Essays 263292 263 get a better understanding of it Apart from the history and the custom of a country what people want to know more is the present life and society of a country then a film will be no doubt the best way to learn about them It cannot only show the good side of the society but also the problems as well For example the films of Hollywood can not only show us the problems such as drug dealing abusing of guns the psychological problems of young adults but also tell us the rapid growth of the economy and the technology of the country From all those reasons above watching movies will be undoubtedly the best way to learn about a country well Essay ID 66 Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of wwwTestMagiccom Topic 183 Do you ever watch movies from other countries Whenever I do I think about how similar people really are all around the world Even though the cultures and languages in those movies are different from mine people all around the world are alike in their goals and emotions One time I saw a movie made in China that showed parents helping their children with their homework My parents helped me the same way Another time I saw a movie from Argentina It showed school children playing hide and seek which is a game I used to play with my friends during recess Seeing these films demonstrated to me that education is a common goal in every country Parents want their children to learn so their lives will improve It also showed me that children in schools everywhere want to play with their friends Sometimes the games are similar to ours and sometimes theyre different Still they all have the common purpose of fun and learning to work together Earning a living is another common goal Ive often seen that in movies about other countries In some countries people choose their careers from what they like and are good at In other countries careers are chosen for them following the traditions of their families But in every country it seems that people care a great deal about earning a living and working hard is respected Showing people having fun together is always an important part of any movie no matter what country it comes from People everywhere want to be entertained and want to spend time with their families and friends Different cultures sometimes enjoy different activities but all cultures enjoy some form of sports music and dancing The movies Ive seen make it clear to me that no matter the cultural differences between countries people everywhere have the same basic needs and goals Essay ID 67 Topic 184 Maybe someone will choose to study with a group of studentsand they can give you sound reasons for their choiceI prefer to study alone because I am sure that study alone will profer you with silencefreedom and enough choicewhich is indespensible for a studentbut regretlygroup study cannot offer Firstwhen you study aloneyou will not be abstracted by the sound made by other students from
TWE Essays 264292 264 your studyIt is fretful that when you want to study hard but others drone beside your ears like beesAnd always you will be angry enough to begin to quarral with themThat will certainly lead to an unfruitful study Secondmany people have their own study stylesSome want to have something to eat when he is studyingsome want to lie down with a book in his handwhile still some want to study without anything doingAnd when you study aloneyou can take your favorite way and neednt regard what others feel Thirdstudying alone profer you with enough choice as you want to doYou can have your media playingyou can open the windowalsoyou can sing your song when you are in a high spiritThat is greatI always sing a good song when I solve a difficult problem and to think that nobody will criticise you for making noise is a lovely experience Somay there some problems for studying aloneIll prefer to study alone Essay ID 244 This is a 5 point essay Topic 184 As a student in university I can live in the dormitory or live alone Someone thinks it is better to live in the dormitory but someone does not think so Both patterns of living in the dormitory and living alone present advantages and disadvantages But in my opinion I prefer living in the dormitory to living alone The main reason I choose to live in the dormitory is I can learn how to get along well with each other I am the only child in my family and my parents love me much so I am self-centered in my life more or less and I do not know how exactly to deal with the complex social relationship between peoples Living in the dormitory with the roommates I gradually pay attention to my words and behaviors and make them not disturb the others I learn to listen to the others share things with them help them as possible as I can and no longer just think of myself I feel happy because I make many friends and become livelier by doing so If I live alone it is no use of improving my ability in social relationship and maybe I will stuffier than before It may be also note that it can save money when I live in the dormitory because the costs of living will be shared with the roommates But I will afford the cost by myself if I live alone It is well known that the costs of living are much cheaper in the dormitory and I am a student still a consumer and I have no income It is hard to afford it So there is an another factor effect my choice Moreover I can learn to care about others while living in the dormitory If I live alone I may not care about whether my room is neat or not whether my things are in order or not whether my bed cover need to be washed or not and so on However I live in the dormitory with my roommates I sure I will care about them Because I care the opinions of the others they will know me through my room my bedcover my things and so on I need to remain a good impression to the others Given the factors I have just outlined it is wiser to live in the dormitory for me Essay ID 437 Topic 184 Some students prefer to study alone while others prefer to study with friends Although studying
TWE Essays 265292 265 with friends has its advantages in my point of view I would like to study alone The reasons are as follows When you study especially when you study some subjects which are hard to understand such as maths and physics you need to concentrate on them That requires a quiet environment without distractions Studying alone can provide that you can read your books and think of questions without being disturbed It will help you to understand the knowledge better and to remember the knowledge better Furthermore studying alone has another advantage that studying with friends does not have That is it forces you to think When you face some questions hard to solve and there is no other students around you you have to think of the questions hard and try you best to solve them This gives you an opportunity to improve your ability to deal with problems by yourself Obviously studying with friends cannot give you these Because when you meet some questions you probably turn to friends for help The third advantage of studying alone is also the most important reason It can make you think independently and have your own opinions You have to think independently when you study alone No one can give you interference or suggestions You will not be affected by other peoples opinions That can help you create your own thoughts not to become a parrot After all the best parrots still live in cages Though studying with friends has some advantages for instance it can help you to solve your questions faster and improve your friendship however I think the advantages of studying alone overweight these of studying with friends My preference would be to study alone Essay ID 395 Topic 184 Do you like to sit alone in a quiet place pondering on the solutions in your study Or you would favor discussing the subjects with several friends The question of the condition of study which plays an important role in the process and outcome of study is often met with diverse answers Some people choose to study alone enjoying peaceful surrounding without disturb others however would rather join a group of people sharing different ideas with them As far as I am concerned I prefer the latter for the following argument To begin with there is no denial that studying alone helps better concentration on the problems consistency in the trail of thought and establishment of the ability to handle problems by oneself But what if it comes to confront the difficulties one cannot break through single-handed To consult with several people may be greatly conducive Studying with a group of people will offer you a chance to exchange opinions with others and often can discussion help you out of your predicament or at least achieve enlightenment which lead to what you are in search for Writer or designer for example seldom works out wonder or classic alone with door closed On the contrary their resources accrue from communication with other people learning feeling and progressing Secondly studying in group can help build teamwork consciousness which is much needed in todays competition world To study means not only the improvement of knowledge but also the development of mental quality Both can benefit from group study Presentations in university are often required to be performed by a group of students With a common goal to practice and rehearse students usually attach great enthusiasm and spare no effort to achieve for self and
TWE Essays 266292 266 group Study knows no bounds Moreover studying in group can expand ones horizon you will learn to consider problems from different perspectives In conclusion despite some minor drawbacks such as lack of private time in study studying in group compared with studying alone is instrumental rather than detrimental for a students education and thus will not fail to be a wise choice Essay ID 68 Topic 184 Study habits are a very individual thing Some people like to study alone while others like to study with a group Personally I would rather study alone but I can see advantages to both ways It can be very helpful to study with other students For one thing you can exchange information about the topic Not everyone is going to hear everything the teacher says in class Comparing notes is a good way to be sure you get what you missed You can also discuss various aspects of the topic Other students can bring a different perspective to the discussion They can point out things you may not have thought of and help you make your arguments clearer Studying with other students can also help keep you focused on studying If you re in a study group you have to be at a particular place to study at a particular time This is good discipline The group reviews all the material available and then begins studying Theres not a lot of wasted time if things work the way they should Of course it doesnt help if youre in a study group that doesnt take studying seriously Then youd be much better off studying by yourself If youre trying to study with friends and all they want to do is talk about other things youd get more done going somewhere to study by yourself Being with people who dont want to study can mean youll be constantly distracted Therell be a lot of interruptions and you wont gain much hearing their points of view on a study subject Finally whether you study alone or in a group depends a lot on your own study habits and on your personality If you need absolute quiet to study then youre better off alone If youre a very social person then youre better off studying alone too youll be too tempted to socialize instead of studying This is the reason I prefer studying alone When Im with other people I want to play I dont want to work Essay ID 69 Topic 185 If I had enough money to buy either a house or a business Id buy a house A business may succeed or fail Its also possible I might change my mind about what I wanted to do in business However a home is a lifetime gift to myself Right now Im in a small apartment with barely enough room for everything All my furniture and the things Ive accumulated since I left college barely fit I have almost no closet space left This means my clothes are always wrinkled because theyre crushed together I dont have anyplace to put my cleaning supplies nor room for more than one set of sheets and towels A new house would mean a lot more room for all these things
TWE Essays 267292 267 I love having plants around Its very healthy for the air inside and its cheerful to have living things growing in a room Right now I have plants sitting on tables This is the best I can do in an apartment Id like to have a garden instead That way I could grow a lot of different kinds of plants and flowers and I could have a vegetable garden in the summer Besides having a garden Id like to have a backyard with lots of trees and a small fountain in the corner I love watching birds and listening to them sing On the windowsill of my apartment I put out bird seed every morning In the hot weather I put out a shallow tin plate with water in it for the birds The trees and the fountain in my backyard would give me pleasure but theyd really be for the birds The trees would give them a place to nest and the fountain would be a source of fresh water when its hot Can you picture my dream house A business would only give me money A house would give me someplace special to be myself Essay ID 70 Topic 185 I will purchase the big house so that i can live and work comfortableThe house nearby the beach is my whole life dream when I was youngThe advantage of house is the shield of noisy without othersand is quiet and freely FirstThe basic essential for the people is livingLiving is vital for the family in the worldWe can concluded that the house is the aim pursuiting by the peopleThe whole day fatigue of peron is So the house is important and necessary for the people every day SecondThe enjoyment of house is evident the entertainment with the colleaguerelativesfriendsfamily member to sing the songdance by the musicdo the pianoviolinetcThe wonderful party held in the house is available for the celebrate the birthday or appointmentThe house provide much more happiness for the people who delight it The health and enegy of person own his house will do better business The person will contribute themselves to the big business for the great achievementThe people purchase the housee is rapidly growth annuallySo i will own my dream house because i extremely like it and design it with my full ideas so that its beautiful and splendidI really like live in the big house and care it Essay ID 243 This is a 5 point essay Topic 185 Some people prefers to purchase a house if he has enough money and other people would like to purchase a business instead Personally I would prefer buying a house because I think it has more advantages There more numerous reasons why I would like to purchase a house and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones The main reason is that it will make many benefits to our lives If you purchase a house you will have a quiet fixed place to do your own business for example you can work at home you can have a party with your friends or relatives in your house and so on
TWE Essays 268292 268 Another reason why I advocate the attitude of purchasing a house is that its convenient for us to relax ourselves Nowadays we all have to work hard almost every day and it will be beneficial for us to relax ourselves in our spare time We can do many exercises or go out for entertainment But if it happens to rain or snow what should we do We could enjoy ourselves also if we have a house Last but not least its a requisite for a family If you a married man you have to be responsible to your family your wife and your children Basicly its most important to provide enough space to your children to grow up And do you agree that its helpful for your wife to cook in a larger kitchen Of course choosing purchasing a business also has advantages to some extent for example you can make yourself more wealth and experienced But if all these factors are contemplated the advantages of purchasing a house carry more weight than those of purchasing a business From what has been discussed above we may finally draw the conclusion that if you purchase a house your life will be rich and colorful Essay ID 239 This is a 5 point essay Topic 185 If I had the chance of purchasing either a house or a business I would prefer the latter There are a lot of reasons for the choice and I would like to put them in the following way First we live to improve ourselves not just to satisfy our demands for material comforts Indeed it is everybodys dream to live in a luxurious house with spacious rooms private swimming pools and servants What a nice picture of life But wait a business can offer more Buying a business and run it will not only give us a chance to challenge our ability and skills but also can help accumulate our wealth There is nothing more satisfying than watching your knowledge ability and investment turning into wealth Second the choice of being an entrepreneur means that you are a spiritually strong person you are confident about your self and you have the nerve to face the possible loses in a business These are very important qualities to success in todays world On the other hand choosing to buy a house means relatively more conservative shorter sighted to me I cannot see much vision and gut in these people Third choosing to purchase and run a business can us get more knowledge and experiences A business is a complex system In order to run a business well we must learn very hard for the most current knowledge of management accounting and marketing We also have to know the area of specification very well dealing with various people from government agencies suppliers and dealers as well as our own employees Of course a business is not always making money sometimes there are risks of lose But what to regret after you already acquired so much knowledge and experiences Yes comparing to buying a house there is much more to worry about but with buying a business we can really get into something and gain a lot All above are just some reasons for my choice And I am sure that this choice will be a good choice whatever the outcome may be Essay ID 236 This is a 5 point essay 443 essays Last Modified Aug062002
TWE Essays 269292 269 wwwwayabroadcomchinesetwe TWE Templates AgreeDisagree Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a But to be frank I cannot agree with them There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them and I would explore only a few primary ones here The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact thatExplain Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that What is more some students are interested in In a word AgreeDisagree Some people prefer to A others believe B Nowadays some may hold the opinion that but others have a negative attitude As far as I am concerned I agreedisagree that MY arguments for this point are listed as follows One of the primary causes is that Examples But there is a further more subtle point we must consider Examples What is more Examples General speaking Recognizing the fact that should drive us to conclude that AgreeDisagree Nowadays some may hold the opinion that But others have a negative attitude As far as I am concerned I agree that My arguments for this point are listed as follows I agree with the statement that without reservation since Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that In a word Taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that ChoicePreferences When it comes to although some people think that they fail to seeI am and probably will always be one of those who argue that The most persuasive point is that
TWE Essays 270292 270 Furthermore sociological studies have found that Of course arguments will be raised against my standpoint Some people might argue that for this point are listed as follows The main reason for my propensity for is that There is another factor that deserves some words here In a word While it is true that the argument I disagree hold a little bit of water I think ChoicePreferences Depending on personal experience personality type and emotional concern we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B from my point of view it is more advisable to chose A rather than B My arguments for this point are listed as follows The main reason for my propensity for A is that For instance Another reason can be seen by every one is that For example The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious Such as In a word So it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A ChoicePreferences When faced with the decision of A of B quite a few would deem that but others in contrast believe AB as the premier choice and that is also my point Among countless factors which influence -A-B there are three conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for my propensity of is that The second reason can be seen by every person that In addition these reason are also usable when we consider that There are some disadvantages in In a wordTaking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that ChoicePreferences Some people prefer to A others believe B When faced with the decision of A or B quite a few would claim that but others in contrast deem AB as the premier choice and that is also my point There are numerous reasons why and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here The main reason why I agree with the above statement however is that Takeas example
TWE Essays 271292 271 There is another factor that deserves some words here Such as Similarly these reasons are also usable when we consider thatexamples From the above you might got idea that I agreerepeat the above three reason So it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to ChoicePreferences In my point of view A is as important as if not more important than B So it is sagacious to choose A Among count less factors which influence A there are three conspicuous aspects as follows The above point is certainly true if A is considered For example Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B For instance It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important B This is arbitrary to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph Similarly these reasons are also usable when we consider that Admittedly ABy he same token however BTaking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that ChoicePreferences When it comes to Nevertheless in my part I prefer A rather than B as my inclination My arguments for this point are listed as follows I agree with the statement that without reservation since NaturallyIt can be given a concrete example A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of is that Obviously Take the case of a thing that Furthermore what is worth noticing fact is that This demonstrates the undeniable fact that Of course choosing B also has advantages to some extent But if all these factors are contemplated the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B From what has been discussed above we may finally draw the conclusion that Explanation There may be by one or two disadvantages to however I believe that there are far more advantages My arguments for this point are listed as follows First of all perhaps one disadvantages tois thatFor instance Another drawback to involves the possibility that For example
TWE Essays 272292 272 Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to the advantages far outweigh them The main reason for my propensity for is that For example Another reason for my inclination for is that For example In a word in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to I feel that the advantages are more obvious Taking into account of all these factors we may reach the conclusion that Explanation The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style In my point view buying computers is as important as if not more important than buying books So it is sagacious to Among countless factors which influence the choice these are three conspicuous aspects as follows The main reason for my propensity foris that Another reason can be seen by every person is that Furthermore In short ChoicePreferences In a modern society people always face the dilemma to choose whether AAA or BBB This problem is the much debated one in that it affects everybody in their daily lives People may prefer one to another although some may have no opinions about it at all Before rendering my opinion I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments of both sides It is quite easy for average people to CHOOSE BBB because of the obvious reason that It can be given by a well known example that But at the mean time although BBB has some advantages it also has many drawbacks such as Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than AAA What is more if you notice the invisible benefits of CHOOSING AAA you can understand AAA more deeply Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons The main reason is that To illustrate this there is an example that is very persuasive is only part of the important aspects and another equally significant role of CHOOSING AAA lies in the development of This demonstrates the undeniable fact that Besides the further reason why I advocate AAA is that This may explain why In addition Finally
TWE Essays 273292 273 If all the factors above are considered we will find out that the advantages of AAA outweigh those of BBB Therefore from what we have discussed we may safely come to the conclusion that CHOOSING AAA is a rather wise decision But I have not denied the opinion that CHOOSING BBB I must admit that people can DO WELL without AAA but no one can ignore the added convenience and satisfaction offered by AAA Such experience will definitely be helpful in ones later life ChoicePreferences It seems in so many items very difficult for us to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish Yet that does not mean they are all the same to me Which one I prefer depends on my own experience life style and emotional concerns To be frank I prefer AAA most in my point of view ChoicePreferences To choose A or choose B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B and neglect the genuinely good aspects of A For B people are often driven to believe that It is quite easy for average people to CHOOSE B because of the obvious reason that As a proverb says quotEverything has two sidesquot Although B does have its seemingly profound advantages at the mean timethere lies intrinsic harmful characteristicdrawbacks in it such as it can be achieved only conditionally because Some pleexperts maintainwarn that This significant point however is often not noticed by the publicmost people and accordingly is unconsciously overlooked Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that B is always better than A Another disastrousunfortunate fact is that Unfortunately the innate quality of A is often underestimated Or What is more if you notice the invisible benefits of CHOOSING A you can understand A more deeply Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons for choosing A The main reason is that To illustrate this there is an example that is very persuasive Besides the further reason why I advocate is that Moreover Therefore from what we have discussed we may safely come to the conclusion that CHOOSING AAA is a rather wise decision ChoicePreferences There is no denying the fact that whether to choose A or B is better is a popular topic which is much talked about not only by but also by by people across the world in a modern society Or There is no denying the fact that whether to choose A or B is better is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time because it affects everybody in his or her daily lives Or In a modern society people always face the dilemma of whether to choose A or B This problem is a much-debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives
TWE Essays 274292 274 Although it seems that normallysometimes we can not tell which one outweigh the other between A and B they normally coexist peacefully they deserve some close examination If three criteria were taken into account in comparing these two I would prefer A As far as I am concerned I vote for the latter There are no less than three advantages in A as rendered below First we can observe easily that in modern society 1 The secondanother reason for my propensity for A is that 2 The third reason not the lasthowever goes this way 3 In conclusion to mention there are more ChoicePreferences While both the two methodschoice may have their advantages and disadvantages they can be applied under different circumstances Afterwards I will explain my opinion about it A has the obvious advantage that One very strong argument for A is that But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method Some peopleexpert maintainwarn that Furthermore Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that A is always better than B On the other hand choosing B also has advantages to some extent For example However it is also important to see that under certain circumstances B will disadvantage Or Yet there are some people who cast serious doubts on B Or Although B does have its seemingly profound advantages reason at the mean timethere lies intrinsic harmful characteristicdrawbacks in it such as it can be achieved only conditionally cause But if all these factors are contemplated as far as I am concerned according to my personality and fondness the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B because A fits meus students better in two ways In the first place In the second placesecondlyTherefore from what we have discussed we may safely come to the conclusion that CHOOSING AAA is a rather wise decision It seems very difficult for us to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish Yet that does not mean they are all the same to me Which one I prefer depends on my own experience life style and emotional concerns As far as I am concerned According to my personality and fondness To be frank I would like to choose A because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose it B on the other hand has advantages no more than its disadvantages AgreeDisagree There is no denying the fact that if one should if is correct is a hot topic which is much talked about not only by but also by by people across the world in a modern society Or There is no denying the fact that if one should if is correct is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time because it affects everybody in his or her daily lives Or There is no denying the fact that if one should if is correct is the basic moralphilosophical problem that can not be circumvented by anybody because the opinion on this problem will determine ones attitude toward the world and the life
TWE Essays 275292 275 Before rendering my opinion I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides AgreeDisagree At first glance it seems very difficult for us to draw a definitequick conclusion that is right or wrong because it has both advantages and disadvantages However after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances this approach will do more good than harm Or As far as I am concerned I agree with the opinion However it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious considerations There are no less than three advantages in Athree reasons to agree with the opinion as rendered below First we can observe easily that in modern society 1 The secondanother reason for my propensity for agreement with is that The third reason not the lasthowever goes this way 3 In conclusion The first reason can be obliviously seen Most people would agree that Some people may neglect that in fact Others suggest that Part of the explanation is The advantages for A for outweigh the disadvantages of Although A enjoys a distinct advantage Indeed A carries much weight than B when sth is concerned A maybe but it suffers from the disadvantage that To understand the truth of it is also important to see A study of will make this point clear Certainly B has its own advantages such as I do not deny that A has its own merits From what has been discussed above we may safely draw the conclusion that
TWE Essays 276292 276 In summary it is wiser In short It can be given by a well knownconcrete example that In order to see this point clearly let us to see an example This may explain why It goes without seeing that In fact we can observe easily that in modern society As a proverb says quotEverything has two sidesquot As a proverb says quotWhere there is a will there is a wayquot As is known to all quotNo pains no gainsquot Lets bring our discussion here to a more present and practical context In todays world I can say that if you have no experience like these your life is an inadequate one be of great benefit to sbsth The reason of is not so much as People differ greatly in their attitudes towards this problem Some people hold the opinion that Others howeveron the contrary maintain that It is necessaryconvenientdesirableadvisable for sb to do sth have troublea difficult time in doing sthwith sth Nevertheless I must admit that people can do well without AAA but no one can ignore the added convenience and satisfaction offered by AAA Such experience will definitely be helpful in ones later life Useful quotations One of the greatest early writers said quotquot That is how sb comment criticize praise quotquot How often we hear such words like there Useful quotations by Robert Collier In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time by Ann Landers Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work so most people dont recognize them
TWE Essays 277292 277 by Ralph Waldo Emerson No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves Confucius Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall Mother Teresa To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it Henry Ford Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it inuo small jobs Winston Churchill Never never never never give up Albert Einstein In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity by Crassus Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly Thomas Edison There is no substitute for hard work Leo Tolstoi The strongest of all warriors are these two- Time and Patience Thomas Jefferson Im a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it Robert Collier Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out Ray A Croc
TWE Essays 278292 278 Luck is a dividend of sweat The more you sweat the luckier you get Youll learn more about a road by traveling it than by consulting all the maps in the world Vince Lombardi Winning isnt everything but wanting to win is John F Kennedy We choose to go to the moon and other things not because they are easy but because they are hard Thucydides The strong do what they will The weak do what they must John Wooden Talent is God given--Be Humble Fame is man given-- Be Thankful Conceit is self given --Be Careful Theodore Roosevelt Do what you can with what you have with where you are Publilius Syrus Maxim No one knows what he can do till he tries Terence There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly Thomas Fuller A wise man turns chance into good fortune William Hazlitt Prosperity is a great teacher adversity is a greater
TWE Essays 279292 279 William Penn No pains no palm no thorns no throne no gall no glory no cross no crown Will Rogers Even if youre on the right track youll get run over if you just sit there Opportunity rarely knocks on your door Knock rather on opportunitys door if you ardently wish to enter Vince Lombardi Its not whether you get knocked down Its whether you get up again Winston Churchill An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity Ralph Waldo Emerson Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm James Allen The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do Samuel Johnson Few things are impossible to diligence and skill Aughey Lost time is never found again Voltaire No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking Napoleon
TWE Essays 280292 280 Victory belongs to the most persevering Euipides Leave no stone unturned Norman Vincent Peale Plan your work for today and every day then work your plan Henry Ford Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again Thomas Edison I start where the last man left off What the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of a man can achieve Benjamin Franklin Plough deep while sluggards sleep Henry David Thoreau In the lone run men hit only what they aim at Emily Dickinson Luck is not chance Its toil Fortunes expensive smile is earned Thomas Edison Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration Useful Quotations Albert Einstein Imagination is more important than knowledge Walter Begehot
TWE Essays 281292 281 The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do Abraham Lincoln I will prepare and some day my chance will come Henry Ford Whether you think you can or think you cant -- you are right English Proverb Where theres a will theres a way There is no failure excepting no longer trying Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity Writing Power By KAPLAN Education Center AN OVERVIEW OF THE ESSAY TEST The first and most frequently asked question by ESL students who are confronting the TOEFL essay is quotWhat exactly is an essayquot This is a very good question as essay organization and formation may vary greatly from one country to another Quite simply an essay is a written composition based on a particular topic In the following writing sections we will describe the kind of essay that the TOEFL examiners are looking for as well as provide you with the background youll need to feel confident when you are faced with writing your TOEFL essay on the day of the exam Essay writing is a required part of every TOEFL CBT exam as of July 1998 The essay will however continue to be optional for the paper-based TOEFL Your essay score will be combined with the score from the Structure section to form one StructureWriting score On the day of the exam you will be given one topic on which to base your essay and allowed 30 minutes to write your essay Unlike with the rest of the new TOEFL you will be able to choose whether you wish to write your essay on the computer or by hand The range for your score of the essay component is from 0 lowest score to 6 highest score your final StructureWriting score will range from 0 to 30 The readers of your essay are English or ESL specialists and work under the direct supervision of a quotreading managerquot The two readers will rate your essay independently of each other That is neither will know the rating of the other and your final grade will be an average of the two scores If there is a difference of more than one point between the two a third reader will also rate your essay Your final score could be a 60 55 504540 35 30 25 201510 or 0 for a paper that is blank or written in a language other than English or one that in no way addresses the topic To help you prepare for the essay component you should study the quotWriting Topicsquot provided to
TWE Essays 282292 282 30-minute time frame you can greatly enhance your chances of doing well on this section of the test While becoming a proficient English writer may seem like a daunting task at first there is no way to get around one very simple and basic truth the only way to become a writer is to write and read as much and as often as you can This may sound trite but it is the fundamental key to improving your writing skills Whereas it is important that you read and study examples of quotgood writingquot unless you are willing to put in time and effort to write yourself you will never become a competent writer of English Great writers of English certainly did not become that way overnight it obviously took a great deal of commitment diligence and time to perfect their craft Thus you-as an English as a Second Language writer and speaker- will need to be willing to invest an even greater effort into perfecting your English writing In the writing sections of this chapter we will take you through steps that will help you learn how to organize your ideas form an outline and develop organization write a draft and finally editproofread your essay And yes by the day of the test you will need to know how to accomplish all of this in the 30-minute time frame that the TOEFL essay allows But dont be discouraged With dedication and perseverance you will no doubt see results Your final essay must do the following in order for you to achieve the highest score possible 1 Your essay must effectively discuss the topic you have been asked to address It is vital that you read the assigned topic very carefully and not add or delete anything This is one of the most common mistakes in writing an essay-by adding a few words or conversely ignoring one or two significant ones a test taker can easily digress from the assigned topic Of course the end result is failure to address the topic 2 Your essay must be well organized You must have an introduction with a thesis statement a body with supporting details for your thesis and a conclusion Because essay organization is very important this will be dealt with in greater detail later in this chapter 3 You must show consistent ease in your use of the English language This includes using correct grammar as well as the appropriate use of idiomatic language Remember you are trying to prove that your English skills are advanced enough for you to do as well as native English speakers in an American university class 4 You must prove to your readers that you possess a wide range of vocabulary and know how to use terms in an appropriate fashion In other words be very careful with the words you choose and avoid redundancy of both words and ideas You want to be conservative so that you can show how much vocabulary and how many different word forms you know You must be able to paraphrase some or all of the question asked or the quotation given This shows that you have a broad vocabulary that your reading comprehension is adequate and that you can avoid redundancy in your writing You will also need to be able to paraphrase your thesis in your conclusion to remind your readers of your main idea STANDARD ESSAY FORM
TWE Essays 283292 283 In general an essay is made up of three basic components an introduction a body and a conclusion The length of an essay may vary greatly but because you only have 30 minutes in which to prepare write and proofread your TOEFL essay you should aim for an essay containing a maximum of four to five paragraphs unless you are a highly accomplished English writer Your first paragraph the introduction will introduce the main topic of your essay to your reader and it typically ends with your thesis statement the most important sentence in your essay The next part of your essay is the body The body provides detailed support to prove your thesis The body will be made up of the main subpoints of your thesis each with its own paragraph Thus your body will most likely consist of 2-3 paragraphs Your final paragraph is your conclusion These three basic parts are outlined below and discussed in greater detail in subsequent lessons I Introduction A Hook to capture your readers attention B General information on assigned topic no details C Thesis one-sentence statement of main idea plus viewpoint II Body A Sub-Point One 1Topic sentence 2 Details supporting topic sentence B Sub-Point Two 1 Topic sentence 2 Details supporting topic sentence C Possible Sub-Point Three 1 Topic sentence 2 Details supporting topic sentence III Conclusion A Paraphrase of thesis B Summary of viewpoint C General final statementcomment TIME DIVISION FOR A 30-MINUTE ESSAY EXAM One of the biggest dilemmas students face with essay examinations is how to make the best use of their time during the test Certainly the amount of time each student will need to make an outline write the essay and proofread will vary However all of these steps are necessary to produce a
TWE Essays 284292 284 clear organized essay with few grammatical errors Below is a suggested way to divide the limited time you are given 1-3 minutes-Read and Paraphrase Question 3-5 minutes-Plan Prewrite 17-20 minutes-Write Essay 5-7 minutes-Proofread Correct Essay TYPES OF ESSAYS The list below contains the most common types of essays found in an essay examination After you have read your essay question and interpreted it the next step is for you to decide what kind of essay you will need to organize and write Determining the type of essay will help you write your thesis statement decide how many body paragraphs are needed know which transitions are appropriate to use and much more Compare and Contrast Essay This is one of the most typical forms of essay examinations A comparison tells the ways in which a person place thing event and so on are similar A contrast points out differences There are two common methods of organizing comparecontrast essays Lets use the topic of quoturban life vs rural lifequot as an example 1 Body A Similarities between urban and rural life B Dissimilarities between urban and rural life OR 2 Body A Urban life advantages and disadvantages B Rural life advantages and disadvantages Persuasive Essay Also Known as Personal Opinion Essay In the persuasive essay you are trying to convince your reader to agree with a particular position or viewpoint you have expressed in your thesis While adjectives and adverbs may sway your reader the most effective way to bring your reader over to your side is through facts detailed examples andor personal knowledge Be sure to incorporate some aspects of the latter in the body of your persuasive essay This type of essay may be written in the first person and include in my opinion it seems to me or in my view However even if you use the third person and this is often considered to be more sophisticated you can make your stand clear to your reader Descriptive Essay The purpose of a descriptive essay is to present a detailed picture of a person place object event etcetera To make the image as real as possible you can use words or linguistic devices known as quotimageryquot These may be words that appeal directly to the readers senses That is you can help
TWE Essays 285292 285 your reader see hear taste smell or feel what it is you are describing by choosing vivid vocabulary Avoid vague general words such as good nice and bad and replace these with more descriptive specific terms Metaphors comparisons of two unlike items are also often used in descriptions Try to imagine that your reader has never experienced the object that you are describing it is your job to bring this subject to life Cause and Effect Essay To quotcausequot an action means to make something happen the result or consequence of that action is the quoteffectquot For example quotWhat are the chief causes of divorce and how does it affect the children of the couplequot Typical transitions for this type of essay are as a result as a consequence consequently therefore and thus Conditional sentence-type essay questions are sometimes classified as quotcause and effectquot as well For example quotIf you won a million dollars in the lottery how would you spend the money Describe in detail how you think your life would change as a result of your new-found wealthquot InterpretationAnalysis Essay In the interpretation-type essay you are given a short quotation usually 1-3 sentences in length You are asked to interpret the saying ie paraphrase the authors message then either analyze or form your own opinion about the original quotation This kind of essay is rapidly growing in popularity especially for essay entrance examinations to American universities and for many standardized tests The time given for the essay test may vary from 15 minutes to two hours depending on the school andor the standardized test Therefore when you practice writing this type of exam you should try several different time frames Illustrative Essay Another type of essay is the one that is based on examples or illustrations to support the writers thesis For example quotWhat were the best classes you ever took Give examples of at least two classes which you found outstanding and explain why you chose thesequot Of course illustration is an important component of many types of essay quotbodyquot paragraphs Process Essay Process writing generally speaking provides instructions or details a process that is it tells the reader how to operate a VCR apply to a school build a bookshelf learn a foreign language etcetera Therefore while this writing style is quite common it is not typically tested in an essay examination On the other hand it is not uncommon to be given this type of essay as an at-home assignment THE INTRODUCTION TO THE ESSAY Like all first impressions the introductory paragraph of your essay will leave a lasting imprint Therefore it is extremely important that it be well written To favorably impress your readers your introduction should contain the following Hook How is a hook used in fishing It dangles in front of its target the fish and tries to lure or
TWE Essays 286292 286 captivate it In much the same way the quothookquot in an essay is used to catch the attention of your audience To accomplish this begin your essay with an interesting thought-provoking idea about the topic you have been assigned Avoid asserting the obvious that is merely stating a fact that everyone knows is true For example quotLearning a new language is difficultquot is a fact known to be true by almost everyone and therefore serves no useful purpose Sometimes a quotation or proverb works well as a hook if it is particularly relevant to the thesis General Statements Regarding the Assigned Topic Your introduction should only introduce the main ideas of your essay This is not the place for you to provide supporting details such as specific names places and dates Save these for the body of your essay Thesis The thesis is the most significant statement in your essay It consists of one sentence only and is usually the last sentence of your introduction A thesis must be a complete sentence unlike a title It should also be narrow enough for you to be able to discuss it within the short time frame allowed on the TOEFL and within a two- or three-paragraph body Yet it must also be general enough for you to be able to write two to three sub-points on this topic Unlike some countries in the United States we do not state directly what we plan to do or say in our essay for example quotI will write aboutquot is unacceptable in an American essay If your essay is well written your intentions should be obvious to your reader without your having to explicitly state them The thesis serves two basic functions First it states the main topic of your essay Secondly it provides a viewpoint or position that you the writer holds about this topic For example this is not a thesis quotSmoking in restaurants in New York is illegalquot It merely states a fact but provides no position or opinion regarding this fact This is a thesis quotNot allowing smoking in restaurants in New York is highly unfair to the smoker and gives too much power to the nonsmokerquot Here we are given both a topic ie smoking in restaurants in New York is illegal plus two clear opinions about this topic Because this thesis states two positions regarding the topic it will also help the writer to quickly and effectively set up the organization for the body of hisher essay That is the two sub-points have been clearly laid out in the introduction for both the reader and the writer Often students feel that there must be a quotrightquot or quotwrongquot position that they should take on a given topic Remember You are entitled to your own opinion The readers are only interested in whether you have logically clearly and effectively supported the position that you have taken Practice One Which of the following sentences is a thesis If the sentence is a thesis put a quotTquot in the space provided next to it If it is not a thesis put in quotNTquot in the space provided Be prepared to discuss the reasons for your choices 1 Washington DC is the capital of the United States 2 There are two basic reasons for the rise of divorce the lack of communication skills and financial problems
TWE Essays 287292 287 3 Divorce is not legal in my country Some people think it should be some dont 4 Walking is the best exercise it is great for ones health and it doesnt cost anything 5 Traveling for fun and education 6 Because I wanted to learn how to speak English fluently it was essential that I move to an English-speaking country 7 Financial woes and lack of free time are the major causes of stress today 8 The Beatles sold over a million records in the 1960s 9 The Beatles and the Rolling Stones were far more talented than the popular rock bands of today 10 Now I am going to write about the reasons I moved to the United States To check your responses above be sure the thesis statement Contains one and only one complete sentence Provides a clearly defined main topic Takes a clearly stated position on the topic instead of merely stating a fact Doesnt explicitly state what you plan to dosay Answers NT 6 T 2 T 7 T 3 NT 8 NT 4 T 9 T 5 NT 10 NT Practice Two Take the following topics and questions and turn them into theses Remember that each thesis must be a complete sentence that clearly states your main idea and takes a position on this topic Ideally it will also set up the organization for the body of your essay Doing this can save you a great deal of time when you write the body It will also help you stay focused EXAMPLE TopicQuestion In many countries the government practices censorship of television programs Do you support this practice or not Support your answer with specific examples Possible Thesis Government censorship of television programs is unfair and fiscally wasteful 1 TopicQuestion If you had a choice would you like to live forever Explain why this does or does not appeal to you Thesis 2 Topic Students attend a university or college for a variety of reasons In your opinion what should be the main purpose of a university education Thesis
TWE Essays 288292 288 best describe it Thesis 4 Topic Most people experience at least some degree of culture shock when they are getting accustomed to a new culture What advice would you give to a friend of yours to help him get over culture shock You may write about your own culture or about the American culture Thesis 5 Topic It is necessary to be wealthy in order to be successful Do you agree with this statement Why or why not Thesis Practice Three Choose one of the questions from the above list 1-5 and write an introduction Be sure to follow the steps laid out in the inverted pyramid diagram and watch the time Remember on the actual test you will only have a very short time in which to compose your introduction THE BODY OF THE ESSAY The main purpose of the body of your essay is to give support to your thesis usually the last sentence of your introduction To give sufficient support you need to provide a minimum of two or three paragraphs in your body for an essay examination However a take-home essay generally has several body paragraphs All body paragraphs begin with a topic sentence The topic sentence states the main idea of the body paragraph a main sub-point of your thesis For this reason it may be said that after your thesis topic sentences are the most important part of your essay Immediately following the topic sentence you should provide clear specific details to lend credence to the argument of your paper specifically to the topic sentence of that paragraph To accomplish this you should use specific dates people places andor events You will most likely need more than one sentence to provide sufficient details for each point Use transitions to introduce your examples see list in appendix Generally speaking the body paragraphs are longer than the introduction and conclusion However be sure that each body paragraph contains only one main sub-point All the ideas included in each paragraph must fall under the broader topic sentence That is every new idea requires a new paragraph Think of each sentence after the topic sentence quotthe setquot as a sub-set of it While you will want to use transitions within your body paragraphs you also need to use them to connect one body paragraph to another This is necessary to make your paper smooth and coherent For example if you are writing a comparecontrast essay you may want to begin your second body paragraph with a transition phrase such as on the other hand or in contrast Study the list of transition terms at the end of this chapter to determine which ones would be appropriate for the type of essay you are writing
TWE Essays 289292 289 Practice One Read the following sample essay body divisions and think of possible topics for these divisions 1 I Introduction II Body A Past B Present C Future III Conclusion 2 I Introduction II Body A Infant B Quid C Adult D Old Age III Conclusion 3 I Introduction II Body A Emotional B Mental C Physical III Conclusion 4 I Introduction II Body A Urban B Small Town C Countryside III Conclusion 5 I Introduction II Body A Home B Work C School III Conclusion Practice Two EXAMPLE Topic Best uses of home computers II Body B Entertainment C Pay bills 1 Topic The most practical college majors II Body A B C 2 Topic Advantages to living in a foreign country - II Body A lt-- B C 3 Topic What a person must do to have a successful life II Body A B C Practice Three Choose one of the topics above and write a 3-paragraph essay body on it You have 20 minutes in which to write the body You may choose either two or three sub-points body paragraphs Be
TWE Essays 290292 290 sure that you begin with a topic sentence and that all of the following sentences in that paragraph remain within the framework of your topic sentence A new topic introduces a new paragraph THE CONCLUSION OF THE ESSAY The conclusion of the essay is often neglected One reason for this is that students often run out of time during the essay examination and never get beyond the body of their papers Another factor is that students often do not know how or when to end their essay Yet failure to end your essay is analogous to not finishing the final chapter of a book Your reader is left with unanswered questions you must put these to rest before you finish your paper However if you have gone through the recommended organization steps laid out in our earlier sections and practiced timed writing on your own finishing your essay should become an easier task The following guidelines can help you improve your concluding paragraph Before writing your conclusion reread your introduction paying special attention to your thesis and your topic sentences This will refresh your memory as to the main idea and main subpoints of your paper Begin your conclusion with a paraphrase of your thesis It is vital that you not repeat your thesis verbatim Doing so is redundant and boring and you miss the opportunity to show your readers the breadth of your vocabulary Follow with general statements These should be a summary or evaluation of previously mentioned main thoughts Your last sentence should provide a final thought or comment concerning your main topic The following should be avoided in a conclusion New information does not belong in a conclusion You have neither the time nor the space to develop it further this is what the body paragraphs are for Avoid detailed information in support of your thesis This too should be found in the body of the essay after your topic sentences Dont begin your conclusion with quotto concludequot or quotin conclusionquot It is clear to your reader that this is your final paragraph and is obviously your conclusion You may however begin your conclusion with transitions like therefore thus to sum up or in summary A conclusion should not be lengthy In general three or four sentences will suffice This is especially true of a 30-minute essay examination conclusion Practice One Take the following thesis statements and paraphrase them so that they would fit into a conclusion Remember that a paraphrase keeps the same ideas of the original statement but uses your own words When paraphrasing a thesis it is often helpful to underline the key words in the original sentence Be sure to use synonyms for these where possible Also be sure to include all of these main ideas in your rewrite For example THESIS Getting married and having children is not key to ones happiness PARAPHRASED THESIS A person may find contentment in life even if she never
TWE Essays 291292 291 marries or has children 1 Thesis quotIf you want to live a long and productive life you must exercise regularly and eat healthy foodsquot Paraphrased Thesis 2 Thesis quotBecause of the conveniences and the cultural opportunities available in the city living there is superior to living in the countrysidequot Paraphrased Thesis 3 Thesis quotThe only ways to become a proficient writer are to read as much as possible and write whenever you canquot Paraphrased Thesis TRANSITION TERMS The word transit means to move or pass from one place to another Thus the words and phrases we use to move smoothly from one idea to another one in an essay are called transitions To create a coherent smooth essay you must use these terms and use them correctly While not every sentence in an essay requires a transition you must disperse a variety of them throughout the essay to link sentences and paragraphs to each other The chart below states the purpose of the transition and provides you with a variety of similar ones to use Avoid redundancy in your essay by choosing several different ones In other words dont use quothoweverquot every time you want to show contrast instead select as many different phrases as needed that serve the same function Use commas to separate transitions from the rest of your sentence Purpose of Transition to show likeness or add information to show contrast to introduce examples to explain to emphasize to generalize to conclude or show result to indicate sequence or show order Possible Transition Terms also too besides in addition furthermore moreover however but on the other hand conversely yet though in contrast nevertheless for example such as eg to illustrate for instance that is in other words ie
TWE Essays 292292 292 in fact indeed certainly clearly of course generally speaking in general overall for the most part usually typically in conclusion in summary to sum up therefore thus consequently as a result as a consequence first second next then finally lastly Appendix 2 A Patterned Plan of Attack Writing READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY Be sure you understand exactly what is being asked and prepare to answer it ORGANIZE YOUR THOUGHTS in an outline or other logical way ADD sufficient DETAILS OR EXAMPLES in the plan for each major topic PAY ATTENTION TO GRAMMAR Do not try to make it complicated Just make sure every sentence is complete and logical PAY ATTENTION TO VOCABULARY Do not try to use words if you are not absolutely certain how they should be used Big words are not necessary to achieve a good score WRITE CAREFULLY following the organization of your outline and watching the grammar and vocabulary PROOFREAD Make changes as necessary


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